mirror of
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--HG-- rename : mobile/android/base/util/EventDispatcher.java => mobile/android/base/EventDispatcher.java
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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
"use strict";
this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["WebappManager"];
const { classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu } = Components;
const UPDATE_URL_PREF = "browser.webapps.updateCheckUrl";
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Notifications", "resource://gre/modules/Notifications.jsm");
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "Strings", function() {
return Services.strings.createBundle("chrome://browser/locale/webapp.properties");
function log(message) {
// We use *dump* instead of Services.console.logStringMessage so the messages
// have the INFO level of severity instead of the ERROR level. And we don't
// append a newline character to the end of the message because *dump* spills
// into the Android native logging system, which strips newlines from messages
// and breaks messages into lines automatically at display time (i.e. logcat).
function sendMessageToJava(aMessage) {
return Services.androidBridge.handleGeckoMessage(JSON.stringify(aMessage));
this.WebappManager = {
__proto__: DOMRequestIpcHelper.prototype,
get _testing() {
try {
return Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.webapps.testing");
} catch(ex) {
return false;
install: function(aMessage, aMessageManager) {
if (this._testing) {
// Go directly to DOM. Do not download/install APK, do not collect $200.
DOMApplicationRegistry.doInstall(aMessage, aMessageManager);
this._installApk(aMessage, aMessageManager);
installPackage: function(aMessage, aMessageManager) {
if (this._testing) {
// Go directly to DOM. Do not download/install APK, do not collect $200.
DOMApplicationRegistry.doInstallPackage(aMessage, aMessageManager);
this._installApk(aMessage, aMessageManager);
_installApk: function(aMessage, aMessageManager) { return Task.spawn((function*() {
let filePath;
try {
filePath = yield this._downloadApk(aMessage.app.manifestURL);
} catch(ex) {
aMessage.error = ex;
aMessageManager.sendAsyncMessage("Webapps:Install:Return:KO", aMessage);
log("error downloading APK: " + ex);
type: "Webapps:InstallApk",
filePath: filePath,
data: JSON.stringify(aMessage),
}).bind(this)); },
_downloadApk: function(aManifestUrl) {
log("_downloadApk for " + aManifestUrl);
let deferred = Promise.defer();
// Get the endpoint URL and convert it to an nsIURI/nsIURL object.
const GENERATOR_URL_PREF = "browser.webapps.apkFactoryUrl";
const GENERATOR_URL_BASE = Services.prefs.getCharPref(GENERATOR_URL_PREF);
let generatorUrl = NetUtil.newURI(GENERATOR_URL_BASE).QueryInterface(Ci.nsIURL);
// Populate the query part of the URL with the manifest URL parameter.
let params = {
manifestUrl: aManifestUrl,
generatorUrl.query =
[p + "=" + encodeURIComponent(params[p]) for (p in params)].join("&");
log("downloading APK from " + generatorUrl.spec);
let file = Cc["@mozilla.org/download-manager;1"].
file.append(aManifestUrl.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/gi, "") + ".apk");
file.createUnique(Ci.nsIFile.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, FileUtils.PERMS_FILE);
log("downloading APK to " + file.path);
let worker = new ChromeWorker("resource://gre/modules/WebappManagerWorker.js");
worker.onmessage = function(event) {
let { type, message } = event.data;
if (type == "success") {
} else { // type == "failure"
log("error downloading APK: " + message);
// Trigger the download.
worker.postMessage({ url: generatorUrl.spec, path: file.path });
return deferred.promise;
askInstall: function(aData) {
let file = Cc["@mozilla.org/file/local;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsILocalFile);
// We don't yet support pre-installing an appcache because it isn't clear
// how to do it without degrading the user experience (since users expect
// apps to be available after the system tells them they've been installed,
// which has already happened) and because nsCacheService shuts down
// when we trigger the native install dialog and doesn't re-init itself
// afterward (TODO: file bug about this behavior).
if ("appcache_path" in aData.app.manifest) {
log("deleting appcache_path from manifest: " + aData.app.manifest.appcache_path);
delete aData.app.manifest.appcache_path;
DOMApplicationRegistry.registryReady.then(() => {
DOMApplicationRegistry.confirmInstall(aData, file, (function(aManifest) {
let localeManifest = new ManifestHelper(aManifest, aData.app.origin);
// aData.app.origin may now point to the app: url that hosts this app.
type: "Webapps:Postinstall",
apkPackageName: aData.app.apkPackageName,
origin: aData.app.origin,
this.writeDefaultPrefs(file, localeManifest);
launch: function({ manifestURL, origin }) {
log("launchWebapp: " + manifestURL);
type: "Webapps:Open",
manifestURL: manifestURL,
origin: origin
uninstall: function(aData) {
log("uninstall: " + aData.manifestURL);
if (this._testing) {
// We don't have to do anything, as the registry does all the work.
// TODO: uninstall the APK.
autoInstall: function(aData) {
let oldApp = DOMApplicationRegistry.getAppByManifestURL(aData.manifestUrl);
if (oldApp) {
// If the app is already installed, update the existing installation.
this._autoUpdate(aData, oldApp);
let mm = {
sendAsyncMessage: function (aMessageName, aData) {
// TODO hook this back to Java to report errors.
log("sendAsyncMessage " + aMessageName + ": " + JSON.stringify(aData));
let origin = Services.io.newURI(aData.manifestUrl, null, null).prePath;
let message = aData.request || {
app: {
origin: origin,
receipts: [],
if (aData.updateManifest) {
if (aData.zipFilePath) {
aData.updateManifest.package_path = aData.zipFilePath;
message.app.updateManifest = aData.updateManifest;
// The manifest url may be subtly different between the
// time the APK was built and the APK being installed.
// Thus, we should take the APK as the source of truth.
message.app.manifestURL = aData.manifestUrl;
message.app.manifest = aData.manifest;
message.app.apkPackageName = aData.apkPackageName;
message.profilePath = aData.profilePath;
message.autoInstall = true;
message.mm = mm;
DOMApplicationRegistry.registryReady.then(() => {
switch (aData.type) { // can be hosted or packaged.
case "hosted":
DOMApplicationRegistry.doInstall(message, mm);
case "packaged":
message.isPackage = true;
DOMApplicationRegistry.doInstallPackage(message, mm);
_autoUpdate: function(aData, aOldApp) { return Task.spawn((function*() {
log("_autoUpdate app of type " + aData.type);
// The data object has a manifestUrl property for the manifest URL,
// but updateHostedApp expects it to be called manifestURL, and we pass
// the data object to it, so we need to change the name.
// TODO: rename this to manifestURL upstream, so the data object always has
// a consistent name for the property (even if we name it differently
// internally).
aData.manifestURL = aData.manifestUrl;
delete aData.manifestUrl;
if (aData.type == "hosted") {
let oldManifest = yield DOMApplicationRegistry.getManifestFor(aData.manifestURL);
DOMApplicationRegistry.updateHostedApp(aData, aOldApp.id, aOldApp, oldManifest, aData.manifest);
} else {
DOMApplicationRegistry.updatePackagedApp(aData, aOldApp.id, aOldApp, aData.manifest);
}).bind(this)); },
_checkingForUpdates: false,
checkForUpdates: function(userInitiated) { return Task.spawn((function*() {
// Don't start checking for updates if we're already doing so.
// TODO: Consider cancelling the old one and starting a new one anyway
// if the user requested this one.
if (this._checkingForUpdates) {
log("already checking for updates");
this._checkingForUpdates = true;
try {
let installedApps = yield this._getInstalledApps();
if (installedApps.length === 0) {
// Map APK names to APK versions.
let apkNameToVersion = yield this._getAPKVersions(installedApps.map(app =>
app.packageName).filter(packageName => !!packageName)
// Map manifest URLs to APK versions, which is what the service needs
// in order to tell us which apps are outdated; and also map them to app
// objects, which the downloader/installer uses to download/install APKs.
// XXX Will this cause us to update apps without packages, and if so,
// does that satisfy the legacy migration story?
let manifestUrlToApkVersion = {};
let manifestUrlToApp = {};
for (let app of installedApps) {
manifestUrlToApkVersion[app.manifestURL] = apkNameToVersion[app.packageName] || 0;
manifestUrlToApp[app.manifestURL] = app;
let outdatedApps = yield this._getOutdatedApps(manifestUrlToApkVersion, userInitiated);
if (outdatedApps.length === 0) {
// If the user asked us to check for updates, tell 'em we came up empty.
if (userInitiated) {
title: Strings.GetStringFromName("noUpdatesTitle"),
message: Strings.GetStringFromName("noUpdatesMessage"),
icon: "drawable://alert_app",
let names = [manifestUrlToApp[url].name for (url of outdatedApps)].join(", ");
let accepted = yield this._notify({
title: PluralForm.get(outdatedApps.length, Strings.GetStringFromName("downloadUpdateTitle")).
replace("#1", outdatedApps.length),
message: Strings.formatStringFromName("downloadUpdateMessage", [names], 1),
icon: "drawable://alert_download",
if (accepted) {
yield this._updateApks([manifestUrlToApp[url] for (url of outdatedApps)]);
// There isn't a catch block because we want the error to propagate through
// the promise chain, so callers can receive it and choose to respond to it.
finally {
// Ensure we update the _checkingForUpdates flag even if there's an error;
// otherwise the process will get stuck and never check for updates again.
this._checkingForUpdates = false;
}).bind(this)); },
_getAPKVersions: function(packageNames) {
let deferred = Promise.defer();
type: "Webapps:GetApkVersions",
packageNames: packageNames
}, data => deferred.resolve(JSON.parse(data).versions));
return deferred.promise;
_getInstalledApps: function() {
let deferred = Promise.defer();
DOMApplicationRegistry.getAll(apps => deferred.resolve(apps));
return deferred.promise;
_getOutdatedApps: function(installedApps, userInitiated) {
let deferred = Promise.defer();
let data = JSON.stringify({ installed: installedApps });
let notification;
if (userInitiated) {
notification = this._notify({
title: Strings.GetStringFromName("checkingForUpdatesTitle"),
message: Strings.GetStringFromName("checkingForUpdatesMessage"),
// TODO: replace this with an animated icon.
icon: "drawable://alert_app",
progress: NaN,
let request = Cc["@mozilla.org/xmlextras/xmlhttprequest;1"].
request.mozBackgroundRequest = true;
request.open("POST", Services.prefs.getCharPref(UPDATE_URL_PREF), true);
request.channel.loadFlags = Ci.nsIChannel.LOAD_ANONYMOUS |
request.onload = function() {
request.onerror = function() {
if (userInitiated) {
deferred.reject(this.status || this.statusText);
request.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
request.setRequestHeader("Content-Length", data.length);
return deferred.promise;
_updateApks: function(aApps) { return Task.spawn((function*() {
// Notify the user that we're in the progress of downloading updates.
let downloadingNames = [app.name for (app of aApps)].join(", ");
let notification = this._notify({
title: PluralForm.get(aApps.length, Strings.GetStringFromName("downloadingUpdateTitle")).
replace("#1", aApps.length),
message: Strings.formatStringFromName("downloadingUpdateMessage", [downloadingNames], 1),
// TODO: replace this with an animated icon. UpdateService uses
// android.R.drawable.stat_sys_download, but I don't think we can reference
// a system icon with a drawable: URL here, so we'll have to craft our own.
icon: "drawable://alert_download",
// TODO: make this a determinate progress indicator once we can determine
// the sizes of the APKs and observe their progress.
progress: NaN,
// Download the APKs for the given apps. We do this serially to avoid
// saturating the user's network connection.
// TODO: download APKs in parallel (or at least more than one at a time)
// if it seems reasonable.
let downloadedApks = [];
let downloadFailedApps = [];
for (let app of aApps) {
try {
let filePath = yield this._downloadApk(app.manifestURL);
downloadedApks.push({ app: app, filePath: filePath });
} catch(ex) {
// Notify the user if any downloads failed, but don't do anything
// when the user accepts/cancels the notification.
// In the future, we might prompt the user to retry the download.
if (downloadFailedApps.length > 0) {
let downloadFailedNames = [app.name for (app of downloadFailedApps)].join(", ");
title: PluralForm.get(downloadFailedApps.length, Strings.GetStringFromName("downloadFailedTitle")).
replace("#1", downloadFailedApps.length),
message: Strings.formatStringFromName("downloadFailedMessage", [downloadFailedNames], 1),
icon: "drawable://alert_app",
// If we weren't able to download any APKs, then there's nothing more to do.
if (downloadedApks.length === 0) {
// Prompt the user to update the apps for which we downloaded APKs, and wait
// until they accept/cancel the notification.
let downloadedNames = [apk.app.name for (apk of downloadedApks)].join(", ");
let accepted = yield this._notify({
title: PluralForm.get(downloadedApks.length, Strings.GetStringFromName("installUpdateTitle")).
replace("#1", downloadedApks.length),
message: Strings.formatStringFromName("installUpdateMessage", [downloadedNames], 1),
icon: "drawable://alert_app",
if (accepted) {
// The user accepted the notification, so install the downloaded APKs.
for (let apk of downloadedApks) {
let msg = {
app: apk.app,
// TODO: figure out why Webapps:InstallApk needs the "from" property.
from: apk.app.installOrigin,
type: "Webapps:InstallApk",
filePath: apk.filePath,
data: JSON.stringify(msg),
} else {
// The user cancelled the notification, so remove the downloaded APKs.
for (let apk of downloadedApks) {
try {
yield OS.file.remove(apk.filePath);
} catch(ex) {
log("error removing " + apk.filePath + " for cancelled update: " + ex);
}).bind(this)); },
_notify: function(aOptions) {
dump("_notify: " + aOptions.title);
// Resolves to true if the notification is "clicked" (i.e. touched)
// and false if the notification is "cancelled" by swiping it away.
let dismissed = Promise.defer();
// TODO: make notifications expandable so users can expand them to read text
// that gets cut off in standard notifications.
let id = Notifications.create({
title: aOptions.title,
message: aOptions.message,
icon: aOptions.icon,
progress: aOptions.progress,
onClick: function(aId, aCookie) {
onCancel: function(aId, aCookie) {
// Return an object with a promise that resolves when the notification
// is dismissed by the user along with a method for cancelling it,
// so callers who want to wait for user action can do so, while those
// who want to control the notification's lifecycle can do that instead.
return {
dismissed: dismissed.promise,
cancel: function() {
autoUninstall: function(aData) {
DOMApplicationRegistry.registryReady.then(() => {
for (let id in DOMApplicationRegistry.webapps) {
let app = DOMApplicationRegistry.webapps[id];
if (aData.apkPackageNames.indexOf(app.apkPackageName) > -1) {
log("attempting to uninstall " + app.name);
function() {
log("success uninstalling " + app.name);
function(error) {
log("error uninstalling " + app.name + ": " + error);
writeDefaultPrefs: function(aProfile, aManifest) {
// build any app specific default prefs
let prefs = [];
if (aManifest.orientation) {
let orientation = aManifest.orientation;
if (Array.isArray(orientation)) {
orientation = orientation.join(",");
prefs.push({ name: "app.orientation.default", value: orientation });
// write them into the app profile
let defaultPrefsFile = aProfile.clone();
this._writeData(defaultPrefsFile, prefs);
_writeData: function(aFile, aPrefs) {
if (aPrefs.length > 0) {
let array = new TextEncoder().encode(JSON.stringify(aPrefs));
OS.File.writeAtomic(aFile.path, array, { tmpPath: aFile.path + ".tmp" }).then(null, function onError(reason) {
log("Error writing default prefs: " + reason);
DEFAULT_PREFS_FILENAME: "default-prefs.js",