Gregory Szorc 45d3f90cf3 Bug 785225 - Part 9: Refactor engines to not use singletons; r=rnewman
Engines now maintain a reference to the service they belong to. This
allows them to obtain references to other engine instances belonging to
that service and that service only.

Stores and trackers now maintain a reference to the engine they belong

Engine managers now maintain a reference back to a service.

The clients singleton has been removed. It now exists as an instance
variable on Service. Parts of ClientsEngine do behave as singletons
(e.g. commands). This will be addressed in future refactoring.
2012-08-29 14:43:41 -07:00

1386 lines
45 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, results: Cr, utils: Cu} = Components;
* Trackers are associated with a single engine and deal with
* listening for changes to their particular data type.
* There are two things they keep track of:
* 1) A score, indicating how urgently the engine wants to sync
* 2) A list of IDs for all the changed items that need to be synced
* and updating their 'score', indicating how urgently they
* want to sync.
function Tracker(name, engine) {
if (!engine) {
throw new Error("Tracker must be associated with an Engine instance.");
name = name || "Unnamed"; = this.file = name.toLowerCase();
this.engine = engine;
this._log = Log4Moz.repository.getLogger("Sync.Tracker." + name);
let level = Svc.Prefs.get("log.logger.engine." +, "Debug");
this._log.level = Log4Moz.Level[level];
this._score = 0;
this._ignored = [];
this.ignoreAll = false;
this.changedIDs = {};
Tracker.prototype = {
* Score can be called as often as desired to decide which engines to sync
* Valid values for score:
* -1: Do not sync unless the user specifically requests it (almost disabled)
* 0: Nothing has changed
* 100: Please sync me ASAP!
* Setting it to other values should (but doesn't currently) throw an exception
get score() {
return this._score;
set score(value) {
this._score = value;
// Should be called by service everytime a sync has been done for an engine
resetScore: function T_resetScore() {
this._score = 0;
saveChangedIDs: function T_saveChangedIDs() {
Utils.namedTimer(function() {
Utils.jsonSave("changes/" + this.file, this, this.changedIDs);
}, 1000, this, "_lazySave");
loadChangedIDs: function T_loadChangedIDs() {
Utils.jsonLoad("changes/" + this.file, this, function(json) {
if (json) {
this.changedIDs = json;
// ignore/unignore specific IDs. Useful for ignoring items that are
// being processed, or that shouldn't be synced.
// But note: not persisted to disk
ignoreID: function T_ignoreID(id) {
unignoreID: function T_unignoreID(id) {
let index = this._ignored.indexOf(id);
if (index != -1)
this._ignored.splice(index, 1);
addChangedID: function addChangedID(id, when) {
if (!id) {
this._log.warn("Attempted to add undefined ID to tracker");
return false;
if (this.ignoreAll || (id in this._ignored))
return false;
// Default to the current time in seconds if no time is provided
if (when == null)
when = Math.floor( / 1000);
// Add/update the entry if we have a newer time
if ((this.changedIDs[id] || -Infinity) < when) {
this._log.trace("Adding changed ID: " + [id, when]);
this.changedIDs[id] = when;
return true;
removeChangedID: function T_removeChangedID(id) {
if (!id) {
this._log.warn("Attempted to remove undefined ID to tracker");
return false;
if (this.ignoreAll || (id in this._ignored))
return false;
if (this.changedIDs[id] != null) {
this._log.trace("Removing changed ID " + id);
delete this.changedIDs[id];
return true;
clearChangedIDs: function T_clearChangedIDs() {
this._log.trace("Clearing changed ID list");
this.changedIDs = {};
* The Store serves as the interface between Sync and stored data.
* The name "store" is slightly a misnomer because it doesn't actually "store"
* anything. Instead, it serves as a gateway to something that actually does
* the "storing."
* The store is responsible for record management inside an engine. It tells
* Sync what items are available for Sync, converts items to and from Sync's
* record format, and applies records from Sync into changes on the underlying
* store.
* Store implementations require a number of functions to be implemented. These
* are all documented below.
* For stores that deal with many records or which have expensive store access
* routines, it is highly recommended to implement a custom applyIncomingBatch
* and/or applyIncoming function on top of the basic APIs.
function Store(name, engine) {
if (!engine) {
throw new Error("Store must be associated with an Engine instance.");
name = name || "Unnamed"; = name.toLowerCase();
this.engine = engine;
this._log = Log4Moz.repository.getLogger("Sync.Store." + name);
let level = Svc.Prefs.get("log.logger.engine." +, "Debug");
this._log.level = Log4Moz.Level[level];
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "_timer", function() {
return Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer);
Store.prototype = {
_sleep: function _sleep(delay) {
let cb = Async.makeSyncCallback();
this._timer.initWithCallback(cb, delay, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT);
* Apply multiple incoming records against the store.
* This is called with a set of incoming records to process. The function
* should look at each record, reconcile with the current local state, and
* make the local changes required to bring its state in alignment with the
* record.
* The default implementation simply iterates over all records and calls
* applyIncoming(). Store implementations may overwrite this function
* if desired.
* @param records Array of records to apply
* @return Array of record IDs which did not apply cleanly
applyIncomingBatch: function applyIncomingBatch(records) {
let failed = [];
for each (let record in records) {
try {
} catch (ex if (ex.code == Engine.prototype.eEngineAbortApplyIncoming)) {
// This kind of exception should have a 'cause' attribute, which is an
// originating exception.
// ex.cause will carry its stack with it when rethrown.
throw ex.cause;
} catch (ex) {
this._log.warn("Failed to apply incoming record " +;
this._log.warn("Encountered exception: " + Utils.exceptionStr(ex));
return failed;
* Apply a single record against the store.
* This takes a single record and makes the local changes required so the
* local state matches what's in the record.
* The default implementation calls one of remove(), create(), or update()
* depending on the state obtained from the store itself. Store
* implementations may overwrite this function if desired.
* @param record
* Record to apply
applyIncoming: function Store_applyIncoming(record) {
if (record.deleted)
else if (!this.itemExists(
// override these in derived objects
* Create an item in the store from a record.
* This is called by the default implementation of applyIncoming(). If using
* applyIncomingBatch(), this won't be called unless your store calls it.
* @param record
* The store record to create an item from
create: function Store_create(record) {
throw "override create in a subclass";
* Remove an item in the store from a record.
* This is called by the default implementation of applyIncoming(). If using
* applyIncomingBatch(), this won't be called unless your store calls it.
* @param record
* The store record to delete an item from
remove: function Store_remove(record) {
throw "override remove in a subclass";
* Update an item from a record.
* This is called by the default implementation of applyIncoming(). If using
* applyIncomingBatch(), this won't be called unless your store calls it.
* @param record
* The record to use to update an item from
update: function Store_update(record) {
throw "override update in a subclass";
* Determine whether a record with the specified ID exists.
* Takes a string record ID and returns a booleans saying whether the record
* exists.
* @param id
* string record ID
* @return boolean indicating whether record exists locally
itemExists: function Store_itemExists(id) {
throw "override itemExists in a subclass";
* Create a record from the specified ID.
* If the ID is known, the record should be populated with metadata from
* the store. If the ID is not known, the record should be created with the
* delete field set to true.
* @param id
* string record ID
* @param collection
* Collection to add record to. This is typically passed into the
* constructor for the newly-created record.
* @return record type for this engine
createRecord: function Store_createRecord(id, collection) {
throw "override createRecord in a subclass";
* Change the ID of a record.
* @param oldID
* string old/current record ID
* @param newID
* string new record ID
changeItemID: function Store_changeItemID(oldID, newID) {
throw "override changeItemID in a subclass";
* Obtain the set of all known record IDs.
* @return Object with ID strings as keys and values of true. The values
* are ignored.
getAllIDs: function Store_getAllIDs() {
throw "override getAllIDs in a subclass";
* Wipe all data in the store.
* This function is called during remote wipes or when replacing local data
* with remote data.
* This function should delete all local data that the store is managing. It
* can be thought of as clearing out all state and restoring the "new
* browser" state.
wipe: function Store_wipe() {
throw "override wipe in a subclass";
function EngineManager(service) {
this.service = service;
this._engines = {};
this._log = Log4Moz.repository.getLogger("Sync.EngineManager");
this._log.level = Log4Moz.Level[Svc.Prefs.get(
"log.logger.service.engines", "Debug")];
EngineManager.prototype = {
get: function get(name) {
// Return an array of engines if we have an array of names
if (Array.isArray(name)) {
let engines = [];
name.forEach(function(name) {
let engine = this.get(name);
if (engine)
}, this);
return engines;
let engine = this._engines[name];
if (!engine) {
this._log.debug("Could not get engine: " + name);
if (Object.keys)
this._log.debug("Engines are: " + JSON.stringify(Object.keys(this._engines)));
return engine;
getAll: function getAll() {
return [engine for ([name, engine] in Iterator(this._engines))];
getEnabled: function getEnabled() {
return this.getAll().filter(function(engine) engine.enabled);
* Register an Engine to the service. Alternatively, give an array of engine
* objects to register.
* @param engineObject
* Engine object used to get an instance of the engine
* @return The engine object if anything failed
register: function register(engineObject) {
if (Array.isArray(engineObject))
return, this);
try {
let engine = new engineObject(this.service);
let name =;
if (name in this._engines)
this._log.error("Engine '" + name + "' is already registered!");
this._engines[name] = engine;
catch(ex) {
let mesg = ex.message ? ex.message : ex;
let name = engineObject || "";
name = name.prototype || "";
name = || "";
let out = "Could not initialize engine '" + name + "': " + mesg;
return engineObject;
unregister: function unregister(val) {
let name = val;
if (val instanceof Engine)
name =;
delete this._engines[name];
clear: function clear() {
for (let name in this._engines) {
delete this._engines[name];
function Engine(name, service) {
if (!service) {
throw new Error("Engine must be associated with a Service instance.");
this.Name = name || "Unnamed"; = name.toLowerCase();
this.service = service;
this._notify = Utils.notify("weave:engine:");
this._log = Log4Moz.repository.getLogger("Sync.Engine." + this.Name);
let level = Svc.Prefs.get("log.logger.engine." +, "Debug");
this._log.level = Log4Moz.Level[level];
this._tracker; // initialize tracker to load previously changed IDs
this._log.debug("Engine initialized");
Engine.prototype = {
// _storeObj, and _trackerObj should to be overridden in subclasses
_storeObj: Store,
_trackerObj: Tracker,
// Local 'constant'.
// Signal to the engine that processing further records is pointless.
eEngineAbortApplyIncoming: "error.engine.abort.applyincoming",
get prefName(),
get enabled() Svc.Prefs.get("engine." + this.prefName, false),
set enabled(val) Svc.Prefs.set("engine." + this.prefName, !!val),
get score() this._tracker.score,
get _store() {
let store = new this._storeObj(this.Name, this);
this.__defineGetter__("_store", function() store);
return store;
get _tracker() {
let tracker = new this._trackerObj(this.Name, this);
this.__defineGetter__("_tracker", function() tracker);
return tracker;
sync: function Engine_sync() {
if (!this.enabled)
if (!this._sync)
throw "engine does not implement _sync method";
this._notify("sync",, this._sync)();
* Get rid of any local meta-data
resetClient: function Engine_resetClient() {
if (!this._resetClient)
throw "engine does not implement _resetClient method";
this._notify("reset-client",, this._resetClient)();
_wipeClient: function Engine__wipeClient() {
this._log.debug("Deleting all local data");
this._tracker.ignoreAll = true;
this._tracker.ignoreAll = false;
wipeClient: function Engine_wipeClient() {
this._notify("wipe-client",, this._wipeClient)();
function SyncEngine(name, service) {, name || "SyncEngine", service);
// Enumeration to define approaches to handling bad records.
// Attached to the constructor to allow use as a kind of static enumeration.
SyncEngine.kRecoveryStrategy = {
ignore: "ignore",
retry: "retry",
error: "error"
SyncEngine.prototype = {
__proto__: Engine.prototype,
_recordObj: CryptoWrapper,
version: 1,
// How many records to pull in a single sync. This is primarily to avoid very
// long first syncs against profiles with many history records.
downloadLimit: null,
// How many records to pull at one time when specifying IDs. This is to avoid
// URI length limitations.
// How many records to process in a single batch.
applyIncomingBatchSize: DEFAULT_STORE_BATCH_SIZE,
get storageURL() Svc.Prefs.get("clusterURL") + SYNC_API_VERSION +
"/" + Identity.username + "/storage/",
get engineURL() this.storageURL +,
get cryptoKeysURL() this.storageURL + "crypto/keys",
get metaURL() this.storageURL + "meta/global",
get syncID() {
// Generate a random syncID if we don't have one
let syncID = Svc.Prefs.get( + ".syncID", "");
return syncID == "" ? this.syncID = Utils.makeGUID() : syncID;
set syncID(value) {
Svc.Prefs.set( + ".syncID", value);
* lastSync is a timestamp in server time.
get lastSync() {
return parseFloat(Svc.Prefs.get( + ".lastSync", "0"));
set lastSync(value) {
// Reset the pref in-case it's a number instead of a string
Svc.Prefs.reset( + ".lastSync");
// Store the value as a string to keep floating point precision
Svc.Prefs.set( + ".lastSync", value.toString());
resetLastSync: function SyncEngine_resetLastSync() {
this._log.debug("Resetting " + + " last sync time");
Svc.Prefs.reset( + ".lastSync");
Svc.Prefs.set( + ".lastSync", "0");
this.lastSyncLocal = 0;
get toFetch() this._toFetch,
set toFetch(val) {
// Coerce the array to a string for more efficient comparison.
if (val + "" == this._toFetch) {
this._toFetch = val;
Utils.namedTimer(function () {
Utils.jsonSave("toFetch/" +, this, val);
}, 0, this, "_toFetchDelay");
loadToFetch: function loadToFetch() {
// Initialize to empty if there's no file
this._toFetch = [];
Utils.jsonLoad("toFetch/" +, this, function(toFetch) {
if (toFetch) {
this._toFetch = toFetch;
get previousFailed() this._previousFailed,
set previousFailed(val) {
// Coerce the array to a string for more efficient comparison.
if (val + "" == this._previousFailed) {
this._previousFailed = val;
Utils.namedTimer(function () {
Utils.jsonSave("failed/" +, this, val);
}, 0, this, "_previousFailedDelay");
loadPreviousFailed: function loadPreviousFailed() {
// Initialize to empty if there's no file
this._previousFailed = [];
Utils.jsonLoad("failed/" +, this, function(previousFailed) {
if (previousFailed) {
this._previousFailed = previousFailed;
* lastSyncLocal is a timestamp in local time.
get lastSyncLocal() {
return parseInt(Svc.Prefs.get( + ".lastSyncLocal", "0"), 10);
set lastSyncLocal(value) {
// Store as a string because pref can only store C longs as numbers.
Svc.Prefs.set( + ".lastSyncLocal", value.toString());
* Returns a mapping of IDs -> changed timestamp. Engine implementations
* can override this method to bypass the tracker for certain or all
* changed items.
getChangedIDs: function getChangedIDs() {
return this._tracker.changedIDs;
// Create a new record using the store and add in crypto fields
_createRecord: function SyncEngine__createRecord(id) {
let record = this._store.createRecord(id,; = id;
record.collection =;
return record;
// Any setup that needs to happen at the beginning of each sync.
_syncStartup: function SyncEngine__syncStartup() {
// Determine if we need to wipe on outdated versions
let metaGlobal = Records.get(this.metaURL);
let engines = metaGlobal.payload.engines || {};
let engineData = engines[] || {};
let needsWipe = false;
// Assume missing versions are 0 and wipe the server
if ((engineData.version || 0) < this.version) {
this._log.debug("Old engine data: " + [engineData.version, this.version]);
// Prepare to clear the server and upload everything
needsWipe = true;
this.syncID = "";
// Set the newer version and newly generated syncID
engineData.version = this.version;
engineData.syncID = this.syncID;
// Put the new data back into meta/global and mark for upload
engines[] = engineData;
metaGlobal.payload.engines = engines;
metaGlobal.changed = true;
// Don't sync this engine if the server has newer data
else if (engineData.version > this.version) {
let error = new String("New data: " + [engineData.version, this.version]);
error.failureCode = VERSION_OUT_OF_DATE;
throw error;
// Changes to syncID mean we'll need to upload everything
else if (engineData.syncID != this.syncID) {
this._log.debug("Engine syncIDs: " + [engineData.syncID, this.syncID]);
this.syncID = engineData.syncID;
// Delete any existing data and reupload on bad version or missing meta.
// No crypto component here...? We could regenerate per-collection keys...
if (needsWipe) {
// Save objects that need to be uploaded in this._modified. We also save
// the timestamp of this fetch in this.lastSyncLocal. As we successfully
// upload objects we remove them from this._modified. If an error occurs
// or any objects fail to upload, they will remain in this._modified. At
// the end of a sync, or after an error, we add all objects remaining in
// this._modified to the tracker.
this.lastSyncLocal =;
if (this.lastSync) {
this._modified = this.getChangedIDs();
} else {
// Mark all items to be uploaded, but treat them as changed from long ago
this._log.debug("First sync, uploading all items");
this._modified = {};
for (let id in this._store.getAllIDs()) {
this._modified[id] = 0;
// Clear the tracker now. If the sync fails we'll add the ones we failed
// to upload back.
this._tracker.clearChangedIDs(); +
" outgoing items pre-reconciliation");
// Keep track of what to delete at the end of sync
this._delete = {};
// Process incoming records
_processIncoming: function SyncEngine__processIncoming() {
this._log.trace("Downloading & applying server changes");
// Figure out how many total items to fetch this sync; do less on mobile.
let batchSize = Infinity;
let newitems = new Collection(this.engineURL, this._recordObj);
let isMobile = (Svc.Prefs.get("client.type") == "mobile");
if (isMobile) {
newitems.newer = this.lastSync;
newitems.full = true;
newitems.limit = batchSize;
// applied => number of items that should be applied.
// failed => number of items that failed in this sync.
// newFailed => number of items that failed for the first time in this sync.
// reconciled => number of items that were reconciled.
let count = {applied: 0, failed: 0, newFailed: 0, reconciled: 0};
let handled = [];
let applyBatch = [];
let failed = [];
let failedInPreviousSync = this.previousFailed;
let fetchBatch = Utils.arrayUnion(this.toFetch, failedInPreviousSync);
// Reset previousFailed for each sync since previously failed items may not fail again.
this.previousFailed = [];
// Used (via exceptions) to allow the record handler/reconciliation/etc.
// methods to signal that they would like processing of incoming records to
// cease.
let aborting = undefined;
function doApplyBatch() {
this._tracker.ignoreAll = true;
try {
failed = failed.concat(this._store.applyIncomingBatch(applyBatch));
} catch (ex) {
// Catch any error that escapes from applyIncomingBatch. At present
// those will all be abort events.
this._log.warn("Got exception " + Utils.exceptionStr(ex) +
", aborting processIncoming.");
aborting = ex;
this._tracker.ignoreAll = false;
applyBatch = [];
function doApplyBatchAndPersistFailed() {
// Apply remaining batch.
if (applyBatch.length) {;
// Persist failed items so we refetch them.
if (failed.length) {
this.previousFailed = Utils.arrayUnion(failed, this.previousFailed);
count.failed += failed.length;
this._log.debug("Records that failed to apply: " + failed);
failed = [];
// Not binding this method to 'this' for performance reasons. It gets
// called for every incoming record.
let self = this;
newitems.recordHandler = function(item) {
if (aborting) {
// Grab a later last modified if possible
if (self.lastModified == null || item.modified > self.lastModified)
self.lastModified = item.modified;
// Track the collection for the WBO.
item.collection =;
// Remember which records were processed
try {
try {
} catch (ex if Utils.isHMACMismatch(ex)) {
let strategy = self.handleHMACMismatch(item, true);
if (strategy == SyncEngine.kRecoveryStrategy.retry) {
// You only get one retry.
try {
// Try decrypting again, typically because we've got new keys."Trying decrypt again...");
strategy = null;
} catch (ex if Utils.isHMACMismatch(ex)) {
strategy = self.handleHMACMismatch(item, false);
switch (strategy) {
case null:
// Retry succeeded! No further handling.
case SyncEngine.kRecoveryStrategy.retry:
self._log.debug("Ignoring second retry suggestion.");
// Fall through to error case.
case SyncEngine.kRecoveryStrategy.error:
self._log.warn("Error decrypting record: " + Utils.exceptionStr(ex));
case SyncEngine.kRecoveryStrategy.ignore:
self._log.debug("Ignoring record " + +
" with bad HMAC: already handled.");
} catch (ex) {
self._log.warn("Error decrypting record: " + Utils.exceptionStr(ex));
let shouldApply;
try {
shouldApply = self._reconcile(item);
} catch (ex if (ex.code == Engine.prototype.eEngineAbortApplyIncoming)) {
self._log.warn("Reconciliation failed: aborting incoming processing.");
aborting = ex.cause;
} catch (ex) {
self._log.warn("Failed to reconcile incoming record " +;
self._log.warn("Encountered exception: " + Utils.exceptionStr(ex));
if (shouldApply) {
} else {
self._log.trace("Skipping reconciled incoming item " +;
if (applyBatch.length == self.applyIncomingBatchSize) {;
// Only bother getting data from the server if there's new things
if (this.lastModified == null || this.lastModified > this.lastSync) {
let resp = newitems.get();;
if (!resp.success) {
resp.failureCode = ENGINE_DOWNLOAD_FAIL;
throw resp;
if (aborting) {
throw aborting;
// Mobile: check if we got the maximum that we requested; get the rest if so.
if (handled.length == newitems.limit) {
let guidColl = new Collection(this.engineURL);
// Sort and limit so that on mobile we only get the last X records.
guidColl.limit = this.downloadLimit;
guidColl.newer = this.lastSync;
// index: Orders by the sortindex descending (highest weight first).
guidColl.sort = "index";
let guids = guidColl.get();
if (!guids.success)
throw guids;
// Figure out which guids weren't just fetched then remove any guids that
// were already waiting and prepend the new ones
let extra = Utils.arraySub(guids.obj, handled);
if (extra.length > 0) {
fetchBatch = Utils.arrayUnion(extra, fetchBatch);
this.toFetch = Utils.arrayUnion(extra, this.toFetch);
// Fast-foward the lastSync timestamp since we have stored the
// remaining items in toFetch.
if (this.lastSync < this.lastModified) {
this.lastSync = this.lastModified;
// Process any backlog of GUIDs.
// At this point we impose an upper limit on the number of items to fetch
// in a single request, even for desktop, to avoid hitting URI limits.
batchSize = isMobile ? this.mobileGUIDFetchBatchSize :
while (fetchBatch.length && !aborting) {
// Reuse the original query, but get rid of the restricting params
// and batch remaining records.
newitems.limit = 0;
newitems.newer = 0;
newitems.ids = fetchBatch.slice(0, batchSize);
// Reuse the existing record handler set earlier
let resp = newitems.get();
if (!resp.success) {
resp.failureCode = ENGINE_DOWNLOAD_FAIL;
throw resp;
// This batch was successfully applied. Not using
// doApplyBatchAndPersistFailed() here to avoid writing toFetch twice.
fetchBatch = fetchBatch.slice(batchSize);
this.toFetch = Utils.arraySub(this.toFetch, newitems.ids);
this.previousFailed = Utils.arrayUnion(this.previousFailed, failed);
if (failed.length) {
count.failed += failed.length;
this._log.debug("Records that failed to apply: " + failed);
failed = [];
if (aborting) {
throw aborting;
if (this.lastSync < this.lastModified) {
this.lastSync = this.lastModified;
// Apply remaining items.;
count.newFailed = Utils.arraySub(this.previousFailed, failedInPreviousSync).length;
count.succeeded = Math.max(0, count.applied - count.failed);["Records:",
count.applied, "applied,",
count.succeeded, "successfully,",
count.failed, "failed to apply,",
count.newFailed, "newly failed to apply,",
count.reconciled, "reconciled."].join(" "));
Observers.notify("weave:engine:sync:applied", count,;
* Find a GUID of an item that is a duplicate of the incoming item but happens
* to have a different GUID
* @return GUID of the similar item; falsy otherwise
_findDupe: function _findDupe(item) {
// By default, assume there's no dupe items for the engine
_deleteId: function _deleteId(id) {
// Remember this id to delete at the end of sync
if (this._delete.ids == null)
this._delete.ids = [id];
* Reconcile incoming record with local state.
* This function essentially determines whether to apply an incoming record.
* @param item
* Record from server to be tested for application.
* @return boolean
* Truthy if incoming record should be applied. False if not.
_reconcile: function _reconcile(item) {
if (this._log.level <= Log4Moz.Level.Trace) {
this._log.trace("Incoming: " + item);
// We start reconciling by collecting a bunch of state. We do this here
// because some state may change during the course of this function and we
// need to operate on the original values.
let existsLocally = this._store.itemExists(;
let locallyModified = in this._modified;
// TODO Handle clock drift better. Tracked in bug 721181.
let remoteAge = AsyncResource.serverTime - item.modified;
let localAge = locallyModified ?
( / 1000 - this._modified[]) : null;
let remoteIsNewer = remoteAge < localAge;
this._log.trace("Reconciling " + + ". exists=" +
existsLocally + "; modified=" + locallyModified +
"; local age=" + localAge + "; incoming age=" +
// We handle deletions first so subsequent logic doesn't have to check
// deleted flags.
if (item.deleted) {
// If the item doesn't exist locally, there is nothing for us to do. We
// can't check for duplicates because the incoming record has no data
// which can be used for duplicate detection.
if (!existsLocally) {
this._log.trace("Ignoring incoming item because it was deleted and " +
"the item does not exist locally.");
return false;
// We decide whether to process the deletion by comparing the record
// ages. If the item is not modified locally, the remote side wins and
// the deletion is processed. If it is modified locally, we take the
// newer record.
if (!locallyModified) {
this._log.trace("Applying incoming delete because the local item " +
"exists and isn't modified.");
return true;
// TODO As part of bug 720592, determine whether we should do more here.
// In the case where the local changes are newer, it is quite possible
// that the local client will restore data a remote client had tried to
// delete. There might be a good reason for that delete and it might be
// enexpected for this client to restore that data.
this._log.trace("Incoming record is deleted but we had local changes. " +
"Applying the youngest record.");
return remoteIsNewer;
// At this point the incoming record is not for a deletion and must have
// data. If the incoming record does not exist locally, we check for a local
// duplicate existing under a different ID. The default implementation of
// _findDupe() is empty, so engines have to opt in to this functionality.
// If we find a duplicate, we change the local ID to the incoming ID and we
// refresh the metadata collected above. See bug 710448 for the history
// of this logic.
if (!existsLocally) {
let dupeID = this._findDupe(item);
if (dupeID) {
this._log.trace("Local item " + dupeID + " is a duplicate for " +
"incoming item " +;
// The local, duplicate ID is always deleted on the server.
// The current API contract does not mandate that the ID returned by
// _findDupe() actually exists. Therefore, we have to perform this
// check.
existsLocally = this._store.itemExists(dupeID);
// We unconditionally change the item's ID in case the engine knows of
// an item but doesn't expose it through itemExists. If the API
// contract were stronger, this could be changed.
this._log.debug("Switching local ID to incoming: " + dupeID + " -> " +;
// If the local item was modified, we carry its metadata forward so
// appropriate reconciling can be performed.
if (dupeID in this._modified) {
locallyModified = true;
localAge = / 1000 - this._modified[dupeID];
remoteIsNewer = remoteAge < localAge;
this._modified[] = this._modified[dupeID];
delete this._modified[dupeID];
} else {
locallyModified = false;
localAge = null;
this._log.debug("Local item after duplication: age=" + localAge +
"; modified=" + locallyModified + "; exists=" +
} else {
this._log.trace("No duplicate found for incoming item: " +;
// At this point we've performed duplicate detection. But, nothing here
// should depend on duplicate detection as the above should have updated
// state seamlessly.
if (!existsLocally) {
// If the item doesn't exist locally and we have no local modifications
// to the item (implying that it was not deleted), always apply the remote
// item.
if (!locallyModified) {
this._log.trace("Applying incoming because local item does not exist " +
"and was not deleted.");
return true;
// If the item was modified locally but isn't present, it must have
// been deleted. If the incoming record is younger, we restore from
// that record.
if (remoteIsNewer) {
this._log.trace("Applying incoming because local item was deleted " +
"before the incoming item was changed.");
delete this._modified[];
return true;
this._log.trace("Ignoring incoming item because the local item's " +
"deletion is newer.");
return false;
// If the remote and local records are the same, there is nothing to be
// done, so we don't do anything. In the ideal world, this logic wouldn't
// be here and the engine would take a record and apply it. The reason we
// want to defer this logic is because it would avoid a redundant and
// possibly expensive dip into the storage layer to query item state.
// This should get addressed in the async rewrite, so we ignore it for now.
let localRecord = this._createRecord(;
let recordsEqual = Utils.deepEquals(item.cleartext,
// If the records are the same, we don't need to do anything. This does
// potentially throw away a local modification time. But, if the records
// are the same, does it matter?
if (recordsEqual) {
this._log.trace("Ignoring incoming item because the local item is " +
delete this._modified[];
return false;
// At this point the records are different.
// If we have no local modifications, always take the server record.
if (!locallyModified) {
this._log.trace("Applying incoming record because no local conflicts.");
return true;
// At this point, records are different and the local record is modified.
// We resolve conflicts by record age, where the newest one wins. This does
// result in data loss and should be handled by giving the engine an
// opportunity to merge the records. Bug 720592 tracks this feature.
this._log.warn("DATA LOSS: Both local and remote changes to record: " +;
return remoteIsNewer;
// Upload outgoing records
_uploadOutgoing: function SyncEngine__uploadOutgoing() {
this._log.trace("Uploading local changes to server.");
let modifiedIDs = Object.keys(this._modified);
if (modifiedIDs.length) {
this._log.trace("Preparing " + modifiedIDs.length +
" outgoing records");
// collection we'll upload
let up = new Collection(this.engineURL);
let count = 0;
// Upload what we've got so far in the collection
let doUpload = Utils.bind2(this, function(desc) {"Uploading " + desc + " of " + modifiedIDs.length +
" records");
let resp =;
if (!resp.success) {
this._log.debug("Uploading records failed: " + resp);
resp.failureCode = ENGINE_UPLOAD_FAIL;
throw resp;
// Update server timestamp from the upload.
let modified = resp.headers["x-weave-timestamp"];
if (modified > this.lastSync)
this.lastSync = modified;
let failed_ids = Object.keys(resp.obj.failed);
if (failed_ids.length)
this._log.debug("Records that will be uploaded again because "
+ "the server couldn't store them: "
+ failed_ids.join(", "));
// Clear successfully uploaded objects.
for each (let id in resp.obj.success) {
delete this._modified[id];
for each (let id in modifiedIDs) {
try {
let out = this._createRecord(id);
if (this._log.level <= Log4Moz.Level.Trace)
this._log.trace("Outgoing: " + out);
catch(ex) {
this._log.warn("Error creating record: " + Utils.exceptionStr(ex));
// Partial upload
if ((++count % MAX_UPLOAD_RECORDS) == 0)
doUpload((count - MAX_UPLOAD_RECORDS) + " - " + count + " out");
// Final upload
if (count % MAX_UPLOAD_RECORDS > 0)
doUpload(count >= MAX_UPLOAD_RECORDS ? "last batch" : "all");
// Any cleanup necessary.
// Save the current snapshot so as to calculate changes at next sync
_syncFinish: function SyncEngine__syncFinish() {
this._log.trace("Finishing up sync");
let doDelete = Utils.bind2(this, function(key, val) {
let coll = new Collection(this.engineURL, this._recordObj);
coll[key] = val;
for (let [key, val] in Iterator(this._delete)) {
// Remove the key for future uses
delete this._delete[key];
// Send a simple delete for the property
if (key != "ids" || val.length <= 100)
doDelete(key, val);
else {
// For many ids, split into chunks of at most 100
while (val.length > 0) {
doDelete(key, val.slice(0, 100));
val = val.slice(100);
_syncCleanup: function _syncCleanup() {
if (!this._modified)
// Mark failed WBOs as changed again so they are reuploaded next time.
for (let [id, when] in Iterator(this._modified)) {
this._tracker.addChangedID(id, when);
this._modified = {};
_sync: function SyncEngine__sync() {
try {
Observers.notify("weave:engine:sync:status", "process-incoming");
Observers.notify("weave:engine:sync:status", "upload-outgoing");
} finally {
canDecrypt: function canDecrypt() {
// Report failure even if there's nothing to decrypt
let canDecrypt = false;
// Fetch the most recently uploaded record and try to decrypt it
let test = new Collection(this.engineURL, this._recordObj);
test.limit = 1;
test.sort = "newest";
test.full = true;
test.recordHandler = function(record) {
canDecrypt = true;
// Any failure fetching/decrypting will just result in false
try {
this._log.trace("Trying to decrypt a record from the server..");
catch(ex) {
this._log.debug("Failed test decrypt: " + Utils.exceptionStr(ex));
return canDecrypt;
_resetClient: function SyncEngine__resetClient() {
this.previousFailed = [];
this.toFetch = [];
wipeServer: function wipeServer() {
let response = new Resource(this.engineURL).delete();
if (response.status != 200 && response.status != 404) {
throw response;
removeClientData: function removeClientData() {
// Implement this method in engines that store client specific data
// on the server.
* Decide on (and partially effect) an error-handling strategy.
* Asks the Service to respond to an HMAC error, which might result in keys
* being downloaded. That call returns true if an action which might allow a
* retry to occur.
* If `mayRetry` is truthy, and the Service suggests a retry,
* handleHMACMismatch returns kRecoveryStrategy.retry. Otherwise, it returns
* kRecoveryStrategy.error.
* Subclasses of SyncEngine can override this method to allow for different
* behavior -- e.g., to delete and ignore erroneous entries.
* All return values will be part of the kRecoveryStrategy enumeration.
handleHMACMismatch: function handleHMACMismatch(item, mayRetry) {
// By default we either try again, or bail out noisily.
return (this.service.handleHMACEvent() && mayRetry) ?
SyncEngine.kRecoveryStrategy.retry :