Jeff Walden 805dd78c93 Bug 924839 - Update our embedded ICU to 52.1, plus a very few local patches. r=lots of people, see subsequent lines in this commit message for the original subcomponents (merged together for landing), and the original bug for the original patch divisions
Bug 924839 - Remove a patch already part of ICU 52.1.  See but also note the relevant code was removed completely upstream.  r=glandium
* * *
Bug 924839 - Remove another patch already part of ICU 52.1.  See for that.  r=gaston
* * *
Bug 924839 - Remove another patch already in ICU 52.1.  See for more.  r=Norbert
* * *
Bug 924839 - Remove another patch already applied upstream.  See for more.  r=gaston
* * *
Bug 924839 - Update the ICU update script to update to 52.1, *without* applying any of our local patches.  r=glandium
* * *
Bug 924839 - Make the ICU update script only do updating within intl/icu/source and nowhere else.  r=glandium
* * *
Bug 924839 - Implement the changes that would be made by |cd intl/; ./;|, run with the prior changesets' changes made (thus not applying any of our local patches).  These changes don't actually work without subsequent adjustments, but this provides a codebase upon which those adjustments can be made, for the purpose of generating local patches to be kept in intl/icu-patches/.  rs=the-usual-suspects
* * *
Bug 924839 - Update the bug 899722 local patch to make runConfigureICU not override CC/CXX on BSD systems.  r=gaston
* * *
Bug 924839 - Update the bug 724533 patch that makes ICU builds with MozillaBuild on Windows.  r=glandium
* * *
Bug 924839 - Import an upstream patch fixing the genrb tool to properly handle the -R (--omitCollationRules) option.  See for the original bug report and a link to the ultimate upstream landing.  r=Norbert
* * *
Bug 924839 - Import the upstream fix for so that ICU with -DU_USING_ICU_NAMESPACE=0 will compile on Windows.  r=Norbert
* * *
Bug 924839 - Adjust the update script to update ICU, then to apply all local patches (rather than skipping the second step).  Thus if the update script is properly run, now, the final result should be no changes at all to the tree.  NOT REVIEWED YET
* * *
Bug 924839 - Update jstests that depend on CLDR locale data to match CLDR 24.  r=Norbert
2013-11-12 16:23:48 -08:00

2529 lines
88 KiB

* Copyright (C) 1997-2013, International Business Machines
* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
* Modification History:
* Date Name Description
* 04/01/97 aliu Creation.
* 08/21/98 stephen JDK 1.2 sync
* 12/08/98 rtg New Locale implementation and C API
* 03/15/99 damiba overhaul.
* 04/06/99 stephen changed setDefault() to realloc and copy
* 06/14/99 stephen Changed calls to ures_open for new params
* 07/21/99 stephen Modified setDefault() to propagate to C++
* 05/14/04 alan 7 years later: refactored, cleaned up, fixed bugs,
* brought canonicalization code into line with spec
POSIX's locale format, from putil.c: [no spaces]
ll [ _CC ] [ . MM ] [ @ VV]
l = lang, C = ctry, M = charmap, V = variant
#include "unicode/utypes.h"
#include "unicode/ustring.h"
#include "unicode/uloc.h"
#include "putilimp.h"
#include "ustr_imp.h"
#include "ulocimp.h"
#include "umutex.h"
#include "cstring.h"
#include "cmemory.h"
#include "ucln_cmn.h"
#include "locmap.h"
#include "uarrsort.h"
#include "uenumimp.h"
#include "uassert.h"
#include <stdio.h> /* for sprintf */
/* ### Declarations **************************************************/
/* Locale stuff from locid.cpp */
U_CFUNC void locale_set_default(const char *id);
U_CFUNC const char *locale_get_default(void);
U_CFUNC int32_t
locale_getKeywords(const char *localeID,
char prev,
char *keywords, int32_t keywordCapacity,
char *values, int32_t valuesCapacity, int32_t *valLen,
UBool valuesToo,
UErrorCode *status);
/* ### Data tables **************************************************/
* Table of language codes, both 2- and 3-letter, with preference
* given to 2-letter codes where possible. Includes 3-letter codes
* that lack a 2-letter equivalent.
* This list must be in sorted order. This list is returned directly
* to the user by some API.
* This list must be kept in sync with LANGUAGES_3, with corresponding
* entries matched.
* This table should be terminated with a NULL entry, followed by a
* second list, and another NULL entry. The first list is visible to
* user code when this array is returned by API. The second list
* contains codes we support, but do not expose through user API.
* Notes
* Tables updated per to
* include the revisions up to 2001/7/27 *CWB*
* The 3 character codes are the terminology codes like RFC 3066. This
* is compatible with prior ICU codes
* "in" "iw" "ji" "jw" & "sh" have been withdrawn but are still in the
* table but now at the end of the table because 3 character codes are
* duplicates. This avoids bad searches going from 3 to 2 character
* codes.
* The range qaa-qtz is reserved for local use
/* Generated using */
/* ISO639 table version is 20130531 */
static const char * const LANGUAGES[] = {
"aa", "ab", "ace", "ach", "ada", "ady", "ae", "af",
"afa", "afh", "agq", "ain", "ak", "akk", "ale", "alg",
"alt", "am", "an", "ang", "anp", "apa", "ar", "arc",
"arn", "arp", "art", "arw", "as", "asa", "ast", "ath",
"aus", "av", "awa", "ay", "az",
"ba", "bad", "bai", "bal", "ban", "bas", "bat", "bax",
"bbj", "be", "bej", "bem", "ber", "bez", "bfd", "bg",
"bh", "bho", "bi", "bik", "bin", "bkm", "bla", "bm",
"bn", "bnt", "bo", "br", "bra", "brx", "bs", "bss",
"btk", "bua", "bug", "bum", "byn", "byv",
"ca", "cad", "cai", "car", "cau", "cay", "cch", "ce",
"ceb", "cel", "cgg", "ch", "chb", "chg", "chk", "chm",
"chn", "cho", "chp", "chr", "chy", "ckb", "cmc", "co",
"cop", "cpe", "cpf", "cpp", "cr", "crh", "crp", "cs",
"csb", "cu", "cus", "cv", "cy",
"da", "dak", "dar", "dav", "day", "de", "del", "den",
"dgr", "din", "dje", "doi", "dra", "dsb", "dua", "dum",
"dv", "dyo", "dyu", "dz", "dzg",
"ebu", "ee", "efi", "egy", "eka", "el", "elx", "en",
"enm", "eo", "es", "et", "eu", "ewo",
"fa", "fan", "fat", "ff", "fi", "fil", "fiu", "fj",
"fo", "fon", "fr", "frm", "fro", "frr", "frs", "fur",
"ga", "gaa", "gay", "gba", "gd", "gem", "gez", "gil",
"gl", "gmh", "gn", "goh", "gon", "gor", "got", "grb",
"grc", "gsw", "gu", "guz", "gv", "gwi",
"ha", "hai", "haw", "he", "hi", "hil", "him", "hit",
"hmn", "ho", "hr", "hsb", "ht", "hu", "hup", "hy",
"ia", "iba", "ibb", "id", "ie", "ig", "ii", "ijo",
"ik", "ilo", "inc", "ine", "inh", "io", "ira", "iro",
"is", "it", "iu",
"ja", "jbo", "jgo", "jmc", "jpr", "jrb", "jv",
"ka", "kaa", "kab", "kac", "kaj", "kam", "kar", "kaw",
"kbd", "kbl", "kcg", "kde", "kea", "kfo", "kg", "kha",
"khi", "kho", "khq", "ki", "kj", "kk", "kkj", "kl",
"kln", "km", "kmb", "kn", "ko", "kok", "kos", "kpe",
"kr", "krc", "krl", "kro", "kru", "ks", "ksb", "ksf",
"ksh", "ku", "kum", "kut", "kv", "kw", "ky",
"la", "lad", "lag", "lah", "lam", "lb", "lez", "lg",
"li", "lkt", "ln", "lo", "lol", "loz", "lt", "lu",
"lua", "lui", "lun", "luo", "lus", "luy", "lv",
"mad", "maf", "mag", "mai", "mak", "man", "map", "mas",
"mde", "mdf", "mdr", "men", "mer", "mfe", "mg", "mga",
"mgh", "mgo", "mh", "mi", "mic", "min", "mis", "mk",
"mkh", "ml", "mn", "mnc", "mni", "mno", "mo", "moh",
"mos", "mr", "ms", "mt", "mua", "mul", "mun", "mus",
"mwl", "mwr", "my", "mye", "myn", "myv",
"na", "nah", "nai", "nap", "naq", "nb", "nd", "nds",
"ne", "new", "ng", "nia", "nic", "niu", "nl", "nmg",
"nn", "nnh", "no", "nog", "non", "nqo", "nr", "nso",
"nub", "nus", "nv", "nwc", "ny", "nym", "nyn", "nyo",
"oc", "oj", "om", "or", "os", "osa", "ota", "oto",
"pa", "paa", "pag", "pal", "pam", "pap", "pau", "peo",
"phi", "phn", "pi", "pl", "pon", "pra", "pro", "ps",
"raj", "rap", "rar", "rm", "rn", "ro", "roa", "rof",
"rom", "ru", "rup", "rw", "rwk",
"sa", "sad", "sah", "sai", "sal", "sam", "saq", "sas",
"sat", "sba", "sbp", "sc", "scn", "sco", "sd", "se",
"see", "seh", "sel", "sem", "ses", "sg", "sga", "sgn",
"shi", "shn", "shu", "si", "sid", "sio", "sit",
"sk", "sl", "sla", "sm", "sma", "smi", "smj", "smn",
"sms", "sn", "snk", "so", "sog", "son", "sq", "sr",
"srn", "srr", "ss", "ssa", "ssy", "st", "su", "suk",
"sus", "sux", "sv", "sw", "swb", "swc", "syc", "syr",
"ta", "tai", "te", "tem", "teo", "ter", "tet", "tg",
"th", "ti", "tig", "tiv", "tk", "tkl", "tl", "tlh",
"tli", "tmh", "tn", "to", "tog", "tpi", "tr", "trv",
"ts", "tsi", "tt", "tum", "tup", "tut", "tvl", "tw",
"twq", "ty", "tyv", "tzm",
"udm", "ug", "uga", "uk", "umb", "und", "ur", "uz",
"vai", "ve", "vi", "vo", "vot", "vun",
"wa", "wae", "wak", "wal", "war", "was", "wen", "wo",
"xal", "xh", "xog",
"yao", "yap", "yav", "ybb", "yi", "yo", "ypk", "yue",
"za", "zap", "zbl", "zen", "zgh", "zh", "znd", "zu",
"zun", "zxx", "zza",
"in", "iw", "ji", "jw", "sh", /* obsolete language codes */
static const char* const DEPRECATED_LANGUAGES[]={
"in", "iw", "ji", "jw", NULL, NULL
static const char* const REPLACEMENT_LANGUAGES[]={
"id", "he", "yi", "jv", NULL, NULL
* Table of 3-letter language codes.
* This is a lookup table used to convert 3-letter language codes to
* their 2-letter equivalent, where possible. It must be kept in sync
* with LANGUAGES. For all valid i, LANGUAGES[i] must refer to the
* same language as LANGUAGES_3[i]. The commented-out lines are
* copied from LANGUAGES to make eyeballing this baby easier.
* Where a 3-letter language code has no 2-letter equivalent, the
* 3-letter code occupies both LANGUAGES[i] and LANGUAGES_3[i].
* This table should be terminated with a NULL entry, followed by a
* second list, and another NULL entry. The two lists correspond to
* the two lists in LANGUAGES.
/* Generated using */
/* ISO639 table version is 20130531 */
static const char * const LANGUAGES_3[] = {
"aar", "abk", "ace", "ach", "ada", "ady", "ave", "afr",
"afa", "afh", "agq", "ain", "aka", "akk", "ale", "alg",
"alt", "amh", "arg", "ang", "anp", "apa", "ara", "arc",
"arn", "arp", "art", "arw", "asm", "asa", "ast", "ath",
"aus", "ava", "awa", "aym", "aze",
"bak", "bad", "bai", "bal", "ban", "bas", "bat", "bax",
"bbj", "bel", "bej", "bem", "ber", "bez", "bfd", "bul",
"bih", "bho", "bis", "bik", "bin", "bkm", "bla", "bam",
"ben", "bnt", "bod", "bre", "bra", "brx", "bos", "bss",
"btk", "bua", "bug", "bum", "byn", "byv",
"cat", "cad", "cai", "car", "cau", "cay", "cch", "che",
"ceb", "cel", "cgg", "cha", "chb", "chg", "chk", "chm",
"chn", "cho", "chp", "chr", "chy", "ckb", "cmc", "cos",
"cop", "cpe", "cpf", "cpp", "cre", "crh", "crp", "ces",
"csb", "chu", "cus", "chv", "cym",
"dan", "dak", "dar", "dav", "day", "deu", "del", "den",
"dgr", "din", "dje", "doi", "dra", "dsb", "dua", "dum",
"div", "dyo", "dyu", "dzo", "dzg",
"ebu", "ewe", "efi", "egy", "eka", "ell", "elx", "eng",
"enm", "epo", "spa", "est", "eus", "ewo",
"fas", "fan", "fat", "ful", "fin", "fil", "fiu", "fij",
"fao", "fon", "fra", "frm", "fro", "frr", "frs", "fur",
"gle", "gaa", "gay", "gba", "gla", "gem", "gez", "gil",
"glg", "gmh", "grn", "goh", "gon", "gor", "got", "grb",
"grc", "gsw", "guj", "guz", "glv", "gwi",
"hau", "hai", "haw", "heb", "hin", "hil", "him", "hit",
"hmn", "hmo", "hrv", "hsb", "hat", "hun", "hup", "hye",
"ina", "iba", "ibb", "ind", "ile", "ibo", "iii", "ijo",
"ipk", "ilo", "inc", "ine", "inh", "ido", "ira", "iro",
"isl", "ita", "iku",
"jpn", "jbo", "jgo", "jmc", "jpr", "jrb", "jav",
"kat", "kaa", "kab", "kac", "kaj", "kam", "kar", "kaw",
"kbd", "kbl", "kcg", "kde", "kea", "kfo", "kon", "kha",
"khi", "kho", "khq", "kik", "kua", "kaz", "kkj", "kal",
"kln", "khm", "kmb", "kan", "kor", "kok", "kos", "kpe",
"kau", "krc", "krl", "kro", "kru", "kas", "ksb", "ksf",
"ksh", "kur", "kum", "kut", "kom", "cor", "kir",
"lat", "lad", "lag", "lah", "lam", "ltz", "lez", "lug",
"lim", "lkt", "lin", "lao", "lol", "loz", "lit", "lub",
"lua", "lui", "lun", "luo", "lus", "luy", "lav",
"mad", "maf", "mag", "mai", "mak", "man", "map", "mas",
"mde", "mdf", "mdr", "men", "mer", "mfe", "mlg", "mga",
"mgh", "mgo", "mah", "mri", "mic", "min", "mis", "mkd",
"mkh", "mal", "mon", "mnc", "mni", "mno", "mol", "moh",
"mos", "mar", "msa", "mlt", "mua", "mul", "mun", "mus",
"mwl", "mwr", "mya", "mye", "myn", "myv",
"nau", "nah", "nai", "nap", "naq", "nob", "nde", "nds",
"nep", "new", "ndo", "nia", "nic", "niu", "nld", "nmg",
"nno", "nnh", "nor", "nog", "non", "nqo", "nbl", "nso",
"nub", "nus", "nav", "nwc", "nya", "nym", "nyn", "nyo",
"oci", "oji", "orm", "ori", "oss", "osa", "ota", "oto",
"pan", "paa", "pag", "pal", "pam", "pap", "pau", "peo",
"phi", "phn", "pli", "pol", "pon", "pra", "pro", "pus",
"raj", "rap", "rar", "roh", "run", "ron", "roa", "rof",
"rom", "rus", "rup", "kin", "rwk",
"san", "sad", "sah", "sai", "sal", "sam", "saq", "sas",
"sat", "sba", "sbp", "srd", "scn", "sco", "snd", "sme",
"see", "seh", "sel", "sem", "ses", "sag", "sga", "sgn",
"shi", "shn", "shu", "sin", "sid", "sio", "sit",
"slk", "slv", "sla", "smo", "sma", "smi", "smj", "smn",
"sms", "sna", "snk", "som", "sog", "son", "sqi", "srp",
"srn", "srr", "ssw", "ssa", "ssy", "sot", "sun", "suk",
"sus", "sux", "swe", "swa", "swb", "swc", "syc", "syr",
"tam", "tai", "tel", "tem", "teo", "ter", "tet", "tgk",
"tha", "tir", "tig", "tiv", "tuk", "tkl", "tgl", "tlh",
"tli", "tmh", "tsn", "ton", "tog", "tpi", "tur", "trv",
"tso", "tsi", "tat", "tum", "tup", "tut", "tvl", "twi",
"twq", "tah", "tyv", "tzm",
"udm", "uig", "uga", "ukr", "umb", "und", "urd", "uzb",
"vai", "ven", "vie", "vol", "vot", "vun",
"wln", "wae", "wak", "wal", "war", "was", "wen", "wol",
"xal", "xho", "xog",
"yao", "yap", "yav", "ybb", "yid", "yor", "ypk", "yue",
"zha", "zap", "zbl", "zen", "zgh", "zho", "znd", "zul",
"zun", "zxx", "zza",
/* "in", "iw", "ji", "jw", "sh", */
"ind", "heb", "yid", "jaw", "srp",
* Table of 2-letter country codes.
* This list must be in sorted order. This list is returned directly
* to the user by some API.
* This list must be kept in sync with COUNTRIES_3, with corresponding
* entries matched.
* This table should be terminated with a NULL entry, followed by a
* second list, and another NULL entry. The first list is visible to
* user code when this array is returned by API. The second list
* contains codes we support, but do not expose through user API.
* Notes:
* ZR(ZAR) is now CD(COD) and FX(FXX) is PS(PSE) as per
* added
* new codes keeping the old ones for compatibility updated to include
* 1999/12/03 revisions *CWB*
* RO(ROM) is now RO(ROU) according to
static const char * const COUNTRIES[] = {
"AD", "AE", "AF", "AG", "AI", "AL", "AM",
"AO", "AQ", "AR", "AS", "AT", "AU", "AW", "AX", "AZ",
"BA", "BB", "BD", "BE", "BF", "BG", "BH", "BI",
"BJ", "BL", "BM", "BN", "BO", "BQ", "BR", "BS", "BT", "BV",
"BW", "BY", "BZ", "CA", "CC", "CD", "CF", "CG",
"CH", "CI", "CK", "CL", "CM", "CN", "CO", "CR",
"CU", "CV", "CW", "CX", "CY", "CZ", "DE", "DJ", "DK",
"DM", "DO", "DZ", "EC", "EE", "EG", "EH", "ER",
"ES", "ET", "FI", "FJ", "FK", "FM", "FO", "FR",
"GA", "GB", "GD", "GE", "GF", "GG", "GH", "GI", "GL",
"GM", "GN", "GP", "GQ", "GR", "GS", "GT", "GU",
"GW", "GY", "HK", "HM", "HN", "HR", "HT", "HU",
"ID", "IE", "IL", "IM", "IN", "IO", "IQ", "IR", "IS",
"IT", "JE", "JM", "JO", "JP", "KE", "KG", "KH", "KI",
"KM", "KN", "KP", "KR", "KW", "KY", "KZ", "LA",
"LB", "LC", "LI", "LK", "LR", "LS", "LT", "LU",
"LV", "LY", "MA", "MC", "MD", "ME", "MF", "MG", "MH", "MK",
"ML", "MM", "MN", "MO", "MP", "MQ", "MR", "MS",
"MT", "MU", "MV", "MW", "MX", "MY", "MZ", "NA",
"NC", "NE", "NF", "NG", "NI", "NL", "NO", "NP",
"NR", "NU", "NZ", "OM", "PA", "PE", "PF", "PG",
"PH", "PK", "PL", "PM", "PN", "PR", "PS", "PT",
"PW", "PY", "QA", "RE", "RO", "RS", "RU", "RW", "SA",
"SB", "SC", "SD", "SE", "SG", "SH", "SI", "SJ",
"SK", "SL", "SM", "SN", "SO", "SR", "SS", "ST", "SV",
"SX", "SY", "SZ", "TC", "TD", "TF", "TG", "TH", "TJ",
"TK", "TL", "TM", "TN", "TO", "TR", "TT", "TV",
"TW", "TZ", "UA", "UG", "UM", "US", "UY", "UZ",
"VA", "VC", "VE", "VG", "VI", "VN", "VU", "WF",
"WS", "YE", "YT", "ZA", "ZM", "ZW",
"AN", "BU", "CS", "FX", "RO", "SU", "TP", "YD", "YU", "ZR", /* obsolete country codes */
static const char* const DEPRECATED_COUNTRIES[] = {
"AN", "BU", "CS", "DD", "DY", "FX", "HV", "NH", "RH", "SU", "TP", "UK", "VD", "YD", "YU", "ZR", NULL, NULL /* deprecated country list */
static const char* const REPLACEMENT_COUNTRIES[] = {
/* "AN", "BU", "CS", "DD", "DY", "FX", "HV", "NH", "RH", "SU", "TP", "UK", "VD", "YD", "YU", "ZR" */
"CW", "MM", "RS", "DE", "BJ", "FR", "BF", "VU", "ZW", "RU", "TL", "GB", "VN", "YE", "RS", "CD", NULL, NULL /* replacement country codes */
* Table of 3-letter country codes.
* This is a lookup table used to convert 3-letter country codes to
* their 2-letter equivalent. It must be kept in sync with COUNTRIES.
* For all valid i, COUNTRIES[i] must refer to the same country as
* COUNTRIES_3[i]. The commented-out lines are copied from COUNTRIES
* to make eyeballing this baby easier.
* This table should be terminated with a NULL entry, followed by a
* second list, and another NULL entry. The two lists correspond to
* the two lists in COUNTRIES.
static const char * const COUNTRIES_3[] = {
/* "AD", "AE", "AF", "AG", "AI", "AL", "AM", */
"AND", "ARE", "AFG", "ATG", "AIA", "ALB", "ARM",
/* "AO", "AQ", "AR", "AS", "AT", "AU", "AW", "AX", "AZ", */
"AGO", "ATA", "ARG", "ASM", "AUT", "AUS", "ABW", "ALA", "AZE",
/* "BA", "BB", "BD", "BE", "BF", "BG", "BH", "BI", */
"BIH", "BRB", "BGD", "BEL", "BFA", "BGR", "BHR", "BDI",
/* "BJ", "BL", "BM", "BN", "BO", "BQ", "BR", "BS", "BT", "BV", */
"BEN", "BLM", "BMU", "BRN", "BOL", "BES", "BRA", "BHS", "BTN", "BVT",
/* "BW", "BY", "BZ", "CA", "CC", "CD", "CF", "CG", */
"BWA", "BLR", "BLZ", "CAN", "CCK", "COD", "CAF", "COG",
/* "CH", "CI", "CK", "CL", "CM", "CN", "CO", "CR", */
"CHE", "CIV", "COK", "CHL", "CMR", "CHN", "COL", "CRI",
/* "CU", "CV", "CW", "CX", "CY", "CZ", "DE", "DJ", "DK", */
"CUB", "CPV", "CUW", "CXR", "CYP", "CZE", "DEU", "DJI", "DNK",
/* "DM", "DO", "DZ", "EC", "EE", "EG", "EH", "ER", */
"DMA", "DOM", "DZA", "ECU", "EST", "EGY", "ESH", "ERI",
/* "ES", "ET", "FI", "FJ", "FK", "FM", "FO", "FR", */
"ESP", "ETH", "FIN", "FJI", "FLK", "FSM", "FRO", "FRA",
/* "GA", "GB", "GD", "GE", "GF", "GG", "GH", "GI", "GL", */
"GAB", "GBR", "GRD", "GEO", "GUF", "GGY", "GHA", "GIB", "GRL",
/* "GM", "GN", "GP", "GQ", "GR", "GS", "GT", "GU", */
"GMB", "GIN", "GLP", "GNQ", "GRC", "SGS", "GTM", "GUM",
/* "GW", "GY", "HK", "HM", "HN", "HR", "HT", "HU", */
"GNB", "GUY", "HKG", "HMD", "HND", "HRV", "HTI", "HUN",
/* "ID", "IE", "IL", "IM", "IN", "IO", "IQ", "IR", "IS" */
"IDN", "IRL", "ISR", "IMN", "IND", "IOT", "IRQ", "IRN", "ISL",
/* "IT", "JE", "JM", "JO", "JP", "KE", "KG", "KH", "KI", */
"ITA", "JEY", "JAM", "JOR", "JPN", "KEN", "KGZ", "KHM", "KIR",
/* "KM", "KN", "KP", "KR", "KW", "KY", "KZ", "LA", */
"COM", "KNA", "PRK", "KOR", "KWT", "CYM", "KAZ", "LAO",
/* "LB", "LC", "LI", "LK", "LR", "LS", "LT", "LU", */
"LBN", "LCA", "LIE", "LKA", "LBR", "LSO", "LTU", "LUX",
/* "LV", "LY", "MA", "MC", "MD", "ME", "MF", "MG", "MH", "MK", */
"LVA", "LBY", "MAR", "MCO", "MDA", "MNE", "MAF", "MDG", "MHL", "MKD",
/* "ML", "MM", "MN", "MO", "MP", "MQ", "MR", "MS", */
"MLI", "MMR", "MNG", "MAC", "MNP", "MTQ", "MRT", "MSR",
/* "MT", "MU", "MV", "MW", "MX", "MY", "MZ", "NA", */
"MLT", "MUS", "MDV", "MWI", "MEX", "MYS", "MOZ", "NAM",
/* "NC", "NE", "NF", "NG", "NI", "NL", "NO", "NP", */
"NCL", "NER", "NFK", "NGA", "NIC", "NLD", "NOR", "NPL",
/* "NR", "NU", "NZ", "OM", "PA", "PE", "PF", "PG", */
"NRU", "NIU", "NZL", "OMN", "PAN", "PER", "PYF", "PNG",
/* "PH", "PK", "PL", "PM", "PN", "PR", "PS", "PT", */
"PHL", "PAK", "POL", "SPM", "PCN", "PRI", "PSE", "PRT",
/* "PW", "PY", "QA", "RE", "RO", "RS", "RU", "RW", "SA", */
"PLW", "PRY", "QAT", "REU", "ROU", "SRB", "RUS", "RWA", "SAU",
/* "SB", "SC", "SD", "SE", "SG", "SH", "SI", "SJ", */
"SLB", "SYC", "SDN", "SWE", "SGP", "SHN", "SVN", "SJM",
/* "SK", "SL", "SM", "SN", "SO", "SR", "SS", "ST", "SV", */
"SVK", "SLE", "SMR", "SEN", "SOM", "SUR", "SSD", "STP", "SLV",
/* "SX", "SY", "SZ", "TC", "TD", "TF", "TG", "TH", "TJ", */
"SXM", "SYR", "SWZ", "TCA", "TCD", "ATF", "TGO", "THA", "TJK",
/* "TK", "TL", "TM", "TN", "TO", "TR", "TT", "TV", */
"TKL", "TLS", "TKM", "TUN", "TON", "TUR", "TTO", "TUV",
/* "TW", "TZ", "UA", "UG", "UM", "US", "UY", "UZ", */
"TWN", "TZA", "UKR", "UGA", "UMI", "USA", "URY", "UZB",
/* "VA", "VC", "VE", "VG", "VI", "VN", "VU", "WF", */
"VAT", "VCT", "VEN", "VGB", "VIR", "VNM", "VUT", "WLF",
/* "WS", "YE", "YT", "ZA", "ZM", "ZW", */
"WSM", "YEM", "MYT", "ZAF", "ZMB", "ZWE",
/* "AN", "BU", "CS", "FX", "RO", "SU", "TP", "YD", "YU", "ZR" */
"ANT", "BUR", "SCG", "FXX", "ROM", "SUN", "TMP", "YMD", "YUG", "ZAR",
typedef struct CanonicalizationMap {
const char *id; /* input ID */
const char *canonicalID; /* canonicalized output ID */
const char *keyword; /* keyword, or NULL if none */
const char *value; /* keyword value, or NULL if kw==NULL */
} CanonicalizationMap;
* A map to canonicalize locale IDs. This handles a variety of
* different semantic kinds of transformations.
static const CanonicalizationMap CANONICALIZE_MAP[] = {
{ "", "en_US_POSIX", NULL, NULL }, /* .NET name */
{ "c", "en_US_POSIX", NULL, NULL }, /* POSIX name */
{ "posix", "en_US_POSIX", NULL, NULL }, /* POSIX name (alias of C) */
{ "art_LOJBAN", "jbo", NULL, NULL }, /* registered name */
{ "az_AZ_CYRL", "az_Cyrl_AZ", NULL, NULL }, /* .NET name */
{ "az_AZ_LATN", "az_Latn_AZ", NULL, NULL }, /* .NET name */
{ "ca_ES_PREEURO", "ca_ES", "currency", "ESP" },
{ "de__PHONEBOOK", "de", "collation", "phonebook" }, /* Old ICU name */
{ "de_AT_PREEURO", "de_AT", "currency", "ATS" },
{ "de_DE_PREEURO", "de_DE", "currency", "DEM" },
{ "de_LU_PREEURO", "de_LU", "currency", "LUF" },
{ "el_GR_PREEURO", "el_GR", "currency", "GRD" },
{ "en_BE_PREEURO", "en_BE", "currency", "BEF" },
{ "en_IE_PREEURO", "en_IE", "currency", "IEP" },
{ "es__TRADITIONAL", "es", "collation", "traditional" }, /* Old ICU name */
{ "es_ES_PREEURO", "es_ES", "currency", "ESP" },
{ "eu_ES_PREEURO", "eu_ES", "currency", "ESP" },
{ "fi_FI_PREEURO", "fi_FI", "currency", "FIM" },
{ "fr_BE_PREEURO", "fr_BE", "currency", "BEF" },
{ "fr_FR_PREEURO", "fr_FR", "currency", "FRF" },
{ "fr_LU_PREEURO", "fr_LU", "currency", "LUF" },
{ "ga_IE_PREEURO", "ga_IE", "currency", "IEP" },
{ "gl_ES_PREEURO", "gl_ES", "currency", "ESP" },
{ "hi__DIRECT", "hi", "collation", "direct" }, /* Old ICU name */
{ "it_IT_PREEURO", "it_IT", "currency", "ITL" },
{ "ja_JP_TRADITIONAL", "ja_JP", "calendar", "japanese" }, /* Old ICU name */
{ "nb_NO_NY", "nn_NO", NULL, NULL }, /* "markus said this was ok" :-) */
{ "nl_BE_PREEURO", "nl_BE", "currency", "BEF" },
{ "nl_NL_PREEURO", "nl_NL", "currency", "NLG" },
{ "pt_PT_PREEURO", "pt_PT", "currency", "PTE" },
{ "sr_SP_CYRL", "sr_Cyrl_RS", NULL, NULL }, /* .NET name */
{ "sr_SP_LATN", "sr_Latn_RS", NULL, NULL }, /* .NET name */
{ "sr_YU_CYRILLIC", "sr_Cyrl_RS", NULL, NULL }, /* Linux name */
{ "th_TH_TRADITIONAL", "th_TH", "calendar", "buddhist" }, /* Old ICU name */
{ "uz_UZ_CYRILLIC", "uz_Cyrl_UZ", NULL, NULL }, /* Linux name */
{ "uz_UZ_CYRL", "uz_Cyrl_UZ", NULL, NULL }, /* .NET name */
{ "uz_UZ_LATN", "uz_Latn_UZ", NULL, NULL }, /* .NET name */
{ "zh_CHS", "zh_Hans", NULL, NULL }, /* .NET name */
{ "zh_CHT", "zh_Hant", NULL, NULL }, /* .NET name */
{ "zh_GAN", "gan", NULL, NULL }, /* registered name */
{ "zh_GUOYU", "zh", NULL, NULL }, /* registered name */
{ "zh_HAKKA", "hak", NULL, NULL }, /* registered name */
{ "zh_MIN_NAN", "nan", NULL, NULL }, /* registered name */
{ "zh_WUU", "wuu", NULL, NULL }, /* registered name */
{ "zh_XIANG", "hsn", NULL, NULL }, /* registered name */
{ "zh_YUE", "yue", NULL, NULL }, /* registered name */
typedef struct VariantMap {
const char *variant; /* input ID */
const char *keyword; /* keyword, or NULL if none */
const char *value; /* keyword value, or NULL if kw==NULL */
} VariantMap;
static const VariantMap VARIANT_MAP[] = {
{ "EURO", "currency", "EUR" },
{ "PINYIN", "collation", "pinyin" }, /* Solaris variant */
{ "STROKE", "collation", "stroke" } /* Solaris variant */
/* ### BCP47 Conversion *******************************************/
/* Test if the locale id has BCP47 u extension and does not have '@' */
#define _hasBCP47Extension(id) (id && uprv_strstr(id, "@") == NULL && getShortestSubtagLength(localeID) == 1)
/* Converts the BCP47 id to Unicode id. Does nothing to id if conversion fails */
#define _ConvertBCP47(finalID, id, buffer, length,err) \
if (uloc_forLanguageTag(id, buffer, length, NULL, err) <= 0 || U_FAILURE(*err)) { \
finalID=id; \
} else { \
finalID=buffer; \
/* Gets the size of the shortest subtag in the given localeID. */
static int32_t getShortestSubtagLength(const char *localeID) {
int32_t localeIDLength = uprv_strlen(localeID);
int32_t length = localeIDLength;
int32_t tmpLength = 0;
int32_t i;
UBool reset = TRUE;
for (i = 0; i < localeIDLength; i++) {
if (localeID[i] != '_' && localeID[i] != '-') {
if (reset) {
tmpLength = 0;
reset = FALSE;
} else {
if (tmpLength != 0 && tmpLength < length) {
length = tmpLength;
reset = TRUE;
return length;
/* ### Keywords **************************************************/
U_CAPI const char * U_EXPORT2
locale_getKeywordsStart(const char *localeID) {
const char *result = NULL;
if((result = uprv_strchr(localeID, '@')) != NULL) {
return result;
else {
/* We do this because the @ sign is variant, and the @ sign used on one
EBCDIC machine won't be compiled the same way on other EBCDIC based
machines. */
static const uint8_t ebcdicSigns[] = { 0x7C, 0x44, 0x66, 0x80, 0xAC, 0xAE, 0xAF, 0xB5, 0xEC, 0xEF, 0x00 };
const uint8_t *charToFind = ebcdicSigns;
while(*charToFind) {
if((result = uprv_strchr(localeID, *charToFind)) != NULL) {
return result;
return NULL;
* @param buf buffer of size [ULOC_KEYWORD_BUFFER_LEN]
* @param keywordName incoming name to be canonicalized
* @param status return status (keyword too long)
* @return length of the keyword name
static int32_t locale_canonKeywordName(char *buf, const char *keywordName, UErrorCode *status)
int32_t i;
int32_t keywordNameLen = (int32_t)uprv_strlen(keywordName);
if(keywordNameLen >= ULOC_KEYWORD_BUFFER_LEN) {
/* keyword name too long for internal buffer */
return 0;
/* normalize the keyword name */
for(i = 0; i < keywordNameLen; i++) {
buf[i] = uprv_tolower(keywordName[i]);
buf[i] = 0;
return keywordNameLen;
typedef struct {
int32_t keywordLen;
const char *valueStart;
int32_t valueLen;
} KeywordStruct;
static int32_t U_CALLCONV
compareKeywordStructs(const void * /*context*/, const void *left, const void *right) {
const char* leftString = ((const KeywordStruct *)left)->keyword;
const char* rightString = ((const KeywordStruct *)right)->keyword;
return uprv_strcmp(leftString, rightString);
* Both addKeyword and addValue must already be in canonical form.
* Either both addKeyword and addValue are NULL, or neither is NULL.
* If they are not NULL they must be zero terminated.
* If addKeyword is not NULL is must have length small enough to fit in KeywordStruct.keyword.
static int32_t
_getKeywords(const char *localeID,
char prev,
char *keywords, int32_t keywordCapacity,
char *values, int32_t valuesCapacity, int32_t *valLen,
UBool valuesToo,
const char* addKeyword,
const char* addValue,
UErrorCode *status)
KeywordStruct keywordList[ULOC_MAX_NO_KEYWORDS];
int32_t maxKeywords = ULOC_MAX_NO_KEYWORDS;
int32_t numKeywords = 0;
const char* pos = localeID;
const char* equalSign = NULL;
const char* semicolon = NULL;
int32_t i = 0, j, n;
int32_t keywordsLen = 0;
int32_t valuesLen = 0;
if(prev == '@') { /* start of keyword definition */
/* we will grab pairs, trim spaces, lowercase keywords, sort and return */
do {
UBool duplicate = FALSE;
/* skip leading spaces */
while(*pos == ' ') {
if (!*pos) { /* handle trailing "; " */
if(numKeywords == maxKeywords) {
return 0;
equalSign = uprv_strchr(pos, '=');
semicolon = uprv_strchr(pos, ';');
/* lack of '=' [foo@currency] is illegal */
/* ';' before '=' [foo@currency;collation=pinyin] is illegal */
if(!equalSign || (semicolon && semicolon<equalSign)) {
return 0;
/* need to normalize both keyword and keyword name */
if(equalSign - pos >= ULOC_KEYWORD_BUFFER_LEN) {
/* keyword name too long for internal buffer */
return 0;
for(i = 0, n = 0; i < equalSign - pos; ++i) {
if (pos[i] != ' ') {
keywordList[numKeywords].keyword[n++] = uprv_tolower(pos[i]);
/* zero-length keyword is an error. */
if (n == 0) {
return 0;
keywordList[numKeywords].keyword[n] = 0;
keywordList[numKeywords].keywordLen = n;
/* now grab the value part. First we skip the '=' */
/* then we leading spaces */
while(*equalSign == ' ') {
/* Premature end or zero-length value */
if (!equalSign || equalSign == semicolon) {
return 0;
keywordList[numKeywords].valueStart = equalSign;
pos = semicolon;
i = 0;
if(pos) {
while(*(pos - i - 1) == ' ') {
keywordList[numKeywords].valueLen = (int32_t)(pos - equalSign - i);
} else {
i = (int32_t)uprv_strlen(equalSign);
while(i && equalSign[i-1] == ' ') {
keywordList[numKeywords].valueLen = i;
/* If this is a duplicate keyword, then ignore it */
for (j=0; j<numKeywords; ++j) {
if (uprv_strcmp(keywordList[j].keyword, keywordList[numKeywords].keyword) == 0) {
duplicate = TRUE;
if (!duplicate) {
} while(pos);
/* Handle addKeyword/addValue. */
if (addKeyword != NULL) {
UBool duplicate = FALSE;
U_ASSERT(addValue != NULL);
/* Search for duplicate; if found, do nothing. Explicit keyword
overrides addKeyword. */
for (j=0; j<numKeywords; ++j) {
if (uprv_strcmp(keywordList[j].keyword, addKeyword) == 0) {
duplicate = TRUE;
if (!duplicate) {
if (numKeywords == maxKeywords) {
return 0;
uprv_strcpy(keywordList[numKeywords].keyword, addKeyword);
keywordList[numKeywords].keywordLen = (int32_t)uprv_strlen(addKeyword);
keywordList[numKeywords].valueStart = addValue;
keywordList[numKeywords].valueLen = (int32_t)uprv_strlen(addValue);
} else {
U_ASSERT(addValue == NULL);
/* now we have a list of keywords */
/* we need to sort it */
uprv_sortArray(keywordList, numKeywords, sizeof(KeywordStruct), compareKeywordStructs, NULL, FALSE, status);
/* Now construct the keyword part */
for(i = 0; i < numKeywords; i++) {
if(keywordsLen + keywordList[i].keywordLen + 1< keywordCapacity) {
uprv_strcpy(keywords+keywordsLen, keywordList[i].keyword);
if(valuesToo) {
keywords[keywordsLen + keywordList[i].keywordLen] = '=';
} else {
keywords[keywordsLen + keywordList[i].keywordLen] = 0;
keywordsLen += keywordList[i].keywordLen + 1;
if(valuesToo) {
if(keywordsLen + keywordList[i].valueLen < keywordCapacity) {
uprv_strncpy(keywords+keywordsLen, keywordList[i].valueStart, keywordList[i].valueLen);
keywordsLen += keywordList[i].valueLen;
if(i < numKeywords - 1) {
if(keywordsLen < keywordCapacity) {
keywords[keywordsLen] = ';';
if(values) {
if(valuesLen + keywordList[i].valueLen + 1< valuesCapacity) {
uprv_strcpy(values+valuesLen, keywordList[i].valueStart);
values[valuesLen + keywordList[i].valueLen] = 0;
valuesLen += keywordList[i].valueLen + 1;
if(values) {
values[valuesLen] = 0;
if(valLen) {
*valLen = valuesLen;
return u_terminateChars(keywords, keywordCapacity, keywordsLen, status);
} else {
return 0;
U_CFUNC int32_t
locale_getKeywords(const char *localeID,
char prev,
char *keywords, int32_t keywordCapacity,
char *values, int32_t valuesCapacity, int32_t *valLen,
UBool valuesToo,
UErrorCode *status) {
return _getKeywords(localeID, prev, keywords, keywordCapacity,
values, valuesCapacity, valLen, valuesToo,
NULL, NULL, status);
U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
uloc_getKeywordValue(const char* localeID,
const char* keywordName,
char* buffer, int32_t bufferCapacity,
UErrorCode* status)
const char* startSearchHere = NULL;
const char* nextSeparator = NULL;
char keywordNameBuffer[ULOC_KEYWORD_BUFFER_LEN];
char localeKeywordNameBuffer[ULOC_KEYWORD_BUFFER_LEN];
int32_t i = 0;
int32_t result = 0;
if(status && U_SUCCESS(*status) && localeID) {
const char* tmpLocaleID;
if (_hasBCP47Extension(localeID)) {
_ConvertBCP47(tmpLocaleID, localeID, tempBuffer, sizeof(tempBuffer), status);
} else {
startSearchHere = uprv_strchr(tmpLocaleID, '@'); /* TODO: REVISIT: shouldn't this be locale_getKeywordsStart ? */
if(startSearchHere == NULL) {
/* no keywords, return at once */
return 0;
locale_canonKeywordName(keywordNameBuffer, keywordName, status);
if(U_FAILURE(*status)) {
return 0;
/* find the first keyword */
while(startSearchHere) {
/* skip leading spaces (allowed?) */
while(*startSearchHere == ' ') {
nextSeparator = uprv_strchr(startSearchHere, '=');
/* need to normalize both keyword and keyword name */
if(!nextSeparator) {
if(nextSeparator - startSearchHere >= ULOC_KEYWORD_BUFFER_LEN) {
/* keyword name too long for internal buffer */
return 0;
for(i = 0; i < nextSeparator - startSearchHere; i++) {
localeKeywordNameBuffer[i] = uprv_tolower(startSearchHere[i]);
/* trim trailing spaces */
while(startSearchHere[i-1] == ' ') {
localeKeywordNameBuffer[i] = 0;
startSearchHere = uprv_strchr(nextSeparator, ';');
if(uprv_strcmp(keywordNameBuffer, localeKeywordNameBuffer) == 0) {
while(*nextSeparator == ' ') {
/* we actually found the keyword. Copy the value */
if(startSearchHere && startSearchHere - nextSeparator < bufferCapacity) {
while(*(startSearchHere-1) == ' ') {
uprv_strncpy(buffer, nextSeparator, startSearchHere - nextSeparator);
result = u_terminateChars(buffer, bufferCapacity, (int32_t)(startSearchHere - nextSeparator), status);
} else if(!startSearchHere && (int32_t)uprv_strlen(nextSeparator) < bufferCapacity) { /* last item in string */
i = (int32_t)uprv_strlen(nextSeparator);
while(nextSeparator[i - 1] == ' ') {
uprv_strncpy(buffer, nextSeparator, i);
result = u_terminateChars(buffer, bufferCapacity, i, status);
} else {
/* give a bigger buffer, please */
if(startSearchHere) {
result = (int32_t)(startSearchHere - nextSeparator);
} else {
result = (int32_t)uprv_strlen(nextSeparator);
return result;
return 0;
U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
uloc_setKeywordValue(const char* keywordName,
const char* keywordValue,
char* buffer, int32_t bufferCapacity,
UErrorCode* status)
/* TODO: sorting. removal. */
int32_t keywordNameLen;
int32_t keywordValueLen;
int32_t bufLen;
int32_t needLen = 0;
int32_t foundValueLen;
int32_t keywordAtEnd = 0; /* is the keyword at the end of the string? */
char keywordNameBuffer[ULOC_KEYWORD_BUFFER_LEN];
char localeKeywordNameBuffer[ULOC_KEYWORD_BUFFER_LEN];
int32_t i = 0;
int32_t rc;
char* nextSeparator = NULL;
char* nextEqualsign = NULL;
char* startSearchHere = NULL;
char* keywordStart = NULL;
char *insertHere = NULL;
if(U_FAILURE(*status)) {
return -1;
if(bufferCapacity>1) {
bufLen = (int32_t)uprv_strlen(buffer);
} else {
return 0;
if(bufferCapacity<bufLen) {
/* The capacity is less than the length?! Is this NULL terminated? */
return 0;
if(keywordValue && !*keywordValue) {
keywordValue = NULL;
if(keywordValue) {
keywordValueLen = (int32_t)uprv_strlen(keywordValue);
} else {
keywordValueLen = 0;
keywordNameLen = locale_canonKeywordName(keywordNameBuffer, keywordName, status);
if(U_FAILURE(*status)) {
return 0;
startSearchHere = (char*)locale_getKeywordsStart(buffer);
if(startSearchHere == NULL || (startSearchHere[1]==0)) {
if(!keywordValue) { /* no keywords = nothing to remove */
return bufLen;
needLen = bufLen+1+keywordNameLen+1+keywordValueLen;
if(startSearchHere) { /* had a single @ */
needLen--; /* already had the @ */
/* startSearchHere points at the @ */
} else {
if(needLen >= bufferCapacity) {
return needLen; /* no change */
*startSearchHere = '@';
uprv_strcpy(startSearchHere, keywordNameBuffer);
startSearchHere += keywordNameLen;
*startSearchHere = '=';
uprv_strcpy(startSearchHere, keywordValue);
return needLen;
} /* end shortcut - no @ */
keywordStart = startSearchHere;
/* search for keyword */
while(keywordStart) {
/* skip leading spaces (allowed?) */
while(*keywordStart == ' ') {
nextEqualsign = uprv_strchr(keywordStart, '=');
/* need to normalize both keyword and keyword name */
if(!nextEqualsign) {
if(nextEqualsign - keywordStart >= ULOC_KEYWORD_BUFFER_LEN) {
/* keyword name too long for internal buffer */
return 0;
for(i = 0; i < nextEqualsign - keywordStart; i++) {
localeKeywordNameBuffer[i] = uprv_tolower(keywordStart[i]);
/* trim trailing spaces */
while(keywordStart[i-1] == ' ') {
localeKeywordNameBuffer[i] = 0;
nextSeparator = uprv_strchr(nextEqualsign, ';');
rc = uprv_strcmp(keywordNameBuffer, localeKeywordNameBuffer);
if(rc == 0) {
while(*nextEqualsign == ' ') {
/* we actually found the keyword. Change the value */
if (nextSeparator) {
keywordAtEnd = 0;
foundValueLen = (int32_t)(nextSeparator - nextEqualsign);
} else {
keywordAtEnd = 1;
foundValueLen = (int32_t)uprv_strlen(nextEqualsign);
if(keywordValue) { /* adding a value - not removing */
if(foundValueLen == keywordValueLen) {
uprv_strncpy(nextEqualsign, keywordValue, keywordValueLen);
return bufLen; /* no change in size */
} else if(foundValueLen > keywordValueLen) {
int32_t delta = foundValueLen - keywordValueLen;
if(nextSeparator) { /* RH side */
uprv_memmove(nextSeparator - delta, nextSeparator, bufLen-(nextSeparator-buffer));
uprv_strncpy(nextEqualsign, keywordValue, keywordValueLen);
bufLen -= delta;
return bufLen;
} else { /* FVL < KVL */
int32_t delta = keywordValueLen - foundValueLen;
if((bufLen+delta) >= bufferCapacity) {
return bufLen+delta;
if(nextSeparator) { /* RH side */
uprv_memmove(nextSeparator+delta,nextSeparator, bufLen-(nextSeparator-buffer));
uprv_strncpy(nextEqualsign, keywordValue, keywordValueLen);
bufLen += delta;
return bufLen;
} else { /* removing a keyword */
if(keywordAtEnd) {
/* zero out the ';' or '@' just before startSearchhere */
keywordStart[-1] = 0;
return (int32_t)((keywordStart-buffer)-1); /* (string length without keyword) minus separator */
} else {
uprv_memmove(keywordStart, nextSeparator+1, bufLen-((nextSeparator+1)-buffer));
return (int32_t)(bufLen-((nextSeparator+1)-keywordStart));
} else if(rc<0){ /* end match keyword */
/* could insert at this location. */
insertHere = keywordStart;
keywordStart = nextSeparator;
} /* end loop searching */
if(!keywordValue) {
return bufLen; /* removal of non-extant keyword - no change */
/* we know there is at least one keyword. */
needLen = bufLen+1+keywordNameLen+1+keywordValueLen;
if(needLen >= bufferCapacity) {
return needLen; /* no change */
if(insertHere) {
uprv_memmove(insertHere+(1+keywordNameLen+1+keywordValueLen), insertHere, bufLen-(insertHere-buffer));
keywordStart = insertHere;
} else {
keywordStart = buffer+bufLen;
*keywordStart = ';';
uprv_strncpy(keywordStart, keywordNameBuffer, keywordNameLen);
keywordStart += keywordNameLen;
*keywordStart = '=';
uprv_strncpy(keywordStart, keywordValue, keywordValueLen); /* terminates. */
if(insertHere) {
*keywordStart = ';';
return needLen;
/* ### ID parsing implementation **************************************************/
#define _isPrefixLetter(a) ((a=='x')||(a=='X')||(a=='i')||(a=='I'))
/*returns TRUE if one of the special prefixes is here (s=string)
'x-' or 'i-' */
#define _isIDPrefix(s) (_isPrefixLetter(s[0])&&_isIDSeparator(s[1]))
/* Dot terminates it because of POSIX form where dot precedes the codepage
* except for variant
#define _isTerminator(a) ((a==0)||(a=='.')||(a=='@'))
static char* _strnchr(const char* str, int32_t len, char c) {
U_ASSERT(str != 0 && len >= 0);
while (len-- != 0) {
char d = *str;
if (d == c) {
return (char*) str;
} else if (d == 0) {
return NULL;
* Lookup 'key' in the array 'list'. The array 'list' should contain
* a NULL entry, followed by more entries, and a second NULL entry.
* The 'list' param should be LANGUAGES, LANGUAGES_3, COUNTRIES, or
static int16_t _findIndex(const char* const* list, const char* key)
const char* const* anchor = list;
int32_t pass = 0;
/* Make two passes through two NULL-terminated arrays at 'list' */
while (pass++ < 2) {
while (*list) {
if (uprv_strcmp(key, *list) == 0) {
return (int16_t)(list - anchor);
++list; /* skip final NULL *CWB*/
return -1;
/* count the length of src while copying it to dest; return strlen(src) */
static inline int32_t
_copyCount(char *dest, int32_t destCapacity, const char *src) {
const char *anchor;
char c;
for(;;) {
if((c=*src)==0) {
return (int32_t)(src-anchor);
if(destCapacity<=0) {
return (int32_t)((src-anchor)+uprv_strlen(src));
U_CFUNC const char*
uloc_getCurrentCountryID(const char* oldID){
int32_t offset = _findIndex(DEPRECATED_COUNTRIES, oldID);
if (offset >= 0) {
return oldID;
U_CFUNC const char*
uloc_getCurrentLanguageID(const char* oldID){
int32_t offset = _findIndex(DEPRECATED_LANGUAGES, oldID);
if (offset >= 0) {
return oldID;
* the internal functions _getLanguage(), _getCountry(), _getVariant()
* avoid duplicating code to handle the earlier locale ID pieces
* in the functions for the later ones by
* setting the *pEnd pointer to where they stopped parsing
* TODO try to use this in Locale
U_CFUNC int32_t
ulocimp_getLanguage(const char *localeID,
char *language, int32_t languageCapacity,
const char **pEnd) {
int32_t i=0;
int32_t offset;
char lang[4]={ 0, 0, 0, 0 }; /* temporary buffer to hold language code for searching */
/* if it starts with i- or x- then copy that prefix */
if(_isIDPrefix(localeID)) {
if(i<languageCapacity) {
if(i<languageCapacity) {
/* copy the language as far as possible and count its length */
while(!_isTerminator(*localeID) && !_isIDSeparator(*localeID)) {
if(i<languageCapacity) {
if(i<3) {
if(i==3) {
/* convert 3 character code to 2 character code if possible *CWB*/
offset=_findIndex(LANGUAGES_3, lang);
if(offset>=0) {
i=_copyCount(language, languageCapacity, LANGUAGES[offset]);
if(pEnd!=NULL) {
return i;
U_CFUNC int32_t
ulocimp_getScript(const char *localeID,
char *script, int32_t scriptCapacity,
const char **pEnd)
int32_t idLen = 0;
if (pEnd != NULL) {
*pEnd = localeID;
/* copy the second item as far as possible and count its length */
while(!_isTerminator(localeID[idLen]) && !_isIDSeparator(localeID[idLen])
&& uprv_isASCIILetter(localeID[idLen])) {
/* If it's exactly 4 characters long, then it's a script and not a country. */
if (idLen == 4) {
int32_t i;
if (pEnd != NULL) {
*pEnd = localeID+idLen;
if(idLen > scriptCapacity) {
idLen = scriptCapacity;
if (idLen >= 1) {
for (i = 1; i < idLen; i++) {
else {
idLen = 0;
return idLen;
U_CFUNC int32_t
ulocimp_getCountry(const char *localeID,
char *country, int32_t countryCapacity,
const char **pEnd)
int32_t idLen=0;
char cnty[ULOC_COUNTRY_CAPACITY]={ 0, 0, 0, 0 };
int32_t offset;
/* copy the country as far as possible and count its length */
while(!_isTerminator(localeID[idLen]) && !_isIDSeparator(localeID[idLen])) {
/* the country should be either length 2 or 3 */
if (idLen == 2 || idLen == 3) {
UBool gotCountry = FALSE;
/* convert 3 character code to 2 character code if possible *CWB*/
if(idLen==3) {
offset=_findIndex(COUNTRIES_3, cnty);
if(offset>=0) {
idLen=_copyCount(country, countryCapacity, COUNTRIES[offset]);
gotCountry = TRUE;
if (!gotCountry) {
int32_t i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < idLen; i++) {
if (i < countryCapacity) {
} else {
idLen = 0;
if(pEnd!=NULL) {
return idLen;
* @param needSeparator if true, then add leading '_' if any variants
* are added to 'variant'
static int32_t
_getVariantEx(const char *localeID,
char prev,
char *variant, int32_t variantCapacity,
UBool needSeparator) {
int32_t i=0;
/* get one or more variant tags and separate them with '_' */
if(_isIDSeparator(prev)) {
/* get a variant string after a '-' or '_' */
while(!_isTerminator(*localeID)) {
if (needSeparator) {
if (i<variantCapacity) {
variant[i] = '_';
needSeparator = FALSE;
if(i<variantCapacity) {
if(variant[i]=='-') {
/* if there is no variant tag after a '-' or '_' then look for '@' */
if(i==0) {
if(prev=='@') {
/* keep localeID */
} else if((localeID=locale_getKeywordsStart(localeID))!=NULL) {
++localeID; /* point after the '@' */
} else {
return 0;
while(!_isTerminator(*localeID)) {
if (needSeparator) {
if (i<variantCapacity) {
variant[i] = '_';
needSeparator = FALSE;
if(i<variantCapacity) {
if(variant[i]=='-' || variant[i]==',') {
return i;
static int32_t
_getVariant(const char *localeID,
char prev,
char *variant, int32_t variantCapacity) {
return _getVariantEx(localeID, prev, variant, variantCapacity, FALSE);
* Delete ALL instances of a variant from the given list of one or
* more variants. Example: "FOO_EURO_BAR_EURO" => "FOO_BAR".
* @param variants the source string of one or more variants,
* separated by '_'. This will be MODIFIED IN PLACE. Not zero
* terminated; if it is, trailing zero will NOT be maintained.
* @param variantsLen length of variants
* @param toDelete variant to delete, without separators, e.g. "EURO"
* or "PREEURO"; not zero terminated
* @param toDeleteLen length of toDelete
* @return number of characters deleted from variants
static int32_t
_deleteVariant(char* variants, int32_t variantsLen,
const char* toDelete, int32_t toDeleteLen)
int32_t delta = 0; /* number of chars deleted */
for (;;) {
UBool flag = FALSE;
if (variantsLen < toDeleteLen) {
return delta;
if (uprv_strncmp(variants, toDelete, toDeleteLen) == 0 &&
(variantsLen == toDeleteLen ||
(flag=(variants[toDeleteLen] == '_'))))
int32_t d = toDeleteLen + (flag?1:0);
variantsLen -= d;
delta += d;
if (variantsLen > 0) {
uprv_memmove(variants, variants+d, variantsLen);
} else {
char* p = _strnchr(variants, variantsLen, '_');
if (p == NULL) {
return delta;
variantsLen -= (int32_t)(p - variants);
variants = p;
/* Keyword enumeration */
typedef struct UKeywordsContext {
char* keywords;
char* current;
} UKeywordsContext;
static void U_CALLCONV
uloc_kw_closeKeywords(UEnumeration *enumerator) {
uprv_free(((UKeywordsContext *)enumerator->context)->keywords);
static int32_t U_CALLCONV
uloc_kw_countKeywords(UEnumeration *en, UErrorCode * /*status*/) {
char *kw = ((UKeywordsContext *)en->context)->keywords;
int32_t result = 0;
while(*kw) {
kw += uprv_strlen(kw)+1;
return result;
static const char* U_CALLCONV
uloc_kw_nextKeyword(UEnumeration* en,
int32_t* resultLength,
UErrorCode* /*status*/) {
const char* result = ((UKeywordsContext *)en->context)->current;
int32_t len = 0;
if(*result) {
len = (int32_t)uprv_strlen(((UKeywordsContext *)en->context)->current);
((UKeywordsContext *)en->context)->current += len+1;
} else {
result = NULL;
if (resultLength) {
*resultLength = len;
return result;
static void U_CALLCONV
uloc_kw_resetKeywords(UEnumeration* en,
UErrorCode* /*status*/) {
((UKeywordsContext *)en->context)->current = ((UKeywordsContext *)en->context)->keywords;
static const UEnumeration gKeywordsEnum = {
U_CAPI UEnumeration* U_EXPORT2
uloc_openKeywordList(const char *keywordList, int32_t keywordListSize, UErrorCode* status)
UKeywordsContext *myContext = NULL;
UEnumeration *result = NULL;
if(U_FAILURE(*status)) {
return NULL;
result = (UEnumeration *)uprv_malloc(sizeof(UEnumeration));
/* Null pointer test */
if (result == NULL) {
return NULL;
uprv_memcpy(result, &gKeywordsEnum, sizeof(UEnumeration));
myContext = static_cast<UKeywordsContext *>(uprv_malloc(sizeof(UKeywordsContext)));
if (myContext == NULL) {
return NULL;
myContext->keywords = (char *)uprv_malloc(keywordListSize+1);
uprv_memcpy(myContext->keywords, keywordList, keywordListSize);
myContext->keywords[keywordListSize] = 0;
myContext->current = myContext->keywords;
result->context = myContext;
return result;
U_CAPI UEnumeration* U_EXPORT2
uloc_openKeywords(const char* localeID,
UErrorCode* status)
int32_t i=0;
char keywords[256];
int32_t keywordsCapacity = 256;
const char* tmpLocaleID;
if(status==NULL || U_FAILURE(*status)) {
return 0;
if (_hasBCP47Extension(localeID)) {
_ConvertBCP47(tmpLocaleID, localeID, tempBuffer, sizeof(tempBuffer), status);
} else {
if (localeID==NULL) {
/* Skip the language */
ulocimp_getLanguage(tmpLocaleID, NULL, 0, &tmpLocaleID);
if(_isIDSeparator(*tmpLocaleID)) {
const char *scriptID;
/* Skip the script if available */
ulocimp_getScript(tmpLocaleID+1, NULL, 0, &scriptID);
if(scriptID != tmpLocaleID+1) {
/* Found optional script */
tmpLocaleID = scriptID;
/* Skip the Country */
if (_isIDSeparator(*tmpLocaleID)) {
ulocimp_getCountry(tmpLocaleID+1, NULL, 0, &tmpLocaleID);
if(_isIDSeparator(*tmpLocaleID)) {
_getVariant(tmpLocaleID+1, *tmpLocaleID, NULL, 0);
/* keywords are located after '@' */
if((tmpLocaleID = locale_getKeywordsStart(tmpLocaleID)) != NULL) {
i=locale_getKeywords(tmpLocaleID+1, '@', keywords, keywordsCapacity, NULL, 0, NULL, FALSE, status);
if(i) {
return uloc_openKeywordList(keywords, i, status);
} else {
return NULL;
/* bit-flags for 'options' parameter of _canonicalize */
#define OPTION_SET(options, mask) ((options & mask) != 0)
static const char i_default[] = {'i', '-', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'a', 'u', 'l', 't'};
#define I_DEFAULT_LENGTH (sizeof i_default / sizeof i_default[0])
* Canonicalize the given localeID, to level 1 or to level 2,
* depending on the options. To specify level 1, pass in options=0.
* To specify level 2, pass in options=_ULOC_CANONICALIZE.
* This is the code underlying uloc_getName and uloc_canonicalize.
static int32_t
_canonicalize(const char* localeID,
char* result,
int32_t resultCapacity,
uint32_t options,
UErrorCode* err) {
int32_t j, len, fieldCount=0, scriptSize=0, variantSize=0, nameCapacity;
char localeBuffer[ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY];
const char* origLocaleID;
const char* tmpLocaleID;
const char* keywordAssign = NULL;
const char* separatorIndicator = NULL;
const char* addKeyword = NULL;
const char* addValue = NULL;
char* name;
char* variant = NULL; /* pointer into name, or NULL */
if (U_FAILURE(*err)) {
return 0;
if (_hasBCP47Extension(localeID)) {
_ConvertBCP47(tmpLocaleID, localeID, tempBuffer, sizeof(tempBuffer), err);
} else {
if (localeID==NULL) {
/* if we are doing a full canonicalization, then put results in
localeBuffer, if necessary; otherwise send them to result. */
if (/*OPTION_SET(options, _ULOC_CANONICALIZE) &&*/
(result == NULL || resultCapacity < (int32_t)sizeof(localeBuffer))) {
name = localeBuffer;
nameCapacity = (int32_t)sizeof(localeBuffer);
} else {
name = result;
nameCapacity = resultCapacity;
/* get all pieces, one after another, and separate with '_' */
len=ulocimp_getLanguage(tmpLocaleID, name, nameCapacity, &tmpLocaleID);
if(len == I_DEFAULT_LENGTH && uprv_strncmp(origLocaleID, i_default, len) == 0) {
const char *d = uloc_getDefault();
len = (int32_t)uprv_strlen(d);
if (name != NULL) {
uprv_strncpy(name, d, len);
} else if(_isIDSeparator(*tmpLocaleID)) {
const char *scriptID;
if(len<nameCapacity) {
(len<nameCapacity ? name+len : NULL), nameCapacity-len, &scriptID);
if(scriptSize > 0) {
/* Found optional script */
tmpLocaleID = scriptID;
if (_isIDSeparator(*tmpLocaleID)) {
/* If there is something else, then we add the _ */
if(len<nameCapacity) {
if (_isIDSeparator(*tmpLocaleID)) {
const char *cntryID;
int32_t cntrySize = ulocimp_getCountry(tmpLocaleID+1,
(len<nameCapacity ? name+len : NULL), nameCapacity-len, &cntryID);
if (cntrySize > 0) {
/* Found optional country */
tmpLocaleID = cntryID;
if(_isIDSeparator(*tmpLocaleID)) {
/* If there is something else, then we add the _ if we found country before. */
if (cntrySize >= 0 && ! _isIDSeparator(*(tmpLocaleID+1)) ) {
if(len<nameCapacity) {
variantSize = _getVariant(tmpLocaleID+1, *tmpLocaleID,
(len<nameCapacity ? name+len : NULL), nameCapacity-len);
if (variantSize > 0) {
variant = len<nameCapacity ? name+len : NULL;
len += variantSize;
tmpLocaleID += variantSize + 1; /* skip '_' and variant */
/* Copy POSIX-style charset specifier, if any [mr.utf8] */
if (!OPTION_SET(options, _ULOC_CANONICALIZE) && *tmpLocaleID == '.') {
UBool done = FALSE;
do {
char c = *tmpLocaleID;
switch (c) {
case 0:
case '@':
done = TRUE;
if (len<nameCapacity) {
name[len] = c;
} while (!done);
/* Scan ahead to next '@' and determine if it is followed by '=' and/or ';'
After this, tmpLocaleID either points to '@' or is NULL */
if ((tmpLocaleID=locale_getKeywordsStart(tmpLocaleID))!=NULL) {
keywordAssign = uprv_strchr(tmpLocaleID, '=');
separatorIndicator = uprv_strchr(tmpLocaleID, ';');
/* Copy POSIX-style variant, if any [mr@FOO] */
tmpLocaleID != NULL && keywordAssign == NULL) {
for (;;) {
char c = *tmpLocaleID;
if (c == 0) {
if (len<nameCapacity) {
name[len] = c;
/* Handle @FOO variant if @ is present and not followed by = */
if (tmpLocaleID!=NULL && keywordAssign==NULL) {
int32_t posixVariantSize;
/* Add missing '_' if needed */
if (fieldCount < 2 || (fieldCount < 3 && scriptSize > 0)) {
do {
if(len<nameCapacity) {
} while(fieldCount<2);
posixVariantSize = _getVariantEx(tmpLocaleID+1, '@', name+len, nameCapacity-len,
(UBool)(variantSize > 0));
if (posixVariantSize > 0) {
if (variant == NULL) {
variant = name+len;
len += posixVariantSize;
variantSize += posixVariantSize;
/* Handle generic variants first */
if (variant) {
for (j=0; j<(int32_t)(sizeof(VARIANT_MAP)/sizeof(VARIANT_MAP[0])); j++) {
const char* variantToCompare = VARIANT_MAP[j].variant;
int32_t n = (int32_t)uprv_strlen(variantToCompare);
int32_t variantLen = _deleteVariant(variant, uprv_min(variantSize, (nameCapacity-len)), variantToCompare, n);
len -= variantLen;
if (variantLen > 0) {
if (len > 0 && name[len-1] == '_') { /* delete trailing '_' */
addKeyword = VARIANT_MAP[j].keyword;
addValue = VARIANT_MAP[j].value;
if (len > 0 && len <= nameCapacity && name[len-1] == '_') { /* delete trailing '_' */
/* Look up the ID in the canonicalization map */
for (j=0; j<(int32_t)(sizeof(CANONICALIZE_MAP)/sizeof(CANONICALIZE_MAP[0])); j++) {
const char* id = CANONICALIZE_MAP[j].id;
int32_t n = (int32_t)uprv_strlen(id);
if (len == n && uprv_strncmp(name, id, n) == 0) {
if (n == 0 && tmpLocaleID != NULL) {
break; /* Don't remap "" if keywords present */
len = _copyCount(name, nameCapacity, CANONICALIZE_MAP[j].canonicalID);
if (CANONICALIZE_MAP[j].keyword) {
addKeyword = CANONICALIZE_MAP[j].keyword;
addValue = CANONICALIZE_MAP[j].value;
if (tmpLocaleID!=NULL && keywordAssign!=NULL &&
(!separatorIndicator || separatorIndicator > keywordAssign)) {
if(len<nameCapacity) {
len += _getKeywords(tmpLocaleID+1, '@', (len<nameCapacity ? name+len : NULL), nameCapacity-len,
NULL, 0, NULL, TRUE, addKeyword, addValue, err);
} else if (addKeyword != NULL) {
U_ASSERT(addValue != NULL && len < nameCapacity);
/* inelegant but works -- later make _getKeywords do this? */
len += _copyCount(name+len, nameCapacity-len, "@");
len += _copyCount(name+len, nameCapacity-len, addKeyword);
len += _copyCount(name+len, nameCapacity-len, "=");
len += _copyCount(name+len, nameCapacity-len, addValue);
if (U_SUCCESS(*err) && result != NULL && name == localeBuffer) {
uprv_strncpy(result, localeBuffer, (len > resultCapacity) ? resultCapacity : len);
return u_terminateChars(result, resultCapacity, len, err);
/* ### ID parsing API **************************************************/
U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
uloc_getParent(const char* localeID,
char* parent,
int32_t parentCapacity,
UErrorCode* err)
const char *lastUnderscore;
int32_t i;
if (U_FAILURE(*err))
return 0;
if (localeID == NULL)
localeID = uloc_getDefault();
lastUnderscore=uprv_strrchr(localeID, '_');
if(lastUnderscore!=NULL) {
} else {
if(i>0 && parent != localeID) {
uprv_memcpy(parent, localeID, uprv_min(i, parentCapacity));
return u_terminateChars(parent, parentCapacity, i, err);
U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
uloc_getLanguage(const char* localeID,
char* language,
int32_t languageCapacity,
UErrorCode* err)
/* uloc_getLanguage will return a 2 character iso-639 code if one exists. *CWB*/
int32_t i=0;
if (err==NULL || U_FAILURE(*err)) {
return 0;
if(localeID==NULL) {
i=ulocimp_getLanguage(localeID, language, languageCapacity, NULL);
return u_terminateChars(language, languageCapacity, i, err);
U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
uloc_getScript(const char* localeID,
char* script,
int32_t scriptCapacity,
UErrorCode* err)
int32_t i=0;
if(err==NULL || U_FAILURE(*err)) {
return 0;
if(localeID==NULL) {
/* skip the language */
ulocimp_getLanguage(localeID, NULL, 0, &localeID);
if(_isIDSeparator(*localeID)) {
i=ulocimp_getScript(localeID+1, script, scriptCapacity, NULL);
return u_terminateChars(script, scriptCapacity, i, err);
U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
uloc_getCountry(const char* localeID,
char* country,
int32_t countryCapacity,
UErrorCode* err)
int32_t i=0;
if(err==NULL || U_FAILURE(*err)) {
return 0;
if(localeID==NULL) {
/* Skip the language */
ulocimp_getLanguage(localeID, NULL, 0, &localeID);
if(_isIDSeparator(*localeID)) {
const char *scriptID;
/* Skip the script if available */
ulocimp_getScript(localeID+1, NULL, 0, &scriptID);
if(scriptID != localeID+1) {
/* Found optional script */
localeID = scriptID;
if(_isIDSeparator(*localeID)) {
i=ulocimp_getCountry(localeID+1, country, countryCapacity, NULL);
return u_terminateChars(country, countryCapacity, i, err);
U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
uloc_getVariant(const char* localeID,
char* variant,
int32_t variantCapacity,
UErrorCode* err)
const char* tmpLocaleID;
int32_t i=0;
if(err==NULL || U_FAILURE(*err)) {
return 0;
if (_hasBCP47Extension(localeID)) {
_ConvertBCP47(tmpLocaleID, localeID, tempBuffer, sizeof(tempBuffer), err);
} else {
if (localeID==NULL) {
/* Skip the language */
ulocimp_getLanguage(tmpLocaleID, NULL, 0, &tmpLocaleID);
if(_isIDSeparator(*tmpLocaleID)) {
const char *scriptID;
/* Skip the script if available */
ulocimp_getScript(tmpLocaleID+1, NULL, 0, &scriptID);
if(scriptID != tmpLocaleID+1) {
/* Found optional script */
tmpLocaleID = scriptID;
/* Skip the Country */
if (_isIDSeparator(*tmpLocaleID)) {
const char *cntryID;
ulocimp_getCountry(tmpLocaleID+1, NULL, 0, &cntryID);
if (cntryID != tmpLocaleID+1) {
/* Found optional country */
tmpLocaleID = cntryID;
if(_isIDSeparator(*tmpLocaleID)) {
/* If there was no country ID, skip a possible extra IDSeparator */
if (tmpLocaleID != cntryID && _isIDSeparator(tmpLocaleID[1])) {
i=_getVariant(tmpLocaleID+1, *tmpLocaleID, variant, variantCapacity);
/* removed by weiv. We don't want to handle POSIX variants anymore. Use canonicalization function */
/* if we do not have a variant tag yet then try a POSIX variant after '@' */
if(!haveVariant && (localeID=uprv_strrchr(localeID, '@'))!=NULL) {
i=_getVariant(localeID+1, '@', variant, variantCapacity);
return u_terminateChars(variant, variantCapacity, i, err);
U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
uloc_getName(const char* localeID,
char* name,
int32_t nameCapacity,
UErrorCode* err)
return _canonicalize(localeID, name, nameCapacity, 0, err);
U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
uloc_getBaseName(const char* localeID,
char* name,
int32_t nameCapacity,
UErrorCode* err)
return _canonicalize(localeID, name, nameCapacity, _ULOC_STRIP_KEYWORDS, err);
U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
uloc_canonicalize(const char* localeID,
char* name,
int32_t nameCapacity,
UErrorCode* err)
return _canonicalize(localeID, name, nameCapacity, _ULOC_CANONICALIZE, err);
U_CAPI const char* U_EXPORT2
uloc_getISO3Language(const char* localeID)
int16_t offset;
UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
if (localeID == NULL)
localeID = uloc_getDefault();
uloc_getLanguage(localeID, lang, ULOC_LANG_CAPACITY, &err);
if (U_FAILURE(err))
return "";
offset = _findIndex(LANGUAGES, lang);
if (offset < 0)
return "";
return LANGUAGES_3[offset];
U_CAPI const char* U_EXPORT2
uloc_getISO3Country(const char* localeID)
int16_t offset;
UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
if (localeID == NULL)
localeID = uloc_getDefault();
uloc_getCountry(localeID, cntry, ULOC_LANG_CAPACITY, &err);
if (U_FAILURE(err))
return "";
offset = _findIndex(COUNTRIES, cntry);
if (offset < 0)
return "";
return COUNTRIES_3[offset];
U_CAPI uint32_t U_EXPORT2
uloc_getLCID(const char* localeID)
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
uloc_getLanguage(localeID, langID, sizeof(langID), &status);
if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
return 0;
if (uprv_strchr(localeID, '@')) {
// uprv_convertToLCID does not support keywords other than collation.
// Remove all keywords except collation.
int32_t len;
len = uloc_getKeywordValue(localeID, "collation", collVal,
sizeof(collVal)/sizeof(collVal[0]) - 1, &status);
if (U_SUCCESS(status) && len > 0) {
collVal[len] = 0;
len = uloc_getBaseName(localeID, tmpLocaleID,
sizeof(tmpLocaleID)/sizeof(tmpLocaleID[0]) - 1, &status);
if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
tmpLocaleID[len] = 0;
len = uloc_setKeywordValue("collation", collVal, tmpLocaleID,
sizeof(tmpLocaleID)/sizeof(tmpLocaleID[0]) - len - 1, &status);
if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
tmpLocaleID[len] = 0;
return uprv_convertToLCID(langID, tmpLocaleID, &status);
// fall through - all keywords are simply ignored
status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
return uprv_convertToLCID(langID, localeID, &status);
U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
uloc_getLocaleForLCID(uint32_t hostid, char *locale, int32_t localeCapacity,
UErrorCode *status)
return uprv_convertToPosix(hostid, locale, localeCapacity, status);
/* ### Default locale **************************************************/
U_CAPI const char* U_EXPORT2
return locale_get_default();
uloc_setDefault(const char* newDefaultLocale,
UErrorCode* err)
if (U_FAILURE(*err))
/* the error code isn't currently used for anything by this function*/
/* propagate change to C++ */
* Returns a list of all 2-letter language codes defined in ISO 639. This is a pointer
* to an array of pointers to arrays of char. All of these pointers are owned
* by ICU-- do not delete them, and do not write through them. The array is
* terminated with a null pointer.
U_CAPI const char* const* U_EXPORT2
* Returns a list of all 2-letter country codes defined in ISO 639. This is a
* pointer to an array of pointers to arrays of char. All of these pointers are
* owned by ICU-- do not delete them, and do not write through them. The array is
* terminated with a null pointer.
U_CAPI const char* const* U_EXPORT2
/* this function to be moved into cstring.c later */
static char gDecimal = 0;
static /* U_CAPI */
/* U_EXPORT2 */
_uloc_strtod(const char *start, char **end) {
char *decimal;
char *myEnd;
char buf[30];
double rv;
if (!gDecimal) {
char rep[5];
/* For machines that decide to change the decimal on you,
and try to be too smart with localization.
This normally should be just a '.'. */
sprintf(rep, "%+1.1f", 1.0);
gDecimal = rep[2];
if(gDecimal == '.') {
return uprv_strtod(start, end); /* fall through to OS */
} else {
uprv_strncpy(buf, start, 29);
decimal = uprv_strchr(buf, '.');
if(decimal) {
*decimal = gDecimal;
} else {
return uprv_strtod(start, end); /* no decimal point */
rv = uprv_strtod(buf, &myEnd);
if(end) {
*end = (char*)(start+(myEnd-buf)); /* cast away const (to follow uprv_strtod API.) */
return rv;
typedef struct {
float q;
int32_t dummy; /* to avoid uninitialized memory copy from qsort */
char *locale;
} _acceptLangItem;
static int32_t U_CALLCONV
uloc_acceptLanguageCompare(const void * /*context*/, const void *a, const void *b)
const _acceptLangItem *aa = (const _acceptLangItem*)a;
const _acceptLangItem *bb = (const _acceptLangItem*)b;
int32_t rc = 0;
if(bb->q < aa->q) {
rc = -1; /* A > B */
} else if(bb->q > aa->q) {
rc = 1; /* A < B */
} else {
rc = 0; /* A = B */
if(rc==0) {
rc = uprv_stricmp(aa->locale, bb->locale);
#if defined(ULOC_DEBUG)
/* fprintf(stderr, "a:[%s:%g], b:[%s:%g] -> %d\n",
aa->locale, aa->q,
bb->locale, bb->q,
return rc;
mt-mt, ja;q=0.76, en-us;q=0.95, en;q=0.92, en-gb;q=0.89, fr;q=0.87, iu-ca;q=0.84, iu;q=0.82, ja-jp;q=0.79, mt;q=0.97, de-de;q=0.74, de;q=0.71, es;q=0.68, it-it;q=0.66, it;q=0.63, vi-vn;q=0.61, vi;q=0.58, nl-nl;q=0.55, nl;q=0.53
U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
uloc_acceptLanguageFromHTTP(char *result, int32_t resultAvailable, UAcceptResult *outResult,
const char *httpAcceptLanguage,
UEnumeration* availableLocales,
UErrorCode *status)
_acceptLangItem *j;
_acceptLangItem smallBuffer[30];
char **strs;
int32_t n = 0;
const char *itemEnd;
const char *paramEnd;
const char *s;
const char *t;
int32_t res;
int32_t i;
int32_t l = (int32_t)uprv_strlen(httpAcceptLanguage);
int32_t jSize;
char *tempstr; /* Use for null pointer check */
j = smallBuffer;
jSize = sizeof(smallBuffer)/sizeof(smallBuffer[0]);
if(U_FAILURE(*status)) {
return -1;
for(s=httpAcceptLanguage;s&&*s;) {
while(isspace(*s)) /* eat space at the beginning */
if(!itemEnd) {
itemEnd = httpAcceptLanguage+l; /* end of string */
if(paramEnd && paramEnd<itemEnd) {
/* semicolon (;) is closer than end (,) */
t = paramEnd+1;
if(*t=='q') {
while(isspace(*t)) {
if(*t=='=') {
while(isspace(*t)) {
j[n].q = (float)_uloc_strtod(t,NULL);
} else {
/* no semicolon - it's 1.0 */
j[n].q = 1.0f;
paramEnd = itemEnd;
/* eat spaces prior to semi */
/* Check for null pointer from uprv_strndup */
tempstr = uprv_strndup(s,(int32_t)((t+1)-s));
if (tempstr == NULL) {
return -1;
j[n].locale = tempstr;
if(strcmp(j[n].locale,tmp)) {
#if defined(ULOC_DEBUG)
/*fprintf(stderr,"%d: s <%s> q <%g>\n", n, j[n].locale, j[n].q);*/
s = itemEnd;
while(*s==',') { /* eat duplicate commas */
if(n>=jSize) {
if(j==smallBuffer) { /* overflowed the small buffer. */
j = static_cast<_acceptLangItem *>(uprv_malloc(sizeof(j[0])*(jSize*2)));
if(j!=NULL) {
#if defined(ULOC_DEBUG)
fprintf(stderr,"malloced at size %d\n", jSize);
} else {
j = static_cast<_acceptLangItem *>(uprv_realloc(j, sizeof(j[0])*jSize*2));
#if defined(ULOC_DEBUG)
fprintf(stderr,"re-alloced at size %d\n", jSize);
jSize *= 2;
if(j==NULL) {
return -1;
uprv_sortArray(j, n, sizeof(j[0]), uloc_acceptLanguageCompare, NULL, TRUE, status);
if(U_FAILURE(*status)) {
if(j != smallBuffer) {
#if defined(ULOC_DEBUG)
fprintf(stderr,"freeing j %p\n", j);
return -1;
strs = static_cast<char **>(uprv_malloc((size_t)(sizeof(strs[0])*n)));
/* Check for null pointer */
if (strs == NULL) {
uprv_free(j); /* Free to avoid memory leak */
return -1;
for(i=0;i<n;i++) {
#if defined(ULOC_DEBUG)
/*fprintf(stderr,"%d: s <%s> q <%g>\n", i, j[i].locale, j[i].q);*/
res = uloc_acceptLanguage(result, resultAvailable, outResult,
(const char**)strs, n, availableLocales, status);
for(i=0;i<n;i++) {
if(j != smallBuffer) {
#if defined(ULOC_DEBUG)
fprintf(stderr,"freeing j %p\n", j);
return res;
U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
uloc_acceptLanguage(char *result, int32_t resultAvailable,
UAcceptResult *outResult, const char **acceptList,
int32_t acceptListCount,
UEnumeration* availableLocales,
UErrorCode *status)
int32_t i,j;
int32_t len;
int32_t maxLen=0;
const char *l;
char **fallbackList;
if(U_FAILURE(*status)) {
return -1;
fallbackList = static_cast<char **>(uprv_malloc((size_t)(sizeof(fallbackList[0])*acceptListCount)));
if(fallbackList==NULL) {
return -1;
for(i=0;i<acceptListCount;i++) {
#if defined(ULOC_DEBUG)
fprintf(stderr,"%02d: %s\n", i, acceptList[i]);
while((l=uenum_next(availableLocales, NULL, status))) {
#if defined(ULOC_DEBUG)
fprintf(stderr," %s\n", l);
len = (int32_t)uprv_strlen(l);
if(!uprv_strcmp(acceptList[i], l)) {
if(outResult) {
#if defined(ULOC_DEBUG)
fprintf(stderr, "MATCH! %s\n", l);
if(len>0) {
uprv_strncpy(result, l, uprv_min(len, resultAvailable));
for(j=0;j<i;j++) {
return u_terminateChars(result, resultAvailable, len, status);
if(len>maxLen) {
maxLen = len;
uenum_reset(availableLocales, status);
/* save off parent info */
if(uloc_getParent(acceptList[i], tmp, sizeof(tmp)/sizeof(tmp[0]), status)!=0) {
fallbackList[i] = uprv_strdup(tmp);
} else {
for(maxLen--;maxLen>0;maxLen--) {
for(i=0;i<acceptListCount;i++) {
if(fallbackList[i] && ((int32_t)uprv_strlen(fallbackList[i])==maxLen)) {
#if defined(ULOC_DEBUG)
fprintf(stderr,"Try: [%s]", fallbackList[i]);
while((l=uenum_next(availableLocales, NULL, status))) {
#if defined(ULOC_DEBUG)
fprintf(stderr," %s\n", l);
len = (int32_t)uprv_strlen(l);
if(!uprv_strcmp(fallbackList[i], l)) {
if(outResult) {
#if defined(ULOC_DEBUG)
fprintf(stderr, "fallback MATCH! %s\n", l);
if(len>0) {
uprv_strncpy(result, l, uprv_min(len, resultAvailable));
for(j=0;j<acceptListCount;j++) {
return u_terminateChars(result, resultAvailable, len, status);
uenum_reset(availableLocales, status);
if(uloc_getParent(fallbackList[i], tmp, sizeof(tmp)/sizeof(tmp[0]), status)!=0) {
fallbackList[i] = uprv_strdup(tmp);
} else {
if(outResult) {
for(i=0;i<acceptListCount;i++) {
return -1;