Ehsan Akhgari 45fe6d3ae2 Bug 722872 - Part 1: Add nsITransferable::Init(nsILoadContext*), enforce that it's called in debug builds, and add nsIDOMDocument* arguments to nsIClipboardHelper methods; r=roc
This patch does the following:

* It adds nsITransferable::Init(nsILoadContext*).  The load context
  might be null, which means that the transferable is non-private, but
  if it's non-null, we extract the boolean value for the privacy mode
  and store it in the transferable.
* It adds checks in debug builds to make sure that Init is always
  called, in form of fatal assertions.
* It adds nsIDOMDocument* agruments to nsIClipboardHelper methods which
  represent the document that the string is coming from.
  nsIClipboardHelper implementation internally gets the nsILoadContext
  from that and passes it on to the transferable upon creation.  The
  reason that I did this was that nsIClipboardHelper is supposed to be a
  high-level helper, and in most of its call sites, we have easy access
  to a document object.
* It modifies all of the call sites of the above interfaces according to
  this change.
* It adds a GetLoadContext helper to nsIDocument to help with changing
  the call sites.
2012-04-16 22:14:01 -04:00

618 lines
20 KiB

# -*- Mode: js2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; js2-basic-offset: 2; -*-
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
let Cc = Components.classes;
let Ci = Components.interfaces;
let Cu = Components.utils;
const ELLIPSIS = Services.prefs.getComplexValue("intl.ellipsis",
// We use a preferences whitelist to make sure we only show preferences that
// are useful for support and won't compromise the user's privacy. Note that
// entries are *prefixes*: for example, "accessibility." applies to all prefs
// under the "accessibility.*" branch.
// The blacklist, unlike the whitelist, is a list of regular expressions.
window.onload = function () {
// Get the support URL.
let urlFormatter = Cc[";1"]
let supportUrl = urlFormatter.formatURLPref("");
// Update the application basics section.
document.getElementById("application-box").textContent =;
document.getElementById("useragent-box").textContent = navigator.userAgent;
document.getElementById("supportLink").href = supportUrl;
let version = Services.appinfo.version;
try {
version += " (" + Services.prefs.getCharPref("") + ")";
} catch (e) {
document.getElementById("version-box").textContent = version;
// Update the other sections.
function populateExtensionsSection() {
AddonManager.getAddonsByTypes(["extension"], function(extensions) {
extensions.sort(function(a,b) {
if (a.isActive != b.isActive)
return b.isActive ? 1 : -1;
let lc =;
if (lc != 0)
return lc;
if (a.version != b.version)
return a.version > b.version ? 1 : -1;
return 0;
let trExtensions = [];
for (let i = 0; i < extensions.length; i++) {
let extension = extensions[i];
let tr = createParentElement("tr", [
createElement("td", extension.version),
createElement("td", extension.isActive),
appendChildren(document.getElementById("extensions-tbody"), trExtensions);
function populatePreferencesSection() {
let modifiedPrefs = getModifiedPrefs();
function comparePrefs(pref1, pref2) {
if ( <
return -1;
if ( >
return 1;
return 0;
let sortedPrefs = modifiedPrefs.sort(comparePrefs);
let trPrefs = [];
sortedPrefs.forEach(function (pref) {
let tdName = createElement("td",, "pref-name");
let tdValue = createElement("td", formatPrefValue(pref.value), "pref-value");
let tr = createParentElement("tr", [tdName, tdValue]);
appendChildren(document.getElementById("prefs-tbody"), trPrefs);
function populateLibVersionsSection() {
function pushInfoRow(table, name, value, value2)
table.push(createParentElement("tr", [
createElement("td", name),
createElement("td", value),
createElement("td", value2),
var v = null;
try { // just to be safe
v = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsINSSVersion);
} catch(e) {}
if (!v)
let bundle = Services.strings.createBundle("chrome://global/locale/");
let libversions_tbody = document.getElementById("libversions-tbody");
let trLibs = [];
trLibs.push(createParentElement("tr", [
createElement("th", ""),
createElement("th", bundle.GetStringFromName("minLibVersions")),
createElement("th", bundle.GetStringFromName("loadedLibVersions")),
pushInfoRow(trLibs, "NSPR", v.NSPR_MinVersion, v.NSPR_Version);
pushInfoRow(trLibs, "NSS", v.NSS_MinVersion, v.NSS_Version);
pushInfoRow(trLibs, "NSS Util", v.NSSUTIL_MinVersion, v.NSSUTIL_Version);
pushInfoRow(trLibs, "NSS SSL", v.NSSSSL_MinVersion, v.NSSSSL_Version);
pushInfoRow(trLibs, "NSS S/MIME", v.NSSSMIME_MinVersion, v.NSSSMIME_Version);
appendChildren(libversions_tbody, trLibs);
function populateGraphicsSection() {
function createHeader(name)
let elem = createElement("th", name);
elem.className = "column";
return elem;
function pushInfoRow(table, name, value)
if(value) {
table.push(createParentElement("tr", [
createElement("td", value),
function pushLiteralInfoRow(table, name, value)
table.push(createParentElement("tr", [
createElement("td", value),
function errorMessageForFeature(feature) {
var errorMessage;
var status;
try {
status = gfxInfo.getFeatureStatus(feature);
} catch(e) {}
switch (status) {
errorMessage = bundle.GetStringFromName("blockedGfxCard");
errorMessage = bundle.GetStringFromName("blockedOSVersion");
var suggestedDriverVersion;
try {
suggestedDriverVersion = gfxInfo.getFeatureSuggestedDriverVersion(feature);
} catch(e) {}
if (suggestedDriverVersion)
errorMessage = bundle.formatStringFromName("tryNewerDriver", [suggestedDriverVersion], 1);
errorMessage = bundle.GetStringFromName("blockedDriver");
return errorMessage;
function pushFeatureInfoRow(table, name, feature, isEnabled, message) {
message = message || isEnabled;
if (!isEnabled) {
var errorMessage = errorMessageForFeature(feature);
if (errorMessage)
message = errorMessage;
table.push(createParentElement("tr", [
createElement("td", message),
function hexValueToString(value)
return value
? String('0000' + value.toString(16)).slice(-4)
: null;
let bundle = Services.strings.createBundle("chrome://global/locale/");
let graphics_tbody = document.getElementById("graphics-tbody");
var gfxInfo = null;
try {
// nsIGfxInfo is currently only implemented on Windows
gfxInfo = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIGfxInfo);
} catch(e) {}
if (gfxInfo) {
let trGraphics = [];
pushInfoRow(trGraphics, "adapterDescription", gfxInfo.adapterDescription);
pushInfoRow(trGraphics, "adapterVendorID", gfxInfo.adapterVendorID);
pushInfoRow(trGraphics, "adapterDeviceID", gfxInfo.adapterDeviceID);
pushInfoRow(trGraphics, "adapterRAM", gfxInfo.adapterRAM);
pushInfoRow(trGraphics, "adapterDrivers", gfxInfo.adapterDriver);
pushInfoRow(trGraphics, "driverVersion", gfxInfo.adapterDriverVersion);
pushInfoRow(trGraphics, "driverDate", gfxInfo.adapterDriverDate);
#ifdef XP_WIN
pushInfoRow(trGraphics, "adapterDescription2", gfxInfo.adapterDescription2);
pushInfoRow(trGraphics, "adapterVendorID2", gfxInfo.adapterVendorID2);
pushInfoRow(trGraphics, "adapterDeviceID2", gfxInfo.adapterDeviceID2);
pushInfoRow(trGraphics, "adapterRAM2", gfxInfo.adapterRAM2);
pushInfoRow(trGraphics, "adapterDrivers2", gfxInfo.adapterDriver2);
pushInfoRow(trGraphics, "driverVersion2", gfxInfo.adapterDriverVersion2);
pushInfoRow(trGraphics, "driverDate2", gfxInfo.adapterDriverDate2);
pushInfoRow(trGraphics, "isGPU2Active", gfxInfo.isGPU2Active);
var version = Cc[";1"]
var isWindowsVistaOrHigher = (parseFloat(version) >= 6.0);
if (isWindowsVistaOrHigher) {
var d2dEnabled = "false";
try {
d2dEnabled = gfxInfo.D2DEnabled;
} catch(e) {}
pushFeatureInfoRow(trGraphics, "direct2DEnabled", gfxInfo.FEATURE_DIRECT2D, d2dEnabled);
var dwEnabled = "false";
try {
dwEnabled = gfxInfo.DWriteEnabled + " (" + gfxInfo.DWriteVersion + ")";
} catch(e) {}
pushInfoRow(trGraphics, "directWriteEnabled", dwEnabled);
var cleartypeParams = "";
try {
cleartypeParams = gfxInfo.cleartypeParameters;
} catch(e) {
cleartypeParams = bundle.GetStringFromName("clearTypeParametersNotFound");
pushInfoRow(trGraphics, "clearTypeParameters", cleartypeParams);
var webglrenderer;
var webglenabled;
try {
webglrenderer = gfxInfo.getWebGLParameter("full-renderer");
webglenabled = true;
} catch (e) {
webglrenderer = false;
webglenabled = false;
#ifdef XP_WIN
// If ANGLE is not available but OpenGL is, we want to report on the OpenGL feature, because that's what's going to get used.
// In all other cases we want to report on the ANGLE feature.
var webglfeature = gfxInfo.FEATURE_WEBGL_ANGLE;
if (gfxInfo.getFeatureStatus(gfxInfo.FEATURE_WEBGL_ANGLE) != gfxInfo.FEATURE_NO_INFO &&
gfxInfo.getFeatureStatus(gfxInfo.FEATURE_WEBGL_OPENGL) == gfxInfo.FEATURE_NO_INFO)
webglfeature = gfxInfo.FEATURE_WEBGL_OPENGL;
var webglfeature = gfxInfo.FEATURE_WEBGL_OPENGL;
pushFeatureInfoRow(trGraphics, "webglRenderer", webglfeature, webglenabled, webglrenderer);
appendChildren(graphics_tbody, trGraphics);
// display registered graphics properties
let graphics_info_properties = document.getElementById("graphics-info-properties");
var info = gfxInfo.getInfo();
let trGraphicsProperties = [];
for (var property in info) {
pushLiteralInfoRow(trGraphicsProperties, property, info[property]);
appendChildren(graphics_info_properties, trGraphicsProperties);
// display any failures that have occurred
let graphics_failures_tbody = document.getElementById("graphics-failures-tbody");
let trGraphicsFailures = gfxInfo.getFailures().map(function (value)
createParentElement("tr", [
createElement("td", value)
appendChildren(graphics_failures_tbody, trGraphicsFailures);
} // end if (gfxInfo)
let windows = Services.ww.getWindowEnumerator();
let acceleratedWindows = 0;
let totalWindows = 0;
let mgrType;
while (windows.hasMoreElements()) {
let awindow = windows.getNext().QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor);
let windowutils = awindow.getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils);
if (windowutils.layerManagerType != "Basic") {
mgrType = windowutils.layerManagerType;
let msg = acceleratedWindows;
if (acceleratedWindows) {
msg += "/" + totalWindows + " " + mgrType;
} else {
#ifdef XP_WIN
var feature = gfxInfo.FEATURE_DIRECT3D_9_LAYERS;
var feature = gfxInfo.FEATURE_OPENGL_LAYERS;
var errMsg = errorMessageForFeature(feature);
if (errMsg)
msg += ". " + errMsg;
appendChildren(graphics_tbody, [
createParentElement("tr", [
createElement("td", msg),
function populateJavaScriptSection() {
let enabled = window.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
document.getElementById("javascript-incremental-gc").textContent = enabled ? "1" : "0";
function getPrefValue(aName) {
let value = "";
let type = Services.prefs.getPrefType(aName);
switch (type) {
case Ci.nsIPrefBranch.PREF_STRING:
value = Services.prefs.getComplexValue(aName, Ci.nsISupportsString).data;
case Ci.nsIPrefBranch.PREF_BOOL:
value = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(aName);
case Ci.nsIPrefBranch.PREF_INT:
value = Services.prefs.getIntPref(aName);
return { name: aName, value: value };
function formatPrefValue(prefValue) {
// Some pref values are really long and don't have spaces. This can cause
// problems when copying and pasting into some WYSIWYG editors. In general
// the exact contents of really long pref values aren't particularly useful,
// so we truncate them to some reasonable length.
let maxPrefValueLen = 120;
let text = "" + prefValue;
if (text.length > maxPrefValueLen)
text = text.substring(0, maxPrefValueLen) + ELLIPSIS;
return text;
function getModifiedPrefs() {
// We use the low-level prefs API to identify prefs that have been
// modified, rather that Application.prefs.all since the latter is
// much, much slower. Application.prefs.all also gets slower each
// time it's called. See bug 517312.
let prefNames = getWhitelistedPrefNames();
let prefs = [getPrefValue(prefName)
for each (prefName in prefNames)
if (Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue(prefName)
&& !isBlacklisted(prefName))];
return prefs;
function getWhitelistedPrefNames() {
let results = [];
PREFS_WHITELIST.forEach(function (prefStem) {
let prefNames = Services.prefs.getChildList(prefStem);
results = results.concat(prefNames);
return results;
function isBlacklisted(prefName) {
return PREFS_BLACKLIST.some(function (re) re.test(prefName));
function createParentElement(tagName, childElems) {
let elem = document.createElement(tagName);
appendChildren(elem, childElems);
return elem;
function createElement(tagName, textContent, opt_class) {
let elem = document.createElement(tagName);
elem.textContent = textContent;
elem.className = opt_class || "";
return elem;
function appendChildren(parentElem, childNodes) {
for (let i = 0; i < childNodes.length; i++)
function getLoadContext() {
return window.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
function copyContentsToClipboard() {
// Get the HTML and text representations for the important part of the page.
let contentsDiv = document.getElementById("contents");
let dataHtml = contentsDiv.innerHTML;
let dataText = createTextForElement(contentsDiv);
// We can't use plain strings, we have to use nsSupportsString.
let supportsStringClass = Cc[";1"];
let ssHtml = supportsStringClass.createInstance(Ci.nsISupportsString);
let ssText = supportsStringClass.createInstance(Ci.nsISupportsString);
let transferable = Cc[";1"]
// Add the HTML flavor.
transferable.addDataFlavor("text/html"); = dataHtml;
transferable.setTransferData("text/html", ssHtml, dataHtml.length * 2);
// Add the plain text flavor.
transferable.addDataFlavor("text/unicode"); = dataText;
transferable.setTransferData("text/unicode", ssText, dataText.length * 2);
// Store the data into the clipboard.
let clipboard = Cc[";1"]
clipboard.setData(transferable, null, clipboard.kGlobalClipboard);
// Return the plain text representation of an element. Do a little bit
// of pretty-printing to make it human-readable.
function createTextForElement(elem) {
// Generate the initial text.
let textFragmentAccumulator = [];
generateTextForElement(elem, "", textFragmentAccumulator);
let text = textFragmentAccumulator.join("");
// Trim extraneous whitespace before newlines, then squash extraneous
// blank lines.
text = text.replace(/[ \t]+\n/g, "\n");
text = text.replace(/\n\n\n+/g, "\n\n");
// Actual CR/LF pairs are needed for some Windows text editors.
#ifdef XP_WIN
text = text.replace(/\n/g, "\r\n");
return text;
function generateTextForElement(elem, indent, textFragmentAccumulator) {
// Add a little extra spacing around most elements.
if (elem.tagName != "td")
// Generate the text representation for each child node.
let node = elem.firstChild;
while (node) {
if (node.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE) {
// Text belonging to this element uses its indentation level.
generateTextForTextNode(node, indent, textFragmentAccumulator);
else if (node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
// Recurse on the child element with an extra level of indentation.
generateTextForElement(node, indent + " ", textFragmentAccumulator);
// Advance!
node = node.nextSibling;
function generateTextForTextNode(node, indent, textFragmentAccumulator) {
// If the text node is the first of a run of text nodes, then start
// a new line and add the initial indentation.
let prevNode = node.previousSibling;
if (!prevNode || prevNode.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE)
textFragmentAccumulator.push("\n" + indent);
// Trim the text node's text content and add proper indentation after
// any internal line breaks.
let text = node.textContent.trim().replace("\n", "\n" + indent, "g");
function openProfileDirectory() {
// Get the profile directory.
let currProfD = Services.dirsvc.get("ProfD", Ci.nsIFile);
let profileDir = currProfD.path;
// Show the profile directory.
let nsLocalFile = Components.Constructor(";1",
"nsILocalFile", "initWithPath");
new nsLocalFile(profileDir).reveal();
* Profile reset is only supported for the default profile if the appropriate migrator exists.
function populateResetBox() {
if (resetSupported())
document.getElementById("reset-box").style.visibility = "visible";
* Restart the application to reset the profile.
function resetProfileAndRestart() {
let branding = Services.strings.createBundle("chrome://branding/locale/");
let brandShortName = branding.GetStringFromName("brandShortName");
// Prompt the user to confirm.
let retVals = {
reset: false,
window.openDialog("chrome://global/content/resetProfile.xul", null,
"chrome,modal,centerscreen,titlebar,dialog=yes", retVals);
if (!retVals.reset)
// Set the reset profile environment variable.
let env = Cc[";1"]
let appStartup = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIAppStartup);
appStartup.quit(Ci.nsIAppStartup.eForceQuit | Ci.nsIAppStartup.eRestart);