
347 lines
13 KiB

<title>Test for CameraParameters we need to fake</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/MochiKit/MochiKit.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="camera_common.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" />
<a target="_blank" href="">Mozilla Bug 976802</a>
<video id="viewfinder" width="200" height="200" autoplay></video>
<img src="#" alt="This image is going to load" id="testimage"/>
<script class="testbody" type="text/javascript;version=1.7">
var whichCamera = navigator.mozCameras.getListOfCameras()[0];
var initialConfig = {
mode: 'picture',
recorderProfile: 'cif',
previewSize: {
width: 352,
height: 288
var cameraObj = null;
// Shorthand functions
function onError(e) {
ok(false, "Error" + JSON.stringify(e));
function end() {
function next() {
if (cameraObj) {
function success() {;
cameraObj = null;
} else {;
function run() {;
// The array of tests. Because camera capabilities don't change over the life
// of a CameraControl object, they are only read once when the CameraControl is
// created; so we have to call the 'prep' function first to set the fake
// capability pref, before we call getCamera() and call 'test' to run the test.
var tests = [
key: "fake-zoom",
prep: function setupFakeZoom(test) {
test.setFakeParameters("zoom-ratios=100,150,200,300,400;max-zoom=4", function() {
test: function testFakeZoom(cam, cap) {
ok(cap.zoomRatios.length == 5, "zoom ratios length = " + cap.zoomRatios.length);
// test individual zoom ratios
cap.zoomRatios.forEach(function(zoom, index) {
cam.zoom = zoom;
ok(cam.zoom === zoom,
"zoom[" + index + "] = " + zoom + "x, cam.zoom = " + cam.zoom + "x");
// test below-lower-bound zoom ratio
var zoom = cap.zoomRatios[0] - 0.1;
cam.zoom = zoom;
ok(cam.zoom === cap.zoomRatios[0],
zoom + "x zoom clamps to minimum: " +
cap.zoomRatios[0] + "x, cam.zoom = " + cam.zoom + "x");
// test above-upper-bound zoom ratio
zoom = cap.zoomRatios.slice(-1)[0] + 1.0;
cam.zoom = zoom;
ok(cam.zoom === cap.zoomRatios.slice(-1)[0],
zoom + "x zoom clamps to maximum: " + cap.zoomRatios.slice(-1)[0] +
"x, cam.zoom = " + cam.zoom + "x");
// test snapping to supported zoom ratio
if (cap.zoomRatios.length > 1) {
zoom = (cap.zoomRatios[0] + cap.zoomRatios[1]) / 2;
cam.zoom = zoom;
ok(cam.zoom === cap.zoomRatios[0],
zoom + "x zoom rounded down to: " + cap.zoomRatios[0] +
"x, cam.zoom = " + cam.zoom + "x");
key: "fake-zoom-out-of-order",
prep: function setupFakeZoomOutOfOrder(test) {
// We expect the camera library to give us zoom ratios in order; if
// it doesn't we ignore the list and just return 1x support.
test.setFakeParameters("zoom-ratios=100,150,200,400,300;max-zoom=4", function () {
test: function testFakeZoomOutOfOrder(cam, cap) {
ok(cap.zoomRatios.length == 1, "zoom ratios length = " + cap.zoomRatios.length);
ok(cap.zoomRatios[0] == 1.0, "only supported zoom = " + cap.zoomRatios[0] + "x");
key: "fake-iso",
prep: function setupFakeIso(test) {
// we should recognize 'auto', 'hjr', and numeric modes; anything else
// from the driver is ignored, which this test also verifies.
function () {
test: function testFakeIso(cam, cap) {
ok(cap.isoModes.length == 7, "ISO modes length = " + cap.isoModes.length);
// make sure we're not leaking any unexpected values formats
ok(cap.isoModes.indexOf("ISO_HJR") == -1, "ISO mode 'ISO_HJR' does not appear");
ok(cap.isoModes.indexOf("_HJR") == -1, "ISO mode '_HJR' does not appear");
ok(cap.isoModes.indexOf("HJR") == -1, "ISO mode 'HJR' does not appear");
ok(cap.isoModes.indexOf("ISO100") == -1, "ISO mode 'ISO100' does not appear");
ok(cap.isoModes.indexOf("ISO200") == -1, "ISO mode 'ISO200' does not appear");
ok(cap.isoModes.indexOf("ISO800") == -1, "ISO mode 'ISO800' does not appear");
// make sure any weird values are dropped entirely
ok(cap.isoModes.indexOf("foo") == -1, "Unknown ISO mode 'foo' is ignored");
ok(cap.isoModes.indexOf("ISObar") == -1, "Unknown ISO mode 'ISObar' is ignored");
ok(cap.isoModes.indexOf("bar") == -1, "Unknown ISO mode 'bar' is ignored");
ok(cap.isoModes.indexOf("ISO150moz") == -1, "Unknown ISO mode 'ISO150moz' is ignored");
ok(cap.isoModes.indexOf("150moz") == -1, "Unknown ISO mode '150moz' is ignored");
ok(cap.isoModes.indexOf("150") == -1, "Unknown ISO mode '150' is ignored");
// make sure expected values are present
[ "auto", "hjr", "100", "200", "400", "800", "1600" ].forEach(function(iso) {
ok(cap.isoModes.indexOf(iso) != -1, "ISO mode '" + iso + "' is present");
// test setters/getters for individual ISO modes
cap.isoModes.forEach(function(iso, index) {
cam.iso = iso;
ok(cam.iso === iso,
"ISO[" + index + "] = " + iso + ", cam.iso = " + cam.iso);
key: "fake-metering-areas",
prep: function setupFakeMeteringAreas(test) {
test.setFakeParameters("max-num-metering-areas=1", function () {
test: function testFakeMeteringAreas(cam, cap) {
ok(cap.maxMeteringAreas == 1, "maxMeteringAreas = " + cap.maxMeteringAreas);
{top: -500, bottom: 500, left: -500, right: 500, weight: 100}
areas = cam.getMeteringAreas();
ok(areas.length == 1, "areas length = " + areas.length);
ok(areas[0].top == -500, "area[0] top = " + areas[0].top);
ok(areas[0].bottom == 500, "area[0] bottom = " + areas[0].bottom);
ok(areas[0].left == -500, "area[0] left = " + areas[0].left);
ok(areas[0].right == 500, "area[0] right = " + areas[0].right);
ok(areas[0].weight == 100, "area[0] weight = " + areas[0].weight);
{top: -501, bottom: 502, left: -503, right: 504, weight: 105},
{top: -500, bottom: 500, left: -500, right: 500, weight: 100}
areas = cam.getMeteringAreas();
ok(areas.length == 1, "areas length = " + areas.length);
ok(areas[0].top == -501, "area[0] top = " + areas[0].top);
ok(areas[0].bottom == 502, "area[0] bottom = " + areas[0].bottom);
ok(areas[0].left == -503, "area[0] left = " + areas[0].left);
ok(areas[0].right == 504, "area[0] right = " + areas[0].right);
ok(areas[0].weight == 105, "area[0] weight = " + areas[0].weight);
key: "fake-focus-areas",
prep: function setupFakeFocusAreas(test) {
test.setFakeParameters("max-num-focus-areas=1", function () {
test: function testFakeFocusAreas(cam, cap) {
ok(cap.maxFocusAreas == 1, "maxFocusAreas = " + cap.maxFocusAreas);
{top: -500, bottom: 500, left: -500, right: 500, weight: 100}
areas = cam.getFocusAreas();
ok(areas.length == 1, "areas length = " + areas.length);
ok(areas[0].top == -500, "area[0] top = " + areas[0].top);
ok(areas[0].bottom == 500, "area[0] bottom = " + areas[0].bottom);
ok(areas[0].left == -500, "area[0] left = " + areas[0].left);
ok(areas[0].right == 500, "area[0] right = " + areas[0].right);
ok(areas[0].weight == 100, "area[0] weight = " + areas[0].weight);
{top: -501, bottom: 502, left: -503, right: 504, weight: 105},
{top: -500, bottom: 500, left: -500, right: 500, weight: 100}
areas = cam.getFocusAreas();
ok(areas.length == 1, "areas length = " + areas.length);
ok(areas[0].top == -501, "area[0] top = " + areas[0].top);
ok(areas[0].bottom == 502, "area[0] bottom = " + areas[0].bottom);
ok(areas[0].left == -503, "area[0] left = " + areas[0].left);
ok(areas[0].right == 504, "area[0] right = " + areas[0].right);
ok(areas[0].weight == 105, "area[0] weight = " + areas[0].weight);
key: "fake-exposure-compensation",
prep: function setupFakeExposureCompensation(test) {
test.setFakeParameters("exposure-compensation=-1;max-exposure-compensation=6;min-exposure-compensation=-6;exposure-compensation-step=0.5", function () {
test: function testFakeFocusAreas(cam, cap) {
ok(cap.exposureCompensationStep == 0.5,
"exposureCompensationStep = " + cap.exposureCompensationStep);
ok(cap.minExposureCompensation == -3.0,
"minExposureCompensation = " + cap.minExposureCompensation);
ok(cap.maxExposureCompensation == 3.0,
"maxExposureCompensation = " + cap.maxExposureCompensation);
ok(cam.exposureCompensation == -0.5,
"exposureCompensation = " + cam.exposureCompensation);
// Check normal values
cam.exposureCompensation = 0.0;
ok(cam.exposureCompensation == 0.0,
"exposureCompensation = " + cam.exposureCompensation);
cam.exposureCompensation = cap.minExposureCompensation;
ok(cam.exposureCompensation == cap.minExposureCompensation,
"exposureCompensation(min) = " + cam.exposureCompensation);
cam.exposureCompensation = cap.maxExposureCompensation;
ok(cam.exposureCompensation == cap.maxExposureCompensation,
"exposureCompensation(max) = " + cam.exposureCompensation);
// Rounding
cam.exposureCompensation = 1.24;
ok(cam.exposureCompensation == 1.0,
"exposureCompensation(1.24) = " + cam.exposureCompensation);
cam.exposureCompensation = 1.25;
ok(cam.exposureCompensation == 1.5,
"exposureCompensation(1.25) = " + cam.exposureCompensation);
cam.exposureCompensation = -1.24;
ok(cam.exposureCompensation == -1.0,
"exposureCompensation(-1.24) = " + cam.exposureCompensation);
cam.exposureCompensation = -1.25;
ok(cam.exposureCompensation == -1.5,
"exposureCompensation(-1.25) = " + cam.exposureCompensation);
// Check out-of-bounds values
cam.exposureCompensation = cap.minExposureCompensation - 1.0;
ok(cam.exposureCompensation == cap.minExposureCompensation,
"exposureCompensation(min - 1.0) = " + cam.exposureCompensation);
cam.exposureCompensation = cap.maxExposureCompensation + 1.0;
ok(cam.exposureCompensation == cap.maxExposureCompensation,
"exposureCompensation(max + 1.0) = " + cam.exposureCompensation);
// Check extreme values
cam.exposureCompensation = -1 * Math.pow(2, 32);
ok(cam.exposureCompensation == cap.minExposureCompensation,
"exposureCompensation(-2^32) = " + cam.exposureCompensation);
cam.exposureCompensation = Math.pow(2, 32);
ok(cam.exposureCompensation == cap.maxExposureCompensation,
"exposureCompensation(2^32) = " + cam.exposureCompensation);
var testGenerator = function() {
for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; ++i ) {
yield tests[i];
window.addEventListener('beforeunload', function() {
document.getElementById('viewfinder').mozSrcObject = null;
if (cameraObj) {
cameraObj = null;
CameraTest.begin("hardware", function(test) {
function onError(error) {
ok(false, "getCamera() failed with: " + error);
} = function() {
try {
var t =;
info("test: " + t.key);
function onSuccess(camera, config) {
cameraObj = camera;
document.getElementById('viewfinder').mozSrcObject = camera;
camera.onPreviewStateChange = function (state) {
if (state === "started") {
t.test(camera, camera.capabilities);
} else {
ok(false, "preview started (state = '" + state + "')");
camera.onPreviewStateChange = null;
} = function() {
navigator.mozCameras.getCamera(whichCamera, initialConfig, onSuccess, onError);
} catch(e) {
if (e instanceof StopIteration) {
} else {
throw e;