Jim Blandy 4d6a633bba Bug 914753: Make Emacs file variable header lines correct, or at least consistent. DONTBUILD r=ehsan
The -*- file variable lines -*- establish per-file settings that Emacs will
pick up. This patch makes the following changes to those lines (and touches
nothing else):

 - Never set the buffer's mode.

   Years ago, Emacs did not have a good JavaScript mode, so it made sense
   to use Java or C++ mode in .js files. However, Emacs has had js-mode for
   years now; it's perfectly serviceable, and is available and enabled by
   default in all major Emacs packagings.

   Selecting a mode in the -*- file variable line -*- is almost always the
   wrong thing to do anyway. It overrides Emacs's default choice, which is
   (now) reasonable; and even worse, it overrides settings the user might
   have made in their '.emacs' file for that file extension. It's only
   useful when there's something specific about that particular file that
   makes a particular mode appropriate.

 - Correctly propagate settings that establish the correct indentation
   level for this file: c-basic-offset and js2-basic-offset should be
   js-indent-level. Whatever value they're given should be preserved;
   different parts of our tree use different indentation styles.

 - We don't use tabs in Mozilla JS code. Always set indent-tabs-mode: nil.
   Remove tab-width: settings, at least in files that don't contain tab

 - Remove js2-mode settings that belong in the user's .emacs file, like
2014-06-24 22:12:07 -07:00

1129 lines
33 KiB

/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2; fill-column: 80 -*- */
/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et tw=80:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
"use strict";
const { Cu, Cc, Ci, components } = require("chrome");
const TAB_SIZE = "devtools.editor.tabsize";
const EXPAND_TAB = "devtools.editor.expandtab";
const KEYMAP = "devtools.editor.keymap";
const AUTO_CLOSE = "devtools.editor.autoclosebrackets";
const DETECT_INDENT = "devtools.editor.detectindentation";
const L10N_BUNDLE = "chrome://browser/locale/devtools/";
const XUL_NS = "";
// Maximum allowed margin (in number of lines) from top or bottom of the editor
// while shifting to a line which was initially out of view.
// Match @Scratchpad/N:LINE[:COLUMN] or (LINE[:COLUMN]) anywhere at an end of
// line in text selection.
const RE_SCRATCHPAD_ERROR = /(?:@Scratchpad\/\d+:|\()(\d+):?(\d+)?(?:\)|\n)/;
const RE_JUMP_TO_LINE = /^(\d+):?(\d+)?/;
const {Promise: promise} = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Promise.jsm", {});
const events = require("devtools/toolkit/event-emitter");
const L10N = Services.strings.createBundle(L10N_BUNDLE);
// CM_STYLES, CM_SCRIPTS and CM_IFRAME represent the HTML,
// JavaScript and CSS that is injected into an iframe in
// order to initialize a CodeMirror instance.
const CM_STYLES = [
const CM_SCRIPTS = [
const CM_IFRAME =
"data:text/html;charset=utf8,<!DOCTYPE html>" +
"<html dir='ltr'>" +
" <head>" +
" <style>" +
" html, body { height: 100%; }" +
" body { margin: 0; overflow: hidden; }" +
" .CodeMirror { width: 100%; height: 100% !important; line-height: 1.25 !important;}" +
" </style>" +
[ " <link rel='stylesheet' href='" + style + "'>" for (style of CM_STYLES) ].join("\n") +
" </head>" +
" <body class='theme-body devtools-monospace'></body>" +
const CM_MAPPING = [
const { cssProperties, cssValues, cssColors } = getCSSKeywords();
const editors = new WeakMap();
Editor.modes = {
text: { name: "text" },
html: { name: "htmlmixed" },
css: { name: "css" },
js: { name: "javascript" },
vs: { name: "x-shader/x-vertex" },
fs: { name: "x-shader/x-fragment" }
* A very thin wrapper around CodeMirror. Provides a number
* of helper methods to make our use of CodeMirror easier and
* another method, appendTo, to actually create and append
* the CodeMirror instance.
* Note that Editor doesn't expose CodeMirror instance to the
* outside world.
* Constructor accepts one argument, config. It is very
* similar to the CodeMirror configuration object so for most
* properties go to CodeMirror's documentation (see below).
* Other than that, it accepts one additional and optional
* property contextMenu. This property should be an ID of
* an element we can use as a context menu.
* This object is also an event emitter.
* CodeMirror docs:
function Editor(config) {
const tabSize = Services.prefs.getIntPref(TAB_SIZE);
const useTabs = !Services.prefs.getBoolPref(EXPAND_TAB);
const keyMap = Services.prefs.getCharPref(KEYMAP);
const useAutoClose = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(AUTO_CLOSE);
this.version = null;
this.config = {
value: "",
mode: Editor.modes.text,
indentUnit: tabSize,
tabSize: tabSize,
contextMenu: null,
matchBrackets: true,
extraKeys: {},
indentWithTabs: useTabs,
styleActiveLine: true,
autoCloseBrackets: "()[]{}''\"\"",
autoCloseEnabled: useAutoClose,
theme: "mozilla",
autocomplete: false
// Additional shortcuts.
this.config.extraKeys[Editor.keyFor("jumpToLine")] = () => this.jumpToLine();
this.config.extraKeys[Editor.keyFor("moveLineUp", { noaccel: true })] = () => this.moveLineUp();
this.config.extraKeys[Editor.keyFor("moveLineDown", { noaccel: true })] = () => this.moveLineDown();
this.config.extraKeys[Editor.keyFor("toggleComment")] = "toggleComment";
// Disable ctrl-[ and ctrl-] because toolbox uses those shortcuts.
this.config.extraKeys[Editor.keyFor("indentLess")] = false;
this.config.extraKeys[Editor.keyFor("indentMore")] = false;
// If alternative keymap is provided, use it.
if (keyMap === "emacs" || keyMap === "vim" || keyMap === "sublime")
this.config.keyMap = keyMap;
// Overwrite default config with user-provided, if needed.
Object.keys(config).forEach((k) => {
if (k != "extraKeys") {
this.config[k] = config[k];
if (!config.extraKeys)
Object.keys(config.extraKeys).forEach((key) => {
this.config.extraKeys[key] = config.extraKeys[key];
// Set the code folding gutter, if needed.
if (this.config.enableCodeFolding) {
this.config.foldGutter = true;
if (!this.config.gutters) {
this.config.gutters = this.config.lineNumbers ? ["CodeMirror-linenumbers"] : [];
// Configure automatic bracket closing.
if (!this.config.autoCloseEnabled)
this.config.autoCloseBrackets = false;
// Overwrite default tab behavior. If something is selected,
// indent those lines. If nothing is selected and we're
// indenting with tabs, insert one tab. Otherwise insert N
// whitespaces where N == indentUnit option.
this.config.extraKeys.Tab = (cm) => {
if (cm.somethingSelected()) {
if (this.config.indentWithTabs) {
cm.replaceSelection("\t", "end", "+input");
var num = cm.getOption("indentUnit");
if (cm.getCursor().ch !== 0) num -= 1;
cm.replaceSelection(" ".repeat(num), "end", "+input");
Editor.prototype = {
container: null,
version: null,
config: null,
* Appends the current Editor instance to the element specified by
* 'el'. You can also provide your won iframe to host the editor as
* an optional second parameter. This method actually creates and
* loads CodeMirror and all its dependencies.
* This method is asynchronous and returns a promise.
appendTo: function (el, env) {
let def = promise.defer();
let cm = editors.get(this);
if (!env)
env = el.ownerDocument.createElementNS(XUL_NS, "iframe");
env.flex = 1;
if (cm)
throw new Error("You can append an editor only once.");
let onLoad = () => {
// Once the iframe is loaded, we can inject CodeMirror
// and its dependencies into its DOM.
env.removeEventListener("load", onLoad, true);
let win = env.contentWindow.wrappedJSObject;
CM_SCRIPTS.forEach((url) =>
Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript(url, win, "utf8"));
// Replace the propertyKeywords, colorKeywords and valueKeywords
// properties of the CSS MIME type with the values provided by Gecko.
let cssSpec = win.CodeMirror.resolveMode("text/css");
cssSpec.propertyKeywords = cssProperties;
cssSpec.colorKeywords = cssColors;
cssSpec.valueKeywords = cssValues;
win.CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/css", cssSpec);
let scssSpec = win.CodeMirror.resolveMode("text/x-scss");
scssSpec.propertyKeywords = cssProperties;
scssSpec.colorKeywords = cssColors;
scssSpec.valueKeywords = cssValues;
win.CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/x-scss", scssSpec); = () => this.emit("save");
// Create a CodeMirror instance add support for context menus,
// overwrite the default controller (otherwise items in the top and
// context menus won't work).
cm = win.CodeMirror(win.document.body, this.config);
cm.getWrapperElement().addEventListener("contextmenu", (ev) => {
if (!this.config.contextMenu) return;
let popup = el.ownerDocument.getElementById(this.config.contextMenu);
popup.openPopupAtScreen(ev.screenX, ev.screenY, true);
}, false);
cm.on("focus", () => this.emit("focus"));
cm.on("scroll", () => this.emit("scroll"));
cm.on("change", () => {
if (!this._lastDirty) {
this._lastDirty = true;
cm.on("cursorActivity", (cm) => this.emit("cursorActivity"));
cm.on("gutterClick", (cm, line, gutter, ev) => {
let head = { line: line, ch: 0 };
let tail = { line: line, ch: this.getText(line).length };
// Shift-click on a gutter selects the whole line.
if (ev.shiftKey) {
cm.setSelection(head, tail);
this.emit("gutterClick", line, ev.button);
win.CodeMirror.defineExtension("l10n", (name) => {
return L10N.GetStringFromName(name);
cm.getInputField().controllers.insertControllerAt(0, controller(this));
this.container = env;
editors.set(this, cm);
env.addEventListener("load", onLoad, true);
env.setAttribute("src", CM_IFRAME);
this.once("destroy", () => el.removeChild(env));
return def.promise;
* Returns the currently active highlighting mode.
* See Editor.modes for the list of all suppoert modes.
getMode: function () {
return this.getOption("mode");
* Load a script into editor's containing window.
loadScript: function (url) {
if (!this.container) {
throw new Error("Can't load a script until the editor is loaded.")
let win = this.container.contentWindow.wrappedJSObject;
Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript(url, win, "utf8");
* Changes the value of a currently used highlighting mode.
* See Editor.modes for the list of all suppoert modes.
setMode: function (value) {
this.setOption("mode", value);
* Returns text from the text area. If line argument is provided
* the method returns only that line.
getText: function (line) {
let cm = editors.get(this);
if (line == null)
return cm.getValue();
let info = cm.lineInfo(line);
return info ? cm.lineInfo(line).text : "";
* Replaces whatever is in the text area with the contents of
* the 'value' argument.
setText: function (value) {
let cm = editors.get(this);
* Set the editor's indentation based on the current prefs and
* re-detect indentation if we should.
resetIndentUnit: function() {
let cm = editors.get(this);
let indentWithTabs = !Services.prefs.getBoolPref(EXPAND_TAB);
let indentUnit = Services.prefs.getIntPref(TAB_SIZE);
let shouldDetect = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(DETECT_INDENT);
cm.setOption("tabSize", indentUnit);
if (shouldDetect) {
let indent = detectIndentation(this);
if (indent != null) {
indentWithTabs = indent.tabs;
indentUnit = indent.spaces ? indent.spaces : indentUnit;
cm.setOption("indentUnit", indentUnit);
cm.setOption("indentWithTabs", indentWithTabs);
* Replaces contents of a text area within the from/to {line, ch}
* range. If neither from nor to arguments are provided works
* exactly like setText. If only from object is provided, inserts
* text at that point, *overwriting* as many characters as needed.
replaceText: function (value, from, to) {
let cm = editors.get(this);
if (!from) {
if (!to) {
let text = cm.getRange({ line: 0, ch: 0 }, from);
this.setText(text + value);
cm.replaceRange(value, from, to);
* Inserts text at the specified {line, ch} position, shifting existing
* contents as necessary.
insertText: function (value, at) {
let cm = editors.get(this);
cm.replaceRange(value, at, at);
* Deselects contents of the text area.
dropSelection: function () {
if (!this.somethingSelected())
* Returns true if there is more than one selection in the editor.
hasMultipleSelections: function () {
let cm = editors.get(this);
return cm.listSelections().length > 1;
* Gets the first visible line number in the editor.
getFirstVisibleLine: function () {
let cm = editors.get(this);
return cm.lineAtHeight(0, "local");
* Scrolls the view such that the given line number is the first visible line.
setFirstVisibleLine: function (line) {
let cm = editors.get(this);
let { top } = cm.charCoords({line: line, ch: 0}, "local");
cm.scrollTo(0, top);
* Sets the cursor to the specified {line, ch} position with an additional
* option to align the line at the "top", "center" or "bottom" of the editor
* with "top" being default value.
setCursor: function ({line, ch}, align) {
let cm = editors.get(this);
this.alignLine(line, align);
cm.setCursor({line: line, ch: ch});
* Aligns the provided line to either "top", "center" or "bottom" of the
* editor view with a maximum margin of MAX_VERTICAL_OFFSET lines from top or
* bottom.
alignLine: function(line, align) {
let cm = editors.get(this);
let from = cm.lineAtHeight(0, "page");
let to = cm.lineAtHeight(cm.getWrapperElement().clientHeight, "page");
let linesVisible = to - from;
let halfVisible = Math.round(linesVisible/2);
// If the target line is in view, skip the vertical alignment part.
if (line <= to && line >= from) {
// Setting the offset so that the line always falls in the upper half
// of visible lines (lower half for bottom aligned).
// MAX_VERTICAL_OFFSET is the maximum allowed value.
let offset = Math.min(halfVisible, MAX_VERTICAL_OFFSET);
let topLine = {
"center": Math.max(line - halfVisible, 0),
"bottom": Math.max(line - linesVisible + offset, 0),
"top": Math.max(line - offset, 0)
}[align || "top"] || offset;
// Bringing down the topLine to total lines in the editor if exceeding.
topLine = Math.min(topLine, this.lineCount());
* Returns whether a marker of a specified class exists in a line's gutter.
hasMarker: function (line, gutterName, markerClass) {
let marker = this.getMarker(line, gutterName);
if (!marker)
return false;
return marker.classList.contains(markerClass);
* Adds a marker with a specified class to a line's gutter. If another marker
* exists on that line, the new marker class is added to its class list.
addMarker: function (line, gutterName, markerClass) {
let cm = editors.get(this);
let info = cm.lineInfo(line);
if (!info)
let gutterMarkers = info.gutterMarkers;
if (gutterMarkers) {
let marker = gutterMarkers[gutterName];
if (marker) {
let marker = cm.getWrapperElement().ownerDocument.createElement("div");
marker.className = markerClass;
cm.setGutterMarker(info.line, gutterName, marker);
* The reverse of addMarker. Removes a marker of a specified class from a
* line's gutter.
removeMarker: function (line, gutterName, markerClass) {
if (!this.hasMarker(line, gutterName, markerClass))
let cm = editors.get(this);
getMarker: function(line, gutterName) {
let cm = editors.get(this);
let info = cm.lineInfo(line);
if (!info)
return null;
let gutterMarkers = info.gutterMarkers;
if (!gutterMarkers)
return null;
return gutterMarkers[gutterName];
* Remove all gutter markers in the gutter with the given name.
removeAllMarkers: function (gutterName) {
let cm = editors.get(this);
* Handles attaching a set of events listeners on a marker. They should
* be passed as an object literal with keys as event names and values as
* function listeners. The line number, marker node and optional data
* will be passed as arguments to the function listener.
* You don't need to worry about removing these event listeners.
* They're automatically orphaned when clearing markers.
setMarkerListeners: function(line, gutterName, markerClass, events, data) {
if (!this.hasMarker(line, gutterName, markerClass))
let cm = editors.get(this);
let marker = cm.lineInfo(line).gutterMarkers[gutterName];
for (let name in events) {
let listener = events[name].bind(this, line, marker, data);
marker.addEventListener(name, listener);
* Returns whether a line is decorated using the specified class name.
hasLineClass: function (line, className) {
let cm = editors.get(this);
let info = cm.lineInfo(line);
if (!info || !info.wrapClass)
return false;
return info.wrapClass.split(" ").indexOf(className) != -1;
* Set a CSS class name for the given line, including the text and gutter.
addLineClass: function (line, className) {
let cm = editors.get(this);
cm.addLineClass(line, "wrap", className);
* The reverse of addLineClass.
removeLineClass: function (line, className) {
let cm = editors.get(this);
cm.removeLineClass(line, "wrap", className);
* Mark a range of text inside the two {line, ch} bounds. Since the range may
* be modified, for example, when typing text, this method returns a function
* that can be used to remove the mark.
markText: function(from, to, className = "marked-text") {
let cm = editors.get(this);
let text = cm.getRange(from, to);
let span = cm.getWrapperElement().ownerDocument.createElement("span");
span.className = className;
span.textContent = text;
let mark = cm.markText(from, to, { replacedWith: span });
return {
anchor: span,
clear: () => mark.clear()
* Calculates and returns one or more {line, ch} objects for
* a zero-based index who's value is relative to the start of
* the editor's text.
* If only one argument is given, this method returns a single
* {line,ch} object. Otherwise it returns an array.
getPosition: function (...args) {
let cm = editors.get(this);
let res = => cm.posFromIndex(ind));
return args.length === 1 ? res[0] : res;
* The reverse of getPosition. Similarly to getPosition this
* method returns a single value if only one argument was given
* and an array otherwise.
getOffset: function (...args) {
let cm = editors.get(this);
let res = => cm.indexFromPos(pos));
return args.length > 1 ? res : res[0];
* Returns a {line, ch} object that corresponds to the
* left, top coordinates.
getPositionFromCoords: function ({left, top}) {
let cm = editors.get(this);
return cm.coordsChar({ left: left, top: top });
* The reverse of getPositionFromCoords. Similarly, returns a {left, top}
* object that corresponds to the specified line and character number.
getCoordsFromPosition: function ({line, ch}) {
let cm = editors.get(this);
return cm.charCoords({ line: ~~line, ch: ~~ch });
* Returns true if there's something to undo and false otherwise.
canUndo: function () {
let cm = editors.get(this);
return cm.historySize().undo > 0;
* Returns true if there's something to redo and false otherwise.
canRedo: function () {
let cm = editors.get(this);
return cm.historySize().redo > 0;
* Marks the contents as clean and returns the current
* version number.
setClean: function () {
let cm = editors.get(this);
this.version = cm.changeGeneration();
this._lastDirty = false;
return this.version;
* Returns true if contents of the text area are
* clean i.e. no changes were made since the last version.
isClean: function () {
let cm = editors.get(this);
return cm.isClean(this.version);
* This method opens an in-editor dialog asking for a line to
* jump to. Once given, it changes cursor to that line.
jumpToLine: function () {
let doc = editors.get(this).getWrapperElement().ownerDocument;
let div = doc.createElement("div");
let inp = doc.createElement("input");
let txt = doc.createTextNode(L10N.GetStringFromName("gotoLineCmd.promptTitle"));
inp.type = "text"; = "10em"; = "1em";
if (!this.hasMultipleSelections()) {
let cm = editors.get(this);
let sel = cm.getSelection();
// Scratchpad inserts and selects a comment after an error happens:
// "@Scratchpad/1:10:2". Parse this to get the line and column.
// In the string above this is line 10, column 2.
let match = sel.match(RE_SCRATCHPAD_ERROR);
if (match) {
let [ , line, column ] = match;
inp.value = column ? line + ":" + column : line;
inp.selectionStart = inp.selectionEnd = inp.value.length;
this.openDialog(div, (line) => {
// Handle LINE:COLUMN as well as LINE
let match = line.toString().match(RE_JUMP_TO_LINE);
if (match) {
let [ , line, column ] = match;
this.setCursor({line: line - 1, ch: column ? column - 1 : 0 });
* Moves the content of the current line or the lines selected up a line.
moveLineUp: function () {
let cm = editors.get(this);
let start = cm.getCursor("start");
let end = cm.getCursor("end");
if (start.line === 0)
// Get the text in the lines selected or the current line of the cursor
// and append the text of the previous line.
let value;
if (start.line !== end.line) {
value = cm.getRange({ line: start.line, ch: 0 },
{ line: end.line, ch: cm.getLine(end.line).length }) + "\n";
} else {
value = cm.getLine(start.line) + "\n";
value += cm.getLine(start.line - 1);
// Replace the previous line and the currently selected lines with the new
// value and maintain the selection of the text.
cm.replaceRange(value, { line: start.line - 1, ch: 0 },
{ line: end.line, ch: cm.getLine(end.line).length });
cm.setSelection({ line: start.line - 1, ch: },
{ line: end.line - 1, ch: });
* Moves the content of the current line or the lines selected down a line.
moveLineDown: function () {
let cm = editors.get(this);
let start = cm.getCursor("start");
let end = cm.getCursor("end");
if (end.line + 1 === cm.lineCount())
// Get the text of next line and append the text in the lines selected
// or the current line of the cursor.
let value = cm.getLine(end.line + 1) + "\n";
if (start.line !== end.line) {
value += cm.getRange({ line: start.line, ch: 0 },
{ line: end.line, ch: cm.getLine(end.line).length });
} else {
value += cm.getLine(start.line);
// Replace the currently selected lines and the next line with the new
// value and maintain the selection of the text.
cm.replaceRange(value, { line: start.line, ch: 0 },
{ line: end.line + 1, ch: cm.getLine(end.line + 1).length});
cm.setSelection({ line: start.line + 1, ch: },
{ line: end.line + 1, ch: });
* Returns current font size for the editor area, in pixels.
getFontSize: function () {
let cm = editors.get(this);
let el = cm.getWrapperElement();
let win = el.ownerDocument.defaultView;
return parseInt(win.getComputedStyle(el).getPropertyValue("font-size"), 10);
* Sets font size for the editor area.
setFontSize: function (size) {
let cm = editors.get(this);
cm.getWrapperElement().style.fontSize = parseInt(size, 10) + "px";
* Sets up autocompletion for the editor. Lazily imports the required
* dependencies because they vary by editor mode.
setupAutoCompletion: function (options = {}) {
if (this.config.autocomplete) {
// The autocomplete module will overwrite this.setupAutoCompletion with
// a mode specific autocompletion handler.
* Extends an instance of the Editor object with additional
* functions. Each function will be called with context as
* the first argument. Context is a {ed, cm} object where
* 'ed' is an instance of the Editor object and 'cm' is an
* instance of the CodeMirror object. Example:
* function hello(ctx, name) {
* let { cm, ed } = ctx;
* cm; // CodeMirror instance
* ed; // Editor instance
* name; // 'Mozilla'
* }
* editor.extend({ hello: hello });
* editor.hello('Mozilla');
extend: function (funcs) {
Object.keys(funcs).forEach((name) => {
let cm = editors.get(this);
let ctx = { ed: this, cm: cm, Editor: Editor};
if (name === "initialize") {
this[name] = funcs[name].bind(null, ctx);
destroy: function () {
this.container = null;
this.config = null;
this.version = null;
// Since Editor is a thin layer over CodeMirror some methods
// are mapped directly—without any changes.
CM_MAPPING.forEach(function (name) {
Editor.prototype[name] = function (...args) {
let cm = editors.get(this);
return cm[name].apply(cm, args);
// Static methods on the Editor object itself.
* Returns a string representation of a shortcut 'key' with
* a OS specific modifier. Cmd- for Macs, Ctrl- for other
* platforms. Useful with extraKeys configuration option.
* CodeMirror defines all keys with modifiers in the following
* order: Shift - Ctrl/Cmd - Alt - Key
Editor.accel = function (key, modifiers={}) {
return (modifiers.shift ? "Shift-" : "") +
(Services.appinfo.OS == "Darwin" ? "Cmd-" : "Ctrl-") +
(modifiers.alt ? "Alt-" : "") + key;
* Returns a string representation of a shortcut for a
* specified command 'cmd'. Append Cmd- for macs, Ctrl- for other
* platforms unless noaccel is specified in the options. Useful when overwriting
* or disabling default shortcuts.
Editor.keyFor = function (cmd, opts={ noaccel: false }) {
let key = L10N.GetStringFromName(cmd + ".commandkey");
return opts.noaccel ? key : Editor.accel(key);
// Since Gecko already provide complete and up to date list of CSS property
// names, values and color names, we compute them so that they can replace
// the ones used in CodeMirror while initiating an editor object. This is done
// here instead of the file codemirror/css.js so as to leave that file untouched
// and easily upgradable.
function getCSSKeywords() {
function keySet(array) {
var keys = {};
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) {
keys[array[i]] = true;
return keys;
let domUtils = Cc[";1"]
let cssProperties = domUtils.getCSSPropertyNames(domUtils.INCLUDE_ALIASES);
let cssColors = {};
let cssValues = {};
cssProperties.forEach(property => {
if (property.contains("color")) {
domUtils.getCSSValuesForProperty(property).forEach(value => {
cssColors[value] = true;
else {
domUtils.getCSSValuesForProperty(property).forEach(value => {
cssValues[value] = true;
return {
cssProperties: keySet(cssProperties),
cssValues: cssValues,
cssColors: cssColors
* Returns a controller object that can be used for
* editor-specific commands such as find, jump to line,
* copy/paste, etc.
function controller(ed) {
return {
supportsCommand: function (cmd) {
switch (cmd) {
case "cmd_find":
case "cmd_findAgain":
case "cmd_findPrevious":
case "cmd_gotoLine":
case "cmd_undo":
case "cmd_redo":
case "cmd_delete":
case "cmd_selectAll":
return true;
return false;
isCommandEnabled: function (cmd) {
let cm = editors.get(ed);
switch (cmd) {
case "cmd_find":
case "cmd_gotoLine":
case "cmd_selectAll":
return true;
case "cmd_findAgain":
return != null && != null;
case "cmd_undo":
return ed.canUndo();
case "cmd_redo":
return ed.canRedo();
case "cmd_delete":
return ed.somethingSelected();
return false;
doCommand: function (cmd) {
let cm = editors.get(ed);
let map = {
"cmd_selectAll": "selectAll",
"cmd_find": "find",
"cmd_undo": "undo",
"cmd_redo": "redo",
"cmd_delete": "delCharAfter",
"cmd_findAgain": "findNext"
if (map[cmd]) {
if (cmd == "cmd_gotoLine")
onEvent: function () {}
* Detect the indentation used in an editor. Returns an object
* with 'tabs' - whether this is tab-indented and 'spaces' - the
* width of one indent in spaces. Or `null` if it's inconclusive.
function detectIndentation(ed) {
let cm = editors.get(ed);
let spaces = {}; // # spaces indent -> # lines with that indent
let last = 0; // indentation width of the last line we saw
let tabs = 0; // # of lines that start with a tab
let total = 0; // # of indented lines (non-zero indent)
cm.eachLine(0, DETECT_INDENT_MAX_LINES, (line) => {
let text = line.text;
if (text.startsWith("\t")) {
let width = 0;
while (text[width] === " ") {
// don't count lines that are all spaces
if (width == text.length) {
last = 0;
if (width > 1) {
// see how much this line is offset from the line above it
let indent = Math.abs(width - last);
if (indent > 1 && indent <= 8) {
spaces[indent] = (spaces[indent] || 0) + 1;
last = width;
// this file is not indented at all
if (total == 0) {
return null;
// mark as tabs if they start more than half the lines
if (tabs >= total / 2) {
return { tabs: true };
// find most frequent non-zero width difference between adjacent lines
let freqIndent = null, max = 1;
for (let width in spaces) {
width = parseInt(width, 10);
let tally = spaces[width];
if (tally > max) {
max = tally;
freqIndent = width;
if (!freqIndent) {
return null;
return { tabs: false, spaces: freqIndent };
module.exports = Editor;