
55 lines
2.3 KiB

import WebIDL
def WebIDLTest(parser, harness):
parser.parse("interface Foo { };")
results = parser.finish()
harness.ok(True, "Empty interface parsed without error.")
harness.check(len(results), 1, "Should be one production")
harness.ok(isinstance(results[0], WebIDL.IDLInterface),
"Should be an IDLInterface")
iface = results[0]
harness.check(iface.identifier.QName(), "::Foo", "Interface has the right QName")
harness.check(, "Foo", "Interface has the right name")
harness.check(iface.parent, None, "Interface has no parent")
parser.parse("interface Bar : Foo { };")
results = parser.finish()
harness.ok(True, "Empty interface parsed without error.")
harness.check(len(results), 2, "Should be two productions")
harness.ok(isinstance(results[1], WebIDL.IDLInterface),
"Should be an IDLInterface")
iface = results[1]
harness.check(iface.identifier.QName(), "::Bar", "Interface has the right QName")
harness.check(, "Bar", "Interface has the right name")
harness.ok(isinstance(iface.parent, WebIDL.IDLInterface),
"Interface has a parent")
parser = parser.reset()
interface QNameBase {
attribute long foo;
interface QNameDerived : QNameBase {
attribute long long foo;
attribute byte bar;
results = parser.finish()
harness.check(len(results), 2, "Should be two productions")
harness.ok(isinstance(results[0], WebIDL.IDLInterface),
"Should be an IDLInterface")
harness.ok(isinstance(results[1], WebIDL.IDLInterface),
"Should be an IDLInterface")
harness.check(results[1].parent, results[0], "Inheritance chain is right")
harness.check(len(results[0].members), 1, "Expect 1 productions")
harness.check(len(results[1].members), 2, "Expect 2 productions")
base = results[0]
derived = results[1]
harness.check(base.members[0].identifier.QName(), "::QNameBase::foo",
"Member has the right QName")
harness.check(derived.members[0].identifier.QName(), "::QNameDerived::foo",
"Member has the right QName")
harness.check(derived.members[1].identifier.QName(), "::QNameDerived::bar",
"Member has the right QName")