
51 lines
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import WebIDL
def WebIDLTest(parser, harness):
interface TestOverloads {
void basic();
void basic(long arg1);
boolean abitharder(TestOverloads foo);
boolean abitharder(boolean foo);
void abitharder(ArrayBuffer? foo);
void withVariadics(long... numbers);
void withVariadics(TestOverloads iface);
void withVariadics(long num, TestOverloads iface);
results = parser.finish()
harness.ok(True, "TestOverloads interface parsed without error.")
harness.check(len(results), 1, "Should be one production.")
iface = results[0]
harness.ok(isinstance(iface, WebIDL.IDLInterface),
"Should be an IDLInterface")
harness.check(iface.identifier.QName(), "::TestOverloads", "Interface has the right QName")
harness.check(, "TestOverloads", "Interface has the right name")
harness.check(len(iface.members), 3, "Expect %s members" % 3)
member = iface.members[0]
harness.check(member.identifier.QName(), "::TestOverloads::basic", "Method has the right QName")
harness.check(, "basic", "Method has the right name")
harness.check(member.hasOverloads(), True, "Method has overloads")
signatures = member.signatures()
harness.check(len(signatures), 2, "Method should have 2 signatures")
(retval, argumentSet) = signatures[0]
harness.check(str(retval), "Void", "Expect a void retval")
harness.check(len(argumentSet), 0, "Expect an empty argument set")
(retval, argumentSet) = signatures[1]
harness.check(str(retval), "Void", "Expect a void retval")
harness.check(len(argumentSet), 1, "Expect an argument set with one argument")
argument = argumentSet[0]
harness.ok(isinstance(argument, WebIDL.IDLArgument),
"Should be an IDLArgument")
harness.check(argument.identifier.QName(), "::TestOverloads::basic::arg1", "Argument has the right QName")
harness.check(, "arg1", "Argument has the right name")
harness.check(str(argument.type), "Long", "Argument has the right type")