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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
Runs the reftest test harness.
import re, sys, shutil, os, os.path
SCRIPT_DIRECTORY = os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])))
sys.path.insert(0, SCRIPT_DIRECTORY)
from automation import Automation
from automationutils import *
from optparse import OptionParser
from tempfile import mkdtemp
import mozprofile
class RefTest(object):
oldcwd = os.getcwd()
def __init__(self, automation):
self.automation = automation
def getFullPath(self, path):
"Get an absolute path relative to self.oldcwd."
return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.oldcwd, os.path.expanduser(path)))
def getManifestPath(self, path):
"Get the path of the manifest, and for remote testing this function is subclassed to point to remote manifest"
path = self.getFullPath(path)
if os.path.isdir(path):
defaultManifestPath = os.path.join(path, 'reftest.list')
if os.path.exists(defaultManifestPath):
path = defaultManifestPath
defaultManifestPath = os.path.join(path, 'crashtests.list')
if os.path.exists(defaultManifestPath):
path = defaultManifestPath
return path
def makeJSString(self, s):
return '"%s"' % re.sub(r'([\\"])', r'\\\1', s)
def createReftestProfile(self, options, manifest, server='localhost'):
Sets up a profile for reftest.
'manifest' is the path to the reftest.list file we want to test with. This is used in
the remote subclass in remotereftest.py so we can write it to a preference for the
bootstrap extension.
locations = mozprofile.permissions.ServerLocations()
locations.add_host(server, port=0)
locations.add_host('<file>', port=0)
# Set preferences for communication between our command line arguments
# and the reftest harness. Preferences that are required for reftest
# to work should instead be set in reftest-cmdline.js .
prefs = {}
prefs['reftest.timeout'] = options.timeout * 1000
if options.totalChunks:
prefs['reftest.totalChunks'] = options.totalChunks
if options.thisChunk:
prefs['reftest.thisChunk'] = options.thisChunk
if options.logFile:
prefs['reftest.logFile'] = options.logFile
if options.ignoreWindowSize:
prefs['reftest.ignoreWindowSize'] = 'true'
if options.filter:
prefs['reftest.filter'] = self.makeJSString(options.filter)
prefs['reftest.focusFilterMode'] = self.makeJSString(options.focusFilterMode)
for v in options.extraPrefs:
thispref = v.split('=')
if len(thispref) < 2:
print "Error: syntax error in --setpref=" + v
prefs[thispref[0]] = thispref[1]
# install the reftest extension bits into the profile
addons = []
addons.append(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIRECTORY, "reftest"))
# I would prefer to use "--install-extension reftest/specialpowers", but that requires tight coordination with
# release engineering and landing on multiple branches at once.
if manifest.endswith('crashtests.list'):
addons.append(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIRECTORY, 'specialpowers'))
# Install distributed extensions, if application has any.
distExtDir = os.path.join(options.app[ : options.app.rfind(os.sep)], "distribution", "extensions")
if os.path.isdir(distExtDir):
for f in os.listdir(distExtDir):
addons.append(os.path.join(distExtDir, f))
# Install custom extensions.
for f in options.extensionsToInstall:
return mozprofile.profile.Profile(
def buildBrowserEnv(self, options, profileDir):
browserEnv = self.automation.environment(xrePath = options.xrePath)
browserEnv["XPCOM_DEBUG_BREAK"] = "stack"
for v in options.environment:
ix = v.find("=")
if ix <= 0:
print "Error: syntax error in --setenv=" + v
return None
browserEnv[v[:ix]] = v[ix + 1:]
# Enable leaks detection to its own log file.
self.leakLogFile = os.path.join(profileDir, "runreftest_leaks.log")
browserEnv["XPCOM_MEM_BLOAT_LOG"] = self.leakLogFile
return browserEnv
def cleanup(self, profileDir):
if profileDir:
shutil.rmtree(profileDir, True)
def runTests(self, testPath, options, cmdlineArgs = None):
debuggerInfo = getDebuggerInfo(self.oldcwd, options.debugger, options.debuggerArgs,
profileDir = None
reftestlist = self.getManifestPath(testPath)
if cmdlineArgs == None:
cmdlineArgs = ['-reftest', reftestlist]
profile = self.createReftestProfile(options, reftestlist)
profileDir = profile.profile # name makes more sense
self.copyExtraFilesToProfile(options, profileDir)
# browser environment
browserEnv = self.buildBrowserEnv(options, profileDir)
self.automation.log.info("REFTEST INFO | runreftest.py | Running tests: start.\n")
status = self.automation.runApp(None, browserEnv, options.app, profileDir,
utilityPath = options.utilityPath,
# give the JS harness 30 seconds to deal
# with its own timeouts
timeout=options.timeout + 30.0)
processLeakLog(self.leakLogFile, options.leakThreshold)
self.automation.log.info("\nREFTEST INFO | runreftest.py | Running tests: end.")
return status
def copyExtraFilesToProfile(self, options, profileDir):
"Copy extra files or dirs specified on the command line to the testing profile."
for f in options.extraProfileFiles:
abspath = self.getFullPath(f)
if os.path.isfile(abspath):
shutil.copy2(abspath, profileDir)
elif os.path.isdir(abspath):
dest = os.path.join(profileDir, os.path.basename(abspath))
shutil.copytree(abspath, dest)
self.automation.log.warning("WARNING | runreftest.py | Failed to copy %s to profile", abspath)
class ReftestOptions(OptionParser):
def __init__(self, automation):
self._automation = automation
defaults = {}
# we want to pass down everything from automation.__all__
[getattr(self._automation, x) for x in self._automation.__all__])))
action = "store", type = "string", dest = "app",
default = os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIRECTORY, automation.DEFAULT_APP),
help = "absolute path to application, overriding default")
action = "append", dest = "extraProfileFiles",
default = [],
help = "copy specified files/dirs to testing profile")
action = "store", dest = "timeout", type = "int",
default = 5 * 60, # 5 minutes per bug 479518
help = "reftest will timeout in specified number of seconds. [default %default s].")
action = "store", type = "int", dest = "leakThreshold",
default = 0,
help = "fail if the number of bytes leaked through "
"refcounted objects (or bytes in classes with "
"MOZ_COUNT_CTOR and MOZ_COUNT_DTOR) is greater "
"than the given number")
action = "store", type = "string", dest = "utilityPath",
default = self._automation.DIST_BIN,
help = "absolute path to directory containing utility "
"programs (xpcshell, ssltunnel, certutil)")
defaults["utilityPath"] = self._automation.DIST_BIN
type = "int", dest = "totalChunks",
help = "how many chunks to split the tests up into")
defaults["totalChunks"] = None
type = "int", dest = "thisChunk",
help = "which chunk to run between 1 and --total-chunks")
defaults["thisChunk"] = None
action = "store", type = "string", dest = "logFile",
default = None,
help = "file to log output to in addition to stdout")
defaults["logFile"] = None
dest = "skipSlowTests", action = "store_true",
help = "skip tests marked as slow when running")
defaults["skipSlowTests"] = False
dest = "ignoreWindowSize", action = "store_true",
help = "ignore the window size, which may cause spurious failures and passes")
defaults["ignoreWindowSize"] = False
action = "append", dest = "extensionsToInstall",
help = "install the specified extension in the testing profile. "
"The extension file's name should be <id>.xpi where <id> is "
"the extension's id as indicated in its install.rdf. "
"An optional path can be specified too.")
defaults["extensionsToInstall"] = []
action = "append", type = "string",
dest = "environment", metavar = "NAME=VALUE",
help = "sets the given variable in the application's "
defaults["environment"] = []
action = "store", type="string", dest = "filter",
help = "specifies a regular expression (as could be passed to the JS "
"RegExp constructor) to test against URLs in the reftest manifest; "
"only test items that have a matching test URL will be run.")
defaults["filter"] = None
action = "store", type = "string", dest = "focusFilterMode",
help = "filters tests to run by whether they require focus. "
"Valid values are `all', `needs-focus', or `non-needs-focus'. "
"Defaults to `all'.")
defaults["focusFilterMode"] = "all"
def verifyCommonOptions(self, options, reftest):
if options.totalChunks is not None and options.thisChunk is None:
self.error("thisChunk must be specified when totalChunks is specified")
if options.totalChunks:
if not 1 <= options.thisChunk <= options.totalChunks:
self.error("thisChunk must be between 1 and totalChunks")
if options.logFile:
options.logFile = reftest.getFullPath(options.logFile)
if options.xrePath is not None:
if not os.access(options.xrePath, os.F_OK):
self.error("--xre-path '%s' not found" % options.xrePath)
if not os.path.isdir(options.xrePath):
self.error("--xre-path '%s' is not a directory" % options.xrePath)
options.xrePath = reftest.getFullPath(options.xrePath)
return options
def main():
automation = Automation()
parser = ReftestOptions(automation)
reftest = RefTest(automation)
options, args = parser.parse_args()
if len(args) != 1:
print >>sys.stderr, "No reftest.list specified."
options = parser.verifyCommonOptions(options, reftest)
options.app = reftest.getFullPath(options.app)
if not os.path.exists(options.app):
print """Error: Path %(app)s doesn't exist.
Are you executing $objdir/_tests/reftest/runreftest.py?""" \
% {"app": options.app}
if options.xrePath is None:
options.xrePath = os.path.dirname(options.app)
if options.symbolsPath and not isURL(options.symbolsPath):
options.symbolsPath = reftest.getFullPath(options.symbolsPath)
options.utilityPath = reftest.getFullPath(options.utilityPath)
sys.exit(reftest.runTests(args[0], options))
if __name__ == "__main__":