
196 lines
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/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
* */
// Test that screenshot command works properly
const TEST_URI = "" +
let FileUtils = (Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/FileUtils.jsm", {})).FileUtils;
let tests = {
testInput: function(options) {
return helpers.audit(options, [
setup: 'screenshot',
check: {
input: 'screenshot',
markup: 'VVVVVVVVVV',
status: 'VALID',
args: {
setup: 'screenshot abc.png',
check: {
input: 'screenshot abc.png',
status: 'VALID',
args: {
filename: { value: "abc.png"},
setup: 'screenshot --fullpage',
check: {
input: 'screenshot --fullpage',
status: 'VALID',
args: {
fullpage: { value: true},
setup: 'screenshot abc --delay 5',
check: {
input: 'screenshot abc --delay 5',
status: 'VALID',
args: {
filename: { value: "abc"},
delay: { value: 5 },
setup: 'screenshot --selector img#testImage',
check: {
input: 'screenshot --selector img#testImage',
status: 'VALID',
args: {
selector: {
value: options.window.document.getElementById("testImage")
testCaptureFile: function(options) {
let file = FileUtils.getFile("TmpD", [ "TestScreenshotFile.png" ]);
return helpers.audit(options, [
setup: 'screenshot ' + file.path,
check: {
args: {
filename: { value: "" + file.path },
fullpage: { value: false },
clipboard: { value: false },
chrome: { value: false },
exec: {
output: new RegExp("^Saved to "),
post: function() {
// Bug 849168: screenshot command tests fail in try but not locally
// ok(file.exists(), "Screenshot file exists");
if (file.exists()) {
testCaptureClipboard: function(options) {
let clipid = Ci.nsIClipboard;
let clip = Cc[";1"].getService(clipid);
let trans = Cc[";1"]
return helpers.audit(options, [
setup: 'screenshot --fullpage --clipboard',
check: {
args: {
fullpage: { value: true },
clipboard: { value: true },
chrome: { value: false },
exec: {
output: new RegExp("^Copied to clipboard.$"),
post: function() {
try {
clip.getData(trans, clipid.kGlobalClipboard);
let str = new Object();
let strLength = new Object();
trans.getTransferData("image/png", str, strLength);
ok(str.value, "screenshot exists");
ok(strLength.value > 0, "screenshot has length");
finally {
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.privatebrowsing.keep_current_session", true);
// Recent PB changes to the test I'm modifying removed the 'pb'
// variable, but left this line in tact. This seems so obviously
// wrong that I'm leaving this in in case the analysis is wrong
// pb.privateBrowsingEnabled = true;
function test() {
info("RUN TEST: non-private window");
let nonPrivDone = addWindow({ private: false }, addTabWithToolbarRunTests);
let privDone = nonPrivDone.then(function() {
info("RUN TEST: private window");
return addWindow({ private: true }, addTabWithToolbarRunTests);
privDone.then(finish, function(error) {
ok(false, 'Promise fail: ' + error);
function addTabWithToolbarRunTests(win) {
return helpers.addTabWithToolbar(TEST_URI, function(options) {
return helpers.runTests(options, tests);
}, { chromeWindow: win });
function addWindow(windowOptions, callback) {
let deferred = promise.defer();
let win = OpenBrowserWindow(windowOptions);
let onLoad = function() {
win.removeEventListener("load", onLoad, false);
// Would like to get rid of this executeSoon, but without it the url
// (TEST_URI) provided in addTabWithToolbarRunTests hasn't loaded
executeSoon(function() {
try {
let reply = callback(win);
promise.resolve(reply).then(function() {
catch (ex) {
win.addEventListener("load", onLoad, false);
return deferred.promise;