
402 lines
13 KiB

#ifndef mozilla_jni_Natives_h__
#define mozilla_jni_Natives_h__
#include <jni.h>
#include "mozilla/Move.h"
#include "mozilla/TypeTraits.h"
#include "mozilla/UniquePtr.h"
#include "mozilla/WeakPtr.h"
#include "mozilla/jni/Accessors.h"
#include "mozilla/jni/Refs.h"
#include "mozilla/jni/Types.h"
#include "mozilla/jni/Utils.h"
namespace mozilla {
namespace jni {
* C++ classes implementing instance (non-static) native methods can choose
* from one of two ownership models, when associating a C++ object with a Java
* instance.
* * If the C++ class inherits from mozilla::SupportsWeakPtr, weak pointers
* will be used. The Java instance will store and own the pointer to a
* WeakPtr object. The C++ class itself is otherwise not owned or directly
* referenced. To attach a Java instance to a C++ instance, pass in a pointer
* to the C++ class (i.e. MyClass*).
* class MyClass : public SupportsWeakPtr<MyClass>
* , public MyJavaClass::Natives<MyClass>
* {
* // ...
* public:
* using MyJavaClass::Natives<MyClass>::Dispose;
* void AttachTo(const MyJavaClass::LocalRef& instance)
* {
* MyJavaClass::Natives<MyClass>::AttachInstance(instance, this);
* // "instance" does NOT own "this", so the C++ object
* // lifetime is separate from the Java object lifetime.
* }
* };
* * If the C++ class doesn't inherit from mozilla::SupportsWeakPtr, the Java
* instance will store and own a pointer to the C++ object itself. This
* pointer must not be stored or deleted elsewhere. To attach a Java instance
* to a C++ instance, pass in a reference to a UniquePtr of the C++ class
* (i.e. UniquePtr<MyClass>).
* class MyClass : public MyJavaClass::Natives<MyClass>
* {
* // ...
* public:
* using MyJavaClass::Natives<MyClass>::Dispose;
* static void AttachTo(const MyJavaClass::LocalRef& instance)
* {
* MyJavaClass::Natives<MyClass>::AttachInstance(
* instance, mozilla::MakeUnique<MyClass>());
* // "instance" owns the newly created C++ object, so the C++
* // object is destroyed as soon as instance.dispose() is called.
* }
* };
namespace {
uintptr_t CheckNativeHandle(JNIEnv* env, uintptr_t handle)
if (!handle) {
if (!env->ExceptionCheck()) {
ThrowException(env, "java/lang/NullPointerException",
"Null native pointer");
return 0;
return handle;
template<class Impl, bool UseWeakPtr = mozilla::IsBaseOf<
SupportsWeakPtr<Impl>, Impl>::value /* = false */>
struct NativePtr
static Impl* Get(JNIEnv* env, jobject instance)
return reinterpret_cast<Impl*>(CheckNativeHandle(
env, GetNativeHandle(env, instance)));
template<class LocalRef>
static Impl* Get(const LocalRef& instance)
return Get(instance.Env(), instance.Get());
template<class LocalRef>
static void Set(const LocalRef& instance, UniquePtr<Impl>&& ptr)
SetNativeHandle(instance.Env(), instance.Get(),
template<class LocalRef>
static void Clear(const LocalRef& instance)
UniquePtr<Impl> ptr(reinterpret_cast<Impl*>(
GetNativeHandle(instance.Env(), instance.Get())));
if (ptr) {
SetNativeHandle(instance.Env(), instance.Get(), 0);
template<class Impl>
struct NativePtr<Impl, /* UseWeakPtr = */ true>
static Impl* Get(JNIEnv* env, jobject instance)
const auto ptr = reinterpret_cast<WeakPtr<Impl>*>(
CheckNativeHandle(env, GetNativeHandle(env, instance)));
if (!ptr) {
return nullptr;
Impl* const impl = *ptr;
if (!impl) {
ThrowException(env, "java/lang/NullPointerException",
"Native object already released");
return impl;
template<class LocalRef>
static Impl* Get(const LocalRef& instance)
return Get(instance.Env(), instance.Get());
template<class LocalRef>
static void Set(const LocalRef& instance, SupportsWeakPtr<Impl>* ptr)
SetNativeHandle(instance.Env(), instance.Get(),
reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(new WeakPtr<Impl>(ptr)));
template<class LocalRef>
static void Clear(const LocalRef& instance)
const auto ptr = reinterpret_cast<WeakPtr<Impl>*>(
GetNativeHandle(instance.Env(), instance.Get()));
if (ptr) {
SetNativeHandle(instance.Env(), instance.Get(), 0);
delete ptr;
} // namespace
namespace detail {
// Wrapper methods that convert arguments from the JNI types to the native
// types, e.g. from jobject to jni::Object::Ref. For instance methods, the
// wrapper methods also convert calls to calls on objects.
// We need specialization for static/non-static because the two have different
// signatures (jobject vs jclass and Impl::*Method vs *Method).
// We need specialization for return type, because void return type requires
// us to not deal with the return value.
template<bool IsStatic, typename ReturnType,
class Traits, class Impl, class Args>
class NativeStubImpl;
// Specialization for instance methods with non-void return type
template<typename ReturnType, class Traits, class Impl, typename... Args>
class NativeStubImpl<false, ReturnType, Traits, Impl, jni::Args<Args...>>
typedef typename Traits::Owner Owner;
typedef typename TypeAdapter<ReturnType>::JNIType ReturnJNIType;
// Instance method
template<ReturnType (Impl::*Method) (Args...)>
static ReturnJNIType Wrap(JNIEnv* env, jobject instance,
typename TypeAdapter<Args>::JNIType... args)
Impl* const impl = NativePtr<Impl>::Get(env, instance);
if (!impl) {
return ReturnJNIType();
return TypeAdapter<ReturnType>::FromNative(env,
(impl->*Method)(TypeAdapter<Args>::ToNative(env, args)...));
// Instance method with instance reference
template<ReturnType (Impl::*Method) (const typename Owner::LocalRef&, Args...)>
static ReturnJNIType Wrap(JNIEnv* env, jobject instance,
typename TypeAdapter<Args>::JNIType... args)
Impl* const impl = NativePtr<Impl>::Get(env, instance);
if (!impl) {
return ReturnJNIType();
auto self = Owner::LocalRef::Adopt(env, instance);
const auto res = TypeAdapter<ReturnType>::FromNative(env,
(impl->*Method)(self, TypeAdapter<Args>::ToNative(env, args)...));
return res;
// Specialization for instance methods with void return type
template<class Traits, class Impl, typename... Args>
class NativeStubImpl<false, void, Traits, Impl, jni::Args<Args...>>
typedef typename Traits::Owner Owner;
// Instance method
template<void (Impl::*Method) (Args...)>
static void Wrap(JNIEnv* env, jobject instance,
typename TypeAdapter<Args>::JNIType... args)
Impl* const impl = NativePtr<Impl>::Get(env, instance);
if (!impl) {
(impl->*Method)(TypeAdapter<Args>::ToNative(env, args)...);
// Instance method with instance reference
template<void (Impl::*Method) (const typename Owner::LocalRef&, Args...)>
static void Wrap(JNIEnv* env, jobject instance,
typename TypeAdapter<Args>::JNIType... args)
Impl* const impl = NativePtr<Impl>::Get(env, instance);
if (!impl) {
auto self = Owner::LocalRef::Adopt(env, instance);
(impl->*Method)(self, TypeAdapter<Args>::ToNative(env, args)...);
// Specialization for static methods with non-void return type
template<typename ReturnType, class Traits, class Impl, typename... Args>
class NativeStubImpl<true, ReturnType, Traits, Impl, jni::Args<Args...>>
typedef typename TypeAdapter<ReturnType>::JNIType ReturnJNIType;
// Static method
template<ReturnType (*Method) (Args...)>
static ReturnJNIType Wrap(JNIEnv* env, jclass,
typename TypeAdapter<Args>::JNIType... args)
return TypeAdapter<ReturnType>::FromNative(env,
(*Method)(TypeAdapter<Args>::ToNative(env, args)...));
// Static method with class reference
template<ReturnType (*Method) (const ClassObject::LocalRef&, Args...)>
static ReturnJNIType Wrap(JNIEnv* env, jclass cls,
typename TypeAdapter<Args>::JNIType... args)
auto clazz = ClassObject::LocalRef::Adopt(env, cls);
const auto res = TypeAdapter<ReturnType>::FromNative(env,
(*Method)(clazz, TypeAdapter<Args>::ToNative(env, args)...));
return res;
// Specialization for static methods with void return type
template<class Traits, class Impl, typename... Args>
class NativeStubImpl<true, void, Traits, Impl, jni::Args<Args...>>
// Static method
template<void (*Method) (Args...)>
static void Wrap(JNIEnv* env, jclass,
typename TypeAdapter<Args>::JNIType... args)
(*Method)(TypeAdapter<Args>::ToNative(env, args)...);
// Static method with class reference
template<void (*Method) (const ClassObject::LocalRef&, Args...)>
static void Wrap(JNIEnv* env, jclass cls,
typename TypeAdapter<Args>::JNIType... args)
auto clazz = ClassObject::LocalRef::Adopt(env, cls);
(*Method)(clazz, TypeAdapter<Args>::ToNative(env, args)...);
} // namespace detail
// Form a stub wrapper from a native method's traits class and an implementing
// class. The stub wrapper has a Wrap function that will form a wrapped stub.
template<class Traits, class Impl>
struct NativeStub : detail::NativeStubImpl<Traits::isStatic,
typename Traits::ReturnType,
Traits, Impl, typename Traits::Args>
// Generate a JNINativeMethod from a native
// method's traits class and a wrapped stub.
template<class Traits, typename Ret, typename... Args>
constexpr JNINativeMethod MakeNativeMethod(Ret (*stub)(JNIEnv*, Args...))
return {
// Class inherited by implementing class.
template<class Cls, class Impl>
class NativeImpl
typedef typename Cls::template Natives<Impl> Natives;
static bool sInited;
static void Init() {
if (sInited) {
JNIEnv* const env = GetEnvForThread();
sizeof(Natives::methods) / sizeof(Natives::methods[0])));
sInited = true;
// Associate a C++ instance with a Java instance.
static void AttachNative(const typename Cls::LocalRef& instance,
SupportsWeakPtr<Impl>* ptr)
static_assert(mozilla::IsBaseOf<SupportsWeakPtr<Impl>, Impl>::value,
"Attach with UniquePtr&& when not using WeakPtr");
return NativePtr<Impl>::Set(instance, ptr);
static void AttachNative(const typename Cls::LocalRef& instance,
UniquePtr<Impl>&& ptr)
static_assert(!mozilla::IsBaseOf<SupportsWeakPtr<Impl>, Impl>::value,
"Attach with SupportsWeakPtr* when using WeakPtr");
return NativePtr<Impl>::Set(instance, mozilla::Move(ptr));
// Get the C++ instance associated with a Java instance.
// There is always a pending exception if the return value is nullptr.
static Impl* GetNative(const typename Cls::LocalRef& instance) {
return NativePtr<Impl>::Get(instance);
NativeImpl() {
// Initialize on creation if not already initialized.
void DisposeNative(const typename Cls::LocalRef& instance) {
// Define static member.
template<class C, class I>
bool NativeImpl<C, I>::sInited;
} // namespace jni
} // namespace mozilla
#endif // mozilla_jni_Natives_h__