Jim Blandy 4d6a633bba Bug 914753: Make Emacs file variable header lines correct, or at least consistent. DONTBUILD r=ehsan
The -*- file variable lines -*- establish per-file settings that Emacs will
pick up. This patch makes the following changes to those lines (and touches
nothing else):

 - Never set the buffer's mode.

   Years ago, Emacs did not have a good JavaScript mode, so it made sense
   to use Java or C++ mode in .js files. However, Emacs has had js-mode for
   years now; it's perfectly serviceable, and is available and enabled by
   default in all major Emacs packagings.

   Selecting a mode in the -*- file variable line -*- is almost always the
   wrong thing to do anyway. It overrides Emacs's default choice, which is
   (now) reasonable; and even worse, it overrides settings the user might
   have made in their '.emacs' file for that file extension. It's only
   useful when there's something specific about that particular file that
   makes a particular mode appropriate.

 - Correctly propagate settings that establish the correct indentation
   level for this file: c-basic-offset and js2-basic-offset should be
   js-indent-level. Whatever value they're given should be preserved;
   different parts of our tree use different indentation styles.

 - We don't use tabs in Mozilla JS code. Always set indent-tabs-mode: nil.
   Remove tab-width: settings, at least in files that don't contain tab

 - Remove js2-mode settings that belong in the user's .emacs file, like
2014-06-24 22:12:07 -07:00

5356 lines
151 KiB

/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
* An implementation of an HTTP server both as a loadable script and as an XPCOM
* component. See the accompanying README file for user documentation on
* httpd.js.
const Cc = Components.classes;
const Ci = Components.interfaces;
const Cr = Components.results;
const Cu = Components.utils;
const CC = Components.Constructor;
const PR_UINT32_MAX = Math.pow(2, 32) - 1;
/** True if debugging output is enabled, false otherwise. */
var DEBUG = false; // non-const *only* so tweakable in server tests
/** True if debugging output should be timestamped. */
var DEBUG_TIMESTAMP = false; // non-const so tweakable in server tests
var gGlobalObject = this;
* Asserts that the given condition holds. If it doesn't, the given message is
* dumped, a stack trace is printed, and an exception is thrown to attempt to
* stop execution (which unfortunately must rely upon the exception not being
* accidentally swallowed by the code that uses it).
function NS_ASSERT(cond, msg)
if (DEBUG && !cond)
dumpn("###!!! ASSERTION" + (msg ? ": " + msg : "!"));
dumpn("###!!! Stack follows:");
var stack = new Error().stack.split(/\n/);
dumpn( { return "###!!! " + val; }).join("\n"));
/** Constructs an HTTP error object. */
this.HttpError = function HttpError(code, description)
this.code = code;
this.description = description;
HttpError.prototype =
toString: function()
return this.code + " " + this.description;
* Errors thrown to trigger specific HTTP server responses.
this.HTTP_400 = new HttpError(400, "Bad Request");
this.HTTP_401 = new HttpError(401, "Unauthorized");
this.HTTP_402 = new HttpError(402, "Payment Required");
this.HTTP_403 = new HttpError(403, "Forbidden");
this.HTTP_404 = new HttpError(404, "Not Found");
this.HTTP_405 = new HttpError(405, "Method Not Allowed");
this.HTTP_406 = new HttpError(406, "Not Acceptable");
this.HTTP_407 = new HttpError(407, "Proxy Authentication Required");
this.HTTP_408 = new HttpError(408, "Request Timeout");
this.HTTP_409 = new HttpError(409, "Conflict");
this.HTTP_410 = new HttpError(410, "Gone");
this.HTTP_411 = new HttpError(411, "Length Required");
this.HTTP_412 = new HttpError(412, "Precondition Failed");
this.HTTP_413 = new HttpError(413, "Request Entity Too Large");
this.HTTP_414 = new HttpError(414, "Request-URI Too Long");
this.HTTP_415 = new HttpError(415, "Unsupported Media Type");
this.HTTP_417 = new HttpError(417, "Expectation Failed");
this.HTTP_500 = new HttpError(500, "Internal Server Error");
this.HTTP_501 = new HttpError(501, "Not Implemented");
this.HTTP_502 = new HttpError(502, "Bad Gateway");
this.HTTP_503 = new HttpError(503, "Service Unavailable");
this.HTTP_504 = new HttpError(504, "Gateway Timeout");
this.HTTP_505 = new HttpError(505, "HTTP Version Not Supported");
/** Creates a hash with fields corresponding to the values in arr. */
function array2obj(arr)
var obj = {};
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++)
obj[arr[i]] = arr[i];
return obj;
/** Returns an array of the integers x through y, inclusive. */
function range(x, y)
var arr = [];
for (var i = x; i <= y; i++)
return arr;
/** An object (hash) whose fields are the numbers of all HTTP error codes. */
const HTTP_ERROR_CODES = array2obj(range(400, 417).concat(range(500, 505)));
* The character used to distinguish hidden files from non-hidden files, a la
* the leading dot in Apache. Since that mechanism also hides files from
* easy display in LXR, ls output, etc. however, we choose instead to use a
* suffix character. If a requested file ends with it, we append another
* when getting the file on the server. If it doesn't, we just look up that
* file. Therefore, any file whose name ends with exactly one of the character
* is "hidden" and available for use by the server.
const HIDDEN_CHAR = "^";
* The file name suffix indicating the file containing overridden headers for
* a requested file.
/** Type used to denote SJS scripts for CGI-like functionality. */
const SJS_TYPE = "sjs";
/** Base for relative timestamps produced by dumpn(). */
var firstStamp = 0;
/** dump(str) with a trailing "\n" -- only outputs if DEBUG. */
function dumpn(str)
if (DEBUG)
var prefix = "HTTPD-INFO | ";
if (firstStamp === 0)
firstStamp =;
var elapsed = - firstStamp; // milliseconds
var min = Math.floor(elapsed / 60000);
var sec = (elapsed % 60000) / 1000;
if (sec < 10)
prefix += min + ":0" + sec.toFixed(3) + " | ";
prefix += min + ":" + sec.toFixed(3) + " | ";
dump(prefix + str + "\n");
/** Dumps the current JS stack if DEBUG. */
function dumpStack()
// peel off the frames for dumpStack() and Error()
var stack = new Error().stack.split(/\n/).slice(2);
/** The XPCOM thread manager. */
var gThreadManager = null;
/** The XPCOM prefs service. */
var gRootPrefBranch = null;
function getRootPrefBranch()
if (!gRootPrefBranch)
gRootPrefBranch = Cc[";1"]
return gRootPrefBranch;
* JavaScript constructors for commonly-used classes; precreating these is a
* speedup over doing the same from base principles. See the docs at
* for details.
const ServerSocket = CC(";1",
const ScriptableInputStream = CC(";1",
const Pipe = CC(";1",
const FileInputStream = CC(";1",
const ConverterInputStream = CC(";1",
const WritablePropertyBag = CC(";1",
const SupportsString = CC(";1",
/* These two are non-const only so a test can overwrite them. */
var BinaryInputStream = CC(";1",
var BinaryOutputStream = CC(";1",
* Returns the RFC 822/1123 representation of a date.
* @param date : Number
* the date, in milliseconds from midnight (00:00:00), January 1, 1970 GMT
* @returns string
* the representation of the given date
function toDateString(date)
// rfc1123-date = wkday "," SP date1 SP time SP "GMT"
// date1 = 2DIGIT SP month SP 4DIGIT
// ; day month year (e.g., 02 Jun 1982)
// time = 2DIGIT ":" 2DIGIT ":" 2DIGIT
// ; 00:00:00 - 23:59:59
// wkday = "Mon" | "Tue" | "Wed"
// | "Thu" | "Fri" | "Sat" | "Sun"
// month = "Jan" | "Feb" | "Mar" | "Apr"
// | "May" | "Jun" | "Jul" | "Aug"
// | "Sep" | "Oct" | "Nov" | "Dec"
const wkdayStrings = ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"];
const monthStrings = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
"Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"];
* Processes a date and returns the encoded UTC time as a string according to
* the format specified in RFC 2616.
* @param date : Date
* the date to process
* @returns string
* a string of the form "HH:MM:SS", ranging from "00:00:00" to "23:59:59"
function toTime(date)
var hrs = date.getUTCHours();
var rv = (hrs < 10) ? "0" + hrs : hrs;
var mins = date.getUTCMinutes();
rv += ":";
rv += (mins < 10) ? "0" + mins : mins;
var secs = date.getUTCSeconds();
rv += ":";
rv += (secs < 10) ? "0" + secs : secs;
return rv;
* Processes a date and returns the encoded UTC date as a string according to
* the date1 format specified in RFC 2616.
* @param date : Date
* the date to process
* @returns string
* a string of the form "HH:MM:SS", ranging from "00:00:00" to "23:59:59"
function toDate1(date)
var day = date.getUTCDate();
var month = date.getUTCMonth();
var year = date.getUTCFullYear();
var rv = (day < 10) ? "0" + day : day;
rv += " " + monthStrings[month];
rv += " " + year;
return rv;
date = new Date(date);
const fmtString = "%wkday%, %date1% %time% GMT";
var rv = fmtString.replace("%wkday%", wkdayStrings[date.getUTCDay()]);
rv = rv.replace("%time%", toTime(date));
return rv.replace("%date1%", toDate1(date));
* Prints out a human-readable representation of the object o and its fields,
* omitting those whose names begin with "_" if showMembers != true (to ignore
* "private" properties exposed via getters/setters).
function printObj(o, showMembers)
var s = "******************************\n";
s += "o = {\n";
for (var i in o)
if (typeof(i) != "string" ||
(showMembers || (i.length > 0 && i[0] != "_")))
s+= " " + i + ": " + o[i] + ",\n";
s += " };\n";
s += "******************************";
* Instantiates a new HTTP server.
function nsHttpServer()
if (!gThreadManager)
gThreadManager = Cc[";1"].getService();
/** The port on which this server listens. */
this._port = undefined;
/** The socket associated with this. */
this._socket = null;
/** The handler used to process requests to this server. */
this._handler = new ServerHandler(this);
/** Naming information for this server. */
this._identity = new ServerIdentity();
* Indicates when the server is to be shut down at the end of the request.
this._doQuit = false;
* True if the socket in this is closed (and closure notifications have been
* sent and processed if the socket was ever opened), false otherwise.
this._socketClosed = true;
* Used for tracking existing connections and ensuring that all connections
* are properly cleaned up before server shutdown; increases by 1 for every
* new incoming connection.
this._connectionGen = 0;
* Hash of all open connections, indexed by connection number at time of
* creation.
this._connections = {};
nsHttpServer.prototype =
classID: Components.ID("{54ef6f81-30af-4b1d-ac55-8ba811293e41}"),
* Processes an incoming request coming in on the given socket and contained
* in the given transport.
* @param socket : nsIServerSocket
* the socket through which the request was served
* @param trans : nsISocketTransport
* the transport for the request/response
* @see nsIServerSocketListener.onSocketAccepted
onSocketAccepted: function(socket, trans)
dumpn("*** onSocketAccepted(socket=" + socket + ", trans=" + trans + ")");
dumpn(">>> new connection on " + + ":" + trans.port);
const SEGMENT_SIZE = 8192;
const SEGMENT_COUNT = 1024;
var input = trans.openInputStream(0, SEGMENT_SIZE, SEGMENT_COUNT)
var output = trans.openOutputStream(0, 0, 0);
catch (e)
dumpn("*** error opening transport streams: " + e);
var connectionNumber = ++this._connectionGen;
var conn = new Connection(input, output, this, socket.port, trans.port,
var reader = new RequestReader(conn);
// XXX add request timeout functionality here!
// Note: must use main thread here, or we might get a GC that will cause
// threadsafety assertions. We really need to fix XPConnect so that
// you can actually do things in multi-threaded JS. :-(
input.asyncWait(reader, 0, 0, gThreadManager.mainThread);
catch (e)
// Assume this connection can't be salvaged and bail on it completely;
// don't attempt to close it so that we can assert that any connection
// being closed is in this._connections.
dumpn("*** error in initial request-processing stages: " + e);
this._connections[connectionNumber] = conn;
dumpn("*** starting connection " + connectionNumber);
* Called when the socket associated with this is closed.
* @param socket : nsIServerSocket
* the socket being closed
* @param status : nsresult
* the reason the socket stopped listening (NS_BINDING_ABORTED if the server
* was stopped using nsIHttpServer.stop)
* @see nsIServerSocketListener.onStopListening
onStopListening: function(socket, status)
dumpn(">>> shutting down server on port " + socket.port);
for (var n in this._connections) {
if (!this._connections[n]._requestStarted) {
this._socketClosed = true;
if (this._hasOpenConnections()) {
dumpn("*** open connections!!!");
if (!this._hasOpenConnections())
dumpn("*** no open connections, notifying async from onStopListening");
// Notify asynchronously so that any pending teardown in stop() has a
// chance to run first.
var self = this;
var stopEvent =
run: function()
dumpn("*** _notifyStopped async callback");
.dispatch(stopEvent, Ci.nsIThread.DISPATCH_NORMAL);
// see nsIHttpServer.start
start: function(port)
this._start(port, "localhost")
_start: function(port, host)
if (this._socket)
this._port = port;
this._doQuit = this._socketClosed = false;
this._host = host;
// The listen queue needs to be long enough to handle
// network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server or
// network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy concurrent
// connections, plus a safety margin in case some other process is
// talking to the server as well.
var prefs = getRootPrefBranch();
var maxConnections = 5 + Math.max(
var loopback = true;
if (this._host != "" && this._host != "localhost") {
var loopback = false;
// When automatically selecting a port, sometimes the chosen port is
// "blocked" from clients. We don't want to use these ports because
// tests will intermittently fail. So, we simply keep trying to to
// get a server socket until a valid port is obtained. We limit
// ourselves to finite attempts just so we don't loop forever.
var ios = Cc[";1"]
var socket;
for (var i = 100; i; i--)
var temp = new ServerSocket(this._port,
loopback, // true = localhost, false = everybody
var allowed = ios.allowPort(temp.port, "http");
if (!allowed)
dumpn(">>>Warning: obtained ServerSocket listens on a blocked " +
"port: " + temp.port);
if (!allowed && this._port == -1)
dumpn(">>>Throwing away ServerSocket with bad port.");
socket = temp;
if (!socket) {
throw new Error("No socket server available. Are there no available ports?");
dumpn(">>> listening on port " + socket.port + ", " + maxConnections +
" pending connections");
this._port = socket.port;
this._identity._initialize(socket.port, host, true);
this._socket = socket;
catch (e)
dump("\n!!! could not start server on port " + port + ": " + e + "\n\n");
// see nsIHttpServer.stop
stop: function(callback)
if (!callback)
if (!this._socket)
this._stopCallback = typeof callback === "function"
? callback
: function() { callback.onStopped(); };
dumpn(">>> stopping listening on port " + this._socket.port);
this._socket = null;
// We can't have this identity any more, and the port on which we're running
// this server now could be meaningless the next time around.
this._doQuit = false;
// socket-close notification and pending request completion happen async
// see nsIHttpServer.registerFile
registerFile: function(path, file)
if (file && (!file.exists() || file.isDirectory()))
this._handler.registerFile(path, file);
// see nsIHttpServer.registerDirectory
registerDirectory: function(path, directory)
// XXX true path validation!
if (path.charAt(0) != "/" ||
path.charAt(path.length - 1) != "/" ||
(directory &&
(!directory.exists() || !directory.isDirectory())))
// XXX determine behavior of nonexistent /foo/bar when a /foo/bar/ mapping
// exists!
this._handler.registerDirectory(path, directory);
// see nsIHttpServer.registerPathHandler
registerPathHandler: function(path, handler)
this._handler.registerPathHandler(path, handler);
// see nsIHttpServer.registerPrefixHandler
registerPrefixHandler: function(prefix, handler)
this._handler.registerPrefixHandler(prefix, handler);
// see nsIHttpServer.registerErrorHandler
registerErrorHandler: function(code, handler)
this._handler.registerErrorHandler(code, handler);
// see nsIHttpServer.setIndexHandler
setIndexHandler: function(handler)
// see nsIHttpServer.registerContentType
registerContentType: function(ext, type)
this._handler.registerContentType(ext, type);
// see nsIHttpServer.serverIdentity
get identity()
return this._identity;
// see nsIHttpServer.getState
getState: function(path, k)
return this._handler._getState(path, k);
// see nsIHttpServer.setState
setState: function(path, k, v)
return this._handler._setState(path, k, v);
// see nsIHttpServer.getSharedState
getSharedState: function(k)
return this._handler._getSharedState(k);
// see nsIHttpServer.setSharedState
setSharedState: function(k, v)
return this._handler._setSharedState(k, v);
// see nsIHttpServer.getObjectState
getObjectState: function(k)
return this._handler._getObjectState(k);
// see nsIHttpServer.setObjectState
setObjectState: function(k, v)
return this._handler._setObjectState(k, v);
// see nsISupports.QueryInterface
QueryInterface: function(iid)
if (iid.equals(Ci.nsIHttpServer) ||
iid.equals(Ci.nsIServerSocketListener) ||
return this;
* Returns true iff this server is not running (and is not in the process of
* serving any requests still to be processed when the server was last
* stopped after being run).
isStopped: function()
return this._socketClosed && !this._hasOpenConnections();
/** True if this server has any open connections to it, false otherwise. */
_hasOpenConnections: function()
// If we have any open connections, they're tracked as numeric properties on
// |this._connections|. The non-standard __count__ property could be used
// to check whether there are any properties, but standard-wise, even
// looking forward to ES5, there's no less ugly yet still O(1) way to do
// this.
for (var n in this._connections)
return true;
return false;
/** Calls the server-stopped callback provided when stop() was called. */
_notifyStopped: function()
NS_ASSERT(this._stopCallback !== null, "double-notifying?");
NS_ASSERT(!this._hasOpenConnections(), "should be done serving by now");
// NB: We have to grab this now, null out the member, *then* call the
// callback here, or otherwise the callback could (indirectly) futz with
// this._stopCallback by starting and immediately stopping this, at
// which point we'd be nulling out a field we no longer have a right to
// modify.
var callback = this._stopCallback;
this._stopCallback = null;
catch (e)
// not throwing because this is specified as being usually (but not
// always) asynchronous
dump("!!! error running onStopped callback: " + e + "\n");
* Notifies this server that the given connection has been closed.
* @param connection : Connection
* the connection that was closed
_connectionClosed: function(connection)
NS_ASSERT(connection.number in this._connections,
"closing a connection " + this + " that we never added to the " +
"set of open connections?");
NS_ASSERT(this._connections[connection.number] === connection,
"connection number mismatch? " +
delete this._connections[connection.number];
// Fire a pending server-stopped notification if it's our responsibility.
if (!this._hasOpenConnections() && this._socketClosed)
// Bug 508125: Add a GC here else we'll use gigabytes of memory running
// mochitests. We can't rely on xpcshell doing an automated GC, as that
// would interfere with testing GC stuff...
* Requests that the server be shut down when possible.
_requestQuit: function()
dumpn(">>> requesting a quit");
this._doQuit = true;
this.HttpServer = nsHttpServer;
// RFC 2396 section 3.2.2:
// host = hostname | IPv4address
// hostname = *( domainlabel "." ) toplabel [ "." ]
// domainlabel = alphanum | alphanum *( alphanum | "-" ) alphanum
// toplabel = alpha | alpha *( alphanum | "-" ) alphanum
// IPv4address = 1*digit "." 1*digit "." 1*digit "." 1*digit
const HOST_REGEX =
new RegExp("^(?:" +
// *( domainlabel "." )
"(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\\.)*" +
// toplabel
"[a-z](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?" +
"|" +
// IPv4 address
"\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+" +
* Represents the identity of a server. An identity consists of a set of
* (scheme, host, port) tuples denoted as locations (allowing a single server to
* serve multiple sites or to be used behind both HTTP and HTTPS proxies for any
* host/port). Any incoming request must be to one of these locations, or it
* will be rejected with an HTTP 400 error. One location, denoted as the
* primary location, is the location assigned in contexts where a location
* cannot otherwise be endogenously derived, such as for HTTP/1.0 requests.
* A single identity may contain at most one location per unique host/port pair;
* other than that, no restrictions are placed upon what locations may
* constitute an identity.
function ServerIdentity()
/** The scheme of the primary location. */
this._primaryScheme = "http";
/** The hostname of the primary location. */
this._primaryHost = ""
/** The port number of the primary location. */
this._primaryPort = -1;
* The current port number for the corresponding server, stored so that a new
* primary location can always be set if the current one is removed.
this._defaultPort = -1;
* Maps hosts to maps of ports to schemes, e.g. the following would represent
* and
* {
* "": { 789: "https" },
* "": { 80: "http" }
* }
* Note the "x" prefix on hostnames, which prevents collisions with special
* JS names like "prototype".
this._locations = { "xlocalhost": {} };
ServerIdentity.prototype =
// see nsIHttpServerIdentity.primaryScheme
get primaryScheme()
if (this._primaryPort === -1)
return this._primaryScheme;
// see nsIHttpServerIdentity.primaryHost
get primaryHost()
if (this._primaryPort === -1)
return this._primaryHost;
// see nsIHttpServerIdentity.primaryPort
get primaryPort()
if (this._primaryPort === -1)
return this._primaryPort;
// see nsIHttpServerIdentity.add
add: function(scheme, host, port)
this._validate(scheme, host, port);
var entry = this._locations["x" + host];
if (!entry)
this._locations["x" + host] = entry = {};
entry[port] = scheme;
// see nsIHttpServerIdentity.remove
remove: function(scheme, host, port)
this._validate(scheme, host, port);
var entry = this._locations["x" + host];
if (!entry)
return false;
var present = port in entry;
delete entry[port];
if (this._primaryScheme == scheme &&
this._primaryHost == host &&
this._primaryPort == port &&
this._defaultPort !== -1)
// Always keep at least one identity in existence at any time, unless
// we're in the process of shutting down (the last condition above).
this._primaryPort = -1;
this._initialize(this._defaultPort, host, false);
return present;
// see nsIHttpServerIdentity.has
has: function(scheme, host, port)
this._validate(scheme, host, port);
return "x" + host in this._locations &&
scheme === this._locations["x" + host][port];
// see nsIHttpServerIdentity.has
getScheme: function(host, port)
this._validate("http", host, port);
var entry = this._locations["x" + host];
if (!entry)
return "";
return entry[port] || "";
// see nsIHttpServerIdentity.setPrimary
setPrimary: function(scheme, host, port)
this._validate(scheme, host, port);
this.add(scheme, host, port);
this._primaryScheme = scheme;
this._primaryHost = host;
this._primaryPort = port;
// see nsISupports.QueryInterface
QueryInterface: function(iid)
if (iid.equals(Ci.nsIHttpServerIdentity) || iid.equals(Ci.nsISupports))
return this;
* Initializes the primary name for the corresponding server, based on the
* provided port number.
_initialize: function(port, host, addSecondaryDefault)
this._host = host;
if (this._primaryPort !== -1)
this.add("http", host, port);
this.setPrimary("http", "localhost", port);
this._defaultPort = port;
// Only add this if we're being called at server startup
if (addSecondaryDefault && host != "")
this.add("http", "", port);
* Called at server shutdown time, unsets the primary location only if it was
* the default-assigned location and removes the default location from the
* set of locations used.
_teardown: function()
if (this._host != "") {
// Not the default primary location, nothing special to do here
this.remove("http", "", this._defaultPort);
// This is a *very* tricky bit of reasoning here; make absolutely sure the
// tests for this code pass before you commit changes to it.
if (this._primaryScheme == "http" &&
this._primaryHost == this._host &&
this._primaryPort == this._defaultPort)
// Make sure we don't trigger the readding logic in .remove(), then remove
// the default location.
var port = this._defaultPort;
this._defaultPort = -1;
this.remove("http", this._host, port);
// Ensure a server start triggers the setPrimary() path in ._initialize()
this._primaryPort = -1;
// No reason not to remove directly as it's not our primary location
this.remove("http", this._host, this._defaultPort);
* Ensures scheme, host, and port are all valid with respect to RFC 2396.
* if any argument doesn't match the corresponding production
_validate: function(scheme, host, port)
if (scheme !== "http" && scheme !== "https")
dumpn("*** server only supports http/https schemes: '" + scheme + "'");
if (!HOST_REGEX.test(host))
dumpn("*** unexpected host: '" + host + "'");
if (port < 0 || port > 65535)
dumpn("*** unexpected port: '" + port + "'");
* Represents a connection to the server (and possibly in the future the thread
* on which the connection is processed).
* @param input : nsIInputStream
* stream from which incoming data on the connection is read
* @param output : nsIOutputStream
* stream to write data out the connection
* @param server : nsHttpServer
* the server handling the connection
* @param port : int
* the port on which the server is running
* @param outgoingPort : int
* the outgoing port used by this connection
* @param number : uint
* a serial number used to uniquely identify this connection
function Connection(input, output, server, port, outgoingPort, number)
dumpn("*** opening new connection " + number + " on port " + outgoingPort);
/** Stream of incoming data. */
this.input = input;
/** Stream for outgoing data. */
this.output = output;
/** The server associated with this request. */
this.server = server;
/** The port on which the server is running. */
this.port = port;
/** The outgoing poort used by this connection. */
this._outgoingPort = outgoingPort;
/** The serial number of this connection. */
this.number = number;
* The request for which a response is being generated, null if the
* incoming request has not been fully received or if it had errors.
this.request = null;
/** This allows a connection to disambiguate between a peer initiating a
* close and the socket being forced closed on shutdown.
this._closed = false;
/** State variable for debugging. */
this._processed = false;
/** whether or not 1st line of request has been received */
this._requestStarted = false;
Connection.prototype =
/** Closes this connection's input/output streams. */
close: function()
if (this._closed)
dumpn("*** closing connection " + this.number +
" on port " + this._outgoingPort);
this._closed = true;
var server = this.server;
// If an error triggered a server shutdown, act on it now
if (server._doQuit)
server.stop(function() { /* not like we can do anything better */ });
* Initiates processing of this connection, using the data in the given
* request.
* @param request : Request
* the request which should be processed
process: function(request)
NS_ASSERT(!this._closed && !this._processed);
this._processed = true;
this.request = request;
* Initiates processing of this connection, generating a response with the
* given HTTP error code.
* @param code : uint
* an HTTP code, so in the range [0, 1000)
* @param request : Request
* incomplete data about the incoming request (since there were errors
* during its processing
processError: function(code, request)
NS_ASSERT(!this._closed && !this._processed);
this._processed = true;
this.request = request;
this.server._handler.handleError(code, this);
/** Converts this to a string for debugging purposes. */
toString: function()
return "<Connection(" + this.number +
(this.request ? ", " + this.request.path : "") +"): " +
(this._closed ? "closed" : "open") + ">";
requestStarted: function()
this._requestStarted = true;
/** Returns an array of count bytes from the given input stream. */
function readBytes(inputStream, count)
return new BinaryInputStream(inputStream).readByteArray(count);
/** Request reader processing states; see RequestReader for details. */
const READER_IN_BODY = 2;
* Reads incoming request data asynchronously, does any necessary preprocessing,
* and forwards it to the request handler. Processing occurs in three states:
* READER_IN_REQUEST_LINE Reading the request's status line
* READER_IN_HEADERS Reading headers in the request
* READER_IN_BODY Reading the body of the request
* READER_FINISHED Entire request has been read and processed
* During the first two stages, initial metadata about the request is gathered
* into a Request object. Once the status line and headers have been processed,
* we start processing the body of the request into the Request. Finally, when
* the entire body has been read, we create a Response and hand it off to the
* ServerHandler to be given to the appropriate request handler.
* @param connection : Connection
* the connection for the request being read
function RequestReader(connection)
/** Connection metadata for this request. */
this._connection = connection;
* A container providing line-by-line access to the raw bytes that make up the
* data which has been read from the connection but has not yet been acted
* upon (by passing it to the request handler or by extracting request
* metadata from it).
this._data = new LineData();
* The amount of data remaining to be read from the body of this request.
* After all headers in the request have been read this is the value in the
* Content-Length header, but as the body is read its value decreases to zero.
this._contentLength = 0;
/** The current state of parsing the incoming request. */
/** Metadata constructed from the incoming request for the request handler. */
this._metadata = new Request(connection.port);
* Used to preserve state if we run out of line data midway through a
* multi-line header. _lastHeaderName stores the name of the header, while
* _lastHeaderValue stores the value we've seen so far for the header.
* These fields are always either both undefined or both strings.
this._lastHeaderName = this._lastHeaderValue = undefined;
RequestReader.prototype =
* Called when more data from the incoming request is available. This method
* then reads the available data from input and deals with that data as
* necessary, depending upon the syntax of already-downloaded data.
* @param input : nsIAsyncInputStream
* the stream of incoming data from the connection
onInputStreamReady: function(input)
dumpn("*** onInputStreamReady(input=" + input + ") on thread " +
gThreadManager.currentThread + " (main is " +
gThreadManager.mainThread + ")");
dumpn("*** this._state == " + this._state);
// Handle cases where we get more data after a request error has been
// discovered but *before* we can close the connection.
var data = this._data;
if (!data)
data.appendBytes(readBytes(input, input.available()));
catch (e)
if (streamClosed(e))
dumpn("*** WARNING: unexpected error when reading from socket; will " +
"be treated as if the input stream had been closed");
dumpn("*** WARNING: actual error was: " + e);
// We've lost a race -- input has been closed, but we're still expecting
// to read more data. available() will throw in this case, and since
// we're dead in the water now, destroy the connection.
dumpn("*** onInputStreamReady called on a closed input, destroying " +
switch (this._state)
NS_ASSERT(false, "invalid state: " + this._state);
if (!this._processRequestLine())
/* fall through */
if (!this._processHeaders())
/* fall through */
if (this._state != READER_FINISHED)
input.asyncWait(this, 0, 0, gThreadManager.currentThread);
// see nsISupports.QueryInterface
QueryInterface: function(aIID)
if (aIID.equals(Ci.nsIInputStreamCallback) ||
return this;
* Processes unprocessed, downloaded data as a request line.
* @returns boolean
* true iff the request line has been fully processed
_processRequestLine: function()
// Servers SHOULD ignore any empty line(s) received where a Request-Line
// is expected (section 4.1).
var data = this._data;
var line = {};
var readSuccess;
while ((readSuccess = data.readLine(line)) && line.value == "")
dumpn("*** ignoring beginning blank line...");
// if we don't have a full line, wait until we do
if (!readSuccess)
return false;
// we have the first non-blank line
this._state = READER_IN_HEADERS;
return true;
catch (e)
return false;
* Processes stored data, assuming it is either at the beginning or in
* the middle of processing request headers.
* @returns boolean
* true iff header data in the request has been fully processed
_processHeaders: function()
// XXX things to fix here:
// - need to support RFC 2047-encoded non-US-ASCII characters
var done = this._parseHeaders();
if (done)
var request = this._metadata;
// XXX this is wrong for requests with transfer-encodings applied to
// them, particularly chunked (which by its nature can have no
// meaningful Content-Length header)!
this._contentLength = request.hasHeader("Content-Length")
? parseInt(request.getHeader("Content-Length"), 10)
: 0;
dumpn("_processHeaders, Content-length=" + this._contentLength);
this._state = READER_IN_BODY;
return done;
catch (e)
return false;
* Processes stored data, assuming it is either at the beginning or in
* the middle of processing the request body.
* @returns boolean
* true iff the request body has been fully processed
_processBody: function()
NS_ASSERT(this._state == READER_IN_BODY);
// XXX handle chunked transfer-coding request bodies!
if (this._contentLength > 0)
var data = this._data.purge();
var count = Math.min(data.length, this._contentLength);
dumpn("*** loading data=" + data + " len=" + data.length +
" excess=" + (data.length - count));
var bos = new BinaryOutputStream(this._metadata._bodyOutputStream);
bos.writeByteArray(data, count);
this._contentLength -= count;
dumpn("*** remaining body data len=" + this._contentLength);
if (this._contentLength == 0)
this._state = READER_FINISHED;
return true;
return false;
catch (e)
return false;
* Does various post-header checks on the data in this request.
* @throws : HttpError
* if the request was malformed in some way
_validateRequest: function()
NS_ASSERT(this._state == READER_IN_BODY);
dumpn("*** _validateRequest");
var metadata = this._metadata;
var headers = metadata._headers;
// -- servers MUST report 400 to HTTP/1.1 requests w/o Host header
var identity = this._connection.server.identity;
if (metadata._httpVersion.atLeast(nsHttpVersion.HTTP_1_1))
if (!headers.hasHeader("Host"))
dumpn("*** malformed HTTP/1.1 or greater request with no Host header!");
throw HTTP_400;
// If the Request-URI wasn't absolute, then we need to determine our host.
// We have to determine what scheme was used to access us based on the
// server identity data at this point, because the request just doesn't
// contain enough data on its own to do this, sadly.
if (!metadata._host)
var host, port;
var hostPort = headers.getHeader("Host");
var colon = hostPort.indexOf(":");
if (colon < 0)
host = hostPort;
port = "";
host = hostPort.substring(0, colon);
port = hostPort.substring(colon + 1);
// NB: We allow an empty port here because, oddly, a colon may be
// present even without a port number, e.g. ""; in this
// case the default port applies.
if (!HOST_REGEX.test(host) || !/^\d*$/.test(port))
dumpn("*** malformed hostname (" + hostPort + ") in Host " +
"header, 400 time");
throw HTTP_400;
// If we're not given a port, we're stuck, because we don't know what
// scheme to use to look up the correct port here, in general. Since
// the HTTPS case requires a tunnel/proxy and thus requires that the
// requested URI be absolute (and thus contain the necessary
// information), let's assume HTTP will prevail and use that.
port = +port || 80;
var scheme = identity.getScheme(host, port);
if (!scheme)
dumpn("*** unrecognized hostname (" + hostPort + ") in Host " +
"header, 400 time");
throw HTTP_400;
metadata._scheme = scheme;
metadata._host = host;
metadata._port = port;
NS_ASSERT(metadata._host === undefined,
"HTTP/1.0 doesn't allow absolute paths in the request line!");
metadata._scheme = identity.primaryScheme;
metadata._host = identity.primaryHost;
metadata._port = identity.primaryPort;
NS_ASSERT(identity.has(metadata._scheme, metadata._host, metadata._port),
"must have a location we recognize by now!");
* Handles responses in case of error, either in the server or in the request.
* @param e
* the specific error encountered, which is an HttpError in the case where
* the request is in some way invalid or cannot be fulfilled; if this isn't
* an HttpError we're going to be paranoid and shut down, because that
* shouldn't happen, ever
_handleError: function(e)
// Don't fall back into normal processing!
this._state = READER_FINISHED;
var server = this._connection.server;
if (e instanceof HttpError)
var code = e.code;
dumpn("!!! UNEXPECTED ERROR: " + e +
(e.lineNumber ? ", line " + e.lineNumber : ""));
// no idea what happened -- be paranoid and shut down
code = 500;
// make attempted reuse of data an error
this._data = null;
this._connection.processError(code, this._metadata);
* Now that we've read the request line and headers, we can actually hand off
* the request to be handled.
* This method is called once per request, after the request line and all
* headers and the body, if any, have been received.
_handleResponse: function()
// We don't need the line-based data any more, so make attempted reuse an
// error.
this._data = null;
* Parses the request line for the HTTP request associated with this.
* @param line : string
* the request line
_parseRequestLine: function(line)
dumpn("*** _parseRequestLine('" + line + "')");
var metadata = this._metadata;
// clients and servers SHOULD accept any amount of SP or HT characters
// between fields, even though only a single SP is required (section 19.3)
var request = line.split(/[ \t]+/);
if (!request || request.length != 3)
dumpn("*** No request in line");
throw HTTP_400;
metadata._method = request[0];
// get the HTTP version
var ver = request[2];
var match = ver.match(/^HTTP\/(\d+\.\d+)$/);
if (!match)
dumpn("*** No HTTP version in line");
throw HTTP_400;
// determine HTTP version
metadata._httpVersion = new nsHttpVersion(match[1]);
if (!metadata._httpVersion.atLeast(nsHttpVersion.HTTP_1_0))
throw "unsupported HTTP version";
catch (e)
// we support HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1 only
throw HTTP_501;
var fullPath = request[1];
var serverIdentity = this._connection.server.identity;
var scheme, host, port;
if (fullPath.charAt(0) != "/")
// No absolute paths in the request line in HTTP prior to 1.1
if (!metadata._httpVersion.atLeast(nsHttpVersion.HTTP_1_1))
dumpn("*** Metadata version too low");
throw HTTP_400;
var uri = Cc[";1"]
.newURI(fullPath, null, null);
fullPath = uri.path;
scheme = uri.scheme;
host = metadata._host = uri.asciiHost;
port = uri.port;
if (port === -1)
if (scheme === "http")
port = 80;
else if (scheme === "https")
port = 443;
dumpn("*** Unknown scheme: " + scheme);
throw HTTP_400;
catch (e)
// If the host is not a valid host on the server, the response MUST be a
// 400 (Bad Request) error message (section 5.2). Alternately, the URI
// is malformed.
dumpn("*** Threw when dealing with URI: " + e);
throw HTTP_400;
if (!serverIdentity.has(scheme, host, port) || fullPath.charAt(0) != "/")
dumpn("*** serverIdentity unknown or path does not start with '/'");
throw HTTP_400;
var splitter = fullPath.indexOf("?");
if (splitter < 0)
// _queryString already set in ctor
metadata._path = fullPath;
metadata._path = fullPath.substring(0, splitter);
metadata._queryString = fullPath.substring(splitter + 1);
metadata._scheme = scheme;
metadata._host = host;
metadata._port = port;
* Parses all available HTTP headers in this until the header-ending CRLFCRLF,
* adding them to the store of headers in the request.
* @throws
* HTTP_400 if the headers are malformed
* @returns boolean
* true if all headers have now been processed, false otherwise
_parseHeaders: function()
dumpn("*** _parseHeaders");
var data = this._data;
var headers = this._metadata._headers;
var lastName = this._lastHeaderName;
var lastVal = this._lastHeaderValue;
var line = {};
while (true)
dumpn("*** Last name: '" + lastName + "'");
dumpn("*** Last val: '" + lastVal + "'");
NS_ASSERT(!((lastVal === undefined) ^ (lastName === undefined)),
lastName === undefined ?
"lastVal without lastName? lastVal: '" + lastVal + "'" :
"lastName without lastVal? lastName: '" + lastName + "'");
if (!data.readLine(line))
// save any data we have from the header we might still be processing
this._lastHeaderName = lastName;
this._lastHeaderValue = lastVal;
return false;
var lineText = line.value;
dumpn("*** Line text: '" + lineText + "'");
var firstChar = lineText.charAt(0);
// blank line means end of headers
if (lineText == "")
// we're finished with the previous header
if (lastName)
headers.setHeader(lastName, lastVal, true);
catch (e)
dumpn("*** setHeader threw on last header, e == " + e);
throw HTTP_400;
// no headers in request -- valid for HTTP/1.0 requests
// either way, we're done processing headers
this._state = READER_IN_BODY;
return true;
else if (firstChar == " " || firstChar == "\t")
// multi-line header if we've already seen a header line
if (!lastName)
dumpn("We don't have a header to continue!");
throw HTTP_400;
// append this line's text to the value; starts with SP/HT, so no need
// for separating whitespace
lastVal += lineText;
// we have a new header, so set the old one (if one existed)
if (lastName)
headers.setHeader(lastName, lastVal, true);
catch (e)
dumpn("*** setHeader threw on a header, e == " + e);
throw HTTP_400;
var colon = lineText.indexOf(":"); // first colon must be splitter
if (colon < 1)
dumpn("*** No colon or missing header field-name");
throw HTTP_400;
// set header name, value (to be set in the next loop, usually)
lastName = lineText.substring(0, colon);
lastVal = lineText.substring(colon + 1);
} // empty, continuation, start of header
} // while (true)
/** The character codes for CR and LF. */
const CR = 0x0D, LF = 0x0A;
* Calculates the number of characters before the first CRLF pair in array, or
* -1 if the array contains no CRLF pair.
* @param array : Array
* an array of numbers in the range [0, 256), each representing a single
* character; the first CRLF is the lowest index i where
* |array[i] == "\r".charCodeAt(0)| and |array[i+1] == "\n".charCodeAt(0)|,
* if such an |i| exists, and -1 otherwise
* @param start : uint
* start index from which to begin searching in array
* @returns int
* the index of the first CRLF if any were present, -1 otherwise
function findCRLF(array, start)
for (var i = array.indexOf(CR, start); i >= 0; i = array.indexOf(CR, i + 1))
if (array[i + 1] == LF)
return i;
return -1;
* A container which provides line-by-line access to the arrays of bytes with
* which it is seeded.
function LineData()
/** An array of queued bytes from which to get line-based characters. */
this._data = [];
/** Start index from which to search for CRLF. */
this._start = 0;
LineData.prototype =
* Appends the bytes in the given array to the internal data cache maintained
* by this.
appendBytes: function(bytes)
var count = bytes.length;
var quantum = 262144; // just above half SpiderMonkey's argument-count limit
if (count < quantum)
Array.prototype.push.apply(this._data, bytes);
// Large numbers of bytes may cause Array.prototype.push to be called with
// more arguments than the JavaScript engine supports. In that case append
// bytes in fixed-size amounts until all bytes are appended.
for (var start = 0; start < count; start += quantum)
var slice = bytes.slice(start, Math.min(start + quantum, count));
Array.prototype.push.apply(this._data, slice);
* Removes and returns a line of data, delimited by CRLF, from this.
* @param out
* an object whose "value" property will be set to the first line of text
* present in this, sans CRLF, if this contains a full CRLF-delimited line
* of text; if this doesn't contain enough data, the value of the property
* is undefined
* @returns boolean
* true if a full line of data could be read from the data in this, false
* otherwise
readLine: function(out)
var data = this._data;
var length = findCRLF(data, this._start);
if (length < 0)
this._start = data.length;
// But if our data ends in a CR, we have to back up one, because
// the first byte in the next packet might be an LF and if we
// start looking at data.length we won't find it.
if (data.length > 0 && data[data.length - 1] === CR)
return false;
// Reset for future lines.
this._start = 0;
// We have the index of the CR, so remove all the characters, including
// CRLF, from the array with splice, and convert the removed array
// (excluding the trailing CRLF characters) into the corresponding string.
var leading = data.splice(0, length + 2);
var quantum = 262144;
var line = "";
for (var start = 0; start < length; start += quantum)
var slice = leading.slice(start, Math.min(start + quantum, length));
line += String.fromCharCode.apply(null, slice);
out.value = line;
return true;
* Removes the bytes currently within this and returns them in an array.
* @returns Array
* the bytes within this when this method is called
purge: function()
var data = this._data;
this._data = [];
return data;
* Creates a request-handling function for an nsIHttpRequestHandler object.
function createHandlerFunc(handler)
return function(metadata, response) { handler.handle(metadata, response); };
* The default handler for directories; writes an HTML response containing a
* slightly-formatted directory listing.
function defaultIndexHandler(metadata, response)
response.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html;charset=utf-8", false);
var path = htmlEscape(decodeURI(metadata.path));
// Just do a very basic bit of directory listings -- no need for too much
// fanciness, especially since we don't have a style sheet in which we can
// stick rules (don't want to pollute the default path-space).
var body = '<html>\
<title>' + path + '</title>\
<h1>' + path + '</h1>\
<ol style="list-style-type: none">';
var directory = metadata.getProperty("directory");
NS_ASSERT(directory && directory.isDirectory());
var fileList = [];
var files = directory.directoryEntries;
while (files.hasMoreElements())
var f = files.getNext().QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFile);
var name = f.leafName;
if (!f.isHidden() &&
(name.charAt(name.length - 1) != HIDDEN_CHAR ||
name.charAt(name.length - 2) == HIDDEN_CHAR))
for (var i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++)
var file = fileList[i];
var name = file.leafName;
if (name.charAt(name.length - 1) == HIDDEN_CHAR)
name = name.substring(0, name.length - 1);
var sep = file.isDirectory() ? "/" : "";
// Note: using " to delimit the attribute here because encodeURIComponent
// passes through '.
var item = '<li><a href="' + encodeURIComponent(name) + sep + '">' +
htmlEscape(name) + sep +
body += item;
catch (e) { /* some file system error, ignore the file */ }
body += ' </ol>\
response.bodyOutputStream.write(body, body.length);
* Sorts a and b (nsIFile objects) into an aesthetically pleasing order.
function fileSort(a, b)
var dira = a.isDirectory(), dirb = b.isDirectory();
if (dira && !dirb)
return -1;
if (dirb && !dira)
return 1;
var namea = a.leafName.toLowerCase(), nameb = b.leafName.toLowerCase();
return nameb > namea ? -1 : 1;
* Converts an externally-provided path into an internal path for use in
* determining file mappings.
* @param path
* the path to convert
* @param encoded
* true if the given path should be passed through decodeURI prior to
* conversion
* @throws URIError
* if path is incorrectly encoded
function toInternalPath(path, encoded)
if (encoded)
path = decodeURI(path);
var comps = path.split("/");
for (var i = 0, sz = comps.length; i < sz; i++)
var comp = comps[i];
if (comp.charAt(comp.length - 1) == HIDDEN_CHAR)
comps[i] = comp + HIDDEN_CHAR;
return comps.join("/");
const PERMS_READONLY = (4 << 6) | (4 << 3) | 4;
* Adds custom-specified headers for the given file to the given response, if
* any such headers are specified.
* @param file
* the file on the disk which is to be written
* @param metadata
* metadata about the incoming request
* @param response
* the Response to which any specified headers/data should be written
* @throws HTTP_500
* if an error occurred while processing custom-specified headers
function maybeAddHeaders(file, metadata, response)
var name = file.leafName;
if (name.charAt(name.length - 1) == HIDDEN_CHAR)
name = name.substring(0, name.length - 1);
var headerFile = file.parent;
headerFile.append(name + HEADERS_SUFFIX);
if (!headerFile.exists())
const PR_RDONLY = 0x01;
var fis = new FileInputStream(headerFile, PR_RDONLY, PERMS_READONLY,
var lis = new ConverterInputStream(fis, "UTF-8", 1024, 0x0);
var line = {value: ""};
var more = lis.readLine(line);
if (!more && line.value == "")
// request line
var status = line.value;
if (status.indexOf("HTTP ") == 0)
status = status.substring(5);
var space = status.indexOf(" ");
var code, description;
if (space < 0)
code = status;
description = "";
code = status.substring(0, space);
description = status.substring(space + 1, status.length);
response.setStatusLine(metadata.httpVersion, parseInt(code, 10), description);
line.value = "";
more = lis.readLine(line);
// headers
while (more || line.value != "")
var header = line.value;
var colon = header.indexOf(":");
response.setHeader(header.substring(0, colon),
header.substring(colon + 1, header.length),
false); // allow overriding server-set headers
line.value = "";
more = lis.readLine(line);
catch (e)
dumpn("WARNING: error in headers for " + metadata.path + ": " + e);
throw HTTP_500;
* An object which handles requests for a server, executing default and
* overridden behaviors as instructed by the code which uses and manipulates it.
* Default behavior includes the paths / and /trace (diagnostics), with some
* support for HTTP error pages for various codes and fallback to HTTP 500 if
* those codes fail for any reason.
* @param server : nsHttpServer
* the server in which this handler is being used
function ServerHandler(server)
* The nsHttpServer instance associated with this handler.
this._server = server;
* A FileMap object containing the set of path->nsILocalFile mappings for
* all directory mappings set in the server (e.g., "/" for /var/www/html/,
* "/foo/bar/" for /local/path/, and "/foo/bar/baz/" for /local/path2).
* Note carefully: the leading and trailing "/" in each path (not file) are
* removed before insertion to simplify the code which uses this. You have
* been warned!
this._pathDirectoryMap = new FileMap();
* Custom request handlers for the server in which this resides. Path-handler
* pairs are stored as property-value pairs in this property.
* @see ServerHandler.prototype._defaultPaths
this._overridePaths = {};
* Custom request handlers for the path prefixes on the server in which this
* resides. Path-handler pairs are stored as property-value pairs in this
* property.
* @see ServerHandler.prototype._defaultPaths
this._overridePrefixes = {};
* Custom request handlers for the error handlers in the server in which this
* resides. Path-handler pairs are stored as property-value pairs in this
* property.
* @see ServerHandler.prototype._defaultErrors
this._overrideErrors = {};
* Maps file extensions to their MIME types in the server, overriding any
* mapping that might or might not exist in the MIME service.
this._mimeMappings = {};
* The default handler for requests for directories, used to serve directories
* when no index file is present.
this._indexHandler = defaultIndexHandler;
/** Per-path state storage for the server. */
this._state = {};
/** Entire-server state storage. */
this._sharedState = {};
/** Entire-server state storage for nsISupports values. */
this._objectState = {};
ServerHandler.prototype =
* Handles a request to this server, responding to the request appropriately
* and initiating server shutdown if necessary.
* This method never throws an exception.
* @param connection : Connection
* the connection for this request
handleResponse: function(connection)
var request = connection.request;
var response = new Response(connection);
var path = request.path;
dumpn("*** path == " + path);
if (path in this._overridePaths)
// explicit paths first, then files based on existing directory mappings,
// then (if the file doesn't exist) built-in server default paths
dumpn("calling override for " + path);
this._overridePaths[path](request, response);
var longestPrefix = "";
for (let prefix in this._overridePrefixes) {
if (prefix.length > longestPrefix.length &&
path.substr(0, prefix.length) == prefix)
longestPrefix = prefix;
if (longestPrefix.length > 0)
dumpn("calling prefix override for " + longestPrefix);
this._overridePrefixes[longestPrefix](request, response);
this._handleDefault(request, response);
catch (e)
if (response.partiallySent())
if (!(e instanceof HttpError))
dumpn("*** unexpected error: e == " + e);
throw HTTP_500;
if (e.code !== 404)
throw e;
dumpn("*** default: " + (path in this._defaultPaths));
response = new Response(connection);
if (path in this._defaultPaths)
this._defaultPaths[path](request, response);
throw HTTP_404;
catch (e)
if (response.partiallySent())
var errorCode = "internal";
if (!(e instanceof HttpError))
throw e;
errorCode = e.code;
dumpn("*** errorCode == " + errorCode);
response = new Response(connection);
if (e.customErrorHandling)
this._handleError(errorCode, request, response);
catch (e2)
dumpn("*** error handling " + errorCode + " error: " +
"e2 == " + e2 + ", shutting down server");
// see nsIHttpServer.registerFile
registerFile: function(path, file)
if (!file)
dumpn("*** unregistering '" + path + "' mapping");
delete this._overridePaths[path];
dumpn("*** registering '" + path + "' as mapping to " + file.path);
file = file.clone();
var self = this;
this._overridePaths[path] =
function(request, response)
if (!file.exists())
throw HTTP_404;
response.setStatusLine(request.httpVersion, 200, "OK");
self._writeFileResponse(request, file, response, 0, file.fileSize);
// see nsIHttpServer.registerPathHandler
registerPathHandler: function(path, handler)
// XXX true path validation!
if (path.charAt(0) != "/")
this._handlerToField(handler, this._overridePaths, path);
// see nsIHttpServer.registerPrefixHandler
registerPrefixHandler: function(path, handler)
// XXX true path validation!
if (path.charAt(0) != "/" || path.charAt(path.length - 1) != "/")
this._handlerToField(handler, this._overridePrefixes, path);
// see nsIHttpServer.registerDirectory
registerDirectory: function(path, directory)
// strip off leading and trailing '/' so that we can use lastIndexOf when
// determining exactly how a path maps onto a mapped directory --
// conditional is required here to deal with "/".substring(1, 0) being
// converted to "/".substring(0, 1) per the JS specification
var key = path.length == 1 ? "" : path.substring(1, path.length - 1);
// the path-to-directory mapping code requires that the first character not
// be "/", or it will go into an infinite loop
if (key.charAt(0) == "/")
key = toInternalPath(key, false);
if (directory)
dumpn("*** mapping '" + path + "' to the location " + directory.path);
this._pathDirectoryMap.put(key, directory);
dumpn("*** removing mapping for '" + path + "'");
this._pathDirectoryMap.put(key, null);
// see nsIHttpServer.registerErrorHandler
registerErrorHandler: function(err, handler)
if (!(err in HTTP_ERROR_CODES))
dumpn("*** WARNING: registering non-HTTP/1.1 error code " +
"(" + err + ") handler -- was this intentional?");
this._handlerToField(handler, this._overrideErrors, err);
// see nsIHttpServer.setIndexHandler
setIndexHandler: function(handler)
if (!handler)
handler = defaultIndexHandler;
else if (typeof(handler) != "function")
handler = createHandlerFunc(handler);
this._indexHandler = handler;
// see nsIHttpServer.registerContentType
registerContentType: function(ext, type)
if (!type)
delete this._mimeMappings[ext];
this._mimeMappings[ext] = headerUtils.normalizeFieldValue(type);
* Sets or remove (if handler is null) a handler in an object with a key.
* @param handler
* a handler, either function or an nsIHttpRequestHandler
* @param dict
* The object to attach the handler to.
* @param key
* The field name of the handler.
_handlerToField: function(handler, dict, key)
// for convenience, handler can be a function if this is run from xpcshell
if (typeof(handler) == "function")
dict[key] = handler;
else if (handler)
dict[key] = createHandlerFunc(handler);
delete dict[key];
* Handles a request which maps to a file in the local filesystem (if a base
* path has already been set; otherwise the 404 error is thrown).
* @param metadata : Request
* metadata for the incoming request
* @param response : Response
* an uninitialized Response to the given request, to be initialized by a
* request handler
* @throws HTTP_###
* if an HTTP error occurred (usually HTTP_404); note that in this case the
* calling code must handle post-processing of the response
_handleDefault: function(metadata, response)
dumpn("*** _handleDefault()");
response.setStatusLine(metadata.httpVersion, 200, "OK");
var path = metadata.path;
NS_ASSERT(path.charAt(0) == "/", "invalid path: <" + path + ">");
// determine the actual on-disk file; this requires finding the deepest
// path-to-directory mapping in the requested URL
var file = this._getFileForPath(path);
// the "file" might be a directory, in which case we either serve the
// contained index.html or make the index handler write the response
if (file.exists() && file.isDirectory())
file.append("index.html"); // make configurable?
if (!file.exists() || file.isDirectory())
metadata._bag.setPropertyAsInterface("directory", file.parent);
this._indexHandler(metadata, response);
// alternately, the file might not exist
if (!file.exists())
throw HTTP_404;
var start, end;
if (metadata._httpVersion.atLeast(nsHttpVersion.HTTP_1_1) &&
metadata.hasHeader("Range") &&
this._getTypeFromFile(file) !== SJS_TYPE)
var rangeMatch = metadata.getHeader("Range").match(/^bytes=(\d+)?-(\d+)?$/);
if (!rangeMatch)
dumpn("*** Range header bogosity: '" + metadata.getHeader("Range") + "'");
throw HTTP_400;
if (rangeMatch[1] !== undefined)
start = parseInt(rangeMatch[1], 10);
if (rangeMatch[2] !== undefined)
end = parseInt(rangeMatch[2], 10);
if (start === undefined && end === undefined)
dumpn("*** More Range header bogosity: '" + metadata.getHeader("Range") + "'");
throw HTTP_400;
// No start given, so the end is really the count of bytes from the
// end of the file.
if (start === undefined)
start = Math.max(0, file.fileSize - end);
end = file.fileSize - 1;
// start and end are inclusive
if (end === undefined || end >= file.fileSize)
end = file.fileSize - 1;
if (start !== undefined && start >= file.fileSize) {
var HTTP_416 = new HttpError(416, "Requested Range Not Satisfiable");
HTTP_416.customErrorHandling = function(errorResponse)
maybeAddHeaders(file, metadata, errorResponse);
throw HTTP_416;
if (end < start)
response.setStatusLine(metadata.httpVersion, 200, "OK");
start = 0;
end = file.fileSize - 1;
response.setStatusLine(metadata.httpVersion, 206, "Partial Content");
var contentRange = "bytes " + start + "-" + end + "/" + file.fileSize;
response.setHeader("Content-Range", contentRange);
start = 0;
end = file.fileSize - 1;
// finally...
dumpn("*** handling '" + path + "' as mapping to " + file.path + " from " +
start + " to " + end + " inclusive");
this._writeFileResponse(metadata, file, response, start, end - start + 1);
* Writes an HTTP response for the given file, including setting headers for
* file metadata.
* @param metadata : Request
* the Request for which a response is being generated
* @param file : nsILocalFile
* the file which is to be sent in the response
* @param response : Response
* the response to which the file should be written
* @param offset: uint
* the byte offset to skip to when writing
* @param count: uint
* the number of bytes to write
_writeFileResponse: function(metadata, file, response, offset, count)
const PR_RDONLY = 0x01;
var type = this._getTypeFromFile(file);
if (type === SJS_TYPE)
var fis = new FileInputStream(file, PR_RDONLY, PERMS_READONLY,
var sis = new ScriptableInputStream(fis);
var s = Cu.Sandbox(gGlobalObject);
s.importFunction(dump, "dump");
// Define a basic key-value state-preservation API across requests, with
// keys initially corresponding to the empty string.
var self = this;
var path = metadata.path;
s.importFunction(function getState(k)
return self._getState(path, k);
s.importFunction(function setState(k, v)
self._setState(path, k, v);
s.importFunction(function getSharedState(k)
return self._getSharedState(k);
s.importFunction(function setSharedState(k, v)
self._setSharedState(k, v);
s.importFunction(function getObjectState(k, callback)
s.importFunction(function setObjectState(k, v)
self._setObjectState(k, v);
s.importFunction(function registerPathHandler(p, h)
self.registerPathHandler(p, h);
// Make it possible for sjs files to access their location
this._setState(path, "__LOCATION__", file.path);
// Alas, the line number in errors dumped to console when calling the
// request handler is simply an offset from where we load the SJS file.
// Work around this in a reasonably non-fragile way by dynamically
// getting the line number where we evaluate the SJS file. Don't
// separate these two lines!
var line = new Error().lineNumber;
Cu.evalInSandbox(, s, "latest");
catch (e)
dumpn("*** syntax error in SJS at " + file.path + ": " + e);
throw HTTP_500;
s.handleRequest(metadata, response);
catch (e)
dump("*** error running SJS at " + file.path + ": " +
e + " on line " +
(e instanceof Error
? e.lineNumber + " in httpd.js"
: (e.lineNumber - line)) + "\n");
throw HTTP_500;
catch (e) { /* lastModifiedTime threw, ignore */ }
response.setHeader("Content-Type", type, false);
maybeAddHeaders(file, metadata, response);
response.setHeader("Content-Length", "" + count, false);
var fis = new FileInputStream(file, PR_RDONLY, PERMS_READONLY,
offset = offset || 0;
count = count || file.fileSize;
NS_ASSERT(offset === 0 || offset < file.fileSize, "bad offset");
NS_ASSERT(count >= 0, "bad count");
NS_ASSERT(offset + count <= file.fileSize, "bad total data size");
if (offset !== 0)
// Seek (or read, if seeking isn't supported) to the correct offset so
// the data sent to the client matches the requested range.
if (fis instanceof Ci.nsISeekableStream), offset);
new ScriptableInputStream(fis).read(offset);
catch (e)
throw e;
function writeMore()
.dispatch(writeData, Ci.nsIThread.DISPATCH_NORMAL);
var input = new BinaryInputStream(fis);
var output = new BinaryOutputStream(response.bodyOutputStream);
var writeData =
run: function()
var chunkSize = Math.min(65536, count);
count -= chunkSize;
NS_ASSERT(count >= 0, "underflow");
var data = input.readByteArray(chunkSize);
NS_ASSERT(data.length === chunkSize,
"incorrect data returned? got " + data.length +
", expected " + chunkSize);
output.writeByteArray(data, data.length);
if (count === 0)
catch (e)
throw e;
// Now that we know copying will start, flag the response as async.
* Get the value corresponding to a given key for the given path for SJS state
* preservation across requests.
* @param path : string
* the path from which the given state is to be retrieved
* @param k : string
* the key whose corresponding value is to be returned
* @returns string
* the corresponding value, which is initially the empty string
_getState: function(path, k)
var state = this._state;
if (path in state && k in state[path])
return state[path][k];
return "";
* Set the value corresponding to a given key for the given path for SJS state
* preservation across requests.
* @param path : string
* the path from which the given state is to be retrieved
* @param k : string
* the key whose corresponding value is to be set
* @param v : string
* the value to be set
_setState: function(path, k, v)
if (typeof v !== "string")
throw new Error("non-string value passed");
var state = this._state;
if (!(path in state))
state[path] = {};
state[path][k] = v;
* Get the value corresponding to a given key for SJS state preservation
* across requests.
* @param k : string
* the key whose corresponding value is to be returned
* @returns string
* the corresponding value, which is initially the empty string
_getSharedState: function(k)
var state = this._sharedState;
if (k in state)
return state[k];
return "";
* Set the value corresponding to a given key for SJS state preservation
* across requests.
* @param k : string
* the key whose corresponding value is to be set
* @param v : string
* the value to be set
_setSharedState: function(k, v)
if (typeof v !== "string")
throw new Error("non-string value passed");
this._sharedState[k] = v;
* Returns the object associated with the given key in the server for SJS
* state preservation across requests.
* @param k : string
* the key whose corresponding object is to be returned
* @returns nsISupports
* the corresponding object, or null if none was present
_getObjectState: function(k)
if (typeof k !== "string")
throw new Error("non-string key passed");
return this._objectState[k] || null;
* Sets the object associated with the given key in the server for SJS
* state preservation across requests.
* @param k : string
* the key whose corresponding object is to be set
* @param v : nsISupports
* the object to be associated with the given key; may be null
_setObjectState: function(k, v)
if (typeof k !== "string")
throw new Error("non-string key passed");
if (typeof v !== "object")
throw new Error("non-object value passed");
if (v && !("QueryInterface" in v))
throw new Error("must pass an nsISupports; use wrappedJSObject to ease " +
"pain when using the server from JS");
this._objectState[k] = v;
* Gets a content-type for the given file, first by checking for any custom
* MIME-types registered with this handler for the file's extension, second by
* asking the global MIME service for a content-type, and finally by failing
* over to application/octet-stream.
* @param file : nsIFile
* the nsIFile for which to get a file type
* @returns string
* the best content-type which can be determined for the file
_getTypeFromFile: function(file)
var name = file.leafName;
var dot = name.lastIndexOf(".");
if (dot > 0)
var ext = name.slice(dot + 1);
if (ext in this._mimeMappings)
return this._mimeMappings[ext];
return Cc[";1"]
catch (e)
return "application/octet-stream";
* Returns the nsILocalFile which corresponds to the path, as determined using
* all registered path->directory mappings and any paths which are explicitly
* overridden.
* @param path : string
* the server path for which a file should be retrieved, e.g. "/foo/bar"
* @throws HttpError
* when the correct action is the corresponding HTTP error (i.e., because no
* mapping was found for a directory in path, the referenced file doesn't
* exist, etc.)
* @returns nsILocalFile
* the file to be sent as the response to a request for the path
_getFileForPath: function(path)
// decode and add underscores as necessary
path = toInternalPath(path, true);
catch (e)
dumpn("*** toInternalPath threw " + e);
throw HTTP_400; // malformed path
// next, get the directory which contains this path
var pathMap = this._pathDirectoryMap;
// An example progression of tmp for a path "/foo/bar/baz/" might be:
// "foo/bar/baz/", "foo/bar/baz", "foo/bar", "foo", ""
var tmp = path.substring(1);
while (true)
// do we have a match for current head of the path?
var file = pathMap.get(tmp);
if (file)
// XXX hack; basically disable showing mapping for /foo/bar/ when the
// requested path was /foo/bar, because relative links on the page
// will all be incorrect -- we really need the ability to easily
// redirect here instead
if (tmp == path.substring(1) &&
tmp.length != 0 &&
tmp.charAt(tmp.length - 1) != "/")
file = null;
// if we've finished trying all prefixes, exit
if (tmp == "")
tmp = tmp.substring(0, tmp.lastIndexOf("/"));
// no mapping applies, so 404
if (!file)
throw HTTP_404;
// last, get the file for the path within the determined directory
var parentFolder = file.parent;
var dirIsRoot = (parentFolder == null);
// Strategy here is to append components individually, making sure we
// never move above the given directory; this allows paths such as
// "<file>/foo/../bar" but prevents paths such as "<file>/../base-sibling";
// this component-wise approach also means the code works even on platforms
// which don't use "/" as the directory separator, such as Windows
var leafPath = path.substring(tmp.length + 1);
var comps = leafPath.split("/");
for (var i = 0, sz = comps.length; i < sz; i++)
var comp = comps[i];
if (comp == "..")
file = file.parent;
else if (comp == "." || comp == "")
if (!dirIsRoot && file.equals(parentFolder))
throw HTTP_403;
return file;
* Writes the error page for the given HTTP error code over the given
* connection.
* @param errorCode : uint
* the HTTP error code to be used
* @param connection : Connection
* the connection on which the error occurred
handleError: function(errorCode, connection)
var response = new Response(connection);
dumpn("*** error in request: " + errorCode);
this._handleError(errorCode, new Request(connection.port), response);
* Handles a request which generates the given error code, using the
* user-defined error handler if one has been set, gracefully falling back to
* the x00 status code if the code has no handler, and failing to status code
* 500 if all else fails.
* @param errorCode : uint
* the HTTP error which is to be returned
* @param metadata : Request
* metadata for the request, which will often be incomplete since this is an
* error
* @param response : Response
* an uninitialized Response should be initialized when this method
* completes with information which represents the desired error code in the
* ideal case or a fallback code in abnormal circumstances (i.e., 500 is a
* fallback for 505, per HTTP specs)
_handleError: function(errorCode, metadata, response)
if (!metadata)
var errorX00 = errorCode - (errorCode % 100);
if (!(errorCode in HTTP_ERROR_CODES))
dumpn("*** WARNING: requested invalid error: " + errorCode);
// RFC 2616 says that we should try to handle an error by its class if we
// can't otherwise handle it -- if that fails, we revert to handling it as
// a 500 internal server error, and if that fails we throw and shut down
// the server
// actually handle the error
if (errorCode in this._overrideErrors)
this._overrideErrors[errorCode](metadata, response);
this._defaultErrors[errorCode](metadata, response);
catch (e)
if (response.partiallySent())
// don't retry the handler that threw
if (errorX00 == errorCode)
throw HTTP_500;
dumpn("*** error in handling for error code " + errorCode + ", " +
"falling back to " + errorX00 + "...");
response = new Response(response._connection);
if (errorX00 in this._overrideErrors)
this._overrideErrors[errorX00](metadata, response);
else if (errorX00 in this._defaultErrors)
this._defaultErrors[errorX00](metadata, response);
throw HTTP_500;
catch (e)
if (response.partiallySent())
// we've tried everything possible for a meaningful error -- now try 500
dumpn("*** error in handling for error code " + errorX00 + ", falling " +
"back to 500...");
response = new Response(response._connection);
if (500 in this._overrideErrors)
this._overrideErrors[500](metadata, response);
this._defaultErrors[500](metadata, response);
catch (e2)
dumpn("*** multiple errors in default error handlers!");
dumpn("*** e == " + e + ", e2 == " + e2);
* This object contains the default handlers for the various HTTP error codes.
400: function(metadata, response)
// none of the data in metadata is reliable, so hard-code everything here
response.setStatusLine("1.1", 400, "Bad Request");
response.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain;charset=utf-8", false);
var body = "Bad request\n";
response.bodyOutputStream.write(body, body.length);
403: function(metadata, response)
response.setStatusLine(metadata.httpVersion, 403, "Forbidden");
response.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html;charset=utf-8", false);
var body = "<html>\
<head><title>403 Forbidden</title></head>\
<h1>403 Forbidden</h1>\
response.bodyOutputStream.write(body, body.length);
404: function(metadata, response)
response.setStatusLine(metadata.httpVersion, 404, "Not Found");
response.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html;charset=utf-8", false);
var body = "<html>\
<head><title>404 Not Found</title></head>\
<h1>404 Not Found</h1>\
<span style='font-family: monospace;'>" +
htmlEscape(metadata.path) +
"</span> was not found.\
response.bodyOutputStream.write(body, body.length);
416: function(metadata, response)
"Requested Range Not Satisfiable");
response.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html;charset=utf-8", false);
var body = "<html>\
<title>416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable</title></head>\
<h1>416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable</h1>\
<p>The byte range was not valid for the\
requested resource.\
response.bodyOutputStream.write(body, body.length);
500: function(metadata, response)
"Internal Server Error");
response.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html;charset=utf-8", false);
var body = "<html>\
<head><title>500 Internal Server Error</title></head>\
<h1>500 Internal Server Error</h1>\
<p>Something's broken in this server and\
needs to be fixed.</p>\
response.bodyOutputStream.write(body, body.length);
501: function(metadata, response)
response.setStatusLine(metadata.httpVersion, 501, "Not Implemented");
response.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html;charset=utf-8", false);
var body = "<html>\
<head><title>501 Not Implemented</title></head>\
<h1>501 Not Implemented</h1>\
<p>This server is not (yet) Apache.</p>\
response.bodyOutputStream.write(body, body.length);
505: function(metadata, response)
response.setStatusLine("1.1", 505, "HTTP Version Not Supported");
response.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html;charset=utf-8", false);
var body = "<html>\
<head><title>505 HTTP Version Not Supported</title></head>\
<h1>505 HTTP Version Not Supported</h1>\
<p>This server only supports HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1\
response.bodyOutputStream.write(body, body.length);
* Contains handlers for the default set of URIs contained in this server.
"/": function(metadata, response)
response.setStatusLine(metadata.httpVersion, 200, "OK");
response.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html;charset=utf-8", false);
var body = "<html>\
<p>If you're seeing this page, httpd.js is up and\
serving requests! Now set a base path and serve some\
response.bodyOutputStream.write(body, body.length);
"/trace": function(metadata, response)
response.setStatusLine(metadata.httpVersion, 200, "OK");
response.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain;charset=utf-8", false);
var body = "Request-URI: " +
metadata.scheme + "://" + + ":" + metadata.port +
metadata.path + "\n\n";
body += "Request (semantically equivalent, slightly reformatted):\n\n";
body += metadata.method + " " + metadata.path;
if (metadata.queryString)
body += "?" + metadata.queryString;
body += " HTTP/" + metadata.httpVersion + "\r\n";
var headEnum = metadata.headers;
while (headEnum.hasMoreElements())
var fieldName = headEnum.getNext()
body += fieldName + ": " + metadata.getHeader(fieldName) + "\r\n";
response.bodyOutputStream.write(body, body.length);
* Maps absolute paths to files on the local file system (as nsILocalFiles).
function FileMap()
/** Hash which will map paths to nsILocalFiles. */
this._map = {};
FileMap.prototype =
* Maps key to a clone of the nsILocalFile value if value is non-null;
* otherwise, removes any extant mapping for key.
* @param key : string
* string to which a clone of value is mapped
* @param value : nsILocalFile
* the file to map to key, or null to remove a mapping
put: function(key, value)
if (value)
this._map[key] = value.clone();
delete this._map[key];
* Returns a clone of the nsILocalFile mapped to key, or null if no such
* mapping exists.
* @param key : string
* key to which the returned file maps
* @returns nsILocalFile
* a clone of the mapped file, or null if no mapping exists
get: function(key)
var val = this._map[key];
return val ? val.clone() : null;
// Response CONSTANTS
// token = *<any CHAR except CTLs or separators>
// CHAR = <any US-ASCII character (0-127)>
// CTL = <any US-ASCII control character (0-31) and DEL (127)>
// separators = "(" | ")" | "<" | ">" | "@"
// | "," | ";" | ":" | "\" | <">
// | "/" | "[" | "]" | "?" | "="
// | "{" | "}" | SP | HT
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 0
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 8
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 16
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 24
0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 32
0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, // 40
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 48
1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 56
0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 64
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 72
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 80
1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, // 88
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 96
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 104
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 112
1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1]; // 120
* Determines whether the given character code is a CTL.
* @param code : uint
* the character code
* @returns boolean
* true if code is a CTL, false otherwise
function isCTL(code)
return (code >= 0 && code <= 31) || (code == 127);
* Represents a response to an HTTP request, encapsulating all details of that
* response. This includes all headers, the HTTP version, status code and
* explanation, and the entity itself.
* @param connection : Connection
* the connection over which this response is to be written
function Response(connection)
/** The connection over which this response will be written. */
this._connection = connection;
* The HTTP version of this response; defaults to 1.1 if not set by the
* handler.
this._httpVersion = nsHttpVersion.HTTP_1_1;
* The HTTP code of this response; defaults to 200.
this._httpCode = 200;
* The description of the HTTP code in this response; defaults to "OK".
this._httpDescription = "OK";
* An nsIHttpHeaders object in which the headers in this response should be
* stored. This property is null after the status line and headers have been
* written to the network, and it may be modified up until it is cleared,
* except if this._finished is set first (in which case headers are written
* asynchronously in response to a finish() call not preceded by
* flushHeaders()).
this._headers = new nsHttpHeaders();
* Set to true when this response is ended (completely constructed if possible
* and the connection closed); further actions on this will then fail.
this._ended = false;
* A stream used to hold data written to the body of this response.
this._bodyOutputStream = null;
* A stream containing all data that has been written to the body of this
* response so far. (Async handlers make the data contained in this
* unreliable as a way of determining content length in general, but auxiliary
* saved information can sometimes be used to guarantee reliability.)
this._bodyInputStream = null;
* A stream copier which copies data to the network. It is initially null
* until replaced with a copier for response headers; when headers have been
* fully sent it is replaced with a copier for the response body, remaining
* so for the duration of response processing.
this._asyncCopier = null;
* True if this response has been designated as being processed
* asynchronously rather than for the duration of a single call to
* nsIHttpRequestHandler.handle.
this._processAsync = false;
* True iff finish() has been called on this, signaling that no more changes
* to this may be made.
this._finished = false;
* True iff powerSeized() has been called on this, signaling that this
* response is to be handled manually by the response handler (which may then
* send arbitrary data in response, even non-HTTP responses).
this._powerSeized = false;
Response.prototype =
// see nsIHttpResponse.bodyOutputStream
get bodyOutputStream()
if (this._finished)
if (!this._bodyOutputStream)
var pipe = new Pipe(true, false, Response.SEGMENT_SIZE, PR_UINT32_MAX,
this._bodyOutputStream = pipe.outputStream;
this._bodyInputStream = pipe.inputStream;
if (this._processAsync || this._powerSeized)
return this._bodyOutputStream;
// see nsIHttpResponse.write
write: function(data)
if (this._finished)
var dataAsString = String(data);
this.bodyOutputStream.write(dataAsString, dataAsString.length);
// see nsIHttpResponse.setStatusLine
setStatusLine: function(httpVersion, code, description)
if (!this._headers || this._finished || this._powerSeized)
if (!(code >= 0 && code < 1000))
var httpVer;
// avoid version construction for the most common cases
if (!httpVersion || httpVersion == "1.1")
httpVer = nsHttpVersion.HTTP_1_1;
else if (httpVersion == "1.0")
httpVer = nsHttpVersion.HTTP_1_0;
httpVer = new nsHttpVersion(httpVersion);
catch (e)
// Reason-Phrase = *<TEXT, excluding CR, LF>
// TEXT = <any OCTET except CTLs, but including LWS>
// XXX this ends up disallowing octets which aren't Unicode, I think -- not
// much to do if description is IDL'd as string
if (!description)
description = "";
for (var i = 0; i < description.length; i++)
if (isCTL(description.charCodeAt(i)) && description.charAt(i) != "\t")
// set the values only after validation to preserve atomicity
this._httpDescription = description;
this._httpCode = code;
this._httpVersion = httpVer;
// see nsIHttpResponse.setHeader
setHeader: function(name, value, merge)
if (!this._headers || this._finished || this._powerSeized)
this._headers.setHeader(name, value, merge);
// see nsIHttpResponse.processAsync
processAsync: function()
if (this._finished)
if (this._powerSeized)
if (this._processAsync)
dumpn("*** processing connection " + this._connection.number + " async");
this._processAsync = true;
* Either the bodyOutputStream getter or this method is responsible for
* starting the asynchronous processor and catching writes of data to the
* response body of async responses as they happen, for the purpose of
* forwarding those writes to the actual connection's output stream.
* If bodyOutputStream is accessed first, calling this method will create
* the processor (when it first is clear that body data is to be written
* immediately, not buffered). If this method is called first, accessing
* bodyOutputStream will create the processor. If only this method is
* called, we'll write nothing, neither headers nor the nonexistent body,
* until finish() is called. Since that delay is easily avoided by simply
* getting bodyOutputStream or calling write(""), we don't worry about it.
if (this._bodyOutputStream && !this._asyncCopier)
// see nsIHttpResponse.seizePower
seizePower: function()
if (this._processAsync)
if (this._finished)
if (this._powerSeized)
dumpn("*** forcefully seizing power over connection " +
this._connection.number + "...");
// Purge any already-written data without sending it. We could as easily
// swap out the streams entirely, but that makes it possible to acquire and
// unknowingly use a stale reference, so we require there only be one of
// each stream ever for any response to avoid this complication.
if (this._asyncCopier)
this._asyncCopier = null;
if (this._bodyOutputStream)
var input = new BinaryInputStream(this._bodyInputStream);
var avail;
while ((avail = input.available()) > 0)
this._powerSeized = true;
if (this._bodyOutputStream)
// see nsIHttpResponse.finish
finish: function()
if (!this._processAsync && !this._powerSeized)
if (this._finished)
dumpn("*** finishing connection " + this._connection.number);
this._startAsyncProcessor(); // in case bodyOutputStream was never accessed
if (this._bodyOutputStream)
this._finished = true;
// see nsISupports.QueryInterface
QueryInterface: function(iid)
if (iid.equals(Ci.nsIHttpResponse) || iid.equals(Ci.nsISupports))
return this;
// POST-CONSTRUCTION API (not exposed externally)
* The HTTP version number of this, as a string (e.g. "1.1").
get httpVersion()
return this._httpVersion.toString();
* The HTTP status code of this response, as a string of three characters per
* RFC 2616.
get httpCode()
var codeString = (this._httpCode < 10 ? "0" : "") +
(this._httpCode < 100 ? "0" : "") +
return codeString;
* The description of the HTTP status code of this response, or "" if none is
* set.
get httpDescription()
return this._httpDescription;
* The headers in this response, as an nsHttpHeaders object.
get headers()
return this._headers;
// see nsHttpHeaders.getHeader
getHeader: function(name)
return this._headers.getHeader(name);
* Determines whether this response may be abandoned in favor of a newly
* constructed response. A response may be abandoned only if it is not being
* sent asynchronously and if raw control over it has not been taken from the
* server.
* @returns boolean
* true iff no data has been written to the network
partiallySent: function()
dumpn("*** partiallySent()");
return this._processAsync || this._powerSeized;
* If necessary, kicks off the remaining request processing needed to be done
* after a request handler performs its initial work upon this response.
complete: function()
dumpn("*** complete()");
if (this._processAsync || this._powerSeized)
NS_ASSERT(this._processAsync ^ this._powerSeized,
"can't both send async and relinquish power");
NS_ASSERT(!this.partiallySent(), "completing a partially-sent response?");
// Now make sure we finish processing this request!
if (this._bodyOutputStream)
* Abruptly ends processing of this response, usually due to an error in an
* incoming request but potentially due to a bad error handler. Since we
* cannot handle the error in the usual way (giving an HTTP error page in
* response) because data may already have been sent (or because the response
* might be expected to have been generated asynchronously or completely from
* scratch by the handler), we stop processing this response and abruptly
* close the connection.
* @param e : Error
* the exception which precipitated this abort, or null if no such exception
* was generated
abort: function(e)
dumpn("*** abort(<" + e + ">)");
// This response will be ended by the processor if one was created.
var copier = this._asyncCopier;
if (copier)
// We dispatch asynchronously here so that any pending writes of data to
// the connection will be deterministically written. This makes it easier
// to specify exact behavior, and it makes observable behavior more
// predictable for clients. Note that the correctness of this depends on
// callbacks in response to _waitToReadData in WriteThroughCopier
// happening asynchronously with respect to the actual writing of data to
// bodyOutputStream, as they currently do; if they happened synchronously,
// an event which ran before this one could write more data to the
// response body before we get around to canceling the copier. We have
// tests for this in test_seizepower.js, however, and I can't think of a
// way to handle both cases without removing bodyOutputStream access and
// moving its effective write(data, length) method onto Response, which
// would be slower and require more code than this anyway.
run: function()
dumpn("*** canceling copy asynchronously...");
* Closes this response's network connection, marks the response as finished,
* and notifies the server handler that the request is done being processed.
end: function()
NS_ASSERT(!this._ended, "ending this response twice?!?!");
if (this._bodyOutputStream)
this._finished = true;
this._ended = true;
* Sends the status line and headers of this response if they haven't been
* sent and initiates the process of copying data written to this response's
* body to the network.
_startAsyncProcessor: function()
dumpn("*** _startAsyncProcessor()");
// Handle cases where we're being called a second time. The former case
// happens when this is triggered both by complete() and by processAsync(),
// while the latter happens when processAsync() in conjunction with sent
// data causes abort() to be called.
if (this._asyncCopier || this._ended)
dumpn("*** ignoring second call to _startAsyncProcessor");
// Send headers if they haven't been sent already and should be sent, then
// asynchronously continue to send the body.
if (this._headers && !this._powerSeized)
this._headers = null;
* Signals that all modifications to the response status line and headers are
* complete and then sends that data over the network to the client. Once
* this method completes, a different response to the request that resulted
* in this response cannot be sent -- the only possible action in case of
* error is to abort the response and close the connection.
_sendHeaders: function()
dumpn("*** _sendHeaders()");
// request-line
var statusLine = "HTTP/" + this.httpVersion + " " +
this.httpCode + " " +
this.httpDescription + "\r\n";
// header post-processing
var headers = this._headers;
headers.setHeader("Connection", "close", false);
headers.setHeader("Server", "httpd.js", false);
if (!headers.hasHeader("Date"))
headers.setHeader("Date", toDateString(, false);
// Any response not being processed asynchronously must have an associated
// Content-Length header for reasons of backwards compatibility with the
// initial server, which fully buffered every response before sending it.
// Beyond that, however, it's good to do this anyway because otherwise it's
// impossible to test behaviors that depend on the presence or absence of a
// Content-Length header.
if (!this._processAsync)
dumpn("*** non-async response, set Content-Length");
var bodyStream = this._bodyInputStream;
var avail = bodyStream ? bodyStream.available() : 0;
// XXX assumes stream will always report the full amount of data available
headers.setHeader("Content-Length", "" + avail, false);
// construct and send response
dumpn("*** header post-processing completed, sending response head...");
// request-line
var preambleData = [statusLine];
// headers
var headEnum = headers.enumerator;
while (headEnum.hasMoreElements())
var fieldName = headEnum.getNext()
var values = headers.getHeaderValues(fieldName);
for (var i = 0, sz = values.length; i < sz; i++)
preambleData.push(fieldName + ": " + values[i] + "\r\n");
// end request-line/headers
var preamble = preambleData.join("");
var responseHeadPipe = new Pipe(true, false, 0, PR_UINT32_MAX, null);
responseHeadPipe.outputStream.write(preamble, preamble.length);
var response = this;
var copyObserver =
onStartRequest: function(request, cx)
dumpn("*** preamble copying started");
onStopRequest: function(request, cx, statusCode)
dumpn("*** preamble copying complete " +
"[status=0x" + statusCode.toString(16) + "]");
if (!Components.isSuccessCode(statusCode))
dumpn("!!! header copying problems: non-success statusCode, " +
"ending response");
QueryInterface: function(aIID)
if (aIID.equals(Ci.nsIRequestObserver) || aIID.equals(Ci.nsISupports))
return this;
var headerCopier = this._asyncCopier =
new WriteThroughCopier(responseHeadPipe.inputStream,
copyObserver, null);
// Forbid setting any more headers or modifying the request line.
this._headers = null;
* Asynchronously writes the body of the response (or the entire response, if
* seizePower() has been called) to the network.
_sendBody: function()
dumpn("*** _sendBody");
NS_ASSERT(!this._headers, "still have headers around but sending body?");
// If no body data was written, we're done
if (!this._bodyInputStream)
dumpn("*** empty body, response finished");
var response = this;
var copyObserver =
onStartRequest: function(request, context)
dumpn("*** onStartRequest");
onStopRequest: function(request, cx, statusCode)
dumpn("*** onStopRequest [status=0x" + statusCode.toString(16) + "]");
if (statusCode === Cr.NS_BINDING_ABORTED)
dumpn("*** terminating copy observer without ending the response");
if (!Components.isSuccessCode(statusCode))
dumpn("*** WARNING: non-success statusCode in onStopRequest");
QueryInterface: function(aIID)
if (aIID.equals(Ci.nsIRequestObserver) || aIID.equals(Ci.nsISupports))
return this;
dumpn("*** starting async copier of body data...");
this._asyncCopier =
new WriteThroughCopier(this._bodyInputStream, this._connection.output,
copyObserver, null);
/** Ensures that this hasn't been ended. */
_ensureAlive: function()
NS_ASSERT(!this._ended, "not handling response lifetime correctly");
* Size of the segments in the buffer used in storing response data and writing
* it to the socket.
Response.SEGMENT_SIZE = 8192;
/** Serves double duty in WriteThroughCopier implementation. */
function notImplemented()
/** Returns true iff the given exception represents stream closure. */
function streamClosed(e)
return e === Cr.NS_BASE_STREAM_CLOSED ||
(typeof e === "object" && e.result === Cr.NS_BASE_STREAM_CLOSED);
/** Returns true iff the given exception represents a blocked stream. */
function wouldBlock(e)
(typeof e === "object" && e.result === Cr.NS_BASE_STREAM_WOULD_BLOCK);
* Copies data from source to sink as it becomes available, when that data can
* be written to sink without blocking.
* @param source : nsIAsyncInputStream
* the stream from which data is to be read
* @param sink : nsIAsyncOutputStream
* the stream to which data is to be copied
* @param observer : nsIRequestObserver
* an observer which will be notified when the copy starts and finishes
* @param context : nsISupports
* context passed to observer when notified of start/stop
* if source, sink, or observer are null
function WriteThroughCopier(source, sink, observer, context)
if (!source || !sink || !observer)
/** Stream from which data is being read. */
this._source = source;
/** Stream to which data is being written. */
this._sink = sink;
/** Observer watching this copy. */
this._observer = observer;
/** Context for the observer watching this. */
this._context = context;
* True iff this is currently being canceled (cancel has been called, the
* callback may not yet have been made).
this._canceled = false;
* False until all data has been read from input and written to output, at
* which point this copy is completed and cancel() is asynchronously called.
this._completed = false;
/** Required by nsIRequest, meaningless. */
this.loadFlags = 0;
/** Required by nsIRequest, meaningless. */
this.loadGroup = null;
/** Required by nsIRequest, meaningless. */ = "response-body-copy";
/** Status of this request. */
this.status = Cr.NS_OK;
/** Arrays of byte strings waiting to be written to output. */
this._pendingData = [];
// start copying
observer.onStartRequest(this, context);
catch (e)
dumpn("!!! error starting copy: " + e +
("lineNumber" in e ? ", line " + e.lineNumber : ""));
WriteThroughCopier.prototype =
/* nsISupports implementation */
QueryInterface: function(iid)
if (iid.equals(Ci.nsIInputStreamCallback) ||
iid.equals(Ci.nsIOutputStreamCallback) ||
iid.equals(Ci.nsIRequest) ||
return this;
* Receives a more-data-in-input notification and writes the corresponding
* data to the output.
* @param input : nsIAsyncInputStream
* the input stream on whose data we have been waiting
onInputStreamReady: function(input)
if (this._source === null)
dumpn("*** onInputStreamReady");
// Ordinarily we'll read a non-zero amount of data from input, queue it up
// to be written and then wait for further callbacks. The complications in
// this method are the cases where we deviate from that behavior when errors
// occur or when copying is drawing to a finish.
// The edge cases when reading data are:
// Zero data is read
// If zero data was read, we're at the end of available data, so we can
// should stop reading and move on to writing out what we have (or, if
// we've already done that, onto notifying of completion).
// A stream-closed exception is thrown
// This is effectively a less kind version of zero data being read; the
// only difference is that we notify of completion with that result
// rather than with NS_OK.
// Some other exception is thrown
// This is the least kind result. We don't know what happened, so we
// act as though the stream closed except that we notify of completion
// with the result NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED.
var bytesWanted = 0, bytesConsumed = -1;
input = new BinaryInputStream(input);
bytesWanted = Math.min(input.available(), Response.SEGMENT_SIZE);
dumpn("*** input wanted: " + bytesWanted);
if (bytesWanted > 0)
var data = input.readByteArray(bytesWanted);
bytesConsumed = data.length;
this._pendingData.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(String, data));
dumpn("*** " + bytesConsumed + " bytes read");
// Handle the zero-data edge case in the same place as all other edge
// cases are handled.
if (bytesWanted === 0)
catch (e)
if (streamClosed(e))
dumpn("*** input stream closed");
e = bytesWanted === 0 ? Cr.NS_OK : Cr.NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED;
dumpn("!!! unexpected error reading from input, canceling: " + e);
var pendingData = this._pendingData;
NS_ASSERT(bytesConsumed > 0);
NS_ASSERT(pendingData.length > 0, "no pending data somehow?");
NS_ASSERT(pendingData[pendingData.length - 1].length > 0,
"buffered zero bytes of data?");
NS_ASSERT(this._source !== null);
// Reading has gone great, and we've gotten data to write now. What if we
// don't have a place to write that data, because output went away just
// before this read? Drop everything on the floor, including new data, and
// cancel at this point.
if (this._sink === null)
pendingData.length = 0;
// Okay, we've read the data, and we know we have a place to write it. We
// need to queue up the data to be written, but *only* if none is queued
// already -- if data's already queued, the code that actually writes the
// data will make sure to wait on unconsumed pending data.
if (pendingData.length === 1)
catch (e)
dumpn("!!! error waiting to write data just read, swallowing and " +
"writing only what we already have: " + e);
// Whee! We successfully read some data, and it's successfully queued up to
// be written. All that remains now is to wait for more data to read.
catch (e)
dumpn("!!! error waiting to read more data: " + e);
* Callback when data may be written to the output stream without blocking, or
* when the output stream has been closed.
* @param output : nsIAsyncOutputStream
* the output stream on whose writability we've been waiting, also known as
* this._sink
onOutputStreamReady: function(output)
if (this._sink === null)
dumpn("*** onOutputStreamReady");
var pendingData = this._pendingData;
if (pendingData.length === 0)
// There's no pending data to write. The only way this can happen is if
// we're waiting on the output stream's closure, so we can respond to a
// copying failure as quickly as possible (rather than waiting for data to
// be available to read and then fail to be copied). Therefore, we must
// be done now -- don't bother to attempt to write anything and wrap
// things up.
dumpn("!!! output stream closed prematurely, ending copy");
NS_ASSERT(pendingData[0].length > 0, "queued up an empty quantum?");
// Write out the first pending quantum of data. The possible errors here
// are:
// The write might fail because we can't write that much data
// Okay, we've written what we can now, so re-queue what's left and
// finish writing it out later.
// The write failed because the stream was closed
// Discard pending data that we can no longer write, stop reading, and
// signal that copying finished.
// Some other error occurred.
// Same as if the stream were closed, but notify with the status
// NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED so the observer knows something was wonky.
var quantum = pendingData[0];
// XXX |quantum| isn't guaranteed to be ASCII, so we're relying on
// undefined behavior! We're only using this because writeByteArray
// is unusably broken for asynchronous output streams; see bug 532834
// for details.
var bytesWritten = output.write(quantum, quantum.length);
if (bytesWritten === quantum.length)
pendingData[0] = quantum.substring(bytesWritten);
dumpn("*** wrote " + bytesWritten + " bytes of data");
catch (e)
if (wouldBlock(e))
NS_ASSERT(pendingData.length > 0,
"stream-blocking exception with no data to write?");
NS_ASSERT(pendingData[0].length > 0,
"stream-blocking exception with empty quantum?");
if (streamClosed(e))
dumpn("!!! output stream prematurely closed, signaling error...");
dumpn("!!! unknown error: " + e + ", quantum=" + quantum);
// The day is ours! Quantum written, now let's see if we have more data
// still to write.
if (pendingData.length > 0)
catch (e)
dumpn("!!! unexpected error waiting to write pending data: " + e);
// Okay, we have no more pending data to write -- but might we get more in
// the future?
if (this._source !== null)
* If we might, then wait for the output stream to be closed. (We wait
* only for closure because we have no data to write -- and if we waited
* for a specific amount of data, we would get repeatedly notified for no
* reason if over time the output stream permitted more and more data to
* be written to it without blocking.)
* On the other hand, if we can't have more data because the input
* stream's gone away, then it's time to notify of copy completion.
* Victory!
this._sink = null;
/** Returns true if the cancel observer hasn't been notified yet. */
isPending: function()
return !this._completed;
/** Not implemented, don't use! */
suspend: notImplemented,
/** Not implemented, don't use! */
resume: notImplemented,
* Cancels data reading from input, asynchronously writes out any pending
* data, and causes the observer to be notified with the given error code when
* all writing has finished.
* @param status : nsresult
* the status to pass to the observer when data copying has been canceled
cancel: function(status)
dumpn("*** cancel(" + status.toString(16) + ")");
if (this._canceled)
dumpn("*** suppressing a late cancel");
this._canceled = true;
this.status = status;
// We could be in the middle of absolutely anything at this point. Both
// input and output might still be around, we might have pending data to
// write, and in general we know nothing about the state of the world. We
// therefore must assume everything's in progress and take everything to its
// final steady state (or so far as it can go before we need to finish
// writing out remaining data).
* Stop reading input if we haven't already done so, passing e as the status
* when closing the stream, and kick off a copy-completion notice if no more
* data remains to be written.
* @param e : nsresult
* the status to be used when closing the input stream
_doneReadingSource: function(e)
dumpn("*** _doneReadingSource(0x" + e.toString(16) + ")");
if (this._pendingData.length === 0)
this._sink = null;
NS_ASSERT(this._sink !== null, "null output?");
// If we've written out all data read up to this point, then it's time to
// signal completion.
if (this._sink === null)
NS_ASSERT(this._pendingData.length === 0, "pending data still?");
* Stop writing output if we haven't already done so, discard any data that
* remained to be sent, close off input if it wasn't already closed, and kick
* off a copy-completion notice.
* @param e : nsresult
* the status to be used when closing input if it wasn't already closed
_doneWritingToSink: function(e)
dumpn("*** _doneWritingToSink(0x" + e.toString(16) + ")");
this._pendingData.length = 0;
this._sink = null;
* Completes processing of this copy: either by canceling the copy if it
* hasn't already been canceled using the provided status, or by dispatching
* the cancel callback event (with the originally provided status, of course)
* if it already has been canceled.
* @param status : nsresult
* the status code to use to cancel this, if this hasn't already been
* canceled
_cancelOrDispatchCancelCallback: function(status)
dumpn("*** _cancelOrDispatchCancelCallback(" + status + ")");
NS_ASSERT(this._source === null, "should have finished input");
NS_ASSERT(this._sink === null, "should have finished output");
NS_ASSERT(this._pendingData.length === 0, "should have no pending data");
if (!this._canceled)
var self = this;
var event =
run: function()
dumpn("*** onStopRequest async callback");
self._completed = true;
self._observer.onStopRequest(self, self._context, self.status);
catch (e)
"how are we throwing an exception here? we control " +
"all the callers! " + e);
gThreadManager.currentThread.dispatch(event, Ci.nsIThread.DISPATCH_NORMAL);
* Kicks off another wait for more data to be available from the input stream.
_waitToReadData: function()
dumpn("*** _waitToReadData");
this._source.asyncWait(this, 0, Response.SEGMENT_SIZE,
* Kicks off another wait until data can be written to the output stream.
_waitToWriteData: function()
dumpn("*** _waitToWriteData");
var pendingData = this._pendingData;
NS_ASSERT(pendingData.length > 0, "no pending data to write?");
NS_ASSERT(pendingData[0].length > 0, "buffered an empty write?");
this._sink.asyncWait(this, 0, pendingData[0].length,
* Kicks off a wait for the sink to which data is being copied to be closed.
* We wait for stream closure when we don't have any data to be copied, rather
* than waiting to write a specific amount of data. We can't wait to write
* data because the sink might be infinitely writable, and if no data appears
* in the source for a long time we might have to spin quite a bit waiting to
* write, waiting to write again, &c. Waiting on stream closure instead means
* we'll get just one notification if the sink dies. Note that when data
* starts arriving from the sink we'll resume waiting for data to be written,
* dropping this closure-only callback entirely.
_waitForSinkClosure: function()
dumpn("*** _waitForSinkClosure");
this._sink.asyncWait(this, Ci.nsIAsyncOutputStream.WAIT_CLOSURE_ONLY, 0,
* Closes input with the given status, if it hasn't already been closed;
* otherwise a no-op.
* @param status : nsresult
* status code use to close the source stream if necessary
_finishSource: function(status)
dumpn("*** _finishSource(" + status.toString(16) + ")");
if (this._source !== null)
this._source = null;
* A container for utility functions used with HTTP headers.
const headerUtils =
* Normalizes fieldName (by converting it to lowercase) and ensures it is a
* valid header field name (although not necessarily one specified in RFC
* 2616).
* if fieldName does not match the field-name production in RFC 2616
* @returns string
* fieldName converted to lowercase if it is a valid header, for characters
* where case conversion is possible
normalizeFieldName: function(fieldName)
if (fieldName == "")
dumpn("*** Empty fieldName");
for (var i = 0, sz = fieldName.length; i < sz; i++)
if (!IS_TOKEN_ARRAY[fieldName.charCodeAt(i)])
dumpn(fieldName + " is not a valid header field name!");
return fieldName.toLowerCase();
* Ensures that fieldValue is a valid header field value (although not
* necessarily as specified in RFC 2616 if the corresponding field name is
* part of the HTTP protocol), normalizes the value if it is, and
* returns the normalized value.
* @param fieldValue : string
* a value to be normalized as an HTTP header field value
* if fieldValue does not match the field-value production in RFC 2616
* @returns string
* fieldValue as a normalized HTTP header field value
normalizeFieldValue: function(fieldValue)
// field-value = *( field-content | LWS )
// field-content = <the OCTETs making up the field-value
// and consisting of either *TEXT or combinations
// of token, separators, and quoted-string>
// TEXT = <any OCTET except CTLs,
// but including LWS>
// LWS = [CRLF] 1*( SP | HT )
// quoted-string = ( <"> *(qdtext | quoted-pair ) <"> )
// qdtext = <any TEXT except <">>
// quoted-pair = "\" CHAR
// CHAR = <any US-ASCII character (octets 0 - 127)>
// Any LWS that occurs between field-content MAY be replaced with a single
// SP before interpreting the field value or forwarding the message
// downstream (section 4.2); we replace 1*LWS with a single SP
var val = fieldValue.replace(/(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t]+)+/g, " ");
// remove leading/trailing LWS (which has been converted to SP)
val = val.replace(/^ +/, "").replace(/ +$/, "");
// that should have taken care of all CTLs, so val should contain no CTLs
dumpn("*** Normalized value: '" + val + "'");
for (var i = 0, len = val.length; i < len; i++)
if (isCTL(val.charCodeAt(i)))
dump("*** Char " + i + " has charcode " + val.charCodeAt(i));
// XXX disallows quoted-pair where CHAR is a CTL -- will not invalidly
// normalize, however, so this can be construed as a tightening of the
// spec and not entirely as a bug
return val;
* Converts the given string into a string which is safe for use in an HTML
* context.
* @param str : string
* the string to make HTML-safe
* @returns string
* an HTML-safe version of str
function htmlEscape(str)
// this is naive, but it'll work
var s = "";
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++)
s += "&#" + str.charCodeAt(i) + ";";
return s;
* Constructs an object representing an HTTP version (see section 3.1).
* @param versionString
* a string of the form "#.#", where # is an non-negative decimal integer with
* or without leading zeros
* @throws
* if versionString does not specify a valid HTTP version number
function nsHttpVersion(versionString)
var matches = /^(\d+)\.(\d+)$/.exec(versionString);
if (!matches)
throw "Not a valid HTTP version!";
/** The major version number of this, as a number. */
this.major = parseInt(matches[1], 10);
/** The minor version number of this, as a number. */
this.minor = parseInt(matches[2], 10);
if (isNaN(this.major) || isNaN(this.minor) ||
this.major < 0 || this.minor < 0)
throw "Not a valid HTTP version!";
nsHttpVersion.prototype =
* Returns the standard string representation of the HTTP version represented
* by this (e.g., "1.1").
toString: function ()
return this.major + "." + this.minor;
* Returns true if this represents the same HTTP version as otherVersion,
* false otherwise.
* @param otherVersion : nsHttpVersion
* the version to compare against this
equals: function (otherVersion)
return this.major == otherVersion.major &&
this.minor == otherVersion.minor;
/** True if this >= otherVersion, false otherwise. */
atLeast: function(otherVersion)
return this.major > otherVersion.major ||
(this.major == otherVersion.major &&
this.minor >= otherVersion.minor);
nsHttpVersion.HTTP_1_0 = new nsHttpVersion("1.0");
nsHttpVersion.HTTP_1_1 = new nsHttpVersion("1.1");
* An object which stores HTTP headers for a request or response.
* Note that since headers are case-insensitive, this object converts headers to
* lowercase before storing them. This allows the getHeader and hasHeader
* methods to work correctly for any case of a header, but it means that the
* values returned by .enumerator may not be equal case-sensitively to the
* values passed to setHeader when adding headers to this.
function nsHttpHeaders()
* A hash of headers, with header field names as the keys and header field
* values as the values. Header field names are case-insensitive, but upon
* insertion here they are converted to lowercase. Header field values are
* normalized upon insertion to contain no leading or trailing whitespace.
* Note also that per RFC 2616, section 4.2, two headers with the same name in
* a message may be treated as one header with the same field name and a field
* value consisting of the separate field values joined together with a "," in
* their original order. This hash stores multiple headers with the same name
* in this manner.
this._headers = {};
nsHttpHeaders.prototype =
* Sets the header represented by name and value in this.
* @param name : string
* the header name
* @param value : string
* the header value
* if name or value is not a valid header component
setHeader: function(fieldName, fieldValue, merge)
var name = headerUtils.normalizeFieldName(fieldName);
var value = headerUtils.normalizeFieldValue(fieldValue);
// The following three headers are stored as arrays because their real-world
// syntax prevents joining individual headers into a single header using
// ",". See also <>
if (merge && name in this._headers)
if (name === "www-authenticate" ||
name === "proxy-authenticate" ||
name === "set-cookie")
this._headers[name][0] += "," + value;
NS_ASSERT(this._headers[name].length === 1,
"how'd a non-special header have multiple values?")
this._headers[name] = [value];
* Returns the value for the header specified by this.
* if fieldName does not constitute a valid header field name
* if the given header does not exist in this
* @returns string
* the field value for the given header, possibly with non-semantic changes
* (i.e., leading/trailing whitespace stripped, whitespace runs replaced
* with spaces, etc.) at the option of the implementation; multiple
* instances of the header will be combined with a comma, except for
* the three headers noted in the description of getHeaderValues
getHeader: function(fieldName)
return this.getHeaderValues(fieldName).join("\n");
* Returns the value for the header specified by fieldName as an array.
* if fieldName does not constitute a valid header field name
* if the given header does not exist in this
* @returns [string]
* an array of all the header values in this for the given
* header name. Header values will generally be collapsed
* into a single header by joining all header values together
* with commas, but certain headers (Proxy-Authenticate,
* WWW-Authenticate, and Set-Cookie) violate the HTTP spec
* and cannot be collapsed in this manner. For these headers
* only, the returned array may contain multiple elements if
* that header has been added more than once.
getHeaderValues: function(fieldName)
var name = headerUtils.normalizeFieldName(fieldName);
if (name in this._headers)
return this._headers[name];
* Returns true if a header with the given field name exists in this, false
* otherwise.
* @param fieldName : string
* the field name whose existence is to be determined in this
* if fieldName does not constitute a valid header field name
* @returns boolean
* true if the header's present, false otherwise
hasHeader: function(fieldName)
var name = headerUtils.normalizeFieldName(fieldName);
return (name in this._headers);
* Returns a new enumerator over the field names of the headers in this, as
* nsISupportsStrings. The names returned will be in lowercase, regardless of
* how they were input using setHeader (header names are case-insensitive per
* RFC 2616).
get enumerator()
var headers = [];
for (var i in this._headers)
var supports = new SupportsString(); = i;
return new nsSimpleEnumerator(headers);
* Constructs an nsISimpleEnumerator for the given array of items.
* @param items : Array
* the items, which must all implement nsISupports
function nsSimpleEnumerator(items)
this._items = items;
this._nextIndex = 0;
nsSimpleEnumerator.prototype =
hasMoreElements: function()
return this._nextIndex < this._items.length;
getNext: function()
if (!this.hasMoreElements())
return this._items[this._nextIndex++];
QueryInterface: function(aIID)
if (Ci.nsISimpleEnumerator.equals(aIID) ||
return this;
* A representation of the data in an HTTP request.
* @param port : uint
* the port on which the server receiving this request runs
function Request(port)
/** Method of this request, e.g. GET or POST. */
this._method = "";
/** Path of the requested resource; empty paths are converted to '/'. */
this._path = "";
/** Query string, if any, associated with this request (not including '?'). */
this._queryString = "";
/** Scheme of requested resource, usually http, always lowercase. */
this._scheme = "http";
/** Hostname on which the requested resource resides. */
this._host = undefined;
/** Port number over which the request was received. */
this._port = port;
var bodyPipe = new Pipe(false, false, 0, PR_UINT32_MAX, null);
/** Stream from which data in this request's body may be read. */
this._bodyInputStream = bodyPipe.inputStream;
/** Stream to which data in this request's body is written. */
this._bodyOutputStream = bodyPipe.outputStream;
* The headers in this request.
this._headers = new nsHttpHeaders();
* For the addition of ad-hoc properties and new functionality without having
* to change nsIHttpRequest every time; currently lazily created, as its only
* use is in directory listings.
this._bag = null;
Request.prototype =
// see nsIHttpRequest.scheme
get scheme()
return this._scheme;
// see
get host()
return this._host;
// see nsIHttpRequest.port
get port()
return this._port;
// see nsIHttpRequest.method
get method()
return this._method;
// see nsIHttpRequest.httpVersion
get httpVersion()
return this._httpVersion.toString();
// see nsIHttpRequest.path
get path()
return this._path;
// see nsIHttpRequest.queryString
get queryString()
return this._queryString;
// see nsIHttpRequest.getHeader
getHeader: function(name)
return this._headers.getHeader(name);
// see nsIHttpRequest.hasHeader
hasHeader: function(name)
return this._headers.hasHeader(name);
// see nsIHttpRequest.headers
get headers()
return this._headers.enumerator;
// see nsIPropertyBag.enumerator
get enumerator()
return this._bag.enumerator;
// see nsIHttpRequest.headers
get bodyInputStream()
return this._bodyInputStream;
// see nsIPropertyBag.getProperty
getProperty: function(name)
return this._bag.getProperty(name);
// see nsISupports.QueryInterface
QueryInterface: function(iid)
if (iid.equals(Ci.nsIHttpRequest) || iid.equals(Ci.nsISupports))
return this;
/** Ensures a property bag has been created for ad-hoc behaviors. */
_ensurePropertyBag: function()
if (!this._bag)
this._bag = new WritablePropertyBag();
// XPCOM trappings
this.NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([nsHttpServer]);
* Creates a new HTTP server listening for loopback traffic on the given port,
* starts it, and runs the server until the server processes a shutdown request,
* spinning an event loop so that events posted by the server's socket are
* processed.
* This method is primarily intended for use in running this script from within
* xpcshell and running a functional HTTP server without having to deal with
* non-essential details.
* Note that running multiple servers using variants of this method probably
* doesn't work, simply due to how the internal event loop is spun and stopped.
* @note
* This method only works with Mozilla 1.9 (i.e., Firefox 3 or trunk code);
* you should use this server as a component in Mozilla 1.8.
* @param port
* the port on which the server will run, or -1 if there exists no preference
* for a specific port; note that attempting to use some values for this
* parameter (particularly those below 1024) may cause this method to throw or
* may result in the server being prematurely shut down
* @param basePath
* a local directory from which requests will be served (i.e., if this is
* "/home/jwalden/" then a request to /index.html will load
* /home/jwalden/index.html); if this is omitted, only the default URLs in
* this server implementation will be functional
function server(port, basePath)
if (basePath)
var lp = Cc[";1"]
// if you're running this, you probably want to see debugging info
DEBUG = true;
var srv = new nsHttpServer();
if (lp)
srv.registerDirectory("/", lp);
srv.registerContentType("sjs", SJS_TYPE);
srv.identity.setPrimary("http", "localhost", port);
var thread = gThreadManager.currentThread;
while (!srv.isStopped())
// get rid of any pending requests
while (thread.hasPendingEvents())
DEBUG = false;