
442 lines
19 KiB

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<bindings id="videoContolBindings"
<binding id="suppressChangeEvent"
<method name="valueChanged">
<parameter name="which"/>
<parameter name="newValue"/>
<parameter name="userChanged"/>
// This method is a copy of the base binding's valueChanged(), except that it does
// not dispatch a |change| event (to avoid exposing the event to web content), and
// just calls the videocontrol's seekToPosition() method directly.
switch (which) {
case "curpos":
// The value of userChanged is true when changing the position with the mouse,
// but not when pressing an arrow key. However, the base binding sets
// ._userChanged in its keypress handlers, so we just need to check both.
if (!userChanged && !this._userChanged)
this.setAttribute("value", newValue);
case "minpos":
this.setAttribute("min", newValue);
case "maxpos":
this.setAttribute("max", newValue);
<binding id="videoControls">
<stylesheet src="chrome://global/content/bindings/videocontrols.css"/>
<stylesheet src="chrome://global/skin/media/videocontrols.css"/>
<xbl:content xmlns="">
<spacer flex="1"/>
<hbox class="controlBar">
<button class="playButton" oncommand="this.parentNode.parentNode.Utils.togglePause();"/>
<stack class="scrubberStack" flex="1">
<box class="backgroundBar" flex="1"/>
<progressmeter class="bufferBar" flex="1"/>
<progressmeter class="progressBar" flex="1" max="10000"/>
<scale class="scrubber" flex="1"/>
<button class="muteButton" oncommand="this.parentNode.parentNode.Utils.toggleMute();"/>
<implementation implements="nsISecurityCheckedComponent">
<!-- nsISecurityCheckedComponent -->
<method name="canCreateWrapper">
<parameter name="aIID"/>
return "AllAccess";
<method name="canCallMethod">
<parameter name="aIID"/>
<parameter name="aMethodName"/>
return "AllAccess";
<method name="canGetProperty">
<parameter name="aIID"/>
<parameter name="aPropertyName"/>
return "AllAccess";
<method name="canSetProperty">
<parameter name="aIID"/>
<parameter name="aPropertyName"/>
return "AllAccess";
<method name="QueryInterface">
<parameter name="aIID"/>
if (!iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISecurityCheckedComponent))
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
return this;
<field name="Utils">
<![CDATA[ ({
debug : false,
video : null,
videocontrols : null,
controlBar : null,
playButton : null,
muteButton : null,
scrubber : null,
progressBar : null,
bufferBar : null,
thumbWidth : 0,
FADE_TIME_MAX : 200, // ms
FADE_TIME_STEP : 30, // ms
fadeTime : 0, // duration of active fade animation
fadingIn: false, // are we fading in, or fading out?
fadeTimer : null,
controlsVisible : false,
firstFrameShown : false,
lastTimeUpdate : 0,
maxCurrentTimeSeen : 0,
get dynamicControls() {
// Don't fade controls for <audio> elements.
var enabled = instanceof HTMLVideoElement;
// Allow tests to explicitly suppress the fading of controls.
if ("mozNoDynamicControls"))
enabled = false;
return enabled;
handleEvent : function (aEvent) {
this.log("Got " + aEvent.type + " media event");
switch (aEvent.type) {
case "play":
this.playButton.setAttribute("paused", false);
case "pause":
case "ended":
this.playButton.setAttribute("paused", true);
case "volumechange":
case "loadeddata":
this.firstFrameShown = true;
case "loadstart":
this.maxCurrentTimeSeen = 0;
case "durationchange":
var duration = Math.round( * 1000); // in ms
case "progress":
var loaded = aEvent.loaded;
var total =;
this.log("+++ load, " + loaded + " of " + total);
// When the source is streaming, the value of .total is -1. Set the
// progress bar to the maximum, since it's not useful.
if (total == -1)
total = loaded;
this.bufferBar.max = total;
this.bufferBar.value = loaded;
case "timeupdate":
var currentTime = Math.round( * 1000); // in ms
var duration = Math.round( * 1000); // in ms
// Timeupdate events are dispatched *every frame*. Reduce workload by
// ignoring position changes that are within 333ms of the current position.
if (Math.abs(currentTime - this.lastTimeUpdate) < 333)
this.lastTimeUpdate = currentTime;
this.showPosition(currentTime, duration);
case "emptied":
this.bufferBar.value = 0;
this.log("!!! event " + aEvent.type + " not handled!");
durationChange : function (duration) {
if (isNaN(duration))
duration = this.maxCurrentTimeSeen;
this.log("Duration is " + duration + "ms");
this.scrubber.max = duration;
// XXX Can't set increment here, due to bug 473103. Also, doing so causes
// snapping when dragging with the mouse, so we can't just set a value for
// the arrow-keys.
//this.scrubber.increment = duration / 50;
this.scrubber.pageIncrement = Math.round(duration / 10);
seekToPosition : function() {
var newPosition = this.scrubber.getAttribute("value");
newPosition /= 1000; // convert from ms
this.log("+++ seeking to " + newPosition); = newPosition;
showPosition : function(currentTime, duration) {
// If the duration is unknown (because the server didn't provide
// it, or the video is a stream), then we want to fudge the duration
// by using the maximum playback position that's been seen.
if (currentTime > this.maxCurrentTimeSeen)
this.maxCurrentTimeSeen = currentTime;
if (isNaN(duration)) {
duration = this.maxCurrentTimeSeen;
this.log("time update @ " + currentTime + "ms of " + duration + "ms");
this.scrubber.value = currentTime;
// Extend the progressBar so it goes to the right-edge of the
// scrubber thumb. This is a bit tricky, due to how the thumb is
// positioned... It's flush-left at the minimum position, but
// flush-right at the maximum position (so that the full thumb is
// always visible in the <scale>'s box).
var percent = currentTime / duration;
var leftEdge = Math.floor(percent * (this.scrubber.clientWidth - this.thumbWidth));
var rightEdge = leftEdge + this.thumbWidth;
var adjPercent = rightEdge / this.scrubber.clientWidth;
// The progressBar has max=10000
this.progressBar.value = Math.round(adjPercent * 10000);
onMouseInOut : function (event) {
// If the controls are static, don't change anything.
if (!this.dynamicControls)
// Ignore events caused by transitions between child nodes.
// Note that the videocontrols element is the same
// size as the *content area* of the video element,
// but this is not the same as the video element's
// border area if the video has border or padding.
if (this.isControlsOrDescendant( &&
var isMouseOver = (event.type == "mouseover");
// Suppress fading out the controls until the video has rendered
// its first frame. But since autoplay videos start off with no
// controls, let them fade-out so the controls don't get stuck on.
if (!this.firstFrameShown && !isMouseOver && !
// If we're already fading towards the desired state (or are
// already there), then we don't need to do anything more.
var directionChange = (this.fadingIn != isMouseOver);
if (!directionChange)
this.fadingIn = isMouseOver;
this.log("Fading controls " + (this.fadingIn ? "in" : "out"));
// When switching direction mid-fade, we want the reversed fade
// to complete in the same amount of time as the current fade has
// been running. So we invert fadeTime.
// For example, if we're 20ms into a 100ms fade-in, then we want to
// fade-out over 20ms. This is done by setting fadeTime to 80ms
// (100-20), so that fadeControls will only animate for 20ms more.
if (this.fadeTime)
this.fadeTime = this.FADE_TIME_MAX - this.fadeTime;
if (!this.fadeTimer)
this.fadeTimer = setInterval(this.fadeControls, this.FADE_TIME_STEP, this);
// If we're fading in, immediately make the controls clickable.
// Otherwise they might not activate until the first fadeTimer
// fires, which is hard to test reliably.
if (this.fadingIn) = "visible";
fadeControls : function (self, lateness) {
// Update elapsed time, and compute position as a percent
// of total. Last frame could run over, so clamp to 1.
self.fadeTime += self.FADE_TIME_STEP + lateness;
var pos = self.fadeTime / self.FADE_TIME_MAX;
if (pos > 1)
pos = 1;
// Calculate the opacity for our position in the animation.
var opacity;
if (self.fadingIn)
opacity = Math.pow(pos, 0.5);
opacity = Math.pow(1 - pos, 0.5);
self.controlsVisible = (opacity ? true : false); = opacity;
// Use .visibility to ignore mouse clicks when hidden.
if (self.controlsVisible) = "visible";
else = "hidden";
// Is the animation done?
if (pos == 1) {
self.fadeTimer = null;
self.fadeTime = 0;
togglePause : function () {
if (;
// We'll handle style changes in the event listener for
// the "play" and "pause" events, same as if content
// script was controlling video playback.
toggleMute : function () { = !;
// We'll handle style changes in the event listener for
// the "volumechange" event, same as if content script was
// controlling volume.
isControlsOrDescendant : function (node) {
while (node) {
if (node == this.videocontrols)
return true;
node = node.parentNode;
return false;
log : function (msg) {
if (this.debug)
dump("videoctl: " + msg + "\n");
}) ]]>
<method name="init">
var video = this.parentNode; = video;
this.Utils.videocontrols = this;
this.Utils.controlBar = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "class", "controlBar");
this.Utils.playButton = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "class", "playButton");
this.Utils.muteButton = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "class", "muteButton");
this.Utils.progressBar = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "class", "progressBar");
this.Utils.bufferBar = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "class", "bufferBar");
this.Utils.scrubber = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "class", "scrubber");
// Get the width of the scrubber thumb.
var thumb = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this.Utils.scrubber, "class", "scale-thumb");
if (thumb)
this.Utils.thumbWidth = thumb.clientWidth;
// Set initial state of play/pause button.
this.Utils.playButton.setAttribute("paused", video.paused);
// videocontrols.css hides the control bar by default, because if script
// is disabled our binding's script is disabled too (bug 449358). Thus,
// the controls are broken and we don't want them shown. But if script is
// enabled, the code here will run and can explicitly unhide the controls.
// For videos with |autoplay| set, we'll leave the controls initially hidden,
// so that they don't get in the way of the playing video. Otherwise we'll
// go ahead and reveal the controls now, so they're an obvious user cue.
// (Note: the |controls| attribute is already handled via layout/style/html.css)
if (!video.autoplay || !this.Utils.dynamicControls) { = "visible"; = 1.0;
this.Utils.controlsVisible = true;
this.Utils.fadingIn = true;
// Use Utils.handleEvent() callback for all media events.
video.addEventListener("play", this.Utils, false);
video.addEventListener("pause", this.Utils, false);
video.addEventListener("ended", this.Utils, false);
video.addEventListener("volumechange", this.Utils, false);
video.addEventListener("loadeddata", this.Utils, false);
video.addEventListener("loadstart", this.Utils, false);
video.addEventListener("durationchange", this.Utils, false);
video.addEventListener("timeupdate", this.Utils, false);
video.addEventListener("progress", this.Utils, false);
video.addEventListener("emptied", this.Utils, false);
this.Utils.log("--- videocontrols initialized ---");
<handler event="mouseover">
<handler event="mouseout">