Wes Kocher 5000218064 Backed out 5 changesets (bug 806819) for WinXP test failures on a CLOSED TREE
Backed out changeset 009ae35b0c67 (bug 806819)
Backed out changeset 5a57f87f5061 (bug 806819)
Backed out changeset f06cd735b5b3 (bug 806819)
Backed out changeset e25a2a8d4af4 (bug 806819)
Backed out changeset 70a167982c3f (bug 806819)
2014-10-06 16:32:50 -07:00

340 lines
11 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
/* vim:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=4:
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef __nsWindow_h__
#define __nsWindow_h__
#include <QPointF>
#include "nsAutoPtr.h"
#include "nsBaseWidget.h"
#include "mozilla/EventForwards.h"
#include "nsWeakReference.h"
#include "nsGkAtoms.h"
#include "nsIIdleServiceInternal.h"
#include "nsIRunnable.h"
#include "nsThreadUtils.h"
// make sure that logging is enabled before including prlog.h
#define FORCE_PR_LOG
#include "prlog.h"
#include "nsTArray.h"
extern PRLogModuleInfo *gWidgetLog;
extern PRLogModuleInfo *gWidgetFocusLog;
extern PRLogModuleInfo *gWidgetIMLog;
extern PRLogModuleInfo *gWidgetDrawLog;
#define LOG(args) PR_LOG(gWidgetLog, 4, args)
#define LOGFOCUS(args) PR_LOG(gWidgetFocusLog, 4, args)
#define LOGIM(args) PR_LOG(gWidgetIMLog, 4, args)
#define LOGDRAW(args) PR_LOG(gWidgetDrawLog, 4, args)
#define PR_LOG2(_args) \
qDebug _args; \
#define LOG(args) PR_LOG2(args)
#define LOGFOCUS(args) PR_LOG2(args)
#define LOGIM(args) PR_LOG2(args)
#define LOGDRAW(args) PR_LOG2(args)
#define LOG(args)
#define LOGFOCUS(args)
#define LOGIM(args)
#define LOGDRAW(args)
#endif /* MOZ_LOGGING */
class nsIdleService;
class QCloseEvent;
class QFocusEvent;
class QHideEvent;
class QKeyEvent;
class QMouseEvent;
class QMoveEvent;
class QResizeEvent;
class QShowEvent;
class QTabletEvent;
class QTouchEvent;
class QWheelEvent;
namespace mozilla {
namespace widget {
class MozQWidget;
class nsWindow : public nsBaseWidget,
public nsSupportsWeakReference
// nsIWidget
NS_IMETHOD Create(nsIWidget *aParent,
nsNativeWidget aNativeParent,
const nsIntRect &aRect,
nsDeviceContext *aContext,
nsWidgetInitData *aInitData);
NS_IMETHOD Destroy(void);
NS_IMETHOD Show(bool aState);
virtual bool IsVisible() const;
NS_IMETHOD ConstrainPosition(bool aAllowSlop,
int32_t *aX,
int32_t *aY);
NS_IMETHOD Move(double aX,
double aY);
NS_IMETHOD Resize(double aWidth,
double aHeight,
bool aRepaint);
NS_IMETHOD Resize(double aX,
double aY,
double aWidth,
double aHeight,
bool aRepaint);
NS_IMETHOD Enable(bool aState);
// Some of the nsIWidget methods
virtual bool IsEnabled() const;
NS_IMETHOD SetFocus(bool aRaise = false);
NS_IMETHOD ConfigureChildren(const nsTArray<nsIWidget::Configuration>&);
NS_IMETHOD Invalidate(const nsIntRect &aRect);
virtual void* GetNativeData(uint32_t aDataType);
NS_IMETHOD SetTitle(const nsAString& aTitle);
NS_IMETHOD SetCursor(nsCursor aCursor);
NS_IMETHOD SetCursor(imgIContainer* aCursor,
uint32_t aHotspotX, uint32_t aHotspotY)
return NS_OK;
virtual nsIntPoint WidgetToScreenOffset();
NS_IMETHOD DispatchEvent(mozilla::WidgetGUIEvent* aEvent,
nsEventStatus& aStatus);
NS_IMETHOD CaptureRollupEvents(nsIRollupListener *aListener,
bool aDoCapture)
NS_IMETHOD ReparentNativeWidget(nsIWidget* aNewParent);
NS_IMETHOD MakeFullScreen(bool aFullScreen);
virtual mozilla::layers::LayerManager*
GetLayerManager(PLayerTransactionChild* aShadowManager = nullptr,
LayersBackend aBackendHint = mozilla::layers::LayersBackend::LAYERS_NONE,
LayerManagerPersistence aPersistence = LAYER_MANAGER_CURRENT,
bool* aAllowRetaining = nullptr);
NS_IMETHOD_(void) SetInputContext(const InputContext& aContext,
const InputContextAction& aAction);
NS_IMETHOD_(InputContext) GetInputContext();
virtual uint32_t GetGLFrameBufferFormat() MOZ_OVERRIDE;
mozilla::TemporaryRef<mozilla::gfx::DrawTarget> StartRemoteDrawing() MOZ_OVERRIDE;
// Widget notifications
virtual void OnPaint();
virtual nsEventStatus focusInEvent(QFocusEvent* aEvent);
virtual nsEventStatus focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent* aEvent);
virtual nsEventStatus hideEvent(QHideEvent* aEvent);
virtual nsEventStatus showEvent(QShowEvent* aEvent);
virtual nsEventStatus keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* aEvent);
virtual nsEventStatus keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent* aEvent);
virtual nsEventStatus mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent* aEvent);
virtual nsEventStatus mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* aEvent);
virtual nsEventStatus mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* aEvent);
virtual nsEventStatus mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent* aEvent);
virtual nsEventStatus moveEvent(QMoveEvent* aEvent);
virtual nsEventStatus resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* aEvent);
virtual nsEventStatus touchEvent(QTouchEvent* aEvent);
virtual nsEventStatus wheelEvent(QWheelEvent* aEvent);
virtual nsEventStatus tabletEvent(QTabletEvent* event);
virtual ~nsWindow();
nsWindow* mParent;
bool mVisible;
InputContext mInputContext;
nsCOMPtr<nsIIdleServiceInternal> mIdleService;
MozQWidget* mWidget;
// event handling code
nsEventStatus DispatchEvent(mozilla::WidgetGUIEvent* aEvent);
void DispatchActivateEvent(void);
void DispatchDeactivateEvent(void);
void DispatchActivateEventOnTopLevelWindow(void);
void DispatchDeactivateEventOnTopLevelWindow(void);
void DispatchResizeEvent(nsIntRect &aRect, nsEventStatus &aStatus);
// Remember the last sizemode so that we can restore it when
// leaving fullscreen
nsSizeMode mLastSizeMode;
// is this widget enabled?
bool mEnabled;
// Call this function when the users activity is the direct cause of an
// event (like a keypress or mouse click).
void UserActivity();
MozQWidget* createQWidget(MozQWidget* parent,
nsWidgetInitData* aInitData);
// Old QtWidget only
NS_IMETHOD SetParent(nsIWidget* aNewParent);
virtual nsIWidget *GetParent(void);
virtual float GetDPI();
NS_IMETHOD SetModal(bool aModal);
NS_IMETHOD PlaceBehind(nsTopLevelWidgetZPlacement aPlacement,
nsIWidget *aWidget,
bool aActivate);
NS_IMETHOD SetSizeMode(int32_t aMode);
NS_IMETHOD GetScreenBounds(nsIntRect &aRect);
NS_IMETHOD SetHasTransparentBackground(bool aTransparent);
NS_IMETHOD GetHasTransparentBackground(bool& aTransparent);
NS_IMETHOD HideWindowChrome(bool aShouldHide);
NS_IMETHOD SetIcon(const nsAString& aIconSpec);
NS_IMETHOD CaptureMouse(bool aCapture);
NS_IMETHOD SetWindowClass(const nsAString& xulWinType);
NS_IMETHOD GetAttention(int32_t aCycleCount);
NS_IMETHOD_(bool) HasGLContext();
// utility methods
void QWidgetDestroyed();
// called when we are destroyed
void OnDestroy(void);
// called to check and see if a widget's dimensions are sane
bool AreBoundsSane(void);
// Is this a toplevel window?
bool mIsTopLevel;
// Has this widget been destroyed yet?
bool mIsDestroyed;
// This flag tracks if we're hidden or shown.
bool mIsShown;
// Has anyone set an x/y location for this widget yet? Toplevels
// shouldn't be automatically set to 0,0 for first show.
bool mPlaced;
* Event handlers (proxied from the actual qwidget).
* They follow normal Qt widget semantics.
void Initialize(MozQWidget *widget);
virtual nsEventStatus OnCloseEvent(QCloseEvent *);
void NativeResize(int32_t aWidth,
int32_t aHeight,
bool aRepaint);
void NativeResize(int32_t aX,
int32_t aY,
int32_t aWidth,
int32_t aHeight,
bool aRepaint);
void NativeShow (bool aAction);
typedef struct {
QPointF pos;
Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers;
bool needDispatch;
} MozCachedMoveEvent;
bool CheckForRollup(double aMouseX, double aMouseY, bool aIsWheel);
void* SetupPluginPort(void);
nsresult SetWindowIconList(const nsTArray<nsCString> &aIconList);
void SetDefaultIcon(void);
nsEventStatus DispatchCommandEvent(nsIAtom* aCommand);
nsEventStatus DispatchContentCommandEvent(int32_t aMsg);
void SetSoftwareKeyboardState(bool aOpen, const InputContextAction& aAction);
void ClearCachedResources();
uint32_t mActivatePending : 1;
int32_t mSizeState;
bool mIsTransparent;
// all of our DND stuff
// this is the last window that had a drag event happen on it.
void InitDragEvent(mozilla::WidgetMouseEvent& aEvent);
// this is everything we need to be able to fire motion events
// repeatedly
uint32_t mKeyDownFlags[8];
/* Helper methods for DOM Key Down event suppression. */
uint32_t* GetFlagWord32(uint32_t aKeyCode, uint32_t* aMask) {
/* Mozilla DOM Virtual Key Code is from 0 to 224. */
NS_ASSERTION((aKeyCode <= 0xFF), "Invalid DOM Key Code");
aKeyCode &= 0xFF;
/* 32 = 2^5 = 0x20 */
*aMask = uint32_t(1) << (aKeyCode & 0x1F);
return &mKeyDownFlags[(aKeyCode >> 5)];
bool IsKeyDown(uint32_t aKeyCode) {
uint32_t mask;
uint32_t* flag = GetFlagWord32(aKeyCode, &mask);
return ((*flag) & mask) != 0;
void SetKeyDownFlag(uint32_t aKeyCode) {
uint32_t mask;
uint32_t* flag = GetFlagWord32(aKeyCode, &mask);
*flag |= mask;
void ClearKeyDownFlag(uint32_t aKeyCode) {
uint32_t mask;
uint32_t* flag = GetFlagWord32(aKeyCode, &mask);
*flag &= ~mask;
int32_t mQCursor;
void ProcessMotionEvent();
void DispatchMotionToMainThread() {
if (!mTimerStarted) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIRunnable> event =
NS_NewRunnableMethod(this, &nsWindow::ProcessMotionEvent);
mTimerStarted = true;
bool mNeedsResize;
bool mNeedsMove;
bool mListenForResizes;
bool mNeedsShow;
MozCachedMoveEvent mMoveEvent;
bool mTimerStarted;
#endif /* __nsWindow_h__ */