
136 lines
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/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
* */
"use strict";
const URL = ROOT + "browser_scrollPositions_sample.html";
const URL_FRAMESET = ROOT + "browser_scrollPositions_sample_frameset.html";
// Randomized set of scroll positions we will use in this test.
const SCROLL_X = Math.round(100 * (1 + Math.random()));
const SCROLL_Y = Math.round(200 * (1 + Math.random()));
const SCROLL2_X = Math.round(300 * (1 + Math.random()));
const SCROLL2_Y = Math.round(400 * (1 + Math.random()));
const SCROLL2_STR = SCROLL2_X + "," + SCROLL2_Y;
* This test ensures that we properly serialize and restore scroll positions
* for an average page without any frames.
add_task(function test_scroll() {
let tab = gBrowser.addTab(URL);
let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
// Scroll down a little.
yield sendMessage(browser, "ss-test:setScrollPosition", {x: SCROLL_X, y: SCROLL_Y});
checkScroll(tab, {scroll: SCROLL_STR}, "scroll is fine");
// Duplicate and check that the scroll position is restored.
let tab2 = ss.duplicateTab(window, tab);
let browser2 = tab2.linkedBrowser;
yield promiseTabRestored(tab2);
let scroll = yield sendMessage(browser2, "ss-test:getScrollPosition");
is(JSON.stringify(scroll), JSON.stringify({x: SCROLL_X, y: SCROLL_Y}),
"scroll position has been duplicated correctly");
// Check that reloading retains the scroll positions.
yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser2);
checkScroll(tab2, {scroll: SCROLL_STR}, "reloading retains scroll positions");
// Check that a force-reload resets scroll positions.
yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser2);
checkScroll(tab2, null, "force-reload resets scroll positions");
// Scroll back to the top and check that the position has been reset. We
// expect the scroll position to be "null" here because there is no data to
// be stored if the frame is in its default scroll position.
yield sendMessage(browser, "ss-test:setScrollPosition", {x: 0, y: 0});
checkScroll(tab, null, "no scroll stored");
// Cleanup.
* This tests ensures that we properly serialize and restore scroll positions
* for multiple frames of pages with framesets.
add_task(function test_scroll_nested() {
let tab = gBrowser.addTab(URL_FRAMESET);
let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
// Scroll the first child frame down a little.
yield sendMessage(browser, "ss-test:setScrollPosition", {x: SCROLL_X, y: SCROLL_Y, frame: 0});
checkScroll(tab, {children: [{scroll: SCROLL_STR}]}, "scroll is fine");
// Scroll the second child frame down a little.
yield sendMessage(browser, "ss-test:setScrollPosition", {x: SCROLL2_X, y: SCROLL2_Y, frame: 1});
checkScroll(tab, {children: [{scroll: SCROLL_STR}, {scroll: SCROLL2_STR}]}, "scroll is fine");
// Duplicate and check that the scroll position is restored.
let tab2 = ss.duplicateTab(window, tab);
let browser2 = tab2.linkedBrowser;
yield promiseTabRestored(tab2);
let scroll = yield sendMessage(browser2, "ss-test:getScrollPosition", {frame: 0});
is(JSON.stringify(scroll), JSON.stringify({x: SCROLL_X, y: SCROLL_Y}),
"scroll position #1 has been duplicated correctly");
scroll = yield sendMessage(browser2, "ss-test:getScrollPosition", {frame: 1});
is(JSON.stringify(scroll), JSON.stringify({x: SCROLL2_X, y: SCROLL2_Y}),
"scroll position #2 has been duplicated correctly");
// Check that resetting one frame's scroll position removes it from the
// serialized value.
yield sendMessage(browser, "ss-test:setScrollPosition", {x: 0, y: 0, frame: 0});
checkScroll(tab, {children: [null, {scroll: SCROLL2_STR}]}, "scroll is fine");
// Check the resetting all frames' scroll positions nulls the stored value.
yield sendMessage(browser, "ss-test:setScrollPosition", {x: 0, y: 0, frame: 1});
checkScroll(tab, null, "no scroll stored");
// Cleanup.
* This test ensures that by moving scroll positions out of tabData.entries[]
* we still support the old scroll data format stored per shistory entry.
add_task(function test_scroll_old_format() {
const TAB_STATE = { entries: [{url: URL, scroll: SCROLL_STR}] };
// Add a blank tab.
let tab = gBrowser.addTab("about:blank");
let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
// Apply the tab state with the old format.
yield promiseTabState(tab, TAB_STATE);
// Check that the scroll positions has been applied.
let scroll = yield sendMessage(browser, "ss-test:getScrollPosition");
is(JSON.stringify(scroll), JSON.stringify({x: SCROLL_X, y: SCROLL_Y}),
"scroll position has been restored correctly");
// Cleanup.
function checkScroll(tab, expected, msg) {
let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
let scroll = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab)).scroll || null;
is(JSON.stringify(scroll), JSON.stringify(expected), msg);