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<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Test for Bug </title>
<script type="application/javascript" src="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/test.css">
<script type="application/javascript;version=1.8" src="inspector-helpers.js"></script>
<script type="application/javascript;version=1.8">
const {Promise: promise} = Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/Promise.jsm", {});
const inspector = devtools.require("devtools/server/actors/inspector");
window.onload = function() {
var gWalker = null;
var gClient = null;
var gInspectee = null;
function assertOwnership() {
return assertOwnershipTrees(gWalker);
addTest(function setup() {
let url = document.getElementById("inspectorContent").href;
attachURL(url, function(err, client, tab, doc) {
gInspectee = doc;
let {InspectorFront} = devtools.require("devtools/server/actors/inspector");
let inspector = InspectorFront(client, tab);
promiseDone(inspector.getWalker().then(walker => {
ok(walker, "getWalker() should return an actor.");
gClient = client;
gWalker = walker;
// Retain a node, and a second-order child (in another document, for kicks)
// Release the parent of the top item, which should cause one retained orphan.
// Then unretain the top node, which should retain the orphan.
// Then change the source of the iframe, which should kill that orphan.
addTest(function testRetain() {
let originalOwnershipSize = 0;
let bodyFront = null;
let frameFront = null;
let childListFront = null;
// Get the toplevel body element and retain it.
promiseDone(gWalker.querySelector(gWalker.rootNode, "body").then(front => {
bodyFront = front;
return gWalker.retainNode(bodyFront);
}).then(() => {
// Get an element in the child frame and retain it.
return gWalker.querySelector(gWalker.rootNode, "#childFrame");
}).then(frame => {
frameFront = frame;
return gWalker.children(frame, { maxNodes: 1 }).then(children => {
return children.nodes[0];
}).then(childDoc => {
return gWalker.querySelector(childDoc, "#longlist");
}).then(list => {
childListFront = list;
originalOwnershipSize = assertOwnership();
// and rtain it.
return gWalker.retainNode(childListFront);
}).then(() => {
// OK, try releasing the parent of the first retained.
return gWalker.releaseNode(bodyFront.parentNode());
}).then(() => {
let size = assertOwnership();
let clientTree = clientOwnershipTree(gWalker);
// That request should have freed the parent of the first retained
// but moved the rest into the retained orphaned tree.
is(ownershipTreeSize(clientTree.root) + ownershipTreeSize(clientTree.retained[0]) + 1,
"Should have only lost one item overall.");
is(gWalker._retainedOrphans.size, 1, "Should have retained one orphan");
ok(gWalker._retainedOrphans.has(bodyFront), "Should have retained the expected node.");
}).then(() => {
// Unretain the body, which should promote the childListFront to a retained orphan.
return gWalker.unretainNode(bodyFront);
}).then(() => {
let clientTree = clientOwnershipTree(gWalker);
is(gWalker._retainedOrphans.size, 1, "Should still only have one retained orphan.");
ok(!gWalker._retainedOrphans.has(bodyFront), "Should have dropped the body node.")
ok(gWalker._retainedOrphans.has(childListFront), "Should have retained the child node.")
}).then(() => {
// Change the source of the iframe, which should kill the retained orphan.
gInspectee.querySelector("#childFrame").src = "data:text/html,<html>new child</html>";
return waitForMutation(gWalker, isUnretained);
}).then(mutations => {
let clientTree = clientOwnershipTree(gWalker);
is(gWalker._retainedOrphans.size, 0, "Should have no more retained orphans.");
// Get a hold of a node, remove it from the doc and retain it at the same time.
// We should always win that race (even though the mutation happens before the
// retain request), because we haven't issued `getMutations` yet.
addTest(function testWinRace() {
let front = null;
promiseDone(gWalker.querySelector(gWalker.rootNode, "#a").then(node => {
front = node;
let contentNode = gInspectee.querySelector("#a");
// Now wait for that mutation and retain response to come in.
return promise.all([
waitForMutation(gWalker, isChildList)
}).then(() => {
let clientTree = clientOwnershipTree(gWalker);
is(gWalker._retainedOrphans.size, 1, "Should have a retained orphan.");
ok(gWalker._retainedOrphans.has(front), "Should have retained our expected node.");
return gWalker.unretainNode(front);
}).then(() => {
// Make sure we're clear for the next test.
let clientTree = clientOwnershipTree(gWalker);
is(gWalker._retainedOrphans.size, 0, "Should have no more retained orphans.");
// Same as above, but issue the request right after the 'new-mutations' event, so that
// we *lose* the race.
addTest(function testLoseRace() {
let front = null;
promiseDone(gWalker.querySelector(gWalker.rootNode, "#z").then(node => {
front = node;
gInspectee.querySelector("#z").parentNode = null;
let contentNode = gInspectee.querySelector("#a");
return promiseOnce(gWalker, "new-mutations");
}).then(() => {
// Verify that we have an outstanding request (no good way to tell that it's a
// getMutations request, but there's nothing else it would be).
is(gWalker._requests.length, 1, "Should have an outstanding request.");
return gWalker.retainNode(front)
}).then(() => { ok(false, "Request should not have succeeded!"); },
(err) => {
ok(err, "noSuchActor", "Should have lost the race.");
let clientTree = clientOwnershipTree(gWalker);
is(gWalker._retainedOrphans.size, 0, "Should have no more retained orphans.");
// Don't re-throw the error.
addTest(function cleanup() {
delete gWalker;
delete gClient;
<a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=">Mozilla Bug </a>
<a id="inspectorContent" target="_blank" href="inspector-traversal-data.html">Test Document</a>
<p id="display"></p>
<div id="content" style="display: none">
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