
596 lines
17 KiB

/* vim: set ft=javascript ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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"use strict";
const {Cc, Ci, Cu} = require("chrome");
const XUL_NS = "";
loader.lazyImporter(this, "Services", "resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm");
loader.lazyImporter(this, "gDevTools", "resource:///modules/devtools/gDevTools.jsm");
* Autocomplete popup UI implementation.
* @constructor
* @param nsIDOMDocument aDocument
* The document you want the popup attached to.
* @param Object aOptions
* An object consiting any of the following options:
* - panelId {String} The id for the popup panel.
* - listBoxId {String} The id for the richlistbox inside the panel.
* - position {String} The position for the popup panel.
* - theme {String} String related to the theme of the popup.
* - autoSelect {Boolean} Boolean to allow the first entry of the popup
* panel to be automatically selected when the popup shows.
* - direction {String} The direction of the text in the panel. rtl or ltr
* - onSelect {String} The select event handler for the richlistbox
* - onClick {String} The click event handler for the richlistbox.
* - onKeypress {String} The keypress event handler for the richlistitems.
function AutocompletePopup(aDocument, aOptions = {})
this._document = aDocument;
this.autoSelect = aOptions.autoSelect || false;
this.position = aOptions.position || "after_start";
this.direction = aOptions.direction || "ltr";
this.onSelect = aOptions.onSelect;
this.onClick = aOptions.onClick;
this.onKeypress = aOptions.onKeypress;
let id = aOptions.panelId || "devtools_autoCompletePopup";
let theme = aOptions.theme || "dark";
// If theme is auto, use the devtools.theme pref
if (theme == "auto") {
theme = Services.prefs.getCharPref("devtools.theme");
this.autoThemeEnabled = true;
// Setup theme change listener.
this._handleThemeChange = this._handleThemeChange.bind(this);
gDevTools.on("pref-changed", this._handleThemeChange);
// Reuse the existing popup elements.
this._panel = this._document.getElementById(id);
if (!this._panel) {
this._panel = this._document.createElementNS(XUL_NS, "panel");
this._panel.setAttribute("id", id);
this._panel.className = "devtools-autocomplete-popup devtools-monospace "
+ theme + "-theme";
this._panel.setAttribute("noautofocus", "true");
this._panel.setAttribute("level", "top");
if (!aOptions.onKeypress) {
this._panel.setAttribute("ignorekeys", "true");
// Stop this appearing as an alert to accessibility.
this._panel.setAttribute("role", "presentation");
let mainPopupSet = this._document.getElementById("mainPopupSet");
if (mainPopupSet) {
else {
else {
this._list = this._panel.firstChild;
if (!this._list) {
this._list = this._document.createElementNS(XUL_NS, "richlistbox");
// Open and hide the panel, so we initialize the API of the richlistbox.
this._panel.openPopup(null, this.position, 0, 0);
this._list.setAttribute("flex", "1");
this._list.setAttribute("seltype", "single");
if (aOptions.listBoxId) {
this._list.setAttribute("id", aOptions.listBoxId);
this._list.className = "devtools-autocomplete-listbox " + theme + "-theme";
if (this.onSelect) {
this._list.addEventListener("select", this.onSelect, false);
if (this.onClick) {
this._list.addEventListener("click", this.onClick, false);
if (this.onKeypress) {
this._list.addEventListener("keypress", this.onKeypress, false);
this._itemIdCounter = 0;
exports.AutocompletePopup = AutocompletePopup;
AutocompletePopup.prototype = {
_document: null,
_panel: null,
_list: null,
__scrollbarWidth: null,
// Event handlers.
onSelect: null,
onClick: null,
onKeypress: null,
* Open the autocomplete popup panel.
* @param nsIDOMNode aAnchor
* Optional node to anchor the panel to.
* @param Number aXOffset
* Horizontal offset in pixels from the left of the node to the left
* of the popup.
* @param Number aYOffset
* Vertical offset in pixels from the top of the node to the starting
* of the popup.
openPopup: function AP_openPopup(aAnchor, aXOffset = 0, aYOffset = 0)
this.__maxLabelLength = -1;
this._panel.openPopup(aAnchor, this.position, aXOffset, aYOffset);
if (this.autoSelect) {
* Hide the autocomplete popup panel.
hidePopup: function AP_hidePopup()
// Return accessibility focus to the input.
* Check if the autocomplete popup is open.
get isOpen() {
return this._panel &&
(this._panel.state == "open" || this._panel.state == "showing");
* Destroy the object instance. Please note that the panel DOM elements remain
* in the DOM, because they might still be in use by other instances of the
* same code. It is the responsability of the client code to perform DOM
* cleanup.
destroy: function AP_destroy()
if (this.isOpen) {
if (this.onSelect) {
this._list.removeEventListener("select", this.onSelect, false);
if (this.onClick) {
this._list.removeEventListener("click", this.onClick, false);
if (this.onKeypress) {
this._list.removeEventListener("keypress", this.onKeypress, false);
if (this.autoThemeEnabled) {"pref-changed", this._handleThemeChange);
this._document = null;
this._list = null;
this._panel = null;
* Get the autocomplete items array.
* @param Number aIndex The index of the item what is wanted.
* @return The autocomplete item at index aIndex.
getItemAtIndex: function AP_getItemAtIndex(aIndex)
return this._list.getItemAtIndex(aIndex)._autocompleteItem;
* Get the autocomplete items array.
* @return array
* The array of autocomplete items.
getItems: function AP_getItems()
let items = [];
Array.forEach(this._list.childNodes, function(aItem) {
return items;
* Set the autocomplete items list, in one go.
* @param array aItems
* The list of items you want displayed in the popup list.
setItems: function AP_setItems(aItems)
aItems.forEach(this.appendItem, this);
// Make sure that the new content is properly fitted by the XUL richlistbox.
if (this.isOpen) {
if (this.autoSelect) {
* Selects the first item of the richlistbox. Note that first item here is the
* item closes to the input element, which means that 0th index if position is
* below, and last index if position is above.
selectFirstItem: function AP_selectFirstItem()
if (this.position.contains("before")) {
this.selectedIndex = this.itemCount - 1;
else {
this.selectedIndex = 0;
__maxLabelLength: -1,
get _maxLabelLength() {
if (this.__maxLabelLength != -1) {
return this.__maxLabelLength;
let max = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < this._list.childNodes.length; i++) {
let item = this._list.childNodes[i]._autocompleteItem;
let str = item.label;
if (item.count) {
str += (item.count + "");
max = Math.max(str.length, max);
this.__maxLabelLength = max;
return this.__maxLabelLength;
* Update the panel size to fit the content.
* @private
_updateSize: function AP__updateSize()
if (!this._panel) {
} = (this._maxLabelLength + 3) +"ch";
* Update accessibility appropriately when the selected item is changed.
* @private
_updateAriaActiveDescendant: function AP__updateAriaActiveDescendant()
if (!this._list.selectedItem) {
// Return accessibility focus to the input.
// Focus this for accessibility so users know about the selected item.
* Clear all the items from the autocomplete list.
clearItems: function AP_clearItems()
// Reset the selectedIndex to -1 before clearing the list
this.selectedIndex = -1;
while (this._list.hasChildNodes()) {
this.__maxLabelLength = -1;
// Reset the panel and list dimensions. New dimensions are calculated when
// a new set of items is added to the autocomplete popup.
this._list.width = ""; = "";
this._list.height = "";
this._panel.width = "";
this._panel.height = ""; = "";
this._panel.left = "";
* Getter for the index of the selected item.
* @type number
get selectedIndex() {
return this._list.selectedIndex;
* Setter for the selected index.
* @param number aIndex
* The number (index) of the item you want to select in the list.
set selectedIndex(aIndex) {
this._list.selectedIndex = aIndex;
if (this.isOpen && this._list.ensureIndexIsVisible) {
* Getter for the selected item.
* @type object
get selectedItem() {
return this._list.selectedItem ?
this._list.selectedItem._autocompleteItem : null;
* Setter for the selected item.
* @param object aItem
* The object you want selected in the list.
set selectedItem(aItem) {
this._list.selectedItem = this._findListItem(aItem);
if (this.isOpen) {
* Append an item into the autocomplete list.
* @param object aItem
* The item you want appended to the list.
* The item object can have the following properties:
* - label {String} Property which is used as the displayed value.
* - preLabel {String} [Optional] The String that will be displayed
* before the label indicating that this is the already
* present text in the input box, and label is the text
* that will be auto completed. When this property is
* present, |preLabel.length| starting characters will be
* removed from label.
* - count {Number} [Optional] The number to represent the count of
* autocompleted label.
appendItem: function AP_appendItem(aItem)
let listItem = this._document.createElementNS(XUL_NS, "richlistitem");
// Items must have an id for accessibility. = + "_item_" + this._itemIdCounter++;
if (this.direction) {
listItem.setAttribute("dir", this.direction);
let label = this._document.createElementNS(XUL_NS, "label");
label.setAttribute("value", aItem.label);
label.setAttribute("class", "autocomplete-value");
if (aItem.preLabel) {
let preDesc = this._document.createElementNS(XUL_NS, "label");
preDesc.setAttribute("value", aItem.preLabel);
preDesc.setAttribute("class", "initial-value");
label.setAttribute("value", aItem.label.slice(aItem.preLabel.length));
if (aItem.count && aItem.count > 1) {
let countDesc = this._document.createElementNS(XUL_NS, "label");
countDesc.setAttribute("value", aItem.count);
countDesc.setAttribute("flex", "1");
countDesc.setAttribute("class", "autocomplete-count");
listItem._autocompleteItem = aItem;
* Find the richlistitem element that belongs to an item.
* @private
* @param object aItem
* The object you want found in the list.
* @return nsIDOMNode|null
* The nsIDOMNode that belongs to the given item object. This node is
* the richlistitem element.
_findListItem: function AP__findListItem(aItem)
for (let i = 0; i < this._list.childNodes.length; i++) {
let child = this._list.childNodes[i];
if (child._autocompleteItem == aItem) {
return child;
return null;
* Remove an item from the popup list.
* @param object aItem
* The item you want removed.
removeItem: function AP_removeItem(aItem)
let item = this._findListItem(aItem);
if (!item) {
throw new Error("Item not found!");
* Getter for the number of items in the popup.
* @type number
get itemCount() {
return this._list.childNodes.length;
* Getter for the height of each item in the list.
* @private
* @type number
get _itemHeight() {
return this._list.selectedItem.clientHeight;
* Select the next item in the list.
* @return object
* The newly selected item object.
selectNextItem: function AP_selectNextItem()
if (this.selectedIndex < (this.itemCount - 1)) {
else {
this.selectedIndex = 0;
return this.selectedItem;
* Select the previous item in the list.
* @return object
* The newly-selected item object.
selectPreviousItem: function AP_selectPreviousItem()
if (this.selectedIndex > 0) {
else {
this.selectedIndex = this.itemCount - 1;
return this.selectedItem;
* Select the top-most item in the next page of items or
* the last item in the list.
* @return object
* The newly-selected item object.
selectNextPageItem: function AP_selectNextPageItem()
let itemsPerPane = Math.floor(this._list.scrollHeight / this._itemHeight);
let nextPageIndex = this.selectedIndex + itemsPerPane + 1;
this.selectedIndex = nextPageIndex > this.itemCount - 1 ?
this.itemCount - 1 : nextPageIndex;
return this.selectedItem;
* Select the bottom-most item in the previous page of items,
* or the first item in the list.
* @return object
* The newly-selected item object.
selectPreviousPageItem: function AP_selectPreviousPageItem()
let itemsPerPane = Math.floor(this._list.scrollHeight / this._itemHeight);
let prevPageIndex = this.selectedIndex - itemsPerPane - 1;
this.selectedIndex = prevPageIndex < 0 ? 0 : prevPageIndex;
return this.selectedItem;
* Focuses the richlistbox.
focus: function AP_focus()
* Manages theme switching for the popup based on the devtools.theme pref.
* @private
* @param String aEvent
* The name of the event. In this case, "pref-changed".
* @param Object aData
* An object passed by the emitter of the event. In this case, the
* object consists of three properties:
* - pref {String} The name of the preference that was modified.
* - newValue {Object} The new value of the preference.
* - oldValue {Object} The old value of the preference.
_handleThemeChange: function AP__handleThemeChange(aEvent, aData)
if (aData.pref == "devtools.theme") {
this._panel.classList.toggle(aData.oldValue + "-theme", false);
this._panel.classList.toggle(aData.newValue + "-theme", true);
this._list.classList.toggle(aData.oldValue + "-theme", false);
this._list.classList.toggle(aData.newValue + "-theme", true);