Patrick Brosset c86ddb64b9 Bug 1121528 - Avoid the inspector going blank when quickly navigating; r=bgrins
This prevents the WalkerActor from failing at handling various requests when
those requests are about DeaedNodes. Indeed, the async nature of the devtools
protocol means that the client could be asking for information about a node that
doesn't exist anymore because it was part of a page that was navigated away from.
The WalkerActor should know how to deal with such cases, so the patch adds a
number of early returns and a new test for them.
This helps avoiding the inspector-panel from going blank in some edge cases.
2015-04-17 12:09:58 +02:00

3057 lines
91 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
"use strict";
const {Cu, Cc, Ci} = require("chrome");
const Services = require("Services");
const protocol = require("devtools/server/protocol");
const {Arg, Option, method} = protocol;
const events = require("sdk/event/core");
const Heritage = require("sdk/core/heritage");
const {CssLogic} = require("devtools/styleinspector/css-logic");
const EventEmitter = require("devtools/toolkit/event-emitter");
const {setIgnoreLayoutChanges} = require("devtools/server/actors/layout");
// FIXME: add ":visited" and ":link" after bug 713106 is fixed
const PSEUDO_CLASSES = [":hover", ":active", ":focus"];
const BOX_MODEL_REGIONS = ["margin", "border", "padding", "content"];
const BOX_MODEL_SIDES = ["top", "right", "bottom", "left"];
const SVG_NS = "";
const XUL_NS = "";
const HIGHLIGHTER_STYLESHEET_URI = "resource://gre/modules/devtools/server/actors/highlighter.css";
// How high is the nodeinfobar
const NODE_INFOBAR_HEIGHT = 34; //px
const NODE_INFOBAR_ARROW_SIZE = 9; // px
// Width of boxmodelhighlighter guides
// The minimum distance a line should be before it has an arrow marker-end
// How many maximum nodes can be highlighted at the same time by the
// SelectorHighlighter
// SimpleOutlineHighlighter's stylesheet
const HIGHLIGHTED_PSEUDO_CLASS = ":-moz-devtools-highlighted";
const SIMPLE_OUTLINE_SHEET = ".__fx-devtools-hide-shortcut__ {" +
" visibility: hidden !important" +
"}" +
" outline: 2px dashed #F06!important;" +
" outline-offset: -2px!important;" +
// Distance of the width or height handles from the node's edge.
const GEOMETRY_SIZE_ARROW_OFFSET = .25; // 25%
// Maximum size, in pixel, for the horizontal ruler and vertical ruler
// used by RulersHighlighter
const RULERS_MAX_X_AXIS = 10000;
const RULERS_MAX_Y_AXIS = 15000;
// Number of steps after we add a graduation, marker and text in
// RulersHighliter; currently the unit is in pixel.
const RULERS_TEXT_STEP = 100;
* The registration mechanism for highlighters provide a quick way to
* have modular highlighters, instead of a hard coded list.
* It allow us to split highlighers in sub modules, and add them dynamically
* using add-on (useful for 3rd party developers, or prototyping)
* Note that currently, highlighters added using add-ons, can only work on
* Firefox desktop, or Fennec if the same add-on is installed in both.
const highlighterTypes = new Map();
* Returns `true` if a highlighter for the given `typeName` is registered,
* `false` otherwise.
const isTypeRegistered = (typeName) => highlighterTypes.has(typeName);
exports.isTypeRegistered = isTypeRegistered;
* Registers a given constructor as highlighter, for the `typeName` given.
* If no `typeName` is provided, is looking for a `typeName` property in
* the prototype's constructor.
const register = (constructor, typeName=constructor.prototype.typeName) => {
if (!typeName) {
throw Error("No type's name found, or provided.")
if (highlighterTypes.has(typeName)) {
throw Error(`${typeName} is already registered.`)
highlighterTypes.set(typeName, constructor);
exports.register = register;
* The Highlighter is the server-side entry points for any tool that wishes to
* highlight elements in some way in the content document.
* A little bit of vocabulary:
* - <something>HighlighterActor classes are the actors that can be used from
* the client. They do very little else than instantiate a given
* <something>Highlighter and use it to highlight elements.
* - <something>Highlighter classes aren't actors, they're just JS classes that
* know how to create and attach the actual highlighter elements on top of the
* content
* The most used highlighter actor is the HighlighterActor which can be
* conveniently retrieved via the InspectorActor's 'getHighlighter' method.
* The InspectorActor will always return the same instance of
* HighlighterActor if asked several times and this instance is used in the
* toolbox to highlighter elements's box-model from the markup-view, layout-view,
* console, debugger, ... as well as select elements with the pointer (pick).
* Other types of highlighter actors exist and can be accessed via the
* InspectorActor's 'getHighlighterByType' method.
* The HighlighterActor class
let HighlighterActor = exports.HighlighterActor = protocol.ActorClass({
typeName: "highlighter",
initialize: function(inspector, autohide) {, null);
this._autohide = autohide;
this._inspector = inspector;
this._walker = this._inspector.walker;
this._tabActor = this._inspector.tabActor;
this._highlighterReady = this._highlighterReady.bind(this);
this._highlighterHidden = this._highlighterHidden.bind(this);
this._onNavigate = this._onNavigate.bind(this);
this._layoutHelpers = new LayoutHelpers(this._tabActor.window);
// Listen to navigation events to switch from the BoxModelHighlighter to the
// SimpleOutlineHighlighter, and back, if the top level window changes.
events.on(this._tabActor, "navigate", this._onNavigate);
get conn() this._inspector && this._inspector.conn,
_createHighlighter: function() {
this._isPreviousWindowXUL = isXUL(this._tabActor);
if (!this._isPreviousWindowXUL) {
this._highlighter = new BoxModelHighlighter(this._tabActor,
this._highlighter.on("ready", this._highlighterReady);
this._highlighter.on("hide", this._highlighterHidden);
} else {
this._highlighter = new SimpleOutlineHighlighter(this._tabActor);
_destroyHighlighter: function() {
if (this._highlighter) {
if (!this._isPreviousWindowXUL) {"ready", this._highlighterReady);"hide", this._highlighterHidden);
this._highlighter = null;
_onNavigate: function({isTopLevel}) {
// Skip navigation events for non top-level windows, or if the document
// doesn't exist anymore.
if (!isTopLevel || !this._tabActor.window.document.documentElement) {
// Only rebuild the highlighter if the window type changed.
if (isXUL(this._tabActor) !== this._isPreviousWindowXUL) {
destroy: function() {;
this._destroyHighlighter();, "navigate", this._onNavigate);
this._autohide = null;
this._inspector = null;
this._walker = null;
this._tabActor = null;
this._layoutHelpers = null;
* Display the box model highlighting on a given NodeActor.
* There is only one instance of the box model highlighter, so calling this
* method several times won't display several highlighters, it will just move
* the highlighter instance to these nodes.
* @param NodeActor The node to be highlighted
* @param Options See the request part for existing options. Note that not
* all options may be supported by all types of highlighters.
showBoxModel: method(function(node, options={}) {
if (node && isNodeValid(node.rawNode)) {, options);
} else {
}, {
request: {
node: Arg(0, "domnode"),
region: Option(1),
hideInfoBar: Option(1),
hideGuides: Option(1),
showOnly: Option(1)
* Hide the box model highlighting if it was shown before
hideBoxModel: method(function() {
}, {
request: {}
* Pick a node on click, and highlight hovered nodes in the process.
* This method doesn't respond anything interesting, however, it starts
* mousemove, and click listeners on the content document to fire
* events and let connected clients know when nodes are hovered over or
* clicked.
* Once a node is picked, events will cease, and listeners will be removed.
_isPicking: false,
_hoveredNode: null,
_currentNode: null,
pick: method(function() {
if (this._isPicking) {
return null;
this._isPicking = true;
this._preventContentEvent = event => {
this._onPick = event => {
this._isPicking = false;
if (this._autohide) {
this._tabActor.window.setTimeout(() => {
if (!this._currentNode) {
this._currentNode = this._findAndAttachElement(event);
events.emit(this._walker, "picker-node-picked", this._currentNode);
this._onHovered = event => {
this._currentNode = this._findAndAttachElement(event);
if (this._hoveredNode !== this._currentNode.node) { this._currentNode.node.rawNode);
events.emit(this._walker, "picker-node-hovered", this._currentNode);
this._hoveredNode = this._currentNode.node;
this._onKey = event => {
if (!this._currentNode || !this._isPicking) {
let currentNode = this._currentNode.node.rawNode;
* KEY: Action/scope
* LEFT_KEY: wider or parent
* RIGHT_KEY: narrower or child
* ENTER/CARRIAGE_RETURN: Picks currentNode
* ESC: Cancels picker, picks currentNode
switch(event.keyCode) {
case Ci.nsIDOMKeyEvent.DOM_VK_LEFT: // wider
if (!currentNode.parentElement) {
currentNode = currentNode.parentElement;
case Ci.nsIDOMKeyEvent.DOM_VK_RIGHT: // narrower
if (!currentNode.children.length) {
// Set firstElementChild by default
let child = currentNode.firstElementChild;
// If currentNode is parent of hoveredNode, then
// previously selected childNode is set
let hoveredNode = this._hoveredNode.rawNode;
for (let sibling of currentNode.children) {
if (sibling.contains(hoveredNode) || sibling === hoveredNode) {
child = sibling;
currentNode = child;
case Ci.nsIDOMKeyEvent.DOM_VK_RETURN: // select element
case Ci.nsIDOMKeyEvent.DOM_VK_ESCAPE: // cancel picking
events.emit(this._walker, "picker-node-canceled");
default: return;
// Store currently attached element
this._currentNode = this._walker.attachElement(currentNode);;
events.emit(this._walker, "picker-node-hovered", this._currentNode);
return null;
_findAndAttachElement: function(event) {
let doc =;
let x = event.clientX;
let y = event.clientY;
let node = doc.elementFromPoint(x, y);
return this._walker.attachElement(node);
_startPickerListeners: function() {
let target = getPageListenerTarget(this._tabActor);
target.addEventListener("mousemove", this._onHovered, true);
target.addEventListener("click", this._onPick, true);
target.addEventListener("mousedown", this._preventContentEvent, true);
target.addEventListener("mouseup", this._preventContentEvent, true);
target.addEventListener("dblclick", this._preventContentEvent, true);
target.addEventListener("keydown", this._onKey, true);
target.addEventListener("keyup", this._preventContentEvent, true);
_stopPickerListeners: function() {
let target = getPageListenerTarget(this._tabActor);
target.removeEventListener("mousemove", this._onHovered, true);
target.removeEventListener("click", this._onPick, true);
target.removeEventListener("mousedown", this._preventContentEvent, true);
target.removeEventListener("mouseup", this._preventContentEvent, true);
target.removeEventListener("dblclick", this._preventContentEvent, true);
target.removeEventListener("keydown", this._onKey, true);
target.removeEventListener("keyup", this._preventContentEvent, true);
_highlighterReady: function() {
events.emit(this._inspector.walker, "highlighter-ready");
_highlighterHidden: function() {
events.emit(this._inspector.walker, "highlighter-hide");
cancelPick: method(function() {
if (this._isPicking) {
this._isPicking = false;
this._hoveredNode = null;
let HighlighterFront = protocol.FrontClass(HighlighterActor, {});
* A generic highlighter actor class that instantiate a highlighter given its
* type name and allows to show/hide it.
let CustomHighlighterActor = exports.CustomHighlighterActor = protocol.ActorClass({
typeName: "customhighlighter",
* Create a highlighter instance given its typename
* The typename must be one of HIGHLIGHTER_CLASSES and the class must
* implement constructor(tabActor), show(node), hide(), destroy()
initialize: function(inspector, typeName) {, null);
this._inspector = inspector;
let constructor = highlighterTypes.get(typeName);
if (!constructor) {
let list = [...highlighterTypes.keys()];
throw new Error(`${typeName} isn't a valid highlighter class (${list})`);
// The assumption is that all custom highlighters need the canvasframe
// container to append their elements, so if this is a XUL window, bail out.
if (!isXUL(this._inspector.tabActor)) {
this._highlighter = new constructor(inspector.tabActor);
} else {
throw new Error("Custom " + typeName +
"highlighter cannot be created in a XUL window");
get conn() this._inspector && this._inspector.conn,
destroy: function() {;
* Show the highlighter.
* This calls through to the highlighter instance's |show(node, options)|
* method.
* Most custom highlighters are made to highlight DOM nodes, hence the first
* NodeActor argument (NodeActor as in toolkit/devtools/server/actor/inspector).
* Note however that some highlighters use this argument merely as a context
* node: the RectHighlighter for instance uses it to calculate the absolute
* position of the provided rect. The SelectHighlighter uses it as a base node
* to run the provided CSS selector on.
* @param NodeActor The node to be highlighted
* @param Object Options for the custom highlighter
show: method(function(node, options) {
if (!node || !isNodeValid(node.rawNode) || !this._highlighter) {
}, options);
}, {
request: {
node: Arg(0, "domnode"),
options: Arg(1, "nullable:json")
* Hide the highlighter if it was shown before
hide: method(function() {
if (this._highlighter) {
}, {
request: {}
* Kill this actor. This method is called automatically just before the actor
* is destroyed.
finalize: method(function() {
if (this._highlighter) {
this._highlighter = null;
}, {
oneway: true
let CustomHighlighterFront = protocol.FrontClass(CustomHighlighterActor, {});
* Every highlighters should insert their markup content into the document's
* canvasFrame anonymous content container (see dom/webidl/Document.webidl).
* Since this container gets cleared when the document navigates, highlighters
* should use this helper to have their markup content automatically re-inserted
* in the new document.
* Since the markup content is inserted in the canvasFrame using
* insertAnonymousContent, this means that it can be modified using the API
* described in AnonymousContent.webidl.
* To retrieve the AnonymousContent instance, use the content getter.
* @param {TabActor} tabActor
* The tabactor which windows will be used to insert the node
* @param {Function} nodeBuilder
* A function that, when executed, returns a DOM node to be inserted into
* the canvasFrame
function CanvasFrameAnonymousContentHelper(tabActor, nodeBuilder) {
this.tabActor = tabActor;
this.nodeBuilder = nodeBuilder;
this.anonymousContentDocument = this.tabActor.window.document;
// XXX the next line is a wallpaper for bug 1123362.
this.anonymousContentGlobal = Cu.getGlobalForObject(this.anonymousContentDocument);
this._onNavigate = this._onNavigate.bind(this);
events.on(this.tabActor, "navigate", this._onNavigate);
this.listeners = new Map();
exports.CanvasFrameAnonymousContentHelper = CanvasFrameAnonymousContentHelper;
CanvasFrameAnonymousContentHelper.prototype = {
destroy: function() {
// If the current window isn't the one the content was inserted into, this
// will fail, but that's fine.
try {
let doc = this.anonymousContentDocument;
} catch (e) {}, "navigate", this._onNavigate);
this.tabActor = this.nodeBuilder = this._content = null;
this.anonymousContentDocument = null;
this.anonymousContentGlobal = null;
_insert: function() {
// Insert the content node only if the page isn't in a XUL window, and if
// the document still exists.
if (!this.tabActor.window.document.documentElement ||
isXUL(this.tabActor)) {
let doc = this.tabActor.window.document;
// On B2G, for example, when connecting to keyboard just after startup,
// we connect to a hidden document, which doesn't accept
// insertAnonymousContent call yet.
if (doc.hidden) {
// In such scenario, just wait for the document to be visible
// before injecting anonymous content.
let onVisibilityChange = () => {
doc.removeEventListener("visibilitychange", onVisibilityChange);
doc.addEventListener("visibilitychange", onVisibilityChange);
// For now highlighter.css is injected in content as a ua sheet because
// <style scoped> doesn't work inside anonymous content (see bug 1086532).
// If it did, highlighter.css would be injected as an anonymous content
// node using CanvasFrameAnonymousContentHelper instead.
"@import url('" + HIGHLIGHTER_STYLESHEET_URI + "');");
let node = this.nodeBuilder();
this._content = doc.insertAnonymousContent(node);
_onNavigate: function({isTopLevel}) {
if (isTopLevel) {
this.anonymousContentDocument = this.tabActor.window.document;
getTextContentForElement: function(id) {
if (!this.content) {
return null;
return this.content.getTextContentForElement(id);
setTextContentForElement: function(id, text) {
if (this.content) {
this.content.setTextContentForElement(id, text);
setAttributeForElement: function(id, name, value) {
if (this.content) {
this.content.setAttributeForElement(id, name, value);
getAttributeForElement: function(id, name) {
if (!this.content) {
return null;
return this.content.getAttributeForElement(id, name);
removeAttributeForElement: function(id, name) {
if (this.content) {
this.content.removeAttributeForElement(id, name);
* Add an event listener to one of the elements inserted in the canvasFrame
* native anonymous container.
* Like other methods in this helper, this requires the ID of the element to
* be passed in.
* Note that if the content page navigates, the event listeners won't be
* added again.
* Also note that unlike traditional DOM events, the events handled by
* listeners added here will propagate through the document only through
* bubbling phase, so the useCapture parameter isn't supported.
* It is possible however to call e.stopPropagation() to stop the bubbling.
* IMPORTANT: the chrome-only canvasFrame insertion API takes great care of
* not leaking references to inserted elements to chrome JS code. That's
* because otherwise, chrome JS code could freely modify native anon elements
* inside the canvasFrame and probably change things that are assumed not to
* change by the C++ code managing this frame.
* See
* Unfortunately, the inserted nodes are still available via
* event.originalTarget, and that's what the event handler here uses to check
* that the event actually occured on the right element, but that also means
* consumers of this code would be able to access the inserted elements.
* Therefore, the originalTarget property will be nullified before the event
* is passed to your handler.
* IMPL DETAIL: A single event listener is added per event types only, at
* browser level and if the event originalTarget is found to have the provided
* ID, the callback is executed (and then IDs of parent nodes of the
* originalTarget are checked too).
* @param {String} id
* @param {String} type
* @param {Function} handler
addEventListenerForElement: function(id, type, handler) {
if (typeof id !== "string") {
throw new Error("Expected a string ID in addEventListenerForElement but" +
" got: " + id);
// If no one is listening for this type of event yet, add one listener.
if (!this.listeners.has(type)) {
let target = getPageListenerTarget(this.tabActor);
target.addEventListener(type, this, true);
// Each type entry in the map is a map of ids:handlers.
this.listeners.set(type, new Map);
let listeners = this.listeners.get(type);
listeners.set(id, handler);
* Remove an event listener from one of the elements inserted in the
* canvasFrame native anonymous container.
* @param {String} id
* @param {String} type
* @param {Function} handler
removeEventListenerForElement: function(id, type, handler) {
let listeners = this.listeners.get(type);
if (!listeners) {
// If no one is listening for event type anymore, remove the listener.
if (!this.listeners.has(type)) {
let target = getPageListenerTarget(this.tabActor);
target.removeEventListener(type, this, true);
handleEvent: function(event) {
let listeners = this.listeners.get(event.type);
if (!listeners) {
// Hide the originalTarget property to avoid exposing references to native
// anonymous elements. See addEventListenerForElement's comment.
let isPropagationStopped = false;
let eventProxy = new Proxy(event, {
get: (obj, name) => {
if (name === "originalTarget") {
return null;
} else if (name === "stopPropagation") {
return () => {
isPropagationStopped = true;
} else {
return obj[name];
// Start at originalTarget, bubble through ancestors and call handlers when
// needed.
let node = event.originalTarget;
while (node) {
let handler = listeners.get(;
if (handler) {
if (isPropagationStopped) {
node = node.parentNode;
_removeAllListeners: function() {
if (this.tabActor) {
let target = getPageListenerTarget(this.tabActor);
for (let [type] of this.listeners) {
target.removeEventListener(type, this, true);
getElement: function(id) {
let self = this;
return {
getTextContent: () => self.getTextContentForElement(id),
setTextContent: text => self.setTextContentForElement(id, text),
setAttribute: (name, value) => self.setAttributeForElement(id, name, value),
getAttribute: name => self.getAttributeForElement(id, name),
removeAttribute: name => self.removeAttributeForElement(id, name),
addEventListener: (type, handler) => {
return self.addEventListenerForElement(id, type, handler);
removeEventListener: (type, handler) => {
return self.removeEventListenerForElement(id, type, handler);
get content() {
if (!this._content || Cu.isDeadWrapper(this._content)) {
return null;
return this._content;
* The canvasFrame anonymous content container gets zoomed in/out with the
* page. If this is unwanted, i.e. if you want the inserted element to remain
* unzoomed, then this method can be used.
* Consumers of the CanvasFrameAnonymousContentHelper should call this method,
* it isn't executed automatically. Typically, AutoRefreshHighlighter can call
* it when _update is executed.
* The matching element will be scaled down or up by 1/zoomLevel (using css
* transform) to cancel the current zoom. The element's width and height
* styles will also be set according to the scale. Finally, the element's
* position will be set as absolute.
* Note that if the matching element already has an inline style attribute, it
* *won't* be preserved.
* @param {DOMNode} node This node is used to determine which container window
* should be used to read the current zoom value.
* @param {String} id The ID of the root element inserted with this API.
scaleRootElement: function(node, id) {
let zoom = LayoutHelpers.getCurrentZoom(node);
let value = "position:absolute;width:100%;height:100%;";
if (zoom !== 1) {
value = "position:absolute;";
value += "transform-origin:top left;transform:scale(" + (1/zoom) + ");";
value += "width:" + (100*zoom) + "%;height:" + (100*zoom) + "%;";
this.setAttributeForElement(id, "style", value);
* Base class for auto-refresh-on-change highlighters. Sub classes will have a
* chance to update whenever the current node's geometry changes.
* Sub classes must implement the following methods:
* _show: called when the highlighter should be shown,
* _hide: called when the highlighter should be hidden,
* _update: called while the highlighter is shown and the geometry of the
* current node changes.
* Sub classes will have access to the following properties:
* - this.currentNode: the node to be shown
* - this.currentQuads: all of the node's box model region quads
* - the current window
* Emits the following events:
* - shown
* - hidden
* - updated
function AutoRefreshHighlighter(tabActor) {
this.tabActor = tabActor; = tabActor.window;
this.currentNode = null;
this.currentQuads = {};
this.layoutHelpers = new LayoutHelpers(;
this.update = this.update.bind(this);
AutoRefreshHighlighter.prototype = {
* Show the highlighter on a given node
* @param {DOMNode} node
* @param {Object} options
* Object used for passing options
show: function(node, options={}) {
let isSameNode = node === this.currentNode;
let isSameOptions = this._isSameOptions(options);
if (!isNodeValid(node) || (isSameNode && isSameOptions)) {
this.options = options;
this.currentNode = node;
* Hide the highlighter
hide: function() {
if (!isNodeValid(this.currentNode)) {
this.currentNode = null;
this.currentQuads = {};
this.options = null;
* Are the provided options the same as the currently stored options?
* Returns false if there are no options stored currently.
_isSameOptions: function(options) {
if (!this.options) {
return false;
let keys = Object.keys(options);
if (keys.length !== Object.keys(this.options).length) {
return false;
for (let key of keys) {
if (this.options[key] !== options[key]) {
return false;
return true;
* Update the stored box quads by reading the current node's box quads.
_updateAdjustedQuads: function() {
for (let region of BOX_MODEL_REGIONS) {
this.currentQuads[region] = this.layoutHelpers.getAdjustedQuads(
this.currentNode, region);
* Update the knowledge we have of the current node's boxquads and return true
* if any of the points x/y or bounds have change since.
* @return {Boolean}
_hasMoved: function() {
let oldQuads = JSON.stringify(this.currentQuads);
let newQuads = JSON.stringify(this.currentQuads);
return oldQuads !== newQuads;
* Update the highlighter if the node has moved since the last update.
update: function(e) {
if (!isNodeValid(this.currentNode) || !this._hasMoved()) {
_show: function() {
// To be implemented by sub classes
// When called, sub classes should actually show the highlighter for
// this.currentNode, potentially using options in this.options
_update: function() {
// To be implemented by sub classes
// When called, sub classes should update the highlighter shown for
// this.currentNode
// This is called as a result of a page scroll, zoom or repaint
_hide: function() {
// To be implemented by sub classes
// When called, sub classes should actually hide the highlighter
_startRefreshLoop: function() {
let win = getWindow(this.currentNode);
this.rafID = win.requestAnimationFrame(this._startRefreshLoop.bind(this));
this.rafWin = win;
_stopRefreshLoop: function() {
if (this.rafID && !Cu.isDeadWrapper(this.rafWin)) {
this.rafID = this.rafWin = null;
destroy: function() {
this.tabActor = null; = null;
this.currentNode = null;
this.layoutHelpers = null;
* The BoxModelHighlighter draws the box model regions on top of a node.
* If the node is a block box, then each region will be displayed as 1 polygon.
* If the node is an inline box though, each region may be represented by 1 or
* more polygons, depending on how many line boxes the inline element has.
* Usage example:
* let h = new BoxModelHighlighter(browser);
*, options);
* h.hide();
* h.destroy();
* Available options:
* - region {String}
* "content", "padding", "border" or "margin"
* This specifies the region that the guides should outline.
* Defaults to "content"
* - hideGuides {Boolean}
* Defaults to false
* - hideInfoBar {Boolean}
* Defaults to false
* - showOnly {String}
* "content", "padding", "border" or "margin"
* If set, only this region will be highlighted
* Structure:
* <div class="highlighter-container">
* <div class="box-model-root">
* <svg class="box-model-elements" hidden="true">
* <g class="box-model-regions">
* <path class="box-model-margin" points="..." />
* <path class="box-model-border" points="..." />
* <path class="box-model-padding" points="..." />
* <path class="box-model-content" points="..." />
* </g>
* <line class="box-model-guide-top" x1="..." y1="..." x2="..." y2="..." />
* <line class="box-model-guide-right" x1="..." y1="..." x2="..." y2="..." />
* <line class="box-model-guide-bottom" x1="..." y1="..." x2="..." y2="..." />
* <line class="box-model-guide-left" x1="..." y1="..." x2="..." y2="..." />
* </svg>
* <div class="box-model-nodeinfobar-container">
* <div class="box-model-nodeinfobar-arrow highlighter-nodeinfobar-arrow-top" />
* <div class="box-model-nodeinfobar">
* <div class="box-model-nodeinfobar-text" align="center">
* <span class="box-model-nodeinfobar-tagname">Node name</span>
* <span class="box-model-nodeinfobar-id">Node id</span>
* <span class="box-model-nodeinfobar-classes">.someClass</span>
* <span class="box-model-nodeinfobar-pseudo-classes">:hover</span>
* </div>
* </div>
* <div class="box-model-nodeinfobar-arrow box-model-nodeinfobar-arrow-bottom"/>
* </div>
* </div>
* </div>
function BoxModelHighlighter(tabActor) {, tabActor);
this.markup = new CanvasFrameAnonymousContentHelper(this.tabActor,
* Optionally customize each region's fill color by adding an entry to the
* regionFill property: `highlighter.regionFill.margin = "red";
this.regionFill = {};
this._currentNode = null;
BoxModelHighlighter.prototype = Heritage.extend(AutoRefreshHighlighter.prototype, {
typeName: "BoxModelHighlighter",
ID_CLASS_PREFIX: "box-model-",
get currentNode() {
return this._currentNode;
set currentNode(node) {
this._currentNode = node;
this._computedStyle = null;
_buildMarkup: function() {
let doc =;
let highlighterContainer = doc.createElement("div");
highlighterContainer.className = "highlighter-container";
// Build the root wrapper, used to adapt to the page zoom.
let rootWrapper = createNode(, {
parent: highlighterContainer,
attributes: {
"id": "root",
"class": "root"
prefix: this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX
// Building the SVG element with its polygons and lines
let svg = createSVGNode(, {
nodeType: "svg",
parent: rootWrapper,
attributes: {
"id": "elements",
"width": "100%",
"height": "100%",
"hidden": "true"
prefix: this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX
let regions = createSVGNode(, {
nodeType: "g",
parent: svg,
attributes: {
"class": "regions"
prefix: this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX
for (let region of BOX_MODEL_REGIONS) {
createSVGNode(, {
nodeType: "path",
parent: regions,
attributes: {
"class": region,
"id": region
prefix: this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX
for (let side of BOX_MODEL_SIDES) {
createSVGNode(, {
nodeType: "line",
parent: svg,
attributes: {
"class": "guide-" + side,
"id": "guide-" + side,
"stroke-width": GUIDE_STROKE_WIDTH
prefix: this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX
// Building the nodeinfo bar markup
let infobarContainer = createNode(, {
parent: rootWrapper,
attributes: {
"class": "nodeinfobar-container",
"id": "nodeinfobar-container",
"position": "top",
"hidden": "true"
prefix: this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX
let nodeInfobar = createNode(, {
parent: infobarContainer,
attributes: {
"class": "nodeinfobar"
prefix: this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX
let texthbox = createNode(, {
parent: nodeInfobar,
attributes: {
"class": "nodeinfobar-text"
prefix: this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX
createNode(, {
nodeType: "span",
parent: texthbox,
attributes: {
"class": "nodeinfobar-tagname",
"id": "nodeinfobar-tagname"
prefix: this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX
createNode(, {
nodeType: "span",
parent: texthbox,
attributes: {
"class": "nodeinfobar-id",
"id": "nodeinfobar-id"
prefix: this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX
createNode(, {
nodeType: "span",
parent: texthbox,
attributes: {
"class": "nodeinfobar-classes",
"id": "nodeinfobar-classes"
prefix: this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX
createNode(, {
nodeType: "span",
parent: texthbox,
attributes: {
"class": "nodeinfobar-pseudo-classes",
"id": "nodeinfobar-pseudo-classes"
prefix: this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX
createNode(, {
nodeType: "span",
parent: texthbox,
attributes: {
"class": "nodeinfobar-dimensions",
"id": "nodeinfobar-dimensions"
prefix: this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX
return highlighterContainer;
* Destroy the nodes. Remove listeners.
destroy: function() {;
this._currentNode = null;
getElement: function(id) {
return this.markup.getElement(this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX + id);
* Show the highlighter on a given node
_show: function() {
if (BOX_MODEL_REGIONS.indexOf(this.options.region) == -1) {
this.options.region = "content";
* Track the current node markup mutations so that the node info bar can be
* updated to reflects the node's attributes
_trackMutations: function() {
if (isNodeValid(this.currentNode)) {
let win = getWindow(this.currentNode);
this.currentNodeObserver = new win.MutationObserver(this.update);
this.currentNodeObserver.observe(this.currentNode, {attributes: true});
_untrackMutations: function() {
if (isNodeValid(this.currentNode) && this.currentNodeObserver) {
this.currentNodeObserver = null;
* Update the highlighter on the current highlighted node (the one that was
* passed as an argument to show(node)).
* Should be called whenever node size or attributes change
_update: function() {
if (this._updateBoxModel()) {
if (!this.options.hideInfoBar) {
} else {
} else {
// Nothing to highlight (0px rectangle like a <script> tag for instance)
setIgnoreLayoutChanges(false, this.currentNode.ownerDocument.documentElement);
* Hide the highlighter, the outline and the infobar.
_hide: function() {
setIgnoreLayoutChanges(false, this.currentNode.ownerDocument.documentElement);
* Hide the infobar
_hideInfobar: function() {
this.getElement("nodeinfobar-container").setAttribute("hidden", "true");
* Show the infobar
_showInfobar: function() {
* Hide the box model
_hideBoxModel: function() {
this.getElement("elements").setAttribute("hidden", "true");
* Show the box model
_showBoxModel: function() {
* Calculate an outer quad based on the quads returned by getAdjustedQuads.
* The BoxModelHighlighter may highlight more than one boxes, so in this case
* create a new quad that "contains" all of these quads.
* This is useful to position the guides and nodeinfobar.
* This may happen if the BoxModelHighlighter is used to highlight an inline
* element that spans line breaks.
* @param {String} region The box-model region to get the outer quad for.
* @return {Object} A quad-like object {p1,p2,p3,p4,bounds}
_getOuterQuad: function(region) {
let quads = this.currentQuads[region];
if (!quads.length) {
return null;
let quad = {
p1: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity},
p2: {x: -Infinity, y: Infinity},
p3: {x: -Infinity, y: -Infinity},
p4: {x: Infinity, y: -Infinity},
bounds: {
bottom: -Infinity,
height: 0,
left: Infinity,
right: -Infinity,
top: Infinity,
width: 0,
x: 0,
y: 0,
for (let q of quads) {
quad.p1.x = Math.min(quad.p1.x, q.p1.x);
quad.p1.y = Math.min(quad.p1.y, q.p1.y);
quad.p2.x = Math.max(quad.p2.x, q.p2.x);
quad.p2.y = Math.min(quad.p2.y, q.p2.y);
quad.p3.x = Math.max(quad.p3.x, q.p3.x);
quad.p3.y = Math.max(quad.p3.y, q.p3.y);
quad.p4.x = Math.min(quad.p4.x, q.p4.x);
quad.p4.y = Math.max(quad.p4.y, q.p4.y);
quad.bounds.bottom = Math.max(quad.bounds.bottom, q.bounds.bottom); = Math.min(,;
quad.bounds.left = Math.min(quad.bounds.left, q.bounds.left);
quad.bounds.right = Math.max(quad.bounds.right, q.bounds.right);
quad.bounds.x = quad.bounds.left;
quad.bounds.y =;
quad.bounds.width = quad.bounds.right - quad.bounds.left;
quad.bounds.height = quad.bounds.bottom -;
return quad;
* Update the box model as per the current node.
* @return {boolean}
* True if the current node has a box model to be highlighted
_updateBoxModel: function() {
this.options.region = this.options.region || "content";
if (this._nodeNeedsHighlighting()) {
for (let boxType of BOX_MODEL_REGIONS) {
let box = this.getElement(boxType);
if (this.regionFill[boxType]) {
box.setAttribute("style", "fill:" + this.regionFill[boxType]);
} else {
box.setAttribute("style", "");
if (!this.options.showOnly || this.options.showOnly === boxType) {
// Highlighting all quads.
let path = [];
for (let {p1, p2, p3, p4} of this.currentQuads[boxType]) {
path.push("M" + p1.x + "," + p1.y + " " +
"L" + p2.x + "," + p2.y + " " +
"L" + p3.x + "," + p3.y + " " +
"L" + p4.x + "," + p4.y);
box.setAttribute("d", path.join(" "));
} else {
if (boxType === this.options.region && !this.options.hideGuides) {
} else if (this.options.hideGuides) {
// Un-zoom the root wrapper if the page was zoomed.
let rootId = this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX + "root";
this.markup.scaleRootElement(this.currentNode, rootId);
return true;
return false;
_nodeNeedsHighlighting: function() {
let hasNoQuads = !this.currentQuads.margin.length &&
!this.currentQuads.border.length &&
!this.currentQuads.padding.length &&
if (!this.currentNode ||
Cu.isDeadWrapper(this.currentNode) ||
this.currentNode.nodeType !== Ci.nsIDOMNode.ELEMENT_NODE ||
!this.currentNode.ownerDocument ||
!getWindow(this.currentNode) ||
hasNoQuads) {
return false;
if (!this._computedStyle) {
this._computedStyle = CssLogic.getComputedStyle(this.currentNode);
return this._computedStyle.getPropertyValue("display") !== "none";
_getOuterBounds: function() {
for (let region of ["margin", "border", "padding", "content"]) {
let quad = this._getOuterQuad(region);
if (!quad) {
// Invisible element such as a script tag.
let {bottom, height, left, right, top, width, x, y} = quad.bounds;
if (width > 0 || height > 0) {
return {bottom, height, left, right, top, width, x, y};
return {
bottom: 0,
height: 0,
left: 0,
right: 0,
top: 0,
width: 0,
x: 0,
y: 0
* We only want to show guides for horizontal and vertical edges as this helps
* to line them up. This method finds these edges and displays a guide there.
* @param {String} region The region around which the guides should be shown.
_showGuides: function(region) {
let {p1, p2, p3, p4} = this._getOuterQuad(region);
let allX = [p1.x, p2.x, p3.x, p4.x].sort((a, b) => a - b);
let allY = [p1.y, p2.y, p3.y, p4.y].sort((a, b) => a - b);
let toShowX = [];
let toShowY = [];
for (let arr of [allX, allY]) {
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
let val = arr[i];
if (i !== arr.lastIndexOf(val)) {
if (arr === allX) {
} else {
arr.splice(arr.lastIndexOf(val), 1);
// Move guide into place or hide it if no valid co-ordinate was found.
this._updateGuide("top", toShowY[0]);
this._updateGuide("right", toShowX[1]);
this._updateGuide("bottom", toShowY[1]);
this._updateGuide("left", toShowX[0]);
_hideGuides: function() {
for (let side of BOX_MODEL_SIDES) {
this.getElement("guide-" + side).setAttribute("hidden", "true");
* Move a guide to the appropriate position and display it. If no point is
* passed then the guide is hidden.
* @param {String} side
* The guide to update
* @param {Integer} point
* x or y co-ordinate. If this is undefined we hide the guide.
_updateGuide: function(side, point=-1) {
let guide = this.getElement("guide-" + side);
if (point <= 0) {
guide.setAttribute("hidden", "true");
return false;
if (side === "top" || side === "bottom") {
guide.setAttribute("x1", "0");
guide.setAttribute("y1", point + "");
guide.setAttribute("x2", "100%");
guide.setAttribute("y2", point + "");
} else {
guide.setAttribute("x1", point + "");
guide.setAttribute("y1", "0");
guide.setAttribute("x2", point + "");
guide.setAttribute("y2", "100%");
return true;
* Update node information (tagName#id.class)
_updateInfobar: function() {
if (!this.currentNode) {
let {bindingElement:node, pseudo} =
// Update the tag, id, classes, pseudo-classes and dimensions
let tagName = node.tagName;
let id = ? "#" + : "";
let classList = (node.classList || []).length ? "." + [...node.classList].join(".") : "";
let pseudos = PSEUDO_CLASSES.filter(pseudo => {
return DOMUtils.hasPseudoClassLock(node, pseudo);
}, this).join("");
if (pseudo) {
// Display :after as ::after
pseudos += ":" + pseudo;
let rect = this._getOuterQuad("border").bounds;
let dim = parseFloat(rect.width.toPrecision(6)) + " \u00D7 " + parseFloat(rect.height.toPrecision(6));
* Move the Infobar to the right place in the highlighter.
_moveInfobar: function() {
let bounds = this._getOuterBounds();
let winHeight = * LayoutHelpers.getCurrentZoom(;
let winWidth = * LayoutHelpers.getCurrentZoom(;
// Ensure that containerBottom and containerTop are at least zero to avoid
// showing tooltips outside the viewport.
let containerBottom = Math.max(0, bounds.bottom) + NODE_INFOBAR_ARROW_SIZE;
let containerTop = Math.min(winHeight,;
let container = this.getElement("nodeinfobar-container");
// Can the bar be above the node?
let top;
if (containerTop < NODE_INFOBAR_HEIGHT) {
// No. Can we move the bar under the node?
if (containerBottom + NODE_INFOBAR_HEIGHT > winHeight) {
// No. Let's move it inside.
top = containerTop;
container.setAttribute("position", "overlap");
} else {
// Yes. Let's move it under the node.
top = containerBottom;
container.setAttribute("position", "bottom");
} else {
// Yes. Let's move it on top of the node.
top = containerTop - NODE_INFOBAR_HEIGHT;
container.setAttribute("position", "top");
// Align the bar with the box's center if possible.
let left = bounds.right - bounds.width / 2;
// Make sure the while infobar is visible.
let buffer = 100;
if (left < buffer) {
left = buffer;
container.setAttribute("hide-arrow", "true");
} else if (left > winWidth - buffer) {
left = winWidth - buffer;
container.setAttribute("hide-arrow", "true");
} else {
let style = "top:" + top + "px;left:" + left + "px;";
container.setAttribute("style", style);
exports.BoxModelHighlighter = BoxModelHighlighter;
* The CssTransformHighlighter is the class that draws an outline around a
* transformed element and an outline around where it would be if untransformed
* as well as arrows connecting the 2 outlines' corners.
function CssTransformHighlighter(tabActor) {, tabActor);
this.markup = new CanvasFrameAnonymousContentHelper(this.tabActor,
CssTransformHighlighter.prototype = Heritage.extend(AutoRefreshHighlighter.prototype, {
typeName: "CssTransformHighlighter",
ID_CLASS_PREFIX: "css-transform-",
_buildMarkup: function() {
let doc =;
let container = createNode(, {
attributes: {
"class": "highlighter-container"
// The root wrapper is used to unzoom the highlighter when needed.
let rootWrapper = createNode(, {
parent: container,
attributes: {
"id": "root",
"class": "root"
prefix: this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX
let svg = createSVGNode(, {
nodeType: "svg",
parent: rootWrapper,
attributes: {
"id": "elements",
"hidden": "true",
"width": "100%",
"height": "100%"
prefix: this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX
// Add a marker tag to the svg root for the arrow tip
this.markerId = "arrow-marker-" + MARKER_COUNTER;
let marker = createSVGNode(, {
nodeType: "marker",
parent: svg,
attributes: {
"id": this.markerId,
"markerWidth": "10",
"markerHeight": "5",
"orient": "auto",
"markerUnits": "strokeWidth",
"refX": "10",
"refY": "5",
"viewBox": "0 0 10 10"
prefix: this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX
createSVGNode(, {
nodeType: "path",
parent: marker,
attributes: {
"d": "M 0 0 L 10 5 L 0 10 z",
"fill": "#08C"
let shapesGroup = createSVGNode(, {
nodeType: "g",
parent: svg
// Create the 2 polygons (transformed and untransformed)
createSVGNode(, {
nodeType: "polygon",
parent: shapesGroup,
attributes: {
"id": "untransformed",
"class": "untransformed"
prefix: this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX
createSVGNode(, {
nodeType: "polygon",
parent: shapesGroup,
attributes: {
"id": "transformed",
"class": "transformed"
prefix: this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX
// Create the arrows
for (let nb of ["1", "2", "3", "4"]) {
createSVGNode(, {
nodeType: "line",
parent: shapesGroup,
attributes: {
"id": "line" + nb,
"class": "line",
"marker-end": "url(#" + this.markerId + ")"
prefix: this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX
return container;
* Destroy the nodes. Remove listeners.
destroy: function() {;
getElement: function(id) {
return this.markup.getElement(this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX + id);
* Show the highlighter on a given node
* @param {DOMNode} node
_show: function() {
if (!this._isTransformed(this.currentNode)) {
* Checks if the supplied node is transformed and not inline
_isTransformed: function(node) {
let style = CssLogic.getComputedStyle(node);
return style && (style.transform !== "none" && style.display !== "inline");
_setPolygonPoints: function(quad, id) {
let points = [];
for (let point of ["p1","p2", "p3", "p4"]) {
points.push(quad[point].x + "," + quad[point].y);
this.getElement(id).setAttribute("points", points.join(" "));
_setLinePoints: function(p1, p2, id) {
let line = this.getElement(id);
line.setAttribute("x1", p1.x);
line.setAttribute("y1", p1.y);
line.setAttribute("x2", p2.x);
line.setAttribute("y2", p2.y);
let dist = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(p2.x - p1.x, 2) + Math.pow(p2.y - p1.y, 2));
} else {
line.setAttribute("marker-end", "url(#" + this.markerId + ")");
* Update the highlighter on the current highlighted node (the one that was
* passed as an argument to show(node)).
* Should be called whenever node size or attributes change
_update: function() {
// Getting the points for the transformed shape
let quads = this.currentQuads.border;
if (!quads.length ||
quads[0].bounds.width <= 0 || quads[0].bounds.height <= 0) {
return null;
let [quad] = quads;
// Getting the points for the untransformed shape
let untransformedQuad = this.layoutHelpers.getNodeBounds(this.currentNode);
this._setPolygonPoints(quad, "transformed");
this._setPolygonPoints(untransformedQuad, "untransformed");
for (let nb of ["1", "2", "3", "4"]) {
this._setLinePoints(untransformedQuad["p" + nb], quad["p" + nb], "line" + nb);
// Adapt to the current zoom
this.markup.scaleRootElement(this.currentNode, this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX + "root");
setIgnoreLayoutChanges(false, this.currentNode.ownerDocument.documentElement);
* Hide the highlighter, the outline and the infobar.
_hide: function() {
setIgnoreLayoutChanges(false, this.currentNode.ownerDocument.documentElement);
_hideShapes: function() {
this.getElement("elements").setAttribute("hidden", "true");
_showShapes: function() {
exports.CssTransformHighlighter = CssTransformHighlighter;
* The SelectorHighlighter runs a given selector through querySelectorAll on the
* document of the provided context node and then uses the BoxModelHighlighter
* to highlight the matching nodes
function SelectorHighlighter(tabActor) {
this.tabActor = tabActor;
this._highlighters = [];
SelectorHighlighter.prototype = {
typeName: "SelectorHighlighter",
* Show BoxModelHighlighter on each node that matches that provided selector.
* @param {DOMNode} node A context node that is used to get the document on
* which querySelectorAll should be executed. This node will NOT be
* highlighted.
* @param {Object} options Should at least contain the 'selector' option, a
* string that will be used in querySelectorAll. On top of this, all of the
* valid options to are also valid here.
show: function(node, options={}) {
if (!isNodeValid(node) || !options.selector) {
let nodes = [];
try {
nodes = [...node.ownerDocument.querySelectorAll(options.selector)];
} catch (e) {}
delete options.selector;
let i = 0;
for (let matchingNode of nodes) {
let highlighter = new BoxModelHighlighter(this.tabActor);
if (options.fill) {
highlighter.regionFill[options.region || "border"] = options.fill;
}, options);
i ++;
hide: function() {
for (let highlighter of this._highlighters) {
this._highlighters = [];
destroy: function() {
this.tabActor = null;
exports.SelectorHighlighter = SelectorHighlighter;
* The RectHighlighter is a class that draws a rectangle highlighter at specific
* coordinates.
* It does *not* highlight DOM nodes, but rects.
* It also does *not* update dynamically, it only highlights a rect and remains
* there as long as it is shown.
function RectHighlighter(tabActor) { = tabActor.window;
this.layoutHelpers = new LayoutHelpers(;
this.markup = new CanvasFrameAnonymousContentHelper(tabActor,
RectHighlighter.prototype = {
typeName: "RectHighlighter",
_buildMarkup: function() {
let doc =;
let container = doc.createElement("div");
container.className = "highlighter-container";
container.innerHTML = '<div id="highlighted-rect" ' +
'class="highlighted-rect" hidden="true">';
return container;
destroy: function() { = null;
this.layoutHelpers = null;
getElement: function(id) {
return this.markup.getElement(id);
_hasValidOptions: function(options) {
let isValidNb = n => typeof n === "number" && n >= 0 && isFinite(n);
return options && options.rect &&
isValidNb(options.rect.x) &&
isValidNb(options.rect.y) &&
options.rect.width && isValidNb(options.rect.width) &&
options.rect.height && isValidNb(options.rect.height);
* @param {DOMNode} node The highlighter rect is relatively positioned to the
* viewport this node is in. Using the provided node, the highligther will get
* the parent documentElement and use it as context to position the
* highlighter correctly.
* @param {Object} options Accepts the following options:
* - rect: mandatory object that should have the x, y, width, height properties
* - fill: optional fill color for the rect
show: function(node, options) {
if (!this._hasValidOptions(options) || !node || !node.ownerDocument) {
let contextNode = node.ownerDocument.documentElement;
// Caculate the absolute rect based on the context node's adjusted quads.
let quads = this.layoutHelpers.getAdjustedQuads(contextNode);
if (!quads.length) {
let {bounds} = quads[0];
let x = "left:" + (bounds.x + options.rect.x) + "px;";
let y = "top:" + (bounds.y + options.rect.y) + "px;";
let width = "width:" + options.rect.width + "px;";
let height = "height:" + options.rect.height + "px;";
let style = x + y + width + height;
if (options.fill) {
style += "background:" + options.fill + ";";
// Set the coordinates of the highlighter and show it
let rect = this.getElement("highlighted-rect");
rect.setAttribute("style", style);
hide: function() {
this.getElement("highlighted-rect").setAttribute("hidden", "true");
exports.RectHighlighter = RectHighlighter;
* Element geometry properties helper that gives names of position and size
* properties.
let GeoProp = {
SIDES: ["top", "right", "bottom", "left"],
SIZES: ["width", "height"],
allProps: function() {
return [...this.SIDES, ...this.SIZES];
isSide: function(name) {
return this.SIDES.indexOf(name) !== -1;
isSize: function(name) {
return this.SIZES.indexOf(name) !== -1;
containsSide: function(names) {
return names.some(name => this.SIDES.indexOf(name) !== -1);
containsSize: function(names) {
return names.some(name => this.SIZES.indexOf(name) !== -1);
isHorizontal: function(name) {
return name === "left" || name === "right" || name === "width";
isInverted: function(name) {
return name === "right" || name === "bottom";
mainAxisStart: function(name) {
return this.isHorizontal(name) ? "left" : "top";
crossAxisStart: function(name) {
return this.isHorizontal(name) ? "top" : "left";
mainAxisSize: function(name) {
return this.isHorizontal(name) ? "width" : "height";
crossAxisSize: function(name) {
return this.isHorizontal(name) ? "height" : "width";
axis: function(name) {
return this.isHorizontal(name) ? "x" : "y";
crossAxis: function(name) {
return this.isHorizontal(name) ? "y" : "x";
* The GeometryEditor highlights an elements's top, left, bottom, right, width
* and height dimensions, when they are set.
* To determine if an element has a set size and position, the highlighter lists
* the CSS rules that apply to the element and checks for the top, left, bottom,
* right, width and height properties.
* The highlighter won't be shown if the element doesn't have any of these
* properties set, but will be shown when at least 1 property is defined.
* The highlighter displays lines and labels for each of the defined properties
* in and around the element (relative to the offset parent when one exists).
* The highlighter also highlights the element itself and its offset parent if
* there is one.
* Note that the class name contains the word Editor because the aim is for the
* handles to be draggable in content to make the geometry editable.
function GeometryEditorHighlighter(tabActor) {, tabActor);
// The list of element geometry properties that can be set.
this.definedProperties = new Map();
this.markup = new CanvasFrameAnonymousContentHelper(tabActor,
GeometryEditorHighlighter.prototype = Heritage.extend(AutoRefreshHighlighter.prototype, {
typeName: "GeometryEditorHighlighter",
ID_CLASS_PREFIX: "geometry-editor-",
_buildMarkup: function() {
let container = createNode(, {
attributes: {"class": "highlighter-container"}
let root = createNode(, {
parent: container,
attributes: {
"id": "root",
"class": "root"
prefix: this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX
let svg = createSVGNode(, {
nodeType: "svg",
parent: root,
attributes: {
"id": "elements",
"width": "100%",
"height": "100%"
prefix: this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX
// Offset parent node highlighter.
createSVGNode(, {
nodeType: "polygon",
parent: svg,
attributes: {
"class": "offset-parent",
"id": "offset-parent",
"hidden": "true"
prefix: this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX
// Current node highlighter (margin box).
createSVGNode(, {
nodeType: "polygon",
parent: svg,
attributes: {
"class": "current-node",
"id": "current-node",
"hidden": "true"
prefix: this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX
// Build the 4 side arrows and labels.
for (let name of GeoProp.SIDES) {
createSVGNode(, {
nodeType: "line",
parent: svg,
attributes: {
"class": "arrow " + name,
"id": "arrow-" + name,
"hidden": "true"
prefix: this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX
// Labels are positioned by using a translated <g>. This group contains
// a path and text that are themselves positioned using another translated
// <g>. This is so that the label arrow points at the 0,0 coordinates of
// parent <g>.
let labelG = createSVGNode(, {
nodeType: "g",
parent: svg,
attributes: {
"id": "label-" + name,
"hidden": "true"
prefix: this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX
let subG = createSVGNode(, {
nodeType: "g",
parent: labelG,
attributes: {
"transform": GeoProp.isHorizontal(name)
? "translate(-30 -30)"
: "translate(5 -10)"
createSVGNode(, {
nodeType: "path",
parent: subG,
attributes: {
"class": "label-bubble",
"d": GeoProp.isHorizontal(name)
? "M0 0 L60 0 L60 20 L35 20 L30 25 L25 20 L0 20z"
: "M5 0 L65 0 L65 20 L5 20 L5 15 L0 10 L5 5z"
prefix: this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX
createSVGNode(, {
nodeType: "text",
parent: subG,
attributes: {
"class": "label-text",
"id": "label-text-" + name,
"x": GeoProp.isHorizontal(name) ? "30" : "35",
"y": "10"
prefix: this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX
// Build the width/height label and resize handle.
let labelSizeG = createSVGNode(, {
nodeType: "g",
parent: svg,
attributes: {
"id": "label-size",
"hidden": "true"
prefix: this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX
let subSizeG = createSVGNode(, {
nodeType: "g",
parent: labelSizeG,
attributes: {
"transform": "translate(-50 -10)"
createSVGNode(, {
nodeType: "path",
parent: subSizeG,
attributes: {
"class": "label-bubble",
"d": "M0 0 L100 0 L100 20 L0 20z"
prefix: this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX
createSVGNode(, {
nodeType: "text",
parent: subSizeG,
attributes: {
"class": "label-text",
"id": "label-text-size",
"x": "50",
"y": "10"
prefix: this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX
return container;
destroy: function() {;
this.definedProperties = null;
this.offsetParent = null;
getElement: function(id) {
return this.markup.getElement(this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX + id);
* Get the list of geometry properties that are actually set on the current
* node.
* @return {Map} A map indexed by property name and where the value is an
* object having the cssRule property.
getDefinedGeometryProperties: function() {
let props = new Map();
if (!this.currentNode) {
return props;
// Get the list of css rules applying to the current node.
let cssRules = DOMUtils.getCSSStyleRules(this.currentNode);
for (let i = 0; i < cssRules.Count(); i++) {
let rule = cssRules.GetElementAt(i);
for (let name of GeoProp.allProps()) {
let value =;
if (value && value !== "auto") {
// getCSSStyleRules returns rules ordered from least-specific to
// most-specific, so just override any previous properties we have set.
props.set(name, {
cssRule: rule
// Go through the inline styles last.
for (let name of GeoProp.allProps()) {
let value =;
if (value && value !== "auto") {
props.set(name, {
// There's no cssRule to store here, so store the node instead since
// exists.
cssRule: this.currentNode
// Post-process the list for invalid properties. This is done after the fact
// because of cases like relative positioning with both top and bottom where
// only top will actually be used, but both exists in css rules and computed
// styles.
for (let [name] of props) {
let pos = this.computedStyle.position;
// Top/left/bottom/right on static positioned elements have no effect.
if (pos === "static" && GeoProp.SIDES.indexOf(name) !== -1) {
// Bottom/right on relative positioned elements are only used if top/left
// are not defined.
let hasRightAndLeft = name === "right" && props.has("left");
let hasBottomAndTop = name === "bottom" && props.has("top");
if (pos === "relative" && (hasRightAndLeft || hasBottomAndTop)) {
return props;
_show: function() {
this.computedStyle = CssLogic.getComputedStyle(this.currentNode);
let pos = this.computedStyle.position;
// XXX: sticky positioning is ignored for now. To be implemented next.
if (pos === "sticky") {
let hasUpdated = this._update();
if (!hasUpdated) {
_update: function() {
// At each update, the position or/and size may have changed, so get the
// list of defined properties, and re-position the arrows and highlighters.
this.definedProperties = this.getDefinedGeometryProperties();
let isStatic = this.computedStyle.position === "static";
let hasSizes = GeoProp.containsSize([...this.definedProperties.keys()]);
if (!this.definedProperties.size) {
console.warn("The element does not have editable geometry properties");
return false;
// Update the highlighters and arrows.
// Avoid zooming the arrows when content is zoomed.
this.markup.scaleRootElement(this.currentNode, this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX + "root");
setIgnoreLayoutChanges(false, this.currentNode.ownerDocument.documentElement);
return true;
* Update the offset parent rectangle.
* There are 3 different cases covered here:
* - the node is absolutely/fixed positioned, and an offsetParent is defined
* (i.e. it's not just positioned in the viewport): the offsetParent node
* is highlighted (i.e. the rectangle is shown),
* - the node is relatively positioned: the rectangle is shown where the node
* would originally have been (because that's where the relative positioning
* is calculated from),
* - the node has no offset parent at all: the offsetParent rectangle is
* hidden.
updateOffsetParent: function() {
// Get the offsetParent, if any.
this.offsetParent = getOffsetParent(this.currentNode);
// And the offsetParent quads.
this.parentQuads = this.layoutHelpers
.getAdjustedQuads(this.offsetParent.element, "padding");
let el = this.getElement("offset-parent");
let isPositioned = this.computedStyle.position === "absolute" ||
this.computedStyle.position === "fixed";
let isRelative = this.computedStyle.position === "relative";
let isHighlighted = false;
if (this.offsetParent.element && isPositioned) {
let {p1, p2, p3, p4} = this.parentQuads[0];
let points = p1.x + "," + p1.y + " " +
p2.x + "," + p2.y + " " +
p3.x + "," + p3.y + " " +
p4.x + "," + p4.y;
el.setAttribute("points", points);
isHighlighted = true;
} else if (isRelative) {
let xDelta = parseFloat(this.computedStyle.left);
let yDelta = parseFloat(;
if (xDelta || yDelta) {
let {p1, p2, p3, p4} = this.currentQuads.margin[0];
let points = (p1.x - xDelta) + "," + (p1.y - yDelta) + " " +
(p2.x - xDelta) + "," + (p2.y - yDelta) + " " +
(p3.x - xDelta) + "," + (p3.y - yDelta) + " " +
(p4.x - xDelta) + "," + (p4.y - yDelta);
el.setAttribute("points", points);
isHighlighted = true;
if (isHighlighted) {
} else {
el.setAttribute("hidden", "true");
updateCurrentNode: function() {
let box = this.getElement("current-node");
let {p1, p2, p3, p4} = this.currentQuads.margin[0];
let attr = p1.x + "," + p1.y + " " +
p2.x + "," + p2.y + " " +
p3.x + "," + p3.y + " " +
p4.x + "," + p4.y;
box.setAttribute("points", attr);
_hide: function() {
this.getElement("current-node").setAttribute("hidden", "true");
this.getElement("offset-parent").setAttribute("hidden", "true");
setIgnoreLayoutChanges(false, this.currentNode.ownerDocument.documentElement);
hideArrows: function() {
for (let side of GeoProp.SIDES) {
this.getElement("arrow-" + side).setAttribute("hidden", "true");
this.getElement("label-" + side).setAttribute("hidden", "true");
hideSize: function() {
this.getElement("label-size").setAttribute("hidden", "true");
updateSize: function() {
let labels = [];
let width = this.definedProperties.get("width");
let height = this.definedProperties.get("height");
if (width) {
labels.push("↔ " +"width"));
if (height) {
labels.push("↕ " +"height"));
if (labels.length) {
let labelEl = this.getElement("label-size");
let labelTextEl = this.getElement("label-text-size");
let {bounds} = this.currentQuads.margin[0];
labelEl.setAttribute("transform", "translate(" +
(bounds.left + bounds.width/2) + " " +
( + bounds.height/2) + ")");
labelTextEl.setTextContent(labels.join(" "));
updateArrows: function() {
// Position arrows always end at the node's margin box.
let marginBox = this.currentQuads.margin[0].bounds;
// But size arrows are displayed in the box that corresponds to the current
// box-sizing.
let boxSizing = this.computedStyle.boxSizing.split("-")[0];
let box = this.currentQuads[boxSizing][0].bounds;
// Position the side arrows which need to be visible.
// Arrows always start at the offsetParent edge, and end at the middle
// position of the node's margin edge.
// Note that for relative positioning, the offsetParent is considered to be
// the node itself, where it would have been originally.
// +------------------+----------------+
// | offsetparent | top |
// | or viewport | |
// | +--------+--------+ |
// | | node | |
// +---------+ +-------+
// | left | | right |
// | +--------+--------+ |
// | | bottom |
// +------------------+----------------+
let getSideArrowStartPos = side => {
// In case an offsetParent exists and is highlighted.
if (this.parentQuads && this.parentQuads.length) {
return this.parentQuads[0].bounds[side];
// In case of relative positioning.
if (this.computedStyle.position === "relative") {
if (GeoProp.isInverted(side)) {
return marginBox[side] + parseFloat(this.computedStyle[side]);
} else {
return marginBox[side] - parseFloat(this.computedStyle[side]);
// In case the element is positioned in the viewport.
if (GeoProp.isInverted(side)) {
return this.offsetParent.dimension[GeoProp.mainAxisSize(side)];
} else {
return -1 * getWindow(this.currentNode)["scroll" +
for (let side of GeoProp.SIDES) {
let sideProp = this.definedProperties.get(side);
if (!sideProp) {
let mainAxisStartPos = getSideArrowStartPos(side);
let mainAxisEndPos = marginBox[side];
let crossAxisPos = marginBox[GeoProp.crossAxisStart(side)] +
marginBox[GeoProp.crossAxisSize(side)] / 2;
this.updateArrow(side, mainAxisStartPos, mainAxisEndPos, crossAxisPos,;
updateArrow: function(side, mainStart, mainEnd, crossPos, labelValue) {
let arrowEl = this.getElement("arrow-" + side);
let labelEl = this.getElement("label-" + side);
let labelTextEl = this.getElement("label-text-" + side);
// Position the arrow <line>.
arrowEl.setAttribute(GeoProp.axis(side) + "1", mainStart);
arrowEl.setAttribute(GeoProp.crossAxis(side) + "1", crossPos);
arrowEl.setAttribute(GeoProp.axis(side) + "2", mainEnd);
arrowEl.setAttribute(GeoProp.crossAxis(side) + "2", crossPos);
// Position the label <text> in the middle of the arrow (making sure it's
// not hidden below the fold).
let capitalize = str => str.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + str.substring(1);
let winMain =["inner" + capitalize(GeoProp.mainAxisSize(side))]
let labelMain = mainStart + (mainEnd - mainStart) / 2;
if ((mainStart > 0 && mainStart < winMain) ||
(mainEnd > 0 && mainEnd < winMain)) {
if (labelMain < GEOMETRY_LABEL_SIZE) {
} else if (labelMain > winMain - GEOMETRY_LABEL_SIZE) {
labelMain = winMain - GEOMETRY_LABEL_SIZE;
let labelCross = crossPos;
labelEl.setAttribute("transform", GeoProp.isHorizontal(side)
? "translate(" + labelMain + " " + labelCross + ")"
: "translate(" + labelCross + " " + labelMain + ")");
exports.GeometryEditorHighlighter = GeometryEditorHighlighter;
* The RulersHighlighter is a class that displays both horizontal and
* vertical rules on the page, along the top and left edges, with pixel
* graduations, useful for users to quickly check distances
function RulersHighlighter(tabActor) { = tabActor.window;
this.markup = new CanvasFrameAnonymousContentHelper(tabActor,
this._buildMarkup.bind(this));"scroll", this, true);"pagehide", this, true);
RulersHighlighter.prototype = {
typeName: "RulersHighlighter",
ID_CLASS_PREFIX: "rulers-highlighter-",
_buildMarkup: function() {
let prefix = this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX;
let window =;
function createRuler(axis, size) {
let width, height;
let isHorizontal = true;
if (axis === "x") {
width = size;
height = 16;
} else if (axis === "y") {
width = 16;
height = size;
isHorizontal = false;
} else {
throw new Error(`Invalid type of axis given; expected "x" or "y" but got "${axis}"`);
let g = createSVGNode(window, {
nodeType: "g",
attributes: {
id: `${axis}-axis`
parent: svg,
createSVGNode(window, {
nodeType: "rect",
attributes: {
y: isHorizontal ? 0 : 16,
parent: g
let gRule = createSVGNode(window, {
nodeType: "g",
attributes: {
id: `${axis}-axis-ruler`
parent: g,
let pathGraduations = createSVGNode(window, {
nodeType: "path",
attributes: {
"class": "ruler-graduations",
parent: gRule,
let pathMarkers = createSVGNode(window, {
nodeType: "path",
attributes: {
"class": "ruler-markers",
parent: gRule,
let gText = createSVGNode(window, {
nodeType: "g",
attributes: {
id: `${axis}-axis-text`,
"class": (isHorizontal ? "horizontal" : "vertical") + "-labels"
parent: g,
let dGraduations = "";
let dMarkers = "";
let graduationLength;
for (let i = 0; i < size; i+=RULERS_GRADUATION_STEP) {
if (i === 0) continue;
graduationLength = (i % 2 === 0) ? 6 : 4;
if (i % RULERS_TEXT_STEP === 0) {
graduationLength = 8;
createSVGNode(window, {
nodeType: "text",
parent: gText,
attributes: {
x: isHorizontal ? 2 + i : -i - 1,
y: 5
}).textContent = i;
if (isHorizontal) {
if (i % RULERS_MARKER_STEP === 0)
dMarkers += `M${i} 0 L${i} ${graduationLength}`;
dGraduations += `M${i} 0 L${i} ${graduationLength} `;
} else {
if (i % 50 === 0)
dMarkers += `M0 ${i} L${graduationLength} ${i}`;
dGraduations += `M0 ${i} L${graduationLength} ${i}`;
pathGraduations.setAttribute("d", dGraduations);
pathMarkers.setAttribute("d", dMarkers);
return g;
let container = createNode(window, {
attributes: {"class": "highlighter-container"}
let root = createNode(window, {
parent: container,
attributes: {
"id": "root",
"class": "root"
let svg = createSVGNode(window, {
nodeType: "svg",
parent: root,
attributes: {
id: "elements",
"class": "elements",
width: "100%",
height: "100%",
hidden: "true"
createRuler("x", RULERS_MAX_X_AXIS);
createRuler("y", RULERS_MAX_Y_AXIS);
return container;
handleEvent: function(event) {
switch (event.type) {
case "scroll":
case "pagehide":
_onScroll: function(event) {
let prefix = this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX;
let { scrollX, scrollY } = event.view;
.setAttribute("transform", `translate(${-scrollX})`);
.setAttribute("transform", `translate(${-scrollX})`);
.setAttribute("transform", `translate(0, ${-scrollY})`);
.setAttribute("transform", `translate(0, ${-scrollY})`);
destroy: function() {
this.hide();"scroll", this, true);"pagehide", this, true);
events.emit(this, "destroy");
show: function() {
this.markup.removeAttributeForElement(this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX + "elements",
hide: function() {
this.markup.setAttributeForElement(this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX + "elements",
"hidden", "true");
exports.RulersHighlighter = RulersHighlighter;
* The SimpleOutlineHighlighter is a class that has the same API than the
* BoxModelHighlighter, but adds a pseudo-class on the target element itself
* to draw a simple css outline around the element.
* It is used by the HighlighterActor when canvasframe-based highlighters can't
* be used. This is the case for XUL windows.
function SimpleOutlineHighlighter(tabActor) {
this.chromeDoc = tabActor.window.document;
SimpleOutlineHighlighter.prototype = {
* Destroy the nodes. Remove listeners.
destroy: function() {
this.chromeDoc = null;
* Show the highlighter on a given node
* @param {DOMNode} node
show: function(node) {
if (!this.currentNode || node !== this.currentNode) {
this.currentNode = node;
installHelperSheet(getWindow(node), SIMPLE_OUTLINE_SHEET);
DOMUtils.addPseudoClassLock(node, HIGHLIGHTED_PSEUDO_CLASS);
* Hide the highlighter, the outline and the infobar.
hide: function() {
if (this.currentNode) {
DOMUtils.removePseudoClassLock(this.currentNode, HIGHLIGHTED_PSEUDO_CLASS);
this.currentNode = null;
function isNodeValid(node) {
// Is it null or dead?
if(!node || Cu.isDeadWrapper(node)) {
return false;
// Is it an element node
if (node.nodeType !== Ci.nsIDOMNode.ELEMENT_NODE) {
return false;
// Is the document inaccessible?
let doc = node.ownerDocument;
if (!doc || !doc.defaultView) {
return false;
// Is the node connected to the document? Using getBindingParent adds
// support for anonymous elements generated by a node in the document.
let bindingParent = LayoutHelpers.getRootBindingParent(node);
if (!doc.documentElement.contains(bindingParent)) {
return false;
return true;
* Inject a helper stylesheet in the window.
let installedHelperSheets = new WeakMap;
function installHelperSheet(win, source, type="agent") {
if (installedHelperSheets.has(win.document)) {
let {Style} = require("sdk/stylesheet/style");
let {attach} = require("sdk/content/mod");
let style = Style({source, type});
attach(style, win);
installedHelperSheets.set(win.document, style);
* Is the content window in this tabActor a XUL window
function isXUL(tabActor) {
return tabActor.window.document.documentElement.namespaceURI === XUL_NS;
* Helper function that creates SVG DOM nodes.
* @param {Window} This window's document will be used to create the element
* @param {Object} Options for the node include:
* - nodeType: the type of node, defaults to "box".
* - attributes: a {name:value} object to be used as attributes for the node.
* - prefix: a string that will be used to prefix the values of the id and class
* attributes.
* - parent: if provided, the newly created element will be appended to this
* node.
function createSVGNode(win, options) {
if (!options.nodeType) {
options.nodeType = "box";
options.namespace = SVG_NS;
return createNode(win, options);
* Helper function that creates DOM nodes.
* @param {Window} This window's document will be used to create the element
* @param {Object} Options for the node include:
* - nodeType: the type of node, defaults to "div".
* - namespace: if passed, doc.createElementNS will be used instead of
* doc.creatElement.
* - attributes: a {name:value} object to be used as attributes for the node.
* - prefix: a string that will be used to prefix the values of the id and class
* attributes.
* - parent: if provided, the newly created element will be appended to this
* node.
function createNode(win, options) {
let type = options.nodeType || "div";
let node;
if (options.namespace) {
node = win.document.createElementNS(options.namespace, type);
} else {
node = win.document.createElement(type);
for (let name in options.attributes || {}) {
let value = options.attributes[name];
if (options.prefix && (name === "class" || name === "id")) {
value = options.prefix + value
node.setAttribute(name, value);
if (options.parent) {
return node;
* Get the right target for listening to events on the page (while picking an
* element for instance).
* - On a firefox desktop content page: tabActor is a BrowserTabActor from
* which the browser property will give us a target we can use to listen to
* events, even in nested iframes.
* - On B2G: tabActor is a ContentActor which doesn't have a browser but
* since it overrides BrowserTabActor, it does get a browser property
* anyway, which points to its window object.
* - When using the Browser Toolbox (to inspect firefox desktop): tabActor is
* the RootActor, in which case, the window property can be used to listen
* to events
function getPageListenerTarget(tabActor) {
return tabActor.isRootActor ? tabActor.window : tabActor.chromeEventHandler;
* Get a node's owner window.
function getWindow(node) {
return node.ownerDocument.defaultView;
* Get the provided node's offsetParent dimensions.
* Returns an object with the {parent, dimension} properties.
* Note that the returned parent will be null if the offsetParent is the
* default, non-positioned, body or html node.
* node.offsetParent returns the nearest positioned ancestor but if it is
* non-positioned itself, we just return null to let consumers know the node is
* actually positioned relative to the viewport.
* @return {Object}
function getOffsetParent(node) {
let offsetParent = node.offsetParent;
if (offsetParent &&
CssLogic.getComputedStyle(offsetParent).position === "static") {
offsetParent = null;
let width, height;
if (!offsetParent) {
height = getWindow(node).innerHeight;
width = getWindow(node).innerWidth;
} else {
height = offsetParent.offsetHeight;
width = offsetParent.offsetWidth;
return {
element: offsetParent,
dimension: {width, height}
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "DOMUtils", function () {
return Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.inIDOMUtils)