
84 lines
5.3 KiB
Executable File

<!ENTITY updateWizard.title "Software Update">
<!ENTITY window.width "36em">
<!ENTITY window.macWidth "39em">
<!ENTITY checking.title "Checking for Updates">
<!ENTITY checking.label "&brandShortName; is now checking for updates…">
<!ENTITY cancel.label "Cancel">
<!ENTITY cancel.accesskey "C">
<!ENTITY noupdatesfound.title "No Updates Found">
<!ENTITY noupdatesautoenabled.intro "There are no updates available. &brandShortName; will check
periodically for updates.">
<!ENTITY noupdatesautodisabled.intro "There are no updates available. Please check again later or enable
&brandShortName;'s automatic update checking.">
<!ENTITY incompatibleChecking.label "Checking if this update will cause problems with your extensions and/or themes…">
<!ENTITY clickHere.label "View more information about this update">
<!ENTITY incompatible.warning "This update will cause some of your extensions and/or themes
to stop working until they are updated.">
<!ENTITY listIncompatible.label "Show List">
<!ENTITY listIncompatible.accesskey "L">
<!ENTITY upgrade.evangelism "It is strongly recommended that you upgrade &brandShortName;
as soon as possible.">
<!ENTITY license.instructions "If you agree to the terms of this agreement, click I Agree
below to continue installing this update.">
<!ENTITY license.titleText "Software License Agreement">
<!ENTITY license.introText "Terms and conditions for using this software.">
<!ENTITY license.instructionText "Please read the following license agreement. Use the scroll bar to view the rest of this agreement.">
<!ENTITY license.accept "I accept the terms of the License Agreement">
<!ENTITY license.accept.accesskey "c">
<!ENTITY license.decline "I do NOT accept the terms of the License Agreement">
<!ENTITY license.decline.accesskey "T">
<!ENTITY downloading.title "Downloading Update">
<!ENTITY downloading.intro "Downloading the update…">
<!ENTITY connecting.label "Connecting to the update server…">
<!ENTITY verificationFailedText.label "&brandShortName; was unable to verify the integrity of the
incremental update it downloaded, so it is now downloading
the complete update package.">
<!ENTITY "Details">
<!ENTITY pause.label "Pause">
<!ENTITY pause.accesskey "e">
<!ENTITY close.label "Close">
<!ENTITY close.accesskey "C">
<!ENTITY error.label "There were problems checking for, downloading, or installing this
update. &brandShortName; could not be updated because:">
<!ENTITY errorManual.label "You can update &brandShortName; manually by visiting this link
and downloading the latest version:">
<!ENTITY errorpatching.title "Update Failed">
<!ENTITY errorpatching.intro "The partial Update could not be applied.
&brandShortName; will try again by downloading a complete Update.">
<!ENTITY finished.title "Update Downloaded">
<!ENTITY finished.text "The update was successfully downloaded and verified, and it will
be installed the next time &brandShortName; starts.">
<!ENTITY finishedBackground.title "Update Ready to Install">
<!ENTITY finishedBackground.text "&brandShortName; has downloaded and verified an important update.
Click the link below for more details.">
<!ENTITY "Update:">
<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (finishedBackground.more1): This string describes the button label defined by restartButton in -->
<!ENTITY finishedBackground.more1 "Click Restart &brandShortName; Now to install the update now.">
<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (finishedBackground.textNotNow): This string describes the button label defined by notNowButton in -->
<!ENTITY finishedBackground.textNotNow "Click Not Now to close this dialog and continue working. &brandShortName;
will install the update the next time it starts.">
<!ENTITY installed.title "Update Installed">
<!ENTITY installed.intro "The update was successfully installed.">
<!ENTITY whatsnew.label "Read more about what's new…">
<!ENTITY update.details.label "Details">
<!ENTITY update.installedOn.label "Installed on:">
<!ENTITY update.status.label "Status:">