
102 lines
3.5 KiB

/* vim: set ft=javascript ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. */
"use strict";
// Test that CSS property names and values are autocompleted and cycled correctly
// when editing existing properties in the rule view
// format :
// [
// what key to press,
// modifers,
// expected input box value after keypress,
// selectedIndex of the popup,
// total items in the popup
// ]
let testData = [
["b", {}, "beige", 0, 8],
["l", {}, "black", 0, 4],
["VK_DOWN", {}, "blanchedalmond", 1, 4],
["VK_DOWN", {}, "blue", 2, 4],
["VK_RIGHT", {}, "blue", -1, 0],
[" ", {}, "blue !important", 0, 10],
["!", {}, "blue !important", 0, 0],
["VK_BACK_SPACE", {}, "blue !", -1, 0],
["VK_BACK_SPACE", {}, "blue ", -1, 0],
["VK_BACK_SPACE", {}, "blue", -1, 0],
["VK_TAB", {shiftKey: true}, "color", -1, 0],
["VK_BACK_SPACE", {}, "", -1, 0],
["d", {}, "direction", 0, 3],
["i", {}, "direction", 0, 2],
["s", {}, "display", -1, 0],
["VK_TAB", {}, "blue", -1, 0],
["n", {}, "none", -1, 0],
["VK_RETURN", {}, null, -1, 0]
let TEST_URL = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,<h1 style='color: red'>Filename: " +
let test = asyncTest(function*() {
yield addTab(TEST_URL);
let {toolbox, inspector, view} = yield openRuleView();
info("Selecting the test node");
yield selectNode("h1", inspector);
info("Focusing the css property editable value");
let value = view.doc.querySelectorAll(".ruleview-propertyvalue")[0];
let editor = yield focusEditableField(value);
info("Starting to test for css property completion");
for (let i = 0; i < testData.length; i ++) {
// Re-define the editor at each iteration, because the focus may have moved
// from property to value and back
editor = inplaceEditor(view.doc.activeElement);
yield testCompletion(testData[i], editor, view);
function* testCompletion([key, modifiers, completion, index, total], editor, view) {
info("Pressing key " + key);
info("Expecting " + completion + ", " + index + ", " + total);
let onKeyPress;
if (/tab/ig.test(key)) {
info("Waiting for the new property or value editor to get focused");
let brace = view.doc.querySelector(".ruleview-ruleclose");
onKeyPress = once(brace.parentNode, "focus", true);
} else if (/(right|return|back_space)/ig.test(key)) {
info("Adding event listener for right|return|back_space keys");
onKeyPress = once(editor.input, "keypress");
} else {
info("Waiting for after-suggest event on the editor");
onKeyPress = editor.once("after-suggest");
info("Synthesizing key " + key + ", modifiers: " + Object.keys(modifiers));
EventUtils.synthesizeKey(key, modifiers, view.doc.defaultView);
yield onKeyPress;
yield wait(1); // Equivalent of executeSoon
// The key might have been a TAB or shift-TAB, in which case the editor will
// be a new one
editor = inplaceEditor(view.doc.activeElement);
info("Checking the state");
if (completion != null) {
is(editor.input.value, completion, "Correct value is autocompleted");
if (total == 0) {
ok(!(editor.popup && editor.popup.isOpen), "Popup is closed");
} else {
ok(editor.popup._panel.state == "open" || editor.popup._panel.state == "showing", "Popup is open");
is(editor.popup.getItems().length, total, "Number of suggestions match");
is(editor.popup.selectedIndex, index, "Correct item is selected");