Alexandre Lissy c78e7c86b0 Bug 1092074 - Make LogShake feature resilient to read/parse errors. r=gwagner
In the event of broken/unexpected things, we would like to have even a
partial log set dump. This happens for parsing properties values on
Kitkat builds: the current code does all the parsing itself, but the
format of storage of properties evolved with Kitkat base system, and
this makes LogParser to fail, as documented in bug 1079322. Even if we
miss some values, it can still be useful to have the other remaining
2014-10-31 05:47:00 +01:00

318 lines
9.9 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
* LogShake is a module which listens for log requests sent by Gaia. In
* response to a sufficiently large acceleration (a shake), it will save log
* files to an arbitrary directory which it will then return on a
* 'capture-logs-success' event with detail.logFilenames representing each log
* file's filename in the directory. If an error occurs it will instead produce
* a 'capture-logs-error' event.
* We send a capture-logs-start events to notify the system app and the user,
* since dumping can be a bit long sometimes.
/* enable Mozilla javascript extensions and global strictness declaration,
* disable valid this checking */
/* jshint moz: true */
/* jshint -W097 */
/* jshint -W040 */
/* global Services, Components, dump, LogCapture, LogParser,
OS, Promise, volumeService, XPCOMUtils, SystemAppProxy */
'use strict';
const Cu = Components.utils;
const Ci = Components.interfaces;
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, 'LogCapture', 'resource://gre/modules/LogCapture.jsm');
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, 'LogParser', 'resource://gre/modules/LogParser.jsm');
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, 'OS', 'resource://gre/modules/osfile.jsm');
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, 'Promise', 'resource://gre/modules/Promise.jsm');
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, 'Services', 'resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm');
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, 'SystemAppProxy', 'resource://gre/modules/SystemAppProxy.jsm');
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, 'powerManagerService',
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, 'volumeService',
this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ['LogShake'];
function debug(msg) {
dump('LogShake.jsm: '+msg+'\n');
* An empirically determined amount of acceleration corresponding to a
* shake
const DEVICE_MOTION_EVENT = 'devicemotion';
const SCREEN_CHANGE_EVENT = 'screenchange';
const CAPTURE_LOGS_START_EVENT = 'capture-logs-start';
const CAPTURE_LOGS_ERROR_EVENT = 'capture-logs-error';
const CAPTURE_LOGS_SUCCESS_EVENT = 'capture-logs-success';
let LogShake = {
QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIObserver]),
* If LogShake is listening for device motion events. Required due to lag
* between HAL layer of device motion events and listening for device motion
* events.
deviceMotionEnabled: false,
* If a capture has been requested and is waiting for reads/parsing. Used for
* debouncing.
captureRequested: false,
* Map of files which have log-type information to their parsers
'/dev/__properties__': LogParser.prettyPrintPropertiesArray,
'/dev/log/main': LogParser.prettyPrintLogArray,
'/dev/log/system': LogParser.prettyPrintLogArray,
'/dev/log/radio': LogParser.prettyPrintLogArray,
'/dev/log/events': LogParser.prettyPrintLogArray,
'/proc/cmdline': LogParser.prettyPrintArray,
'/proc/kmsg': LogParser.prettyPrintArray,
'/proc/meminfo': LogParser.prettyPrintArray,
'/proc/uptime': LogParser.prettyPrintArray,
'/proc/version': LogParser.prettyPrintArray,
'/proc/vmallocinfo': LogParser.prettyPrintArray,
'/proc/vmstat': LogParser.prettyPrintArray
* Start existing, observing motion events if the screen is turned on.
init: function() {
// TODO: no way of querying screen state from power manager
// this.handleScreenChangeEvent({ detail: {
// screenEnabled: powerManagerService.screenEnabled
// }});
// However, the screen is always on when we are being enabled because it is
// either due to the phone starting up or a user enabling us directly.
this.handleScreenChangeEvent({ detail: {
screenEnabled: true
SystemAppProxy.addEventListener(SCREEN_CHANGE_EVENT, this, false);
Services.obs.addObserver(this, 'xpcom-shutdown', false);
* Handle an arbitrary event, passing it along to the proper function
handleEvent: function(event) {
switch (event.type) {
if (!this.deviceMotionEnabled) {
* Handle an observation from Services.obs
observe: function(subject, topic) {
if (topic === 'xpcom-shutdown') {
startDeviceMotionListener: function() {
if (!this.deviceMotionEnabled) {
SystemAppProxy.addEventListener(DEVICE_MOTION_EVENT, this, false);
this.deviceMotionEnabled = true;
stopDeviceMotionListener: function() {
SystemAppProxy.removeEventListener(DEVICE_MOTION_EVENT, this, false);
this.deviceMotionEnabled = false;
* Handle a motion event, keeping track of 'excitement', the magnitude
* of the device's acceleration.
handleDeviceMotionEvent: function(event) {
// There is a lag between disabling the event listener and event arrival
// ceasing.
if (!this.deviceMotionEnabled) {
var acc = event.accelerationIncludingGravity;
var excitement = acc.x * acc.x + acc.y * acc.y + acc.z * acc.z;
if (excitement > EXCITEMENT_THRESHOLD) {
if (!this.captureRequested) {
this.captureRequested = true;
SystemAppProxy._sendCustomEvent(CAPTURE_LOGS_START_EVENT, {});
this.captureLogs().then(logResults => {
// On resolution send the success event to the requester
SystemAppProxy._sendCustomEvent(CAPTURE_LOGS_SUCCESS_EVENT, {
logFilenames: logResults.logFilenames,
logPrefix: logResults.logPrefix
this.captureRequested = false;
error => {
// On an error send the error event
SystemAppProxy._sendCustomEvent(CAPTURE_LOGS_ERROR_EVENT, {error: error});
this.captureRequested = false;
handleScreenChangeEvent: function(event) {
if (event.detail.screenEnabled) {
} else {
* Captures and saves the current device logs, returning a promise that will
* resolve to an array of log filenames.
captureLogs: function() {
let logArrays = this.readLogs();
return saveLogs(logArrays);
* Read in all log files, returning their formatted contents
readLogs: function() {
let logArrays = {};
for (let loc in this.LOGS_WITH_PARSERS) {
let logArray;
try {
logArray = LogCapture.readLogFile(loc);
if (!logArray) {
} catch (ex) {
Cu.reportError("Unable to LogCapture.readLogFile('" + loc + "'): " + ex);
try {
logArrays[loc] = this.LOGS_WITH_PARSERS[loc](logArray);
} catch (ex) {
Cu.reportError("Unable to parse content of '" + loc + "': " + ex);
return logArrays;
* Stop logshake, removing all listeners
uninit: function() {
SystemAppProxy.removeEventListener(SCREEN_CHANGE_EVENT, this, false);
Services.obs.removeObserver(this, 'xpcom-shutdown');
function getLogFilename(logLocation) {
// sanitize the log location
let logName = logLocation.replace(/\//g, '-');
if (logName[0] === '-') {
logName = logName.substring(1);
return logName + '.log';
function getSdcardPrefix() {
return volumeService.getVolumeByName('sdcard').mountPoint;
function getLogDirectory() {
let d = new Date();
d = new Date(d.getTime() - d.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000);
let timestamp = d.toISOString().slice(0, -5).replace(/[:T]/g, '-');
// return directory name of format 'logs/timestamp/'
return OS.Path.join('logs', timestamp);
* Save the formatted arrays of log files to an sdcard if available
function saveLogs(logArrays) {
if (!logArrays || Object.keys(logArrays).length === 0) {
return Promise.resolve({
logFilenames: [],
logPrefix: ''
let sdcardPrefix, dirName;
try {
sdcardPrefix = getSdcardPrefix();
dirName = getLogDirectory();
} catch(e) {
// Return promise failed with exception e
// Handles missing sdcard
return Promise.reject(e);
debug('making a directory all the way from '+sdcardPrefix+' to '+(sdcardPrefix + '/' + dirName));
return OS.File.makeDir(OS.Path.join(sdcardPrefix, dirName), {from: sdcardPrefix})
.then(function() {
// Now the directory is guaranteed to exist, save the logs
let logFilenames = [];
let saveRequests = [];
for (let logLocation in logArrays) {
debug('requesting save of ' + logLocation);
let logArray = logArrays[logLocation];
// The filename represents the relative path within the SD card, not the
// absolute path because Gaia will refer to it using the DeviceStorage
// API
let filename = OS.Path.join(dirName, getLogFilename(logLocation));
let saveRequest = OS.File.writeAtomic(OS.Path.join(sdcardPrefix, filename), logArray);
return Promise.all(saveRequests).then(function() {
debug('returning logfilenames: '+logFilenames.toSource());
return {
logFilenames: logFilenames,
logPrefix: dirName
this.LogShake = LogShake;