
224 lines
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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
* ContentAreaObserver manages tracking the viewable area within the browser.
* It also handles certain tasks like positioning of input elements within
* content when the viewable area changes.
* ContentAreaObserver creates styles that content can apply and also fires
* events when things change. The 'width' and 'height' properties of the
* styles are updated whenever various parts of the UI are resized.
* styles: window-width, window-height
* events: SizeChanged
* The innerWidth/innerHeight of the main chrome window.
* styles: content-width, content-height
* events: ContentSizeChanged
* The area of the window dedicated to web content; this is equal to the
* innerWidth/Height minus any toolbars or similar chrome.
* styles: viewable-width, viewable-height
* events: ViewableSizeChanged
* The portion of the content area that is not obscured by the on-screen
* keyboard.
var ContentAreaObserver = {
styles: {},
// In desktop mode avoids breaking window dims before
// the desktop window is displayed.
get width() { return window.innerWidth || 1366; },
get height() { return window.innerHeight || 768; },
get contentHeight() {
return this._getContentHeightForWindow(this.height);
get contentTop () {
return Elements.toolbar.getBoundingClientRect().bottom;
get viewableHeight() {
return this._getViewableHeightForContent(this.contentHeight);
get isKeyboardOpened() { return MetroUtils.keyboardVisible; },
get hasVirtualKeyboard() { return true; },
init: function cao_init() {
window.addEventListener("resize", this, false);
let os = Services.obs;
os.addObserver(this, "metro_softkeyboard_shown", false);
os.addObserver(this, "metro_softkeyboard_hidden", false);
// Create styles for the following class names. The 'width' and 'height'
// properties of these styles are updated whenever various parts of the UI
// are resized.
// * window-width, window-height: The innerWidth/innerHeight of the main
// chrome window.
// * content-width, content-height: The area of the window dedicated to web
// content; this is equal to the innerWidth/Height minus any toolbars
// or similar chrome.
// * viewable-width, viewable-height: The portion of the content area that
// is not obscured by the on-screen keyboard.
let stylesheet = document.styleSheets[0];
for (let style of ["window-width", "window-height",
"content-height", "content-width",
"viewable-height", "viewable-width"]) {
let index = stylesheet.insertRule("." + style + " {}", stylesheet.cssRules.length);
this.styles[style] = stylesheet.cssRules[index].style;
uninit: function cao_uninit() {
let os = Services.obs;
os.removeObserver(this, "metro_softkeyboard_shown");
os.removeObserver(this, "metro_softkeyboard_hidden");
update: function cao_update (width, height) {
let oldWidth = parseInt(this.styles["window-width"].width);
let oldHeight = parseInt(this.styles["window-height"].height);
let newWidth = width || this.width;
let newHeight = height || this.height;
if (newHeight == oldHeight && newWidth == oldWidth)
this.styles["window-width"].width = newWidth + "px";
this.styles["window-width"].maxWidth = newWidth + "px";
this.styles["window-height"].height = newHeight + "px";
this.styles["window-height"].maxHeight = newHeight + "px";
let isStartup = !oldHeight && !oldWidth;
for (let i = Browser.tabs.length - 1; i >=0; i--) {
let tab = Browser.tabs[i];
let oldContentWindowWidth = tab.browser.contentWindowWidth;
tab.updateViewportSize(newWidth, newHeight); // contentWindowWidth may change here.
// Don't bother updating the zoom level on startup
if (!isStartup) {
// If the viewport width is still the same, the page layout has not
// changed, so we can keep keep the same content on-screen.
if (tab.browser.contentWindowWidth == oldContentWindowWidth)
tab.restoreViewportPosition(oldWidth, newWidth);
// We want to keep the current focused element into view if possible
if (!isStartup) {
let currentElement = document.activeElement;
let [scrollbox, scrollInterface] = ScrollUtils.getScrollboxFromElement(currentElement);
if (scrollbox && scrollInterface && currentElement && currentElement != scrollbox) {
// retrieve the direct child of the scrollbox
while (currentElement && currentElement.parentNode != scrollbox)
currentElement = currentElement.parentNode;
setTimeout(function() { scrollInterface.ensureElementIsVisible(currentElement) }, 0);
this.updateContentArea(newWidth, this._getContentHeightForWindow(newHeight));
updateContentArea: function cao_updateContentArea (width, height) {
let oldHeight = parseInt(this.styles["content-height"].height);
let oldWidth = parseInt(this.styles["content-width"].width);
let newWidth = width || this.width;
let newHeight = height || this.contentHeight;
if (newHeight == oldHeight && newWidth == oldWidth)
this.styles["content-height"].height = newHeight + "px";
this.styles["content-height"].maxHeight = newHeight + "px";
this.styles["content-width"].width = newWidth + "px";
this.styles["content-width"].maxWidth = newWidth + "px";
this.updateViewableArea(newWidth, this._getViewableHeightForContent(newHeight));
updateViewableArea: function cao_updateViewableArea (width, height) {
let oldHeight = parseInt(this.styles["viewable-height"].height);
let oldWidth = parseInt(this.styles["viewable-width"].width);
let newWidth = width || this.width;
let newHeight = height || this.viewableHeight;
if (newHeight == oldHeight && newWidth == oldWidth)
this.styles["viewable-height"].height = newHeight + "px";
this.styles["viewable-height"].maxHeight = newHeight + "px";
this.styles["viewable-width"].width = newWidth + "px";
this.styles["viewable-width"].maxWidth = newWidth + "px";
observe: function cao_observe(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
switch (aTopic) {
case "metro_softkeyboard_shown":
case "metro_softkeyboard_hidden": {
let event = document.createEvent("UIEvents");
let eventDetails = {
opened: aTopic == "metro_softkeyboard_shown",
details: aData
event.initUIEvent("KeyboardChanged", true, false, window, eventDetails);
handleEvent: function cao_handleEvent(anEvent) {
switch (anEvent.type) {
case 'resize':
if ( != window)
_fire: function (aName) {
// setTimeout(callback, 0) to ensure the resize event handler dispatch is finished
setTimeout(function() {
let event = document.createEvent("Events");
event.initEvent(aName, true, false);
}, 0);
_getContentHeightForWindow: function (windowHeight) {
let contextUIHeight = BrowserUI.isTabsOnly ? Elements.toolbar.getBoundingClientRect().bottom : 0;
return windowHeight - contextUIHeight;
_getViewableHeightForContent: function (contentHeight) {
let keyboardHeight = MetroUtils.keyboardHeight;
return contentHeight - keyboardHeight;