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synced 2024-09-13 09:24:08 -07:00
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<!ENTITY updateWizard.title "Software Update">
<!ENTITY window.width "36em">
<!ENTITY window.macWidth "39em">
<!ENTITY checking.title "Checking for Updates">
<!ENTITY updateCheck.label "Looking for newer versions of &brandShortName;…">
<!ENTITY pluginupdatesfound.title "Found Updates for Plugins">
<!ENTITY pluginupdatesfound.label "Newer versions of one or more of your plugins were found.">
<!ENTITY pluginupdateslink.label "See how to upgrade your plugins.">
<!ENTITY noupdatesfound.title "No Updates Found">
<!ENTITY noupdatesautoenabled.intro "There are no updates available. &brandShortName; will check
periodically for updates.">
<!ENTITY noupdatesautodisabled.intro "There are no updates available. Please check again later or enable
&brandShortName;'s automatic update checking.">
<!ENTITY manualUpdate.title "Unable to Update">
<!ENTITY manualUpdate.desc "A recommended security and stability update is available, but you do
not have the system permissions required to install it. Please contact your
system administrator, or try again from an account that has permission to
install software on this computer.">
<!ENTITY manualUpdateGetMsg.label "You can always get the latest version of &brandShortName; at:">
<!ENTITY incompatibleCheck.title "Checking Add-on Compatibility">
<!ENTITY incompatibleCheck.label "Looking for newer versions of your add-ons…">
<!ENTITY clickHere.label "View more information about this update">
<!ENTITY evangelism.desc "It is strongly recommended that you apply this
update for &brandShortName; as soon as possible.">
<!ENTITY license.instructions "If you agree to the terms of this agreement, click I Agree
below to continue installing this update.">
<!ENTITY license.titleText "Software License Agreement">
<!ENTITY license.introText "Terms and conditions for using this software.">
<!ENTITY license.instructionText "Please read the following license agreement. Use the scroll bar to view the rest of this agreement.">
<!ENTITY license.accept "I accept the terms of the License Agreement">
<!ENTITY license.accept.accesskey "c">
<!ENTITY license.decline "I do NOT accept the terms of the License Agreement">
<!ENTITY license.decline.accesskey "T">
<!ENTITY incompatibleList.title "Incompatible Add-ons Found">
<!ENTITY downloading.title "Downloading Update">
<!ENTITY downloading.intro "Downloading the update…">
<!ENTITY connecting.label "Connecting to the update server…">
<!ENTITY verificationFailedText.label "&brandShortName; was unable to verify the integrity of the
incremental update it downloaded, so it is now downloading
the complete update package.">
<!ENTITY viewDetails.tooltip "View details for this update">
<!ENTITY details.link "Details">
<!ENTITY error.label "There were problems checking for, downloading, or installing this
update. &brandShortName; could not be updated because:">
<!ENTITY errorManual.label "You can update &brandShortName; manually by visiting this link
and downloading the latest version:">
<!ENTITY errorpatching.title "Update Failed">
<!ENTITY errorpatching.intro "The partial Update could not be applied.
&brandShortName; will try again by downloading a complete Update.">
<!ENTITY finishedPage.title "Update Ready to Install">
<!ENTITY finishedPage.text "The update will be installed the next time &brandShortName; starts. You
can restart &brandShortName; now, or continue working and restart later.">
<!ENTITY finishedBackgroundPage.text "A security and stability update for &brandShortName; has been
downloaded and is ready to be installed.">
<!ENTITY finishedBackground.name "Update:">
<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (finishedBackground.more): This string describes the button labels defined by restartNowButton and restartLaterButton in updates.properties. -->
<!ENTITY finishedBackground.more "The update will be installed the next time &brandShortName; starts. You
can restart &brandShortName; now, or continue working and restart later.">
<!ENTITY installed.title "Update Installed">
<!ENTITY installed.intro "The update was successfully installed.">
<!ENTITY whatsnew.label "Read more about what's new…">
<!ENTITY update.details.label "Details">
<!ENTITY update.installedOn.label "Installed on:">
<!ENTITY update.status.label "Status:">