
437 lines
13 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env perl
## Intent: Unit test to verify make-makefile.tpl
##---] CORE/CPAN INCLUDES [---##
use strict;
use warnings;
#use feature 'state'; # 5.10+ not installed everywhere
use Getopt::Long;
use Cwd;
use Cwd qw{abs_path};
use File::Basename;
use File::Copy;
use File::Path;
use File::Temp qw{ tempdir };
use Test;
sub BEGIN { plan tests => 4 };
my @workdirs;
sub END { system("/bin/rm -fr @workdirs"); } # cleanup behind interrupts
##---] EXPORTS [---##
use FindBin;
our $VERSION = qw(1.0);
##---] INCLUDES [---##
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::RealBin/..";
use makemakefile;
##---] GLOBALS [---##
my %argv;
## Intent: Create a temp sandbox populated with sources
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Args:
## array a list of file paths to copy
## Returns:
## $@ set on error
## scalar path to scratch sandbox
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
my $root; # state $root not available
sub createSandbox
my @errors;
unless ($root)
my @tmp = split(m%/%, $FindBin::RealBin);
splice(@tmp, -3);
$root = join('/', @tmp);
my $work = tempdir();
push(@workdirs, $work);
my @dirs = map{ join('/', $work, dirname($_)) } @_;
push(@errors, "createSandbox: $@") if ($@);
foreach (@_)
## Copy sources into the temp source directory
my $src = join('/', $root, $_);
my $dst = join('/', $work, $_);
unless (copy($src, $dst))
push(@errors, "copy($src, $dst) failed: $!");
print STDERR "createSandbox: $work\n" if ($main::argv{debug});
$@ = join('', map{ "$_\n" } @errors);
} # createSandbox
## Intent: wrapper to run the make-makefile command.
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Args:
## array command line arguments passed to make-makefile
## Returns:
## array command output
## $@ set by shell exit status, empty string on success
## $? command shell exit status
my $mm; # state $mm not available
sub makemakefile
my %fargs = (@_ && ref($_[$#_])) ? %{ (pop) } : ();
$mm ||= join('/', dirname($FindBin::Bin), 'make-makefile'); # cmd in parent of test/
my $cmd = join(' ', $mm, @_);
print "RUNNING: $cmd\n" if ($fargs{debug});
my @out = `$cmd 2>&1`;
print STDERR map{ "out> $_" } @out if ($argv{verbose});
$@ = (0 == $?) ? '' : "Command failed: $cmd\n@out";
} # makemakefile
## Intent: Helper function, display the contents of a given sandbox
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Args:
## scalar Path to sandbox
## Returns:
## none
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
sub find_ls
my $path = shift || '';
# Assuming dot contributes to cryptic problems
die "find_ls: a path is required" unless ($path);
my $cmd = "find $path -ls";
print "\nRunning: $cmd\n";
print '=' x 75, "\n";
print `$cmd`;
} # myls
## Intent: Verify make-makefile is able to digest paths and generate
## makefiles when object directory is a child of top.
sub check_makemakefile
my $work = createSandbox
my $workdir = createSandbox();
my $top = $workdir;
chdir $top;
my $objA = 'obj-arch-dir';
my $obj = join('/', $top, $objA);
# getTopDir()
local $main::argv{top} = $work;
local $main::argv{obj} = $obj;
my @root = split(m%/%, $FindBin::RealBin);
splice(@root, -3);
my $root = join('/', @root);
my @args =
banner => "--top and --obj are impled, generate Makefile",
rel => 'memory/mozalloc',
cmd => join(' ',
'--top', $top,
'--obj', $obj,
banner => "--top and abs(obj) passed",
rel => "toolkit/system/windowsproxy",
cmd => join(' ',
'--top', $top,
exp => "$obj/toolkit/system/windowsproxy/Makefile",
skip => 1, #
banner => "--obj and abs(top) passed",
rel => "toolkit/crashreporter/google-breakpad/src/client",
cmd => join(' ',
'--obj', $obj,
exp => "$top/toolkit/crashreporter/google-breakpad/src/client/",
skip => 1, #
foreach (@args)
my %rec = @{ $_ };
next if ($rec{skip});
next unless ($rec{rel});
my $srcR = join('/', $top, $rec{rel});
my $dstR = join('/', $obj, $rec{rel});
my $src = join('/', $top, $rec{rel}, '');
my $dst = join('/', $obj, $rec{rel}, 'Makefile');
# Use distinct sources to avoid cleanup overhead between tests
die "Test source already used: $dstR" if (-d $dstR);
## Copy sources into the temp source directory
my $rootR = join('/', $root, $rec{rel});
my $rootS = join('/', $root, $rec{rel}, '');
File::Path::mkpath($srcR, 0, 0700);
copy($rootS, $src) or die "copy($rootS, $src) failed: $!";
die "source does not exist: $src" unless (-e $src);
## Generate and verify
print STDERR "RUNNING: $rec{banner}\n" if ($argv{debug});
my @errs;
makemakefile('--enhanced', $rec{cmd}, {verbose=>1});
if ($@)
push(@errs, "\$@ should not be set: $@\n");
elsif (! -e $dst)
push(@errs, "Generated makefile does not exist: $dst, banner: $rec{banner}\n");
ok(scalar(@errs), 0, "Errors detected:\n" . join(" $_", @errs));
find_ls($top) if (@errs);
} # check_makemakefile
## Intent: Verify make-makefile is able to digest paths and generate
## makefiles when top/MOZ_OBJDIR are not parent/child directories
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Args:
## none
## Returns:
## none
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub check_makemakefile_distinct
my $workdir = createSandbox();
# my $workdir = tempdir();
## Now update when top/obj are not parent/child
my $top = join('/', $workdir, 'top');
my $obj = join('/', $workdir, 'obj');
$main::argv{top} = $top;
$main::argv{obj} = $obj; # test afterward, using undef ?
my @sbxroot = split(m%/%, $FindBin::RealBin);
splice(@sbxroot, -2);
my $sbxroot = join('/', @sbxroot);
## Copy in a makefile template to to convert
File::Path::mkpath(["$top/memory/mozalloc"], 0, 0700);
copy("$sbxroot/memory/mozalloc/", "$top/memory/mozalloc/");
# work/memory/mozalloc/
my @args =
banner => '--top and --obj are distinct [1]',
cmd => "--obj $obj memory/mozalloc/Makefile",
exp => "$obj/memory/mozalloc/Makefile",
banner => "--top and --obj are distinct [2]",
cmd => "--top $top memory/mozalloc/",
exp => "$obj/memory/mozalloc/Makefile",
skip => 1, # test problem: top != obj
banner => "--top and --obj are distinct [3]",
cmd => join(' ',
"--top $top",
"--obj $obj",
exp => "$obj/memory/mozalloc/Makefile",
skip => 1, # test problem: top != obj
foreach (@args)
my %rec = @{ $_ };
print STDERR "banner: $rec{banner}\n" if ($argv{debug});
next if $rec{skip};
unlink $rec{exp};
makemakefile('--enhanced', $rec{cmd});
my @errs;
if ($@)
push(@errs, "\$@ should not be set: $@\n");
elsif (! -e $rec{exp})
push(@errs, "Makefile does not exist: $rec{exp}\n");
ok(scalar(@errs), 0, "Errors detected:\n" . join(" $_", @errs));
} # check_makemakefile_distinct
## Intent: Verify legacy behavior, invoke make-makefile when cwd is
## a subdirectory beneath MOZ_OBJDIR.
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Args:
## none
## Returns:
## none
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
sub check_makemakefile_legacy
my $work = createSandbox
my $obj = join('/', $work, 'obj');
mkdir $obj;
my @args =
banner => '-t path -d dot',
cwd => $obj,
cmd => "-t $work -d . memory/mozalloc/Makefile",
exp => "$obj/memory/mozalloc/Makefile",
skip => 0,
banner => '-t path -d relpath',
cwd => join('/', $obj, 'parser/htmlparser/tests/mochitest'),
cmd => "-t $work -d ../../../.. html5lib_tree_construction/Makefile",
exp => "$obj/parser/htmlparser/tests/mochitest/html5lib_tree_construction/Makefile",
skip => 0,
foreach (@args)
my %rec = %{ $_ };
next if ($rec{skip});
## make-make while sitting in $objdir
chdir $rec{cwd} || die "chdir $rec{cwd} failed; $!";
my @errs;
if ($@)
push(@errs, "make-makefile $rec{cmd} failed: $@");
elsif (! -e $rec{exp})
push(@errs, "generated makefile does not exist: $rec{exp}");
ok(scalar(@errs), 0, "Errors detected: @errs");
find_ls($work) if (@errs);
chdir $FindBin::RealBin;
} # check_makemakefile_legacy
## Intent: Smoke tests for the unittests module
sub smoke
print STDERR "Running test: smoke()\n" if ($argv{debug});
} # smoke()
## Intent: Intitialize global test objects and consts
sub init
print "Running: init()\n" if ($argv{debug});
# testplan(24, 0);
} # init()
##---] MAIN [---##
print "USAGE: $0\n";
print " --debug Enable script debug mode\n";
print " --manual Also run disabled tests\n";
print " --smoke Run smoke tests then exit\n";
print " --test Run a list of tests by function name\n";
print " --verbose Enable script verbose mode\n";
exit 1;