2014-03-17 12:06:00 +01:00

407 lines
12 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
* Template mechanism based on Object Emitters.
* The data used to expand the templates comes from
* a ObjectEmitter object. The templates are automatically
* updated as the ObjectEmitter is updated (via the "set"
* event). See documentation in observable-object.js.
* Templates are used this way:
* (See examples in browser/devtools/app-manager/content/*.xhtml)
* <div template="{JSON Object}">
* {
* type: "attribute"
* name: name of the attribute
* path: location of the attribute value in the ObjectEmitter
* }
* {
* type: "textContent"
* path: location of the textContent value in the ObjectEmitter
* }
* {
* type: "localizedContent"
* paths: array of locations of the value of the arguments of the property
* property: l10n property
* }
* <div template-loop="{JSON Object}">
* {
* arrayPath: path of the array in the ObjectEmitter to loop from
* childSelector: selector of the element to duplicate in the loop
* }
const NOT_FOUND_STRING = "n/a";
* let t = new Template(root, store, l10nResolver);
* t.start();
* @param DOMNode root.
* Node from where templates are expanded.
* @param ObjectEmitter store.
* ObjectEmitter object.
* @param function (property, args). l10nResolver
* A function that returns localized content.
function Template(root, store, l10nResolver) {
this._store = store;
this._rootResolver = new Resolver(this._store.object);
this._l10n = l10nResolver;
// Listeners are stored in Maps.
// path => Set(node1, node2, ..., nodeN)
// For example: "" => Set(div1,div2)
this._nodeListeners = new Map();
this._loopListeners = new Map();
this._forListeners = new Map();
this._root = root;
this._doc = this._root.ownerDocument;
this._queuedNodeRegistrations = [];
this._storeChanged = this._storeChanged.bind(this);
this._store.on("set", this._storeChanged);
Template.prototype = {
start: function() {
destroy: function() {"set", this._storeChanged);
this._root = null;
this._doc = null;
_storeChanged: function(event, path, value) {
// The store has changed (a "set" event has been emitted).
// We need to invalidate and rebuild the affected elements.
let strpath = path.join(".");
for (let [registeredPath, set] of this._nodeListeners) {
if (strpath != registeredPath &&
registeredPath.indexOf(strpath) > -1) {
_invalidate: function(path) {
// Loops:
let set = this._loopListeners.get(path);
if (set) {
for (let elt of set) {
// For:
set = this._forListeners.get(path);
if (set) {
for (let elt of set) {
// Nodes:
set = this._nodeListeners.get(path);
if (set) {
for (let elt of set) {
// Delay node registration until the last step of starting / updating the UI.
// This allows us to avoid doing double work in _storeChanged where the first
// call to |_invalidate| registers new nodes, which would then be visited a
// second time when it iterates over node listeners.
_queueNodeRegistration: function(path, element) {
this._queuedNodeRegistrations.push([path, element]);
_registerQueuedNodes: function() {
for (let [path, element] of this._queuedNodeRegistrations) {
// We map a node to a path.
// If the value behind this path is updated,
// we get notified from the ObjectEmitter,
// and then we know which objects to update.
if (!this._nodeListeners.has(path)) {
this._nodeListeners.set(path, new Set());
let set = this._nodeListeners.get(path);
this._queuedNodeRegistrations.length = 0;
_unregisterNodes: function(nodes) {
for (let e of nodes) {
for (let registeredPath of e.registeredPaths) {
let set = this._nodeListeners.get(registeredPath);
if (!set) {
if (set.size === 0) {
e.registeredPaths = null;
_registerLoop: function(path, element) {
if (!this._loopListeners.has(path)) {
this._loopListeners.set(path, new Set());
let set = this._loopListeners.get(path);
_registerFor: function(path, element) {
if (!this._forListeners.has(path)) {
this._forListeners.set(path, new Set());
let set = this._forListeners.get(path);
_processNode: function(element, resolver=this._rootResolver) {
// The actual magic.
// The element has a template attribute.
// The value is supposed to be a JSON string.
// resolver is a helper object that is used to retrieve data
// from the template's data store, give the current path into
// the data store, or descend down another level of the store.
// See the Resolver object below.
let e = element;
let str = e.getAttribute("template");
try {
let json = JSON.parse(str);
// Sanity check
if (!("type" in json)) {
throw new Error("missing property");
if (json.rootPath) {
// If node has been generated through a loop, we stored
// previously its rootPath.
resolver = this._rootResolver.descend(json.rootPath);
// paths is an array that will store all the paths we needed
// to expand the node. We will then, via
// _registerQueuedNodes, link this element to these paths.
let paths = [];
switch (json.type) {
case "attribute": {
if (!("name" in json) ||
!("path" in json)) {
throw new Error("missing property");
e.setAttribute(, resolver.get(json.path, NOT_FOUND_STRING));
case "textContent": {
if (!("path" in json)) {
throw new Error("missing property");
e.textContent = resolver.get(json.path, NOT_FOUND_STRING);
case "localizedContent": {
if (!("property" in json) ||
!("paths" in json)) {
throw new Error("missing property");
let params = => {
let str = resolver.get(p, NOT_FOUND_STRING);
return str;
e.textContent = this._l10n(, params);
if (resolver !== this._rootResolver) {
// We save the rootPath if any.
json.rootPath = resolver.path;
e.setAttribute("template", JSON.stringify(json));
if (paths.length > 0) {
for (let path of paths) {
this._queueNodeRegistration(path, e);
// Store all the paths on the node, to speed up unregistering later
e.registeredPaths = paths;
} catch(exception) {
console.error("Invalid template: " + e.outerHTML + " (" + exception + ")");
_processLoop: function(element, resolver=this._rootResolver) {
// The element has a template-loop attribute.
// The related path must be an array. We go
// through the array, and build one child per
// item. The template for this child is pointed
// by the childSelector property.
let e = element;
try {
let template, count;
let str = e.getAttribute("template-loop");
let json = JSON.parse(str);
if (!("arrayPath" in json) ||
!("childSelector" in json)) {
throw new Error("missing property");
let descendedResolver = resolver.descend(json.arrayPath);
let templateParent = this._doc.querySelector(json.childSelector);
if (!templateParent) {
throw new Error("can't find child");
template = this._doc.createElement("div");
template.innerHTML = templateParent.innerHTML;
template = template.firstElementChild;
let array = descendedResolver.get("", []);
if (!Array.isArray(array)) {
console.error("referenced array is not an array");
count = array.length;
let fragment = this._doc.createDocumentFragment();
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
let node = template.cloneNode(true);
this._processTree(node, descendedResolver.descend(i));
this._registerLoop(descendedResolver.path, e);
this._registerLoop(descendedResolver.rootPathTo("length"), e);
e.innerHTML = "";
} catch(exception) {
console.error("Invalid template: " + e.outerHTML + " (" + exception + ")");
_processFor: function(element, resolver=this._rootResolver) {
let e = element;
try {
let template;
let str = e.getAttribute("template-for");
let json = JSON.parse(str);
if (!("path" in json) ||
!("childSelector" in json)) {
throw new Error("missing property");
if (!json.path) {
// Nothing to show.
e.innerHTML = "";
let descendedResolver = resolver.descend(json.path);
let templateParent = this._doc.querySelector(json.childSelector);
if (!templateParent) {
throw new Error("can't find child");
let content = this._doc.createElement("div");
content.innerHTML = templateParent.innerHTML;
content = content.firstElementChild;
this._processTree(content, descendedResolver);
this._registerFor(descendedResolver.path, e);
e.innerHTML = "";
} catch(exception) {
console.error("Invalid template: " + e.outerHTML + " (" + exception + ")");
_processTree: function(parent, resolver=this._rootResolver) {
let loops = parent.querySelectorAll(":not(template) [template-loop]");
let fors = parent.querySelectorAll(":not(template) [template-for]");
let nodes = parent.querySelectorAll(":not(template) [template]");
for (let i = 0; i < loops.length; i++) {
this._processLoop(loops[i], resolver);
for (let i = 0; i < fors.length; i++) {
this._processFor(fors[i], resolver);
for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
this._processNode(nodes[i], resolver);
if (parent.hasAttribute("template")) {
this._processNode(parent, resolver);
function Resolver(object, path = "") {
this._object = object;
this.path = path;
Resolver.prototype = {
get: function(path, defaultValue = null) {
let obj = this._object;
if (path === "") {
return obj;
let chunks = path.toString().split(".");
for (let i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++) {
let word = chunks[i];
if ((typeof obj) == "object" &&
(word in obj)) {
obj = obj[word];
} else {
return defaultValue;
return obj;
rootPathTo: function(path) {
return this.path ? this.path + "." + path : path;
descend: function(path) {
return new Resolver(this.get(path), this.rootPathTo(path));