Dave Townsend 6c649be569 Bug 793928: Switch users of the promise library to the new location and move tests files. r=gavin
rename : toolkit/addon-sdk/test/ => addon-sdk/test/
rename : toolkit/addon-sdk/test/unit/head.js => addon-sdk/test/unit/head.js
rename : toolkit/addon-sdk/test/unit/test_promise.js => addon-sdk/test/unit/test_promise.js
rename : toolkit/addon-sdk/test/unit/xpcshell.ini => addon-sdk/test/unit/xpcshell.ini
2013-02-01 11:43:15 -08:00

397 lines
11 KiB

/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
* */
"use strict";
let tests = [];
// Utility function to observe an failures in a promise
// This function is useful if the promise itself is
// not returned.
let observe_failures = function observe_failures(promise) {
promise.then(null, function onReject(reason) {
test.do_throw("Observed failure in test " + test + ": " + reason);
// Test that all observers are notified
function notification(test) {
// The size of the test
const SIZE = 10;
const RESULT = "this is an arbitrary value";
// Number of observers that yet need to be notified
let expected = SIZE;
// |true| once an observer has been notified
let notified = [];
// The promise observed
let source = Promise.defer();
let result = Promise.defer();
let install_observer = function install_observer(i) {
function onSuccess(value) {
do_check_true(!notified[i], "Ensuring that observer is notified at most once");
notified[i] = true;
do_check_eq(value, RESULT, "Ensuring that the observed value is correct");
if (--expected == 0) {
// Install a number of observers before resolving
let i;
for (i = 0; i < SIZE/2; ++i) {
// Install remaining observers
for(;i < SIZE; ++i) {
return result;
// Test that all observers are notified at most once, even if source
// is resolved/rejected several times
function notification_once(test) {
// The size of the test
const SIZE = 10;
const RESULT = "this is an arbitrary value";
// Number of observers that yet need to be notified
let expected = SIZE;
// |true| once an observer has been notified
let notified = [];
// The promise observed
let observed = Promise.defer();
let result = Promise.defer();
let install_observer = function install_observer(i) {
function onSuccess(value) {
do_check_true(!notified[i], "Ensuring that observer is notified at most once");
notified[i] = true;
do_check_eq(value, RESULT, "Ensuring that the observed value is correct");
if (--expected == 0) {
// Install a number of observers before resolving
let i;
for (i = 0; i < SIZE/2; ++i) {
// Install remaining observers
for(;i < SIZE; ++i) {
// Resolve some more
for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
return result;
// Test that throwing an exception from a onResolve listener
// does not prevent other observers from receiving the notification
// of success.
make_promise_test(function exceptions_do_not_stop_notifications(test) {
let source = Promise.defer();
let exception_thrown = false;
let exception_content = new Error("Boom!");
let observer_1 = source.promise.then(
function onResolve() {
exception_thrown = true;
throw exception_content;
let observer_2 = source.promise.then(
function onResolve() {
do_check_true(exception_thrown, "Second observer called after first observer has thrown");
let result = observer_1.then(
function onResolve() {
do_throw("observer_1 should not have resolved");
function onReject(reason) {
do_check_true(reason == exception_content, "Obtained correct rejection");
return result;
// Test that, once a promise is resolved, further resolve/reject
// are ignored.
make_promise_test(function subsequent_resolves_are_ignored(test) {
let deferred = Promise.defer();
let result = deferred.promise.then(
function onResolve(value) {
do_check_eq(value, 1, "Resolution chose the first value");
function onReject(reason) {
do_throw("Obtained a rejection while the promise was already resolved");
return result;
// Test that, once a promise is rejected, further resolve/reject
// are ignored.
make_promise_test(function subsequent_rejects_are_ignored(test) {
let deferred = Promise.defer();
let result = deferred.promise.then(
function onResolve() {
do_throw("Obtained a resolution while the promise was already rejected");
function onReject(reason) {
do_check_eq(reason, 1, "Rejection chose the first value");
return result;
// Test that returning normally from a rejection recovers from the error
// and that listeners are informed of a success.
make_promise_test(function recovery(test) {
let boom = new Error("Boom!");
let deferred = Promise.defer();
const RESULT = "An arbitrary value";
let promise = deferred.promise.then(
function onResolve() {
do_throw("A rejected promise should not resolve");
function onReject(reason) {
do_check_true(reason == boom, "Promise was rejected with the correct error");
return RESULT;
promise = promise.then(
function onResolve(value) {
do_check_eq(value, RESULT, "Promise was recovered with the correct value");
return promise;
// Test that returning a resolved promise from a onReject causes a resolution
// (recovering from the error) and that returning a rejected promise
// from a onResolve listener causes a rejection (raising an error).
make_promise_test(function recovery_with_promise(test) {
let boom = new Error("Arbitrary error");
let deferred = Promise.defer();
const RESULT = "An arbitrary value";
const boom2 = new Error("Another arbitrary error");
// return a resolved promise from a onReject listener
let promise = deferred.promise.then(
function onResolve() {
do_throw("A rejected promise should not resolve");
function onReject(reason) {
do_check_true(reason == boom, "Promise was rejected with the correct error");
return Promise.resolve(RESULT);
// return a rejected promise from a onResolve listener
promise = promise.then(
function onResolve(value) {
do_check_eq(value, RESULT, "Promise was recovered with the correct value");
return Promise.reject(boom2);
promise = promise.then(
function onReject(reason) {
do_check_eq(reason, boom2, "Rejection was propagated with the correct " +
"reason, through a promise");
return promise;
// Test that we can resolve with promises of promises
make_promise_test(function test_propagation(test) {
const RESULT = "Yet another arbitrary value";
let d1 = Promise.defer();
let d2 = Promise.defer();
let d3 = Promise.defer();
return d3.promise.then(
function onSuccess(value) {
do_check_eq(value, RESULT, "Resolution with a promise eventually yielded "
+ " the correct result");
// Test sequences of |then|
make_promise_test(function test_chaining(test) {
let error_1 = new Error("Error 1");
let error_2 = new Error("Error 2");
let result_1 = "First result";
let result_2 = "Second result";
let result_3 = "Third result";
let source = Promise.defer();
let promise = source.promise.then().then();
// Check that result_1 is correctly propagated
promise = promise.then(
function onSuccess(result) {
do_check_eq(result, result_1, "Result was propagated correctly through " +
" several applications of |then|");
return result_2;
// Check that returning from the promise produces a resolution
promise = promise.then(
function onReject() {
do_throw("Incorrect rejection");
// ... and that the check did not alter the value
promise = promise.then(
function onResolve(value) {
do_check_eq(value, result_2, "Result was propagated correctly once again");
// Now the same kind of tests for rejections
promise = promise.then(
function onResolve() {
throw error_1;
promise = promise.then(
function onResolve() {
do_throw("Incorrect resolution: the exception should have caused a rejection");
promise = promise.then(
function onReject(reason) {
do_check_true(reason == error_1, "Reason was propagated correctly");
throw error_2;
promise = promise.then(
function onReject(reason) {
do_check_true(reason == error_2, "Throwing an error altered the reason " +
"as expected");
return result_3;
promise = promise.then(
function onResolve(result) {
do_check_eq(result, result_3, "Error was correctly recovered");
return promise;
// Test that resolving with a rejected promise actually rejects
make_promise_test(function resolve_to_rejected(test) {
let source = Promise.defer();
let error = new Error("Boom");
let promise = source.promise.then(
function onResolve() {
do_throw("Incorrect call to onResolve listener");
function onReject(reason) {
do_check_eq(reason, error, "Rejection lead to the expected reason");
return promise;
// Test that Promise.resolve resolves as expected
make_promise_test(function test_resolve(test) {
const RESULT = "arbitrary value";
let promise = Promise.resolve(RESULT).then(
function onResolve(result) {
do_check_eq(result, RESULT, "Promise.resolve propagated the correct result");
return promise;
function run_test()
run_promise_tests(tests, do_test_finished);