Ehsan Akhgari 45fe6d3ae2 Bug 722872 - Part 1: Add nsITransferable::Init(nsILoadContext*), enforce that it's called in debug builds, and add nsIDOMDocument* arguments to nsIClipboardHelper methods; r=roc
This patch does the following:

* It adds nsITransferable::Init(nsILoadContext*).  The load context
  might be null, which means that the transferable is non-private, but
  if it's non-null, we extract the boolean value for the privacy mode
  and store it in the transferable.
* It adds checks in debug builds to make sure that Init is always
  called, in form of fatal assertions.
* It adds nsIDOMDocument* agruments to nsIClipboardHelper methods which
  represent the document that the string is coming from.
  nsIClipboardHelper implementation internally gets the nsILoadContext
  from that and passes it on to the transferable upon creation.  The
  reason that I did this was that nsIClipboardHelper is supposed to be a
  high-level helper, and in most of its call sites, we have easy access
  to a document object.
* It modifies all of the call sites of the above interfaces according to
  this change.
* It adds a GetLoadContext helper to nsIDocument to help with changing
  the call sites.
2012-04-16 22:14:01 -04:00

2034 lines
60 KiB

/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et tw=80:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
"use strict";
const Cu = Components.utils;
const Ci = Components.interfaces;
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "clipboardHelper",
const ORION_SCRIPT = "chrome://browser/content/orion.js";
const ORION_IFRAME = "data:text/html;charset=utf8,<!DOCTYPE html>" +
"<html style='height:100%' dir='ltr'>" +
"<head><link rel='stylesheet'" +
" href='chrome://browser/skin/devtools/orion-container.css'></head>" +
"<body style='height:100%;margin:0;overflow:hidden'>" +
"<div id='editor' style='height:100%'></div>" +
const XUL_NS = "";
* Maximum allowed vertical offset for the line index when you call
* SourceEditor.setCaretPosition().
* @type number
* The primary selection update delay. On Linux, the X11 primary selection is
* updated to hold the currently selected text.
* @type number
* Predefined themes for syntax highlighting. This objects maps
* SourceEditor.THEMES to Orion CSS files.
const ORION_THEMES = {
mozilla: ["chrome://browser/skin/devtools/orion.css"],
* Known Orion editor events you can listen for. This object maps several of the
* SourceEditor.EVENTS to Orion events.
const ORION_EVENTS = {
ContextMenu: "ContextMenu",
TextChanged: "ModelChanged",
Selection: "Selection",
Focus: "Focus",
Blur: "Blur",
MouseOver: "MouseOver",
MouseOut: "MouseOut",
MouseMove: "MouseMove",
* Known Orion annotation types.
currentBracket: "orion.annotation.currentBracket",
matchingBracket: "orion.annotation.matchingBracket",
breakpoint: "orion.annotation.breakpoint",
task: "orion.annotation.task",
currentLine: "orion.annotation.currentLine",
debugLocation: "mozilla.annotation.debugLocation",
* Default key bindings in the Orion editor.
action: "enter",
code: Ci.nsIDOMKeyEvent.DOM_VK_ENTER,
action: "undo",
code: Ci.nsIDOMKeyEvent.DOM_VK_Z,
accel: true,
action: "redo",
code: Ci.nsIDOMKeyEvent.DOM_VK_Z,
accel: true,
shift: true,
action: "Unindent Lines",
code: Ci.nsIDOMKeyEvent.DOM_VK_TAB,
shift: true,
action: "Move Lines Up",
code: Ci.nsIDOMKeyEvent.DOM_VK_UP,
ctrl: Services.appinfo.OS == "Darwin",
alt: true,
action: "Move Lines Down",
code: Ci.nsIDOMKeyEvent.DOM_VK_DOWN,
ctrl: Services.appinfo.OS == "Darwin",
alt: true,
action: "Comment/Uncomment",
code: Ci.nsIDOMKeyEvent.DOM_VK_SLASH,
accel: true,
action: "Move to Bracket Opening",
accel: true,
action: "Move to Bracket Closing",
accel: true,
if (Services.appinfo.OS == "WINNT" ||
Services.appinfo.OS == "Linux") {
action: "redo",
code: Ci.nsIDOMKeyEvent.DOM_VK_Y,
accel: true,
var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["SourceEditor"];
* The SourceEditor object constructor. The SourceEditor component allows you to
* provide users with an editor tailored to the specific needs of editing source
* code, aimed primarily at web developers.
* The editor used here is Eclipse Orion (see
* @constructor
function SourceEditor() {
// Update the SourceEditor defaults from user preferences.
SourceEditor.DEFAULTS.tabSize =
SourceEditor.DEFAULTS.expandTab =
this._onOrionSelection = this._onOrionSelection.bind(this);
this._onTextChanged = this._onTextChanged.bind(this);
this._onOrionContextMenu = this._onOrionContextMenu.bind(this);
this._eventTarget = {};
this._eventListenersQueue = [];
this.ui = new SourceEditorUI(this);
SourceEditor.prototype = {
_view: null,
_iframe: null,
_model: null,
_undoStack: null,
_linesRuler: null,
_annotationRuler: null,
_overviewRuler: null,
_styler: null,
_annotationStyler: null,
_annotationModel: null,
_dragAndDrop: null,
_currentLineAnnotation: null,
_primarySelectionTimeout: null,
_mode: null,
_expandTab: null,
_tabSize: null,
_iframeWindow: null,
_eventTarget: null,
_eventListenersQueue: null,
_contextMenu: null,
_dirty: false,
* The Source Editor user interface manager.
* @type object
* An instance of the SourceEditorUI.
ui: null,
* The editor container element.
* @type nsIDOMElement
parentElement: null,
* Initialize the editor.
* @param nsIDOMElement aElement
* The DOM element where you want the editor to show.
* @param object aConfig
* Editor configuration object. See SourceEditor.DEFAULTS for the
* available configuration options.
* @param function [aCallback]
* Function you want to execute once the editor is loaded and
* initialized.
* @see SourceEditor.DEFAULTS
init: function SE_init(aElement, aConfig, aCallback)
if (this._iframe) {
throw new Error("SourceEditor is already initialized!");
let doc = aElement.ownerDocument;
this._iframe = doc.createElementNS(XUL_NS, "iframe");
this._iframe.flex = 1;
let onIframeLoad = (function() {
this._iframe.removeEventListener("load", onIframeLoad, true);
this._iframe.addEventListener("load", onIframeLoad, true);
this._iframe.setAttribute("src", ORION_IFRAME);
this.parentElement = aElement;
this._config = {};
for (let key in SourceEditor.DEFAULTS) {
this._config[key] = key in aConfig ?
aConfig[key] :
// TODO: Bug 725677 - Remove the deprecated placeholderText option from the
// Source Editor initialization.
if (aConfig.placeholderText) {
this._config.initialText = aConfig.placeholderText;
Services.console.logStringMessage("SourceEditor.init() was called with the placeholderText option which is deprecated, please use initialText.");
this._onReadyCallback = aCallback;
* The editor iframe load event handler.
* @private
_onIframeLoad: function SE__onIframeLoad()
this._iframeWindow = this._iframe.contentWindow.wrappedJSObject;
let window = this._iframeWindow;
let config = this._config;
Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript(ORION_SCRIPT, window, "utf8");
let TextModel = window.require("orion/textview/textModel").TextModel;
let TextView = window.require("orion/textview/textView").TextView;
this._expandTab = config.expandTab;
this._tabSize = config.tabSize;
let theme = config.theme;
let stylesheet = theme in ORION_THEMES ? ORION_THEMES[theme] : theme;
this._model = new TextModel(config.initialText);
this._view = new TextView({
model: this._model,
parent: "editor",
stylesheet: stylesheet,
tabSize: this._tabSize,
expandTab: this._expandTab,
readonly: config.readOnly,
themeClass: "mozilla" + (config.readOnly ? " readonly" : ""),
let onOrionLoad = function() {
this._view.removeEventListener("Load", onOrionLoad);
this._view.addEventListener("Load", onOrionLoad);
if (config.highlightCurrentLine || Services.appinfo.OS == "Linux") {
if (typeof config.contextMenu == "string") {
let chromeDocument = this.parentElement.ownerDocument;
this._contextMenu = chromeDocument.getElementById(config.contextMenu);
} else if (typeof config.contextMenu == "object" ) {
this._contextMenu = config._contextMenu;
if (this._contextMenu) {
let KeyBinding = window.require("orion/textview/keyBinding").KeyBinding;
let TextDND = window.require("orion/textview/textDND").TextDND;
let Rulers = window.require("orion/textview/rulers");
let LineNumberRuler = Rulers.LineNumberRuler;
let AnnotationRuler = Rulers.AnnotationRuler;
let OverviewRuler = Rulers.OverviewRuler;
let UndoStack = window.require("orion/textview/undoStack").UndoStack;
let AnnotationModel = window.require("orion/textview/annotations").AnnotationModel;
this._annotationModel = new AnnotationModel(this._model);
if (config.showAnnotationRuler) {
this._annotationRuler = new AnnotationRuler(this._annotationModel, "left",
{styleClass: "ruler annotations"});
this._annotationRuler.onClick = this._annotationRulerClick.bind(this);
if (config.showLineNumbers) {
let rulerClass = this._annotationRuler ?
"ruler lines linesWithAnnotations" :
"ruler lines";
this._linesRuler = new LineNumberRuler(this._annotationModel, "left",
{styleClass: rulerClass}, {styleClass: "rulerLines odd"},
{styleClass: "rulerLines even"});
this._linesRuler.onClick = this._linesRulerClick.bind(this);
this._linesRuler.onDblClick = this._linesRulerDblClick.bind(this);
if (config.showOverviewRuler) {
this._overviewRuler = new OverviewRuler(this._annotationModel, "right",
{styleClass: "ruler overview"});
this._overviewRuler.onClick = this._overviewRulerClick.bind(this);
this._undoStack = new UndoStack(this._view, config.undoLimit);
this._dragAndDrop = new TextDND(this._view, this._undoStack);
let actions = {
"undo": [this.undo, this],
"redo": [this.redo, this],
"tab": [this._doTab, this],
"Unindent Lines": [this._doUnindentLines, this],
"enter": [this._doEnter, this],
"Find...": [this.ui.find, this.ui],
"Find Next Occurrence": [this.ui.findNext, this.ui],
"Find Previous Occurrence": [this.ui.findPrevious, this.ui],
"Goto Line...": [this.ui.gotoLine, this.ui],
"Move Lines Down": [this._moveLines, this],
"Comment/Uncomment": [this._doCommentUncomment, this],
"Move to Bracket Opening": [this._moveToBracketOpening, this],
"Move to Bracket Closing": [this._moveToBracketClosing, this],
for (let name in actions) {
let action = actions[name];
this._view.setAction(name, action[0].bind(action[1]));
this._view.setAction("Move Lines Up", this._moveLines.bind(this, true));
let keys = (config.keys || []).concat(DEFAULT_KEYBINDINGS);
keys.forEach(function(aKey) {
// In Orion mod1 refers to Cmd on Macs and Ctrl on Windows and Linux.
// So, if ctrl is in aKey we use it on Windows and Linux, otherwise
// we use aKey.accel for mod1.
let mod1 = Services.appinfo.OS != "Darwin" &&
"ctrl" in aKey ? aKey.ctrl : aKey.accel;
let binding = new KeyBinding(aKey.code, mod1, aKey.shift, aKey.alt,
this._view.setKeyBinding(binding, aKey.action);
if (aKey.callback) {
this._view.setAction(aKey.action, aKey.callback);
}, this);
* Initialize the private Orion EventTarget object. This is used for tracking
* our own event listeners for events outside of Orion's scope.
* @private
_initEventTarget: function SE__initEventTarget()
let EventTarget =
this._eventListenersQueue.forEach(function(aRequest) {
if (aRequest[0] == "add") {
this.addEventListener(aRequest[1], aRequest[2]);
} else {
this.removeEventListener(aRequest[1], aRequest[2]);
}, this);
this._eventListenersQueue = [];
* Dispatch an event to the SourceEditor event listeners. This covers only the
* SourceEditor-specific events.
* @private
* @param object aEvent
* The event object to dispatch to all listeners.
_dispatchEvent: function SE__dispatchEvent(aEvent)
* The Orion "Load" event handler. This is called when the Orion editor
* completes the initialization.
* @private
_onOrionLoad: function SE__onOrionLoad()
if (this._onReadyCallback) {
this._onReadyCallback = null;
* The "tab" editor action implementation. This adds support for expanded tabs
* to spaces, and support for the indentation of multiple lines at once.
* @private
_doTab: function SE__doTab()
if (this.readOnly) {
return false;
let indent = "\t";
let selection = this.getSelection();
let model = this._model;
let firstLine = model.getLineAtOffset(selection.start);
let firstLineStart = this.getLineStart(firstLine);
let lastLineOffset = selection.end > selection.start ?
selection.end - 1 : selection.end;
let lastLine = model.getLineAtOffset(lastLineOffset);
if (this._expandTab) {
let offsetFromLineStart = firstLine == lastLine ?
selection.start - firstLineStart : 0;
let spaces = this._tabSize - (offsetFromLineStart % this._tabSize);
indent = (new Array(spaces + 1)).join(" ");
// Do selection indentation.
if (firstLine != lastLine) {
let lines = [""];
let lastLineEnd = this.getLineEnd(lastLine, true);
let selectedLines = lastLine - firstLine + 1;
for (let i = firstLine; i <= lastLine; i++) {
lines.push(model.getLine(i, true));
this.setText(lines.join(indent), firstLineStart, lastLineEnd);
let newSelectionStart = firstLineStart == selection.start ?
selection.start : selection.start + indent.length;
let newSelectionEnd = selection.end + (selectedLines * indent.length);
this._view.setSelection(newSelectionStart, newSelectionEnd);
return true;
return false;
* The "Unindent lines" editor action implementation. This method is invoked
* when the user presses Shift-Tab.
* @private
_doUnindentLines: function SE__doUnindentLines()
if (this.readOnly) {
return true;
let indent = "\t";
let selection = this.getSelection();
let model = this._model;
let firstLine = model.getLineAtOffset(selection.start);
let lastLineOffset = selection.end > selection.start ?
selection.end - 1 : selection.end;
let lastLine = model.getLineAtOffset(lastLineOffset);
if (this._expandTab) {
indent = (new Array(this._tabSize + 1)).join(" ");
let lines = [];
for (let line, i = firstLine; i <= lastLine; i++) {
line = model.getLine(i, true);
if (line.indexOf(indent) != 0) {
return true;
let firstLineStart = this.getLineStart(firstLine);
let lastLineStart = this.getLineStart(lastLine);
let lastLineEnd = this.getLineEnd(lastLine, true);
this.setText(lines.join(""), firstLineStart, lastLineEnd);
let selectedLines = lastLine - firstLine + 1;
let newSelectionStart = firstLineStart == selection.start ?
selection.start :
selection.start - indent.length);
let newSelectionEnd = selection.end - (selectedLines * indent.length) +
(selection.end == lastLineStart + 1 ? 1 : 0);
if (firstLine == lastLine) {
newSelectionEnd = Math.max(lastLineStart, newSelectionEnd);
this._view.setSelection(newSelectionStart, newSelectionEnd);
return true;
* The editor Enter action implementation, which adds simple automatic
* indentation based on the previous line when the user presses the Enter key.
* @private
_doEnter: function SE__doEnter()
if (this.readOnly) {
return false;
let selection = this.getSelection();
if (selection.start != selection.end) {
return false;
let model = this._model;
let lineIndex = model.getLineAtOffset(selection.start);
let lineText = model.getLine(lineIndex, true);
let lineStart = this.getLineStart(lineIndex);
let index = 0;
let lineOffset = selection.start - lineStart;
while (index < lineOffset && /[ \t]/.test(lineText.charAt(index))) {
if (!index) {
return false;
let prefix = lineText.substring(0, index);
index = lineOffset;
while (index < lineText.length &&
/[ \t]/.test(lineText.charAt(index++))) {
this.setText(this.getLineDelimiter() + prefix, selection.start,
return true;
* Move lines upwards or downwards, relative to the current caret location.
* @private
* @param boolean aLineAbove
* True if moving lines up, false to move lines down.
_moveLines: function SE__moveLines(aLineAbove)
if (this.readOnly) {
return false;
let model = this._model;
let selection = this.getSelection();
let firstLine = model.getLineAtOffset(selection.start);
if (firstLine == 0 && aLineAbove) {
return true;
let lastLine = model.getLineAtOffset(selection.end);
let firstLineStart = this.getLineStart(firstLine);
let lastLineStart = this.getLineStart(lastLine);
if (selection.start != selection.end && lastLineStart == selection.end) {
if (!aLineAbove && (lastLine + 1) == this.getLineCount()) {
return true;
let lastLineEnd = this.getLineEnd(lastLine, true);
let text = this.getText(firstLineStart, lastLineEnd);
if (aLineAbove) {
let aboveLine = firstLine - 1;
let aboveLineStart = this.getLineStart(aboveLine);
if (lastLine == (this.getLineCount() - 1)) {
let delimiterStart = this.getLineEnd(aboveLine);
let delimiterEnd = this.getLineEnd(aboveLine, true);
let lineDelimiter = this.getText(delimiterStart, delimiterEnd);
text += lineDelimiter;
this.setText("", firstLineStart - lineDelimiter.length, lastLineEnd);
} else {
this.setText("", firstLineStart, lastLineEnd);
this.setText(text, aboveLineStart, aboveLineStart);
this.setSelection(aboveLineStart, aboveLineStart + text.length);
} else {
let belowLine = lastLine + 1;
let belowLineEnd = this.getLineEnd(belowLine, true);
let insertAt = belowLineEnd - lastLineEnd + firstLineStart;
let lineDelimiter = "";
if (belowLine == this.getLineCount() - 1) {
let delimiterStart = this.getLineEnd(lastLine);
lineDelimiter = this.getText(delimiterStart, lastLineEnd);
text = lineDelimiter + text.substr(0, text.length -
this.setText("", firstLineStart, lastLineEnd);
this.setText(text, insertAt, insertAt);
this.setSelection(insertAt + lineDelimiter.length,
insertAt + text.length);
return true;
* The Orion Selection event handler. The current caret line is
* highlighted and for Linux users the selected text is copied into the X11
* PRIMARY buffer.
* @private
* @param object aEvent
* The Orion Selection event object.
_onOrionSelection: function SE__onOrionSelection(aEvent)
if (this._config.highlightCurrentLine) {
if (Services.appinfo.OS == "Linux") {
let window = this.parentElement.ownerDocument.defaultView;
if (this._primarySelectionTimeout) {
this._primarySelectionTimeout =
* The TextChanged event handler which tracks the dirty state of the editor.
* @see SourceEditor.EVENTS.TEXT_CHANGED
* @see SourceEditor.EVENTS.DIRTY_CHANGED
* @see SourceEditor.dirty
* @private
_onTextChanged: function SE__onTextChanged()
* The Orion contextmenu event handler. This method opens the default or
* the custom context menu popup at the pointer location.
* @param object aEvent
* The contextmenu event object coming from Orion. This object should
* hold the screenX and screenY properties.
_onOrionContextMenu: function SE__onOrionContextMenu(aEvent)
if (this._contextMenu.state == "closed") {
this._contextMenu.openPopupAtScreen(aEvent.screenX || 0,
aEvent.screenY || 0, true);
* Update the dirty state of the editor based on the undo stack.
* @private
_updateDirty: function SE__updateDirty()
this.dirty = !this._undoStack.isClean();
* Update the X11 PRIMARY buffer to hold the current selection.
* @private
_updatePrimarySelection: function SE__updatePrimarySelection()
this._primarySelectionTimeout = null;
let text = this.getSelectedText();
if (!text) {
* Highlight the current line using the Orion annotation model.
* @private
* @param object aEvent
* The Selection event object.
_highlightCurrentLine: function SE__highlightCurrentLine(aEvent)
let annotationModel = this._annotationModel;
let model = this._model;
let oldAnnotation = this._currentLineAnnotation;
let newSelection = aEvent.newValue;
let collapsed = newSelection.start == newSelection.end;
if (!collapsed) {
if (oldAnnotation) {
this._currentLineAnnotation = null;
let line = model.getLineAtOffset(newSelection.start);
let lineStart = this.getLineStart(line);
let lineEnd = this.getLineEnd(line);
let title = oldAnnotation ? oldAnnotation.title :
this._currentLineAnnotation = {
start: lineStart,
end: lineEnd,
title: title,
html: "<div class='annotationHTML currentLine'></div>",
overviewStyle: {styleClass: "annotationOverview currentLine"},
lineStyle: {styleClass: "annotationLine currentLine"},
annotationModel.replaceAnnotations(oldAnnotation ? [oldAnnotation] : null,
* The click event handler for the lines gutter. This function allows the user
* to jump to a line or to perform line selection while holding the Shift key
* down.
* @private
* @param number aLineIndex
* The line index where the click event occurred.
* @param object aEvent
* The DOM click event object.
_linesRulerClick: function SE__linesRulerClick(aLineIndex, aEvent)
if (aLineIndex === undefined) {
if (aEvent.shiftKey) {
let model = this._model;
let selection = this.getSelection();
let selectionLineStart = model.getLineAtOffset(selection.start);
let selectionLineEnd = model.getLineAtOffset(selection.end);
let newStart = aLineIndex <= selectionLineStart ?
this.getLineStart(aLineIndex) : selection.start;
let newEnd = aLineIndex <= selectionLineStart ?
selection.end : this.getLineEnd(aLineIndex);
this.setSelection(newStart, newEnd);
} else {
* The dblclick event handler for the lines gutter. This function selects the
* whole line where the event occurred.
* @private
* @param number aLineIndex
* The line index where the double click event occurred.
* @param object aEvent
* The DOM dblclick event object.
_linesRulerDblClick: function SE__linesRulerDblClick(aLineIndex)
if (aLineIndex === undefined) {
let newStart = this.getLineStart(aLineIndex);
let newEnd = this.getLineEnd(aLineIndex);
this.setSelection(newStart, newEnd);
* Highlight the Orion annotations. This updates the annotation styler as
* needed.
* @private
_highlightAnnotations: function SE__highlightAnnotations()
if (this._annotationStyler) {
this._annotationStyler = null;
let AnnotationStyler =
let styler = new AnnotationStyler(this._view, this._annotationModel);
this._annotationStyler = styler;
if (this._config.highlightCurrentLine) {
* Retrieve the list of Orion Annotations filtered by type for the given text range.
* @private
* @param string aType
* The annotation type to filter annotations for. Use one of the keys
* @param number aStart
* Offset from where to start finding the annotations.
* @param number aEnd
* End offset for retrieving the annotations.
* @return array
* The array of annotations, filtered by type, within the given text
* range.
_getAnnotationsByType: function SE__getAnnotationsByType(aType, aStart, aEnd)
let annotations = this._annotationModel.getAnnotations(aStart, aEnd);
let annotation, result = [];
while (annotation = {
if (annotation.type == ORION_ANNOTATION_TYPES[aType]) {
return result;
* The click event handler for the annotation ruler.
* @private
* @param number aLineIndex
* The line index where the click event occurred.
* @param object aEvent
* The DOM click event object.
_annotationRulerClick: function SE__annotationRulerClick(aLineIndex, aEvent)
if (aLineIndex === undefined || aLineIndex == -1) {
let lineStart = this.getLineStart(aLineIndex);
let lineEnd = this.getLineEnd(aLineIndex);
let annotations = this._getAnnotationsByType("breakpoint", lineStart, lineEnd);
if (annotations.length > 0) {
} else {
* The click event handler for the overview ruler. When the user clicks on an
* annotation the editor jumps to the associated line.
* @private
* @param number aLineIndex
* The line index where the click event occurred.
* @param object aEvent
* The DOM click event object.
_overviewRulerClick: function SE__overviewRulerClick(aLineIndex, aEvent)
if (aLineIndex === undefined || aLineIndex == -1) {
let model = this._model;
let lineStart = this.getLineStart(aLineIndex);
let lineEnd = this.getLineEnd(aLineIndex);
let annotations = this._annotationModel.getAnnotations(lineStart, lineEnd);
let annotation =;
// Jump to the line where annotation is. If the annotation is specific to
// a substring part of the line, then select the substring.
if (!annotation || lineStart == annotation.start && lineEnd == annotation.end) {
this.setSelection(lineStart, lineStart);
} else {
this.setSelection(annotation.start, annotation.end);
* Get the editor element.
* @return nsIDOMElement
* In this implementation a xul:iframe holds the editor.
get editorElement() {
return this._iframe;
* Helper function to retrieve the strings used for comments in the current
* editor mode.
* @private
* @return object
* An object that holds the following properties:
* - line: the comment string used for the start of a single line
* comment.
* - blockStart: the comment string used for the start of a comment
* block.
* - blockEnd: the comment string used for the end of a block comment.
* Null is returned for unsupported editor modes.
_getCommentStrings: function SE__getCommentStrings()
let line = "";
let blockCommentStart = "";
let blockCommentEnd = "";
switch (this.getMode()) {
case SourceEditor.MODES.JAVASCRIPT:
line = "//";
blockCommentStart = "/*";
blockCommentEnd = "*/";
case SourceEditor.MODES.CSS:
blockCommentStart = "/*";
blockCommentEnd = "*/";
case SourceEditor.MODES.HTML:
case SourceEditor.MODES.XML:
blockCommentStart = "<!--";
blockCommentEnd = "-->";
return null;
return {line: line, blockStart: blockCommentStart, blockEnd: blockCommentEnd};
* Decide whether to comment the selection/current line or to uncomment it.
* @private
_doCommentUncomment: function SE__doCommentUncomment()
if (this.readOnly) {
return false;
let commentObject = this._getCommentStrings();
if (!commentObject) {
return false;
let selection = this.getSelection();
let model = this._model;
let firstLine = model.getLineAtOffset(selection.start);
let lastLine = model.getLineAtOffset(selection.end);
// Checks for block comment.
let firstLineText = model.getLine(firstLine);
let lastLineText = model.getLine(lastLine);
let openIndex = firstLineText.indexOf(commentObject.blockStart);
let closeIndex = lastLineText.lastIndexOf(commentObject.blockEnd);
if (openIndex != -1 && closeIndex != -1 &&
(firstLine != lastLine ||
(closeIndex - openIndex) >= commentObject.blockStart.length)) {
return this._doUncomment();
if (!commentObject.line) {
return this._doComment();
// If the selection is not a block comment, check for the first and the last
// lines to be line commented.
let firstLastCommented = [firstLineText,
lastLineText].every(function(aLineText) {
let openIndex = aLineText.indexOf(commentObject.line);
if (openIndex != -1) {
let textUntilComment = aLineText.slice(0, openIndex);
if (!textUntilComment || /^\s+$/.test(textUntilComment)) {
return true;
return false;
if (firstLastCommented) {
return this._doUncomment();
// If we reach here, then we have to comment the selection/line.
return this._doComment();
* Wrap the selected text in comments. If nothing is selected the current
* caret line is commented out. Single line and block comments depend on the
* current editor mode.
* @private
_doComment: function SE__doComment()
if (this.readOnly) {
return false;
let commentObject = this._getCommentStrings();
if (!commentObject) {
return false;
let selection = this.getSelection();
if (selection.start == selection.end) {
let selectionLine = this._model.getLineAtOffset(selection.start);
let lineStartOffset = this.getLineStart(selectionLine);
if (commentObject.line) {
this.setText(commentObject.line, lineStartOffset, lineStartOffset);
} else {
let lineEndOffset = this.getLineEnd(selectionLine);
this.setText(commentObject.blockStart, lineStartOffset, lineStartOffset);
lineEndOffset + commentObject.blockStart.length,
lineEndOffset + commentObject.blockStart.length);
} else {
this.setText(commentObject.blockStart, selection.start, selection.start);
selection.end + commentObject.blockStart.length,
selection.end + commentObject.blockStart.length);
return true;
* Uncomment the selected text. If nothing is selected the current caret line
* is umcommented. Single line and block comments depend on the current editor
* mode.
* @private
_doUncomment: function SE__doUncomment()
if (this.readOnly) {
return false;
let commentObject = this._getCommentStrings();
if (!commentObject) {
return false;
let selection = this.getSelection();
let firstLine = this._model.getLineAtOffset(selection.start);
let lastLine = this._model.getLineAtOffset(selection.end);
// Uncomment a block of text.
let firstLineText = this._model.getLine(firstLine);
let lastLineText = this._model.getLine(lastLine);
let openIndex = firstLineText.indexOf(commentObject.blockStart);
let closeIndex = lastLineText.lastIndexOf(commentObject.blockEnd);
if (openIndex != -1 && closeIndex != -1 &&
(firstLine != lastLine ||
(closeIndex - openIndex) >= commentObject.blockStart.length)) {
let firstLineStartOffset = this.getLineStart(firstLine);
let lastLineStartOffset = this.getLineStart(lastLine);
let openOffset = firstLineStartOffset + openIndex;
let closeOffset = lastLineStartOffset + closeIndex;
this.setText("", closeOffset, closeOffset + commentObject.blockEnd.length);
this.setText("", openOffset, openOffset + commentObject.blockStart.length);
return true;
if (!commentObject.line) {
return true;
// If the selected text is not a block of comment, then uncomment each line.
let lineCaret = firstLine;
while (lineCaret <= lastLine) {
let currentLine = this._model.getLine(lineCaret);
let lineStart = this.getLineStart(lineCaret);
let openIndex = currentLine.indexOf(commentObject.line);
let openOffset = lineStart + openIndex;
let textUntilComment = this.getText(lineStart, openOffset);
if (openIndex != -1 &&
(!textUntilComment || /^\s+$/.test(textUntilComment))) {
this.setText("", openOffset, openOffset + commentObject.line.length);
return true;
* Helper function for _moveToBracket{Opening/Closing} to find the offset of
* matching bracket.
* @param number aOffset
* The offset of the bracket for which you want to find the bracket.
* @private
_getMatchingBracketIndex: function SE__getMatchingBracketIndex(aOffset)
return this._styler._findMatchingBracket(this._model, aOffset);
* Move the cursor to the matching opening bracket if at corresponding closing
* bracket, otherwise move to the opening bracket for the current block of code.
* @private
_moveToBracketOpening: function SE__moveToBracketOpening()
let mode = this.getMode();
// Returning early if not in JavaScipt or CSS mode.
if (mode != SourceEditor.MODES.JAVASCRIPT &&
mode != SourceEditor.MODES.CSS) {
return false;
let caretOffset = this.getCaretOffset() - 1;
let matchingIndex = this._getMatchingBracketIndex(caretOffset);
// If the caret is not at the closing bracket "}", find the index of the
// opening bracket "{" for the current code block.
if (matchingIndex == -1 || matchingIndex > caretOffset) {
let text = this.getText();
let closingOffset = text.indexOf("}", caretOffset);
while (closingOffset > -1) {
let closingMatchingIndex = this._getMatchingBracketIndex(closingOffset);
if (closingMatchingIndex < caretOffset && closingMatchingIndex != -1) {
matchingIndex = closingMatchingIndex;
closingOffset = text.indexOf("}", closingOffset + 1);
if (matchingIndex > -1) {
return true;
* Moves the cursor to the matching closing bracket if at corresponding opening
* bracket, otherwise move to the closing bracket for the current block of code.
* @private
_moveToBracketClosing: function SE__moveToBracketClosing()
let mode = this.getMode();
// Returning early if not in JavaScipt or CSS mode.
if (mode != SourceEditor.MODES.JAVASCRIPT &&
mode != SourceEditor.MODES.CSS) {
return false;
let caretOffset = this.getCaretOffset();
let matchingIndex = this._getMatchingBracketIndex(caretOffset - 1);
// If the caret is not at the opening bracket "{", find the index of the
// closing bracket "}" for the current code block.
if (matchingIndex == -1 || matchingIndex < caretOffset) {
let text = this.getText();
let openingOffset = text.lastIndexOf("{", caretOffset);
while (openingOffset > -1) {
let openingMatchingIndex = this._getMatchingBracketIndex(openingOffset);
if (openingMatchingIndex > caretOffset) {
matchingIndex = openingMatchingIndex;
openingOffset = text.lastIndexOf("{", openingOffset - 1);
if (matchingIndex > -1) {
return true;
* Add an event listener to the editor. You can use one of the known events.
* @see SourceEditor.EVENTS
* @param string aEventType
* The event type you want to listen for.
* @param function aCallback
* The function you want executed when the event is triggered.
addEventListener: function SE_addEventListener(aEventType, aCallback)
if (this._view && aEventType in ORION_EVENTS) {
this._view.addEventListener(ORION_EVENTS[aEventType], aCallback);
} else if (this._eventTarget.addEventListener) {
this._eventTarget.addEventListener(aEventType, aCallback);
} else {
this._eventListenersQueue.push(["add", aEventType, aCallback]);
* Remove an event listener from the editor. You can use one of the known
* events.
* @see SourceEditor.EVENTS
* @param string aEventType
* The event type you have a listener for.
* @param function aCallback
* The function you have as the event handler.
removeEventListener: function SE_removeEventListener(aEventType, aCallback)
if (this._view && aEventType in ORION_EVENTS) {
this._view.removeEventListener(ORION_EVENTS[aEventType], aCallback);
} else if (this._eventTarget.removeEventListener) {
this._eventTarget.removeEventListener(aEventType, aCallback);
} else {
this._eventListenersQueue.push(["remove", aEventType, aCallback]);
* Undo a change in the editor.
* @return boolean
* True if there was a change undone, false otherwise.
undo: function SE_undo()
let result = this._undoStack.undo();
return result;
* Redo a change in the editor.
* @return boolean
* True if there was a change redone, false otherwise.
redo: function SE_redo()
let result = this._undoStack.redo();
return result;
* Check if there are changes that can be undone.
* @return boolean
* True if there are changes that can be undone, false otherwise.
canUndo: function SE_canUndo()
return this._undoStack.canUndo();
* Check if there are changes that can be repeated.
* @return boolean
* True if there are changes that can be repeated, false otherwise.
canRedo: function SE_canRedo()
return this._undoStack.canRedo();
* Reset the Undo stack.
resetUndo: function SE_resetUndo()
* Set the "dirty" state of the editor. Set this to false when you save the
* text being edited. The dirty state will become true once the user makes
* changes to the text.
* @param boolean aNewValue
* The new dirty state: true if the text is not saved, false if you
* just saved the text.
set dirty(aNewValue)
if (aNewValue == this._dirty) {
let event = {
type: SourceEditor.EVENTS.DIRTY_CHANGED,
oldValue: this._dirty,
newValue: aNewValue,
this._dirty = aNewValue;
if (!this._dirty && !this._undoStack.isClean()) {
* Get the editor "dirty" state. This tells if the text is considered saved or
* not.
* @see SourceEditor.EVENTS.DIRTY_CHANGED
* @return boolean
* True if there are changes which are not saved, false otherwise.
get dirty()
return this._dirty;
* Start a compound change in the editor. Compound changes are grouped into
* only one change that you can undo later, after you invoke
* endCompoundChange().
startCompoundChange: function SE_startCompoundChange()
* End a compound change in the editor.
endCompoundChange: function SE_endCompoundChange()
* Focus the editor.
focus: function SE_focus()
* Get the first visible line number.
* @return number
* The line number, counting from 0.
getTopIndex: function SE_getTopIndex()
return this._view.getTopIndex();
* Set the first visible line number.
* @param number aTopIndex
* The line number, counting from 0.
setTopIndex: function SE_setTopIndex(aTopIndex)
* Check if the editor has focus.
* @return boolean
* True if the editor is focused, false otherwise.
hasFocus: function SE_hasFocus()
return this._view.hasFocus();
* Get the editor content, in the given range. If no range is given you get
* the entire editor content.
* @param number [aStart=0]
* Optional, start from the given offset.
* @param number [aEnd=content char count]
* Optional, end offset for the text you want. If this parameter is not
* given, then the text returned goes until the end of the editor
* content.
* @return string
* The text in the given range.
getText: function SE_getText(aStart, aEnd)
return this._view.getText(aStart, aEnd);
* Get the start character offset of the line with index aLineIndex.
* @param number aLineIndex
* Zero based index of the line.
* @return number
* Line start offset or -1 if out of range.
getLineStart: function SE_getLineStart(aLineIndex)
return this._model.getLineStart(aLineIndex);
* Get the end character offset of the line with index aLineIndex,
* excluding the end offset. When the line delimiter is present,
* the offset is the start offset of the next line or the char count.
* Otherwise, it is the offset of the line delimiter.
* @param number aLineIndex
* Zero based index of the line.
* @param boolean [aIncludeDelimiter = false]
* Optional, whether or not to include the line delimiter.
* @return number
* Line end offset or -1 if out of range.
getLineEnd: function SE_getLineEnd(aLineIndex, aIncludeDelimiter)
return this._model.getLineEnd(aLineIndex, aIncludeDelimiter);
* Get the number of characters in the editor content.
* @return number
* The number of editor content characters.
getCharCount: function SE_getCharCount()
return this._model.getCharCount();
* Get the selected text.
* @return string
* The currently selected text.
getSelectedText: function SE_getSelectedText()
let selection = this.getSelection();
return this.getText(selection.start, selection.end);
* Replace text in the source editor with the given text, in the given range.
* @param string aText
* The text you want to put into the editor.
* @param number [aStart=0]
* Optional, the start offset, zero based, from where you want to start
* replacing text in the editor.
* @param number [aEnd=char count]
* Optional, the end offset, zero based, where you want to stop
* replacing text in the editor.
setText: function SE_setText(aText, aStart, aEnd)
this._view.setText(aText, aStart, aEnd);
* Drop the current selection / deselect.
dropSelection: function SE_dropSelection()
* Select a specific range in the editor.
* @param number aStart
* Selection range start.
* @param number aEnd
* Selection range end.
setSelection: function SE_setSelection(aStart, aEnd)
this._view.setSelection(aStart, aEnd, true);
* Get the current selection range.
* @return object
* An object with two properties, start and end, that give the
* selection range (zero based offsets).
getSelection: function SE_getSelection()
return this._view.getSelection();
* Get the current caret offset.
* @return number
* The current caret offset.
getCaretOffset: function SE_getCaretOffset()
return this._view.getCaretOffset();
* Set the caret offset.
* @param number aOffset
* The new caret offset you want to set.
setCaretOffset: function SE_setCaretOffset(aOffset)
this._view.setCaretOffset(aOffset, true);
* Get the caret position.
* @return object
* An object that holds two properties:
* - line: the line number, counting from 0.
* - col: the column number, counting from 0.
getCaretPosition: function SE_getCaretPosition()
let offset = this.getCaretOffset();
let line = this._model.getLineAtOffset(offset);
let lineStart = this.getLineStart(line);
let column = offset - lineStart;
return {line: line, col: column};
* Set the caret position: line and column.
* @param number aLine
* The new caret line location. Line numbers start from 0.
* @param number [aColumn=0]
* Optional. The new caret column location. Columns start from 0.
* @param number [aAlign=0]
* Optional. Position of the line with respect to viewport.
* Allowed values are:
* SourceEditor.VERTICAL_ALIGN.TOP target line at top of view.
* SourceEditor.VERTICAL_ALIGN.CENTER target line at center of view.
* SourceEditor.VERTICAL_ALIGN.BOTTOM target line at bottom of view.
setCaretPosition: function SE_setCaretPosition(aLine, aColumn, aAlign)
let editorHeight = this._view.getClientArea().height;
let lineHeight = this._view.getLineHeight();
let linesVisible = Math.floor(editorHeight/lineHeight);
let halfVisible = Math.round(linesVisible/2);
let firstVisible = this.getTopIndex();
let lastVisible = this._view.getBottomIndex();
let caretOffset = this.getLineStart(aLine) + (aColumn || 0);
this._view.setSelection(caretOffset, caretOffset, false);
// If the target line is in view, skip the vertical alignment part.
if (aLine <= lastVisible && aLine >= firstVisible) {
// Setting the offset so that the line always falls in the upper half
// of visible lines (lower half for BOTTOM aligned).
// VERTICAL_OFFSET is the maximum allowed value.
let offset = Math.min(halfVisible, VERTICAL_OFFSET);
let topIndex;
switch (aAlign) {
topIndex = Math.max(aLine - halfVisible, 0);
topIndex = Math.max(aLine - linesVisible + offset, 0);
default: // this.VERTICAL_ALIGN.TOP.
topIndex = Math.max(aLine - offset, 0);
// Bringing down the topIndex to total lines in the editor if exceeding.
topIndex = Math.min(topIndex, this.getLineCount());
let location = this._view.getLocationAtOffset(caretOffset);
* Get the line count.
* @return number
* The number of lines in the document being edited.
getLineCount: function SE_getLineCount()
return this._model.getLineCount();
* Get the line delimiter used in the document being edited.
* @return string
* The line delimiter.
getLineDelimiter: function SE_getLineDelimiter()
return this._model.getLineDelimiter();
* Get the indentation string used in the document being edited.
* @return string
* The indentation string.
getIndentationString: function SE_getIndentationString()
if (this._expandTab) {
return (new Array(this._tabSize + 1)).join(" ");
return "\t";
* Set the source editor mode to the file type you are editing.
* @param string aMode
* One of the predefined SourceEditor.MODES.
setMode: function SE_setMode(aMode)
if (this._styler) {
this._styler = null;
let window = this._iframeWindow;
switch (aMode) {
case SourceEditor.MODES.JAVASCRIPT:
case SourceEditor.MODES.CSS:
let TextStyler =
this._styler = new TextStyler(this._view, aMode, this._annotationModel);
case SourceEditor.MODES.HTML:
case SourceEditor.MODES.XML:
let TextMateStyler =
let HtmlGrammar =
this._styler = new TextMateStyler(this._view, new HtmlGrammar());
this._mode = aMode;
* Get the current source editor mode.
* @return string
* Returns one of the predefined SourceEditor.MODES.
getMode: function SE_getMode()
return this._mode;
* Setter for the read-only state of the editor.
* @param boolean aValue
* Tells if you want the editor to read-only or not.
set readOnly(aValue)
readonly: aValue,
themeClass: "mozilla" + (aValue ? " readonly" : ""),
* Getter for the read-only state of the editor.
* @type boolean
get readOnly()
return this._view.getOptions("readonly");
* Set the current debugger location at the given line index. This is useful in
* a debugger or in any other context where the user needs to track the
* current state, where a debugger-like environment is at.
* @param number aLineIndex
* Line index of the current debugger location, starting from 0.
* Use any negative number to clear the current location.
setDebugLocation: function SE_setDebugLocation(aLineIndex)
let annotations = this._getAnnotationsByType("debugLocation", 0,
if (annotations.length > 0) {
if (aLineIndex < 0) {
let lineStart = this._model.getLineStart(aLineIndex);
let lineEnd = this._model.getLineEnd(aLineIndex);
let lineText = this._model.getLine(aLineIndex);
let title = SourceEditorUI.strings.
[lineText], 1);
let annotation = {
type: ORION_ANNOTATION_TYPES.debugLocation,
start: lineStart,
end: lineEnd,
title: title,
style: {styleClass: "annotation debugLocation"},
html: "<div class='annotationHTML debugLocation'></div>",
overviewStyle: {styleClass: "annotationOverview debugLocation"},
rangeStyle: {styleClass: "annotationRange debugLocation"},
lineStyle: {styleClass: "annotationLine debugLocation"},
* Retrieve the current debugger line index configured for this editor.
* @return number
* The line index starting from 0 where the current debugger is
* paused. If no debugger location has been set -1 is returned.
getDebugLocation: function SE_getDebugLocation()
let annotations = this._getAnnotationsByType("debugLocation", 0,
if (annotations.length > 0) {
return this._model.getLineAtOffset(annotations[0].start);
return -1;
* Add a breakpoint at the given line index.
* @param number aLineIndex
* Line index where to add the breakpoint (starts from 0).
* @param string [aCondition]
* Optional breakpoint condition.
addBreakpoint: function SE_addBreakpoint(aLineIndex, aCondition)
let lineStart = this.getLineStart(aLineIndex);
let lineEnd = this.getLineEnd(aLineIndex);
let annotations = this._getAnnotationsByType("breakpoint", lineStart, lineEnd);
if (annotations.length > 0) {
let lineText = this._model.getLine(aLineIndex);
let title = SourceEditorUI.strings.
[lineText], 1);
let annotation = {
type: ORION_ANNOTATION_TYPES.breakpoint,
start: lineStart,
end: lineEnd,
breakpointCondition: aCondition,
title: title,
style: {styleClass: "annotation breakpoint"},
html: "<div class='annotationHTML breakpoint'></div>",
overviewStyle: {styleClass: "annotationOverview breakpoint"},
rangeStyle: {styleClass: "annotationRange breakpoint"}
let event = {
added: [{line: aLineIndex, condition: aCondition}],
removed: [],
* Remove the current breakpoint from the given line index.
* @param number aLineIndex
* Line index from where to remove the breakpoint (starts from 0).
* @return boolean
* True if a breakpoint was removed, false otherwise.
removeBreakpoint: function SE_removeBreakpoint(aLineIndex)
let lineStart = this.getLineStart(aLineIndex);
let lineEnd = this.getLineEnd(aLineIndex);
let event = {
added: [],
removed: [],
let annotations = this._getAnnotationsByType("breakpoint", lineStart, lineEnd);
annotations.forEach(function(annotation) {
event.removed.push({line: aLineIndex,
condition: annotation.breakpointCondition});
}, this);
if (event.removed.length > 0) {
return event.removed.length > 0;
* Get the list of breakpoints in the Source Editor instance.
* @return array
* The array of breakpoints. Each item is an object with two
* properties: line and condition.
getBreakpoints: function SE_getBreakpoints()
let annotations = this._getAnnotationsByType("breakpoint", 0,
let breakpoints = [];
annotations.forEach(function(annotation) {
breakpoints.push({line: this._model.getLineAtOffset(annotation.start),
condition: annotation.breakpointCondition});
}, this);
return breakpoints;
* Destroy/uninitialize the editor.
destroy: function SE_destroy()
if (this._config.highlightCurrentLine || Services.appinfo.OS == "Linux") {
this._onOrionSelection = null;
this._onTextChanged = null;
if (this._contextMenu) {
this._contextMenu = null;
this._onOrionContextMenu = null;
if (this._primarySelectionTimeout) {
let window = this.parentElement.ownerDocument.defaultView;
this._primarySelectionTimeout = null;
this.ui = null;
this.parentElement = null;
this._iframeWindow = null;
this._iframe = null;
this._undoStack = null;
this._styler = null;
this._linesRuler = null;
this._annotationRuler = null;
this._overviewRuler = null;
this._dragAndDrop = null;
this._annotationModel = null;
this._annotationStyler = null;
this._currentLineAnnotation = null;
this._eventTarget = null;
this._eventListenersQueue = null;
this._view = null;
this._model = null;
this._config = null;
this._lastFind = null;