Gregory Szorc 4198e2c13b Bug 989137 - Part 3: Log.jsm API to get a Logger that prefixes messages; r=bsmedberg
A common pattern for logging is to have multiple loggers for multiple
underlying object instances. You often want to have each instance attach
some identifying metdata contained in each logged message. This patch
provides an API to facilitate that.

extra : rebase_source : 5816e0671c78f55cca45bdd1aed52c85695945c4
2014-03-28 11:36:37 -07:00

838 lines
27 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
"use strict";
const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu} = Components;
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "AsyncShutdown",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "CommonUtils",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "FileUtils",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Task",
// Counts the number of created connections per database basename(). This is
// used for logging to distinguish connection instances.
let connectionCounters = new Map();
* Opens a connection to a SQLite database.
* The following parameters can control the connection:
* path -- (string) The filesystem path of the database file to open. If the
* file does not exist, a new database will be created.
* sharedMemoryCache -- (bool) Whether multiple connections to the database
* share the same memory cache. Sharing the memory cache likely results
* in less memory utilization. However, sharing also requires connections
* to obtain a lock, possibly making database access slower. Defaults to
* true.
* shrinkMemoryOnConnectionIdleMS -- (integer) If defined, the connection
* will attempt to minimize its memory usage after this many
* milliseconds of connection idle. The connection is idle when no
* statements are executing. There is no default value which means no
* automatic memory minimization will occur. Please note that this is
* *not* a timer on the idle service and this could fire while the
* application is active.
* FUTURE options to control:
* special named databases
* @param options
* (Object) Parameters to control connection and open options.
* @return Promise<OpenedConnection>
function openConnection(options) {
let log = Log.repository.getLogger("Sqlite.ConnectionOpener");
if (!options.path) {
throw new Error("path not specified in connection options.");
// Retains absolute paths and normalizes relative as relative to profile.
let path = OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.profileDir, options.path);
let sharedMemoryCache = "sharedMemoryCache" in options ?
options.sharedMemoryCache : true;
let openedOptions = {};
if ("shrinkMemoryOnConnectionIdleMS" in options) {
if (!Number.isInteger(options.shrinkMemoryOnConnectionIdleMS)) {
throw new Error("shrinkMemoryOnConnectionIdleMS must be an integer. " +
"Got: " + options.shrinkMemoryOnConnectionIdleMS);
openedOptions.shrinkMemoryOnConnectionIdleMS =
let file = FileUtils.File(path);
let basename = OS.Path.basename(path);
let number = connectionCounters.get(basename) || 0;
connectionCounters.set(basename, number + 1);
let identifier = basename + "#" + number;"Opening database: " + path + " (" + identifier + ")");
let deferred = Promise.defer();
let options = null;
if (!sharedMemoryCache) {
options = Cc[";1"].
options.setProperty("shared", false);
}, options, function(status, connection) {
if (!connection) {
log.warn("Could not open connection: " + status);
deferred.reject(new Error("Could not open connection: " + status));
log.warn("Connection opened");
try {
new OpenedConnection(connection.QueryInterface(Ci.mozIStorageAsyncConnection), basename, number,
} catch (ex) {
log.warn("Could not open database: " + CommonUtils.exceptionStr(ex));
return deferred.promise;
* Handle on an opened SQLite database.
* This is essentially a glorified wrapper around mozIStorageConnection.
* However, it offers some compelling advantages.
* The main functions on this type are `execute` and `executeCached`. These are
* ultimately how all SQL statements are executed. It's worth explaining their
* differences.
* `execute` is used to execute one-shot SQL statements. These are SQL
* statements that are executed one time and then thrown away. They are useful
* for dynamically generated SQL statements and clients who don't care about
* performance (either their own or wasting resources in the overall
* application). Because of the performance considerations, it is recommended
* to avoid `execute` unless the statement you are executing will only be
* executed once or seldomly.
* `executeCached` is used to execute a statement that will presumably be
* executed multiple times. The statement is parsed once and stuffed away
* inside the connection instance. Subsequent calls to `executeCached` will not
* incur the overhead of creating a new statement object. This should be used
* in preference to `execute` when a specific SQL statement will be executed
* multiple times.
* Instances of this type are not meant to be created outside of this file.
* Instead, first open an instance of `UnopenedSqliteConnection` and obtain
* an instance of this type by calling `open`.
* Ability to enqueue operations. Currently there can be race conditions,
* especially as far as transactions are concerned. It would be nice to have
* an enqueueOperation(func) API that serially executes passed functions.
* Support for SAVEPOINT (named/nested transactions) might be useful.
* @param connection
* (mozIStorageConnection) Underlying SQLite connection.
* @param basename
* (string) The basename of this database name. Used for logging.
* @param number
* (Number) The connection number to this database.
* @param options
* (object) Options to control behavior of connection. See
* `openConnection`.
function OpenedConnection(connection, basename, number, options) {
this._log = Log.repository.getLoggerWithMessagePrefix("Sqlite.Connection." + basename,
"Conn #" + number + ": ");"Opened");
this._connection = connection;
this._connectionIdentifier = basename + " Conn #" + number;
this._open = true;
this._cachedStatements = new Map();
this._anonymousStatements = new Map();
this._anonymousCounter = 0;
// A map from statement index to mozIStoragePendingStatement, to allow for
// canceling prior to finalizing the mozIStorageStatements.
this._pendingStatements = new Map();
// Increments for each executed statement for the life of the connection.
this._statementCounter = 0;
this._inProgressTransaction = null;
this._idleShrinkMS = options.shrinkMemoryOnConnectionIdleMS;
if (this._idleShrinkMS) {
this._idleShrinkTimer = Cc[";1"]
// We wait for the first statement execute to start the timer because
// shrinking now would not do anything.
OpenedConnection.prototype = Object.freeze({
* The integer schema version of the database.
* This is 0 if not schema version has been set.
* @return Promise<int>
getSchemaVersion: function() {
let self = this;
return this.execute("PRAGMA user_version").then(
function onSuccess(result) {
if (result == null) {
return 0;
return JSON.stringify(result[0].getInt32(0));
setSchemaVersion: function(value) {
if (!Number.isInteger(value)) {
// Guarding against accidental SQLi
throw new TypeError("Schema version must be an integer. Got " + value);
return this.execute("PRAGMA user_version = " + value);
* Close the database connection.
* This must be performed when you are finished with the database.
* Closing the database connection has the side effect of forcefully
* cancelling all active statements. Therefore, callers should ensure that
* all active statements have completed before closing the connection, if
* possible.
* The returned promise will be resolved once the connection is closed.
* IMPROVEMENT: Resolve the promise to a closed connection which can be
* reopened.
* @return Promise<>
close: function () {
if (!this._connection) {
return Promise.resolve();
this._log.debug("Request to close connection.");
let deferred = Promise.defer();
"Sqlite.jsm: " + this._connectionIdentifier,
// We need to take extra care with transactions during shutdown.
// If we don't have a transaction in progress, we can proceed with shutdown
// immediately.
if (!this._inProgressTransaction) {
return deferred.promise;
// Else if we do have a transaction in progress, we forcefully roll it
// back. This is an async task, so we wait on it to finish before
// performing finalization.
this._log.warn("Transaction in progress at time of close. Rolling back.");
let onRollback = this._finalize.bind(this, deferred);
this.execute("ROLLBACK TRANSACTION").then(onRollback, onRollback);
this._inProgressTransaction.reject(new Error("Connection being closed."));
this._inProgressTransaction = null;
return deferred.promise;
_finalize: function (deferred) {
this._log.debug("Finalizing connection.");
// Cancel any pending statements.
for (let [k, statement] of this._pendingStatements) {
// We no longer need to track these.
this._statementCounter = 0;
// Next we finalize all active statements.
for (let [k, statement] of this._anonymousStatements) {
for (let [k, statement] of this._cachedStatements) {
// This guards against operations performed between the call to this
// function and asyncClose() finishing. See also bug 726990.
this._open = false;
this._log.debug("Calling asyncClose().");
complete: function () {"Closed");
this._connection = null;
* Execute a SQL statement and cache the underlying statement object.
* This function executes a SQL statement and also caches the underlying
* derived statement object so subsequent executions are faster and use
* less resources.
* This function optionally binds parameters to the statement as well as
* optionally invokes a callback for every row retrieved.
* By default, no parameters are bound and no callback will be invoked for
* every row.
* Bound parameters can be defined as an Array of positional arguments or
* an object mapping named parameters to their values. If there are no bound
* parameters, the caller can pass nothing or null for this argument.
* Callers are encouraged to pass objects rather than Arrays for bound
* parameters because they prevent foot guns. With positional arguments, it
* is simple to modify the parameter count or positions without fixing all
* users of the statement. Objects/named parameters are a little safer
* because changes in order alone won't result in bad things happening.
* When `onRow` is not specified, all returned rows are buffered before the
* returned promise is resolved. For INSERT or UPDATE statements, this has
* no effect because no rows are returned from these. However, it has
* implications for SELECT statements.
* If your SELECT statement could return many rows or rows with large amounts
* of data, for performance reasons it is recommended to pass an `onRow`
* handler. Otherwise, the buffering may consume unacceptable amounts of
* resources.
* If a `StopIteration` is thrown during execution of an `onRow` handler,
* the execution of the statement is immediately cancelled. Subsequent
* rows will not be processed and no more `onRow` invocations will be made.
* The promise is resolved immediately.
* If a non-`StopIteration` exception is thrown by the `onRow` handler, the
* exception is logged and processing of subsequent rows occurs as if nothing
* happened. The promise is still resolved (not rejected).
* The return value is a promise that will be resolved when the statement
* has completed fully.
* The promise will be rejected with an `Error` instance if the statement
* did not finish execution fully. The `Error` may have an `errors` property.
* If defined, it will be an Array of objects describing individual errors.
* Each object has the properties `result` and `message`. `result` is a
* numeric error code and `message` is a string description of the problem.
* @param name
* (string) The name of the registered statement to execute.
* @param params optional
* (Array or object) Parameters to bind.
* @param onRow optional
* (function) Callback to receive each row from result.
executeCached: function (sql, params=null, onRow=null) {
if (!sql) {
throw new Error("sql argument is empty.");
let statement = this._cachedStatements.get(sql);
if (!statement) {
statement = this._connection.createAsyncStatement(sql);
this._cachedStatements.set(sql, statement);
let deferred = Promise.defer();
try {
this._executeStatement(sql, statement, params, onRow).then(
function onResult(result) {
function onError(error) {
} catch (ex) {
throw ex;
return deferred.promise;
* Execute a one-shot SQL statement.
* If you find yourself feeding the same SQL string in this function, you
* should *not* use this function and instead use `executeCached`.
* See `executeCached` for the meaning of the arguments and extended usage info.
* @param sql
* (string) SQL to execute.
* @param params optional
* (Array or Object) Parameters to bind to the statement.
* @param onRow optional
* (function) Callback to receive result of a single row.
execute: function (sql, params=null, onRow=null) {
if (typeof(sql) != "string") {
throw new Error("Must define SQL to execute as a string: " + sql);
let statement = this._connection.createAsyncStatement(sql);
let index = this._anonymousCounter++;
this._anonymousStatements.set(index, statement);
let onFinished = function () {
let deferred = Promise.defer();
try {
this._executeStatement(sql, statement, params, onRow).then(
function onResult(rows) {
function onError(error) {
} catch (ex) {
throw ex;
return deferred.promise;
* Whether a transaction is currently in progress.
get transactionInProgress() {
return this._open && !!this._inProgressTransaction;
* Perform a transaction.
* A transaction is specified by a user-supplied function that is a
* generator function which can be used by Task.jsm's Task.spawn(). The
* function receives this connection instance as its argument.
* The supplied function is expected to yield promises. These are often
* promises created by calling `execute` and `executeCached`. If the
* generator is exhausted without any errors being thrown, the
* transaction is committed. If an error occurs, the transaction is
* rolled back.
* The returned value from this function is a promise that will be resolved
* once the transaction has been committed or rolled back. The promise will
* be resolved to whatever value the supplied function resolves to. If
* the transaction is rolled back, the promise is rejected.
* @param func
* (function) What to perform as part of the transaction.
* @param type optional
* One of the TRANSACTION_* constants attached to this type.
executeTransaction: function (func, type=this.TRANSACTION_DEFERRED) {
if (this.TRANSACTION_TYPES.indexOf(type) == -1) {
throw new Error("Unknown transaction type: " + type);
if (this._inProgressTransaction) {
throw new Error("A transaction is already active. Only one transaction " +
"can be active at a time.");
this._log.debug("Beginning transaction");
let deferred = Promise.defer();
this._inProgressTransaction = deferred;
Task.spawn(function doTransaction() {
// It's tempting to not yield here and rely on the implicit serial
// execution of issued statements. However, the yield serves an important
// purpose: catching errors in statement execution.
yield this.execute("BEGIN " + type + " TRANSACTION");
let result;
try {
result = yield Task.spawn(func(this));
} catch (ex) {
// It's possible that a request to close the connection caused the
// error.
// Assertion: close() will unset this._inProgressTransaction when
// called.
if (!this._inProgressTransaction) {
this._log.warn("Connection was closed while performing transaction. " +
"Received error should be due to closed connection: " +
throw ex;
this._log.warn("Error during transaction. Rolling back: " +
try {
yield this.execute("ROLLBACK TRANSACTION");
} catch (inner) {
this._log.warn("Could not roll back transaction. This is weird: " +
throw ex;
// See comment above about connection being closed during transaction.
if (!this._inProgressTransaction) {
this._log.warn("Connection was closed while performing transaction. " +
"Unable to commit.");
throw new Error("Connection closed before transaction committed.");
try {
yield this.execute("COMMIT TRANSACTION");
} catch (ex) {
this._log.warn("Error committing transaction: " +
throw ex;
throw new Task.Result(result);
function onSuccess(result) {
this._inProgressTransaction = null;
function onError(error) {
this._inProgressTransaction = null;
return deferred.promise;
* Whether a table exists in the database (both persistent and temporary tables).
* @param name
* (string) Name of the table.
* @return Promise<bool>
tableExists: function (name) {
return this.execute(
"SELECT name FROM (SELECT * FROM sqlite_master UNION ALL " +
"SELECT * FROM sqlite_temp_master) " +
"WHERE type = 'table' AND name=?",
.then(function onResult(rows) {
return Promise.resolve(rows.length > 0);
* Whether a named index exists (both persistent and temporary tables).
* @param name
* (string) Name of the index.
* @return Promise<bool>
indexExists: function (name) {
return this.execute(
"SELECT name FROM (SELECT * FROM sqlite_master UNION ALL " +
"SELECT * FROM sqlite_temp_master) " +
"WHERE type = 'index' AND name=?",
.then(function onResult(rows) {
return Promise.resolve(rows.length > 0);
* Free up as much memory from the underlying database connection as possible.
* @return Promise<>
shrinkMemory: function () {"Shrinking memory usage.");
let onShrunk = this._clearIdleShrinkTimer.bind(this);
return this.execute("PRAGMA shrink_memory").then(onShrunk, onShrunk);
* Discard all cached statements.
* Note that this relies on us being non-interruptible between
* the insertion or retrieval of a statement in the cache and its
* execution: we finalize all statements, which is only safe if
* they will not be executed again.
* @return (integer) the number of statements discarded.
discardCachedStatements: function () {
let count = 0;
for (let [k, statement] of this._cachedStatements) {
this._log.debug("Discarded " + count + " cached statements.");
return count;
* Helper method to bind parameters of various kinds through
* reflection.
_bindParameters: function (statement, params) {
if (!params) {
if (Array.isArray(params)) {
// It's an array of separate params.
if (params.length && (typeof(params[0]) == "object")) {
let paramsArray = statement.newBindingParamsArray();
for (let p of params) {
let bindings = paramsArray.newBindingParams();
for (let [key, value] of Iterator(p)) {
bindings.bindByName(key, value);
// Indexed params.
for (let i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
statement.bindByIndex(i, params[i]);
// Named params.
if (params && typeof(params) == "object") {
for (let k in params) {
statement.bindByName(k, params[k]);
throw new Error("Invalid type for bound parameters. Expected Array or " +
"object. Got: " + params);
_executeStatement: function (sql, statement, params, onRow) {
if (statement.state != statement.MOZ_STORAGE_STATEMENT_READY) {
throw new Error("Statement is not ready for execution.");
if (onRow && typeof(onRow) != "function") {
throw new Error("onRow must be a function. Got: " + onRow);
this._bindParameters(statement, params);
let index = this._statementCounter++;
let deferred = Promise.defer();
let userCancelled = false;
let errors = [];
let rows = [];
// Don't incur overhead for serializing params unless the messages go
// somewhere.
if (this._log.level <= Log.Level.Trace) {
let msg = "Stmt #" + index + " " + sql;
if (params) {
msg += " - " + JSON.stringify(params);
} else {
this._log.debug("Stmt #" + index + " starting");
let self = this;
let pending = statement.executeAsync({
handleResult: function (resultSet) {
// .cancel() may not be immediate and handleResult() could be called
// after a .cancel().
for (let row = resultSet.getNextRow(); row && !userCancelled; row = resultSet.getNextRow()) {
if (!onRow) {
try {
} catch (e if e instanceof StopIteration) {
userCancelled = true;
} catch (ex) {
self._log.warn("Exception when calling onRow callback: " +
handleError: function (error) {"Error when executing SQL (" + error.result + "): " +
handleCompletion: function (reason) {
self._log.debug("Stmt #" + index + " finished.");
switch (reason) {
case Ci.mozIStorageStatementCallback.REASON_FINISHED:
// If there is an onRow handler, we always resolve to null.
let result = onRow ? null : rows;
case Ci.mozIStorageStatementCallback.REASON_CANCELLED:
// It is not an error if the user explicitly requested cancel via
// the onRow handler.
if (userCancelled) {
let result = onRow ? null : rows;
} else {
deferred.reject(new Error("Statement was cancelled."));
case Ci.mozIStorageStatementCallback.REASON_ERROR:
let error = new Error("Error(s) encountered during statement execution.");
error.errors = errors;
deferred.reject(new Error("Unknown completion reason code: " +
this._pendingStatements.set(index, pending);
return deferred.promise;
_ensureOpen: function () {
if (!this._open) {
throw new Error("Connection is not open.");
_clearIdleShrinkTimer: function () {
if (!this._idleShrinkTimer) {
_startIdleShrinkTimer: function () {
if (!this._idleShrinkTimer) {
this.Sqlite = {
openConnection: openConnection,