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synced 2024-09-13 09:24:08 -07:00
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var tabstrip = gBrowser.tabContainer.mTabstrip;
var scrollbox = tabstrip._scrollbox;
var originalSmoothScroll = tabstrip.smoothScroll;
var tabs = gBrowser.tabs;
function rect(ele) ele.getBoundingClientRect();
function width(ele) rect(ele).width;
function left(ele) rect(ele).left;
function right(ele) rect(ele).right;
function isLeft(ele, msg) is(left(ele), left(scrollbox), msg);
function isRight(ele, msg) is(right(ele), right(scrollbox), msg);
function elementFromPoint(x) tabstrip._elementFromPoint(x);
function nextLeftElement() elementFromPoint(left(scrollbox) - 1);
function nextRightElement() elementFromPoint(right(scrollbox) + 1);
function firstScrollable() tabs[gBrowser._numPinnedTabs];
function test() {
// If the previous (or more) test finished with cleaning up the tabs,
// there may be some pending animations. That can cause a failure of
// this tests, so, we should test this in another stack.
setTimeout(doTest, 0);
function doTest() {
tabstrip.smoothScroll = false;
var tabMinWidth = parseInt(getComputedStyle(gBrowser.selectedTab, null).minWidth);
var tabCountForOverflow = Math.ceil(width(tabstrip) / tabMinWidth * 3);
while (tabs.length < tabCountForOverflow)
gBrowser.addTab("about:blank", {skipAnimation: true});
tabstrip.addEventListener("overflow", runOverflowTests, false);
function runOverflowTests(aEvent) {
if (aEvent.detail != 1)
tabstrip.removeEventListener("overflow", runOverflowTests, false);
var upButton = tabstrip._scrollButtonUp;
var downButton = tabstrip._scrollButtonDown;
var element;
gBrowser.selectedTab = firstScrollable();
ok(left(scrollbox) <= left(firstScrollable()), "Selecting the first tab scrolls it into view " +
"(" + left(scrollbox) + " <= " + left(firstScrollable()) + ")");
element = nextRightElement();
EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(downButton, 1, 1, {});
isRight(element, "Scrolled one tab to the right with a single click");
gBrowser.selectedTab = tabs[tabs.length - 1];
ok(right(gBrowser.selectedTab) <= right(scrollbox), "Selecting the last tab scrolls it into view " +
"(" + right(gBrowser.selectedTab) + " <= " + right(scrollbox) + ")");
element = nextLeftElement();
EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(upButton, 1, 1, {});
isLeft(element, "Scrolled one tab to the left with a single click");
element = elementFromPoint(left(scrollbox) - width(scrollbox));
EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(upButton, 1, 1, {clickCount: 2});
isLeft(element, "Scrolled one page of tabs with a double click");
EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(upButton, 1, 1, {clickCount: 3});
var firstScrollableLeft = left(firstScrollable());
ok(left(scrollbox) <= firstScrollableLeft, "Scrolled to the start with a triple click " +
"(" + left(scrollbox) + " <= " + firstScrollableLeft + ")");
for (var i = 2; i; i--)
EventUtils.synthesizeMouseScroll(scrollbox, 1, 1, {axis: "horizontal", delta: -1});
is(left(firstScrollable()), firstScrollableLeft, "Remained at the start with the mouse wheel");
element = nextRightElement();
EventUtils.synthesizeMouseScroll(scrollbox, 1, 1, {axis: "horizontal", delta: 1});
isRight(element, "Scrolled one tab to the right with the mouse wheel");
while (tabs.length > 1)
tabstrip.smoothScroll = originalSmoothScroll;