
321 lines
9.0 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 tw=99: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include "AccessCheck.h"
#include "nsJSPrincipals.h"
#include "nsGlobalWindow.h"
#include "XPCWrapper.h"
#include "XrayWrapper.h"
#include "jsfriendapi.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/BindingUtils.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/LocationBinding.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/WindowBinding.h"
#include "nsIDOMWindowCollection.h"
#include "nsJSUtils.h"
using namespace mozilla;
using namespace JS;
using namespace js;
namespace xpc {
nsIPrincipal *
GetCompartmentPrincipal(JSCompartment *compartment)
return nsJSPrincipals::get(JS_GetCompartmentPrincipals(compartment));
nsIPrincipal *
GetObjectPrincipal(JSObject *obj)
return GetCompartmentPrincipal(js::GetObjectCompartment(obj));
// Does the principal of compartment a subsume the principal of compartment b?
AccessCheck::subsumes(JSCompartment *a, JSCompartment *b)
nsIPrincipal *aprin = GetCompartmentPrincipal(a);
nsIPrincipal *bprin = GetCompartmentPrincipal(b);
return aprin->Subsumes(bprin);
AccessCheck::subsumes(JSObject *a, JSObject *b)
return subsumes(js::GetObjectCompartment(a), js::GetObjectCompartment(b));
// Same as above, but considering document.domain.
AccessCheck::subsumesConsideringDomain(JSCompartment *a, JSCompartment *b)
nsIPrincipal *aprin = GetCompartmentPrincipal(a);
nsIPrincipal *bprin = GetCompartmentPrincipal(b);
return aprin->SubsumesConsideringDomain(bprin);
// Does the compartment of the wrapper subsumes the compartment of the wrappee?
AccessCheck::wrapperSubsumes(JSObject *wrapper)
JSObject *wrapped = js::UncheckedUnwrap(wrapper);
return AccessCheck::subsumes(js::GetObjectCompartment(wrapper),
AccessCheck::isChrome(JSCompartment *compartment)
bool privileged;
nsIPrincipal *principal = GetCompartmentPrincipal(compartment);
return NS_SUCCEEDED(nsXPConnect::SecurityManager()->IsSystemPrincipal(principal, &privileged)) && privileged;
AccessCheck::isChrome(JSObject *obj)
return isChrome(js::GetObjectCompartment(obj));
nsIPrincipal *
AccessCheck::getPrincipal(JSCompartment *compartment)
return GetCompartmentPrincipal(compartment);
// Hardcoded policy for cross origin property access. See the HTML5 Spec.
static bool
IsPermitted(const char *name, JSFlatString *prop, bool set)
size_t propLength = JS_GetStringLength(JS_FORGET_STRING_FLATNESS(prop));
if (!propLength)
return false;
jschar propChar0 = JS_GetFlatStringCharAt(prop, 0);
if (name[0] == 'L' && !strcmp(name, "Location"))
return dom::LocationBinding::IsPermitted(prop, propChar0, set);
if (name[0] == 'W' && !strcmp(name, "Window"))
return dom::WindowBinding::IsPermitted(prop, propChar0, set);
return false;
static bool
IsFrameId(JSContext *cx, JSObject *objArg, jsid idArg)
RootedObject obj(cx, objArg);
RootedId id(cx, idArg);
obj = JS_ObjectToInnerObject(cx, obj);
nsGlobalWindow* win = WindowOrNull(obj);
if (!win) {
return false;
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMWindowCollection> col;
if (!col) {
return false;
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMWindow> domwin;
if (JSID_IS_INT(id)) {
col->Item(JSID_TO_INT(id), getter_AddRefs(domwin));
} else if (JSID_IS_STRING(id)) {
nsAutoJSString idAsString;
if (!idAsString.init(cx, JSID_TO_STRING(id))) {
return false;
col->NamedItem(idAsString, getter_AddRefs(domwin));
return domwin != nullptr;
static bool
IsWindow(const char *name)
return name[0] == 'W' && !strcmp(name, "Window");
AccessCheck::isCrossOriginAccessPermitted(JSContext *cx, JSObject *wrapperArg, jsid idArg,
Wrapper::Action act)
if (act == Wrapper::CALL)
return false;
if (act == Wrapper::ENUMERATE)
return true;
RootedId id(cx, idArg);
RootedObject wrapper(cx, wrapperArg);
RootedObject obj(cx, Wrapper::wrappedObject(wrapper));
const char *name;
const js::Class *clasp = js::GetObjectClass(obj);
MOZ_ASSERT(!XrayUtils::IsXPCWNHolderClass(Jsvalify(clasp)), "shouldn't have a holder here");
if (clasp->ext.innerObject)
name = "Window";
name = clasp->name;
if (JSID_IS_STRING(id)) {
if (IsPermitted(name, JSID_TO_FLAT_STRING(id), act == Wrapper::SET))
return true;
if (act != Wrapper::GET)
return false;
// Check for frame IDs. If we're resolving named frames, make sure to only
// resolve ones that don't shadow native properties. See bug 860494.
if (IsWindow(name)) {
if (JSID_IS_STRING(id) && !XrayUtils::IsXrayResolving(cx, wrapper, id)) {
bool wouldShadow = false;
if (!XrayUtils::HasNativeProperty(cx, wrapper, id, &wouldShadow) ||
return false;
return IsFrameId(cx, obj, id);
return false;
enum Access { READ = (1<<0), WRITE = (1<<1), NO_ACCESS = 0 };
static void
EnterAndThrow(JSContext *cx, JSObject *wrapper, const char *msg)
JSAutoCompartment ac(cx, wrapper);
JS_ReportError(cx, msg);
ExposedPropertiesOnly::check(JSContext *cx, JSObject *wrapperArg, jsid idArg, Wrapper::Action act)
RootedObject wrapper(cx, wrapperArg);
RootedId id(cx, idArg);
RootedObject wrappedObject(cx, Wrapper::wrappedObject(wrapper));
if (act == Wrapper::CALL)
return true;
RootedId exposedPropsId(cx, GetRTIdByIndex(cx, XPCJSRuntime::IDX_EXPOSEDPROPS));
// We need to enter the wrappee's compartment to look at __exposedProps__,
// but we want to be in the wrapper's compartment if we call Deny().
// Unfortunately, |cx| can be in either compartment when we call ::check. :-(
JSAutoCompartment ac(cx, wrappedObject);
bool found = false;
if (!JS_HasPropertyById(cx, wrappedObject, exposedPropsId, &found))
return false;
// Always permit access to "length" and indexed properties of arrays.
if ((JS_IsArrayObject(cx, wrappedObject) ||
JS_IsTypedArrayObject(wrappedObject)) &&
((JSID_IS_INT(id) && JSID_TO_INT(id) >= 0) ||
(JSID_IS_STRING(id) && JS_FlatStringEqualsAscii(JSID_TO_FLAT_STRING(id), "length")))) {
return true; // Allow
// If no __exposedProps__ existed, deny access.
if (!found) {
return false;
if (id == JSID_VOID)
return true;
RootedValue exposedProps(cx);
if (!JS_LookupPropertyById(cx, wrappedObject, exposedPropsId, &exposedProps))
return false;
if (exposedProps.isNullOrUndefined())
return false;
if (!exposedProps.isObject()) {
EnterAndThrow(cx, wrapper, "__exposedProps__ must be undefined, null, or an Object");
return false;
RootedObject hallpass(cx, &exposedProps.toObject());
if (!AccessCheck::subsumes(js::UncheckedUnwrap(hallpass), wrappedObject)) {
EnterAndThrow(cx, wrapper, "Invalid __exposedProps__");
return false;
Access access = NO_ACCESS;
Rooted<JSPropertyDescriptor> desc(cx);
if (!JS_GetPropertyDescriptorById(cx, hallpass, id, &desc)) {
return false; // Error
if (!desc.object() || !desc.isEnumerable())
return false;
if (!desc.value().isString()) {
EnterAndThrow(cx, wrapper, "property must be a string");
return false;
JSFlatString *flat = JS_FlattenString(cx, desc.value().toString());
if (!flat)
return false;
size_t length = JS_GetStringLength(JS_FORGET_STRING_FLATNESS(flat));
for (size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
jschar ch = JS_GetFlatStringCharAt(flat, i);
switch (ch) {
case 'r':
if (access & READ) {
EnterAndThrow(cx, wrapper, "duplicate 'readable' property flag");
return false;
access = Access(access | READ);
case 'w':
if (access & WRITE) {
EnterAndThrow(cx, wrapper, "duplicate 'writable' property flag");
return false;
access = Access(access | WRITE);
EnterAndThrow(cx, wrapper, "properties can only be readable or read and writable");
return false;
if (access == NO_ACCESS) {
EnterAndThrow(cx, wrapper, "specified properties must have a permission bit set");
return false;
if ((act == Wrapper::SET && !(access & WRITE)) ||
(act != Wrapper::SET && !(access & READ))) {
return false;
return true;