
32 lines
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verifyStatusUnverified.label = Status: Unverified
verifyStatusVerifying.label = Status: Verifying account...
verifyStatusLoginVerified.label = Status: Account Verified
verifyStatusLoginFailed.label = Status: Authentication Failed
initStatusReadyToSync.label = Status: Ready to Transfer Data
initStatusSyncing.label = Status: Transferring Data...
initStatusSyncComplete.label = Status: Transfer Complete
initStatusSyncFailed.label = Status: Transfer Failed
invalidCredentials.alert = You must provide a valid Weave user name and password to continue.
usernameTaken.label = That username is already taken. Please choose another.
usernameAvailable.label = That username is available.
loginFailed.label = Please enter a valid username and password.
requiredFields.label = Please enter all required fields.
passwordsUnmatched.label = Passwords don't match. Please re-enter.
passphrasesUnmatched.label = Passphrases don't match. Please re-enter.
noPassphrase.alert = You must enter a passphrase
samePasswordAndPassphrase.label = Your password and passphrase must be different
samePasswordAndPassphrase.alert = Your password and passphrase must be different
invalidEmail.label = Invalid email address.
emailAlreadyExists.label = Email address already exists.
missingCaptchaResponse.label = Please enter the words in the Captcha box.
incorrectCaptcha.label = Incorrect Captcha response. Try again.
internalError.label = Sorry! We had a problem. Please try again.