gecko/services/sync/locales/en-US/sync.dtd d7c750f0f9 - this check in will break everyone temporarily, as it involves the changes necessary to shift us from sha1(email) to usernames, and to enable sharing on the server.
- we are also changing the default preferences on the trunk to point to the new staging server at that has been modified to support usernames
- everyone will need to create a new account and this will be streamlined within the startup function, which will now kick off on first run (we'll check in the updated setup wizard shortly)
- this checkin also cleans up a number of strings
2008-06-06 14:18:50 -07:00

16 lines
799 B

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<!ENTITY logInItem.label "Sign In...">
<!ENTITY logOutItem.label "Sign Out">
<!ENTITY syncNowItem.label "Sync Now">
<!ENTITY openPrefsItem.label "Preferences...">
<!ENTITY openLogItem.label "Activity Log...">
<!ENTITY status.offline.label "Offline">
<!ENTITY syncOpenTabsPanelButton.label "Tabs">
<!ENTITY syncTabsPanel.title "Tabs From Other Computers">
<!ENTITY syncTabsPanel.description "These tabs were open on other computers. Select the ones you want to open on this computer.">
<!ENTITY syncCancelTabsPanelButton.label "Cancel">
<!ENTITY syncTabsButton.label "OK">
<!ENTITY syncTabsMenu.label "Tabs From Other Computers">
<!ENTITY syncNoTabsMenuItem.label "No Tabs Available">