Matthew Noorenberghe c715194576 Bug 1080953 - UITour: tell page when first incoming call is received and if that room window is open. r=dmose,dolske
extra : rebase_source : de8a2b58aedc35fb07951736829cd43b8f1632fc
2014-12-17 22:37:19 -05:00

613 lines
21 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at */
"use strict";
const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu} = Components;
const {MozLoopService, LOOP_SESSION_TYPE} = Cu.import("resource:///modules/loop/MozLoopService.jsm", {});
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Promise",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Task",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "eventEmitter", function() {
const {EventEmitter} = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/devtools/event-emitter.js", {});
return new EventEmitter();
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "gLoopBundle", function() {
return Services.strings.createBundle('chrome://browser/locale/loop/');
this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["LoopRooms", "roomsPushNotification"];
// The maximum number of clients that we support currently.
const CLIENT_MAX_SIZE = 2;
const roomsPushNotification = function(version, channelID) {
return LoopRoomsInternal.onNotification(version, channelID);
// Since the LoopRoomsInternal.rooms map as defined below is a local cache of
// room objects that are retrieved from the server, this is list may become out
// of date. The Push server may notify us of this event, which will set the global
// 'dirty' flag to TRUE.
let gDirty = true;
// Global variable that keeps track of the currently used account.
let gCurrentUser = null;
* Extend a `target` object with the properties defined in `source`.
* @param {Object} target The target object to receive properties defined in `source`
* @param {Object} source The source object to copy properties from
const extend = function(target, source) {
for (let key of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(source)) {
target[key] = source[key];
return target;
* Checks whether a participant is already part of a room.
* @see
* @param {Object} room A room object that contains a list of current participants
* @param {Object} participant Participant to check if it's already there
* @returns {Boolean} TRUE when the participant is already a member of the room,
* FALSE when it's not.
const containsParticipant = function(room, participant) {
for (let user of room.participants) {
// XXX until a bug 1100318 is implemented and deployed,
// we need to check the "id" field here as well - roomConnectionId is the
// official value for the interface.
if (user.roomConnectionId == participant.roomConnectionId && == {
return true;
return false;
* Compares the list of participants of the room currently in the cache and an
* updated version of that room. When a new participant is found, the 'joined'
* event is emitted. When a participant is not found in the update, it emits a
* 'left' event.
* @param {Object} room A room object to compare the participants list
* against
* @param {Object} updatedRoom A room object that contains the most up-to-date
* list of participants
const checkForParticipantsUpdate = function(room, updatedRoom) {
// Partially fetched rooms don't contain the participants list yet. Skip the
// check for now.
if (!("participants" in room)) {
let participant;
// Check for participants that joined.
for (participant of updatedRoom.participants) {
if (!containsParticipant(room, participant)) {
eventEmitter.emit("joined", room, participant);
eventEmitter.emit("joined:" + room.roomToken, participant);
// Check for participants that left.
for (participant of room.participants) {
if (!containsParticipant(updatedRoom, participant)) {
eventEmitter.emit("left", room, participant);
eventEmitter.emit("left:" + room.roomToken, participant);
* The Rooms class.
* Each method that is a member of this class requires the last argument to be a
* callback Function. MozLoopAPI will cause things to break if this invariant is
* violated. You'll notice this as well in the documentation for each method.
let LoopRoomsInternal = {
* @var {Map} rooms Collection of rooms currently in cache.
rooms: new Map(),
* @var {String} sessionType The type of user session. May be 'FXA' or 'GUEST'.
get sessionType() {
return MozLoopService.userProfile ? LOOP_SESSION_TYPE.FXA :
* @var {Number} participantsCount The total amount of participants currently
* inside all rooms.
get participantsCount() {
let count = 0;
for (let room of this.rooms.values()) {
if (room.deleted || !("participants" in room)) {
count += room.participants.length;
return count;
* Fetch a list of rooms that the currently registered user is a member of.
* @param {String} [version] If set, we will fetch a list of changed rooms since
* `version`. Optional.
* @param {Function} callback Function that will be invoked once the operation
* finished. The first argument passed will be an
* `Error` object or `null`. The second argument will
* be the list of rooms, if it was fetched successfully.
getAll: function(version = null, callback = null) {
if (!callback) {
callback = version;
version = null;
Task.spawn(function* () {
if (!gDirty) {
callback(null, [...this.rooms.values()]);
// Fetch the rooms from the server.
let url = "/rooms" + (version ? "?version=" + encodeURIComponent(version) : "");
let response = yield MozLoopService.hawkRequest(this.sessionType, url, "GET");
let roomsList = JSON.parse(response.body);
if (!Array.isArray(roomsList)) {
throw new Error("Missing array of rooms in response.");
for (let room of roomsList) {
// See if we already have this room in our cache.
let orig = this.rooms.get(room.roomToken);
if (room.deleted) {
// If this client deleted the room, then we'll already have
// deleted the room in the function below.
if (orig) {
eventEmitter.emit("delete", room);
eventEmitter.emit("delete:" + room.roomToken, room);
} else {
if (orig) {
checkForParticipantsUpdate(orig, room);
// Remove the `currSize` for posterity.
if ("currSize" in room) {
delete room.currSize;
this.rooms.set(room.roomToken, room);
let eventName = orig ? "update" : "add";
eventEmitter.emit(eventName, room);
eventEmitter.emit(eventName + ":" + room.roomToken, room);
// If there's no rooms in the list, remove the guest created room flag, so that
// we don't keep registering for guest when we don't need to.
if (this.sessionType == LOOP_SESSION_TYPE.GUEST && !this.rooms.size) {
// Set the 'dirty' flag back to FALSE, since the list is as fresh as can be now.
gDirty = false;
callback(null, [...this.rooms.values()]);
}.bind(this)).catch(error => {
* Request information about a specific room from the server. It will be
* returned from the cache if it's already in it.
* @param {String} roomToken Room identifier
* @param {Function} callback Function that will be invoked once the operation
* finished. The first argument passed will be an
* `Error` object or `null`. The second argument will
* be the list of rooms, if it was fetched successfully.
get: function(roomToken, callback) {
let room = this.rooms.has(roomToken) ? this.rooms.get(roomToken) : {};
// Check if we need to make a request to the server to collect more room data.
let needsUpdate = !("participants" in room);
if (!gDirty && !needsUpdate) {
// Dirty flag is not set AND the necessary data is available, so we can
// simply return the room.
callback(null, room);
MozLoopService.hawkRequest(this.sessionType, "/rooms/" + encodeURIComponent(roomToken), "GET")
.then(response => {
let data = JSON.parse(response.body);
room.roomToken = roomToken;
if (data.deleted) {
extend(room, data);
eventEmitter.emit("delete", room);
eventEmitter.emit("delete:" + room.roomToken, room);
} else {
checkForParticipantsUpdate(room, data);
extend(room, data);
this.rooms.set(roomToken, room);
let eventName = !needsUpdate ? "update" : "add";
eventEmitter.emit(eventName, room);
eventEmitter.emit(eventName + ":" + roomToken, room);
callback(null, room);
}, err => callback(err)).catch(err => callback(err));
* Create a room.
* @param {Object} room Properties to be sent to the LoopServer
* @param {Function} callback Function that will be invoked once the operation
* finished. The first argument passed will be an
* `Error` object or `null`. The second argument will
* be the room, if it was created successfully.
create: function(room, callback) {
if (!("roomName" in room) || !("expiresIn" in room) ||
!("roomOwner" in room) || !("maxSize" in room)) {
callback(new Error("Missing required property to create a room"));
MozLoopService.hawkRequest(this.sessionType, "/rooms", "POST", room)
.then(response => {
let data = JSON.parse(response.body);
extend(room, data);
// Do not keep this value - it is a request to the server.
delete room.expiresIn;
this.rooms.set(room.roomToken, room);
if (this.sessionType == LOOP_SESSION_TYPE.GUEST) {
eventEmitter.emit("add", room);
callback(null, room);
}, error => callback(error)).catch(error => callback(error));
* Sets whether or not the user has created a room in guest mode.
* @param {Boolean} created If the user has created the room.
setGuestCreatedRoom: function(created) {
if (created) {
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("loop.createdRoom", created);
} else {
* Returns true if the user has a created room in guest mode.
getGuestCreatedRoom: function() {
try {
return Services.prefs.getBoolPref("loop.createdRoom");
} catch (x) {
return false;
open: function(roomToken) {
let windowData = {
roomToken: roomToken,
type: "room"
* Deletes a room.
* @param {String} roomToken The room token.
* @param {Function} callback Function that will be invoked once the operation
* finished. The first argument passed will be an
* `Error` object or `null`.
delete: function(roomToken, callback) {
// XXX bug 1092954: Before deleting a room, the client should check room
// membership and forceDisconnect() all current participants.
let room = this.rooms.get(roomToken);
let url = "/rooms/" + encodeURIComponent(roomToken);
MozLoopService.hawkRequest(this.sessionType, url, "DELETE")
.then(response => {
eventEmitter.emit("delete", room);
eventEmitter.emit("delete:" + room.roomToken, room);
callback(null, room);
}, error => callback(error)).catch(error => callback(error));
* Internal function to handle POSTs to a room.
* @param {String} roomToken The room token.
* @param {Object} postData The data to post to the room.
* @param {Function} callback Function that will be invoked once the operation
* finished. The first argument passed will be an
* `Error` object or `null`.
_postToRoom(roomToken, postData, callback) {
let url = "/rooms/" + encodeURIComponent(roomToken);
MozLoopService.hawkRequest(this.sessionType, url, "POST", postData).then(response => {
// Delete doesn't have a body return.
var joinData = response.body ? JSON.parse(response.body) : {};
callback(null, joinData);
}, error => callback(error)).catch(error => callback(error));
* Joins a room
* @param {String} roomToken The room token.
* @param {Function} callback Function that will be invoked once the operation
* finished. The first argument passed will be an
* `Error` object or `null`.
join: function(roomToken, callback) {
let displayName;
if (MozLoopService.userProfile && {
displayName =;
} else {
displayName = gLoopBundle.GetStringFromName("display_name_guest");
this._postToRoom(roomToken, {
action: "join",
displayName: displayName,
clientMaxSize: CLIENT_MAX_SIZE
}, callback);
* Refreshes a room
* @param {String} roomToken The room token.
* @param {String} sessionToken The session token for the session that has been
* joined
* @param {Function} callback Function that will be invoked once the operation
* finished. The first argument passed will be an
* `Error` object or `null`.
refreshMembership: function(roomToken, sessionToken, callback) {
this._postToRoom(roomToken, {
action: "refresh",
sessionToken: sessionToken
}, callback);
* Leaves a room. Although this is an sync function, no data is returned
* from the server.
* @param {String} roomToken The room token.
* @param {String} sessionToken The session token for the session that has been
* joined
* @param {Function} callback Optional. Function that will be invoked once the operation
* finished. The first argument passed will be an
* `Error` object or `null`.
leave: function(roomToken, sessionToken, callback) {
if (!callback) {
callback = function(error) {
if (error) {
this._postToRoom(roomToken, {
action: "leave",
sessionToken: sessionToken
}, callback);
* Renames a room.
* @param {String} roomToken The room token
* @param {String} newRoomName The new name for the room
* @param {Function} callback Function that will be invoked once the operation
* finished. The first argument passed will be an
* `Error` object or `null`.
rename: function(roomToken, newRoomName, callback) {
let room = this.rooms.get(roomToken);
let url = "/rooms/" + encodeURIComponent(roomToken);
let origRoom = this.rooms.get(roomToken);
let patchData = {
roomName: newRoomName,
// XXX We have to supply the max size and room owner due to bug 1099063.
maxSize: origRoom.maxSize,
roomOwner: origRoom.roomOwner
MozLoopService.hawkRequest(this.sessionType, url, "PATCH", patchData)
.then(response => {
let data = JSON.parse(response.body);
extend(room, data);
callback(null, room);
}, error => callback(error)).catch(error => callback(error));
* Callback used to indicate changes to rooms data on the LoopServer.
* @param {String} version Version number assigned to this change set.
* @param {String} channelID Notification channel identifier.
onNotification: function(version, channelID) {
// See if we received a notification for the channel that's currently active:
let channelIDs = MozLoopService.channelIDs;
if ((this.sessionType == LOOP_SESSION_TYPE.GUEST && channelID != channelIDs.roomsGuest) ||
(this.sessionType == LOOP_SESSION_TYPE.FXA && channelID != channelIDs.roomsFxA)) {
gDirty = true;
this.getAll(version, () => {});
* When a user logs in or out, this method should be invoked to check whether
* the rooms cache needs to be refreshed.
* @param {String|null} user The FxA userID or NULL
maybeRefresh: function(user = null) {
if (gCurrentUser == user) {
gCurrentUser = user;
if (!gDirty) {
gDirty = true;
this.getAll(null, () => {});
* Public Loop Rooms API.
* LoopRooms implements the EventEmitter interface by exposing three methods -
* `on`, `once` and `off` - to subscribe to events.
* At this point the following events may be subscribed to:
* - 'add[:{room-id}]': A new room object was successfully added to the data
* store.
* - 'delete[:{room-id}]': A room was successfully removed from the data store.
* - 'update[:{room-id}]': A room object was successfully updated with changed
* properties in the data store.
* - 'joined[:{room-id}]': A participant joined a room.
* - 'left[:{room-id}]': A participant left a room.
* See the internal code for the API documentation.
this.LoopRooms = {
get participantsCount() {
return LoopRoomsInternal.participantsCount;
getAll: function(version, callback) {
return LoopRoomsInternal.getAll(version, callback);
get: function(roomToken, callback) {
return LoopRoomsInternal.get(roomToken, callback);
create: function(options, callback) {
return LoopRoomsInternal.create(options, callback);
open: function(roomToken) {
delete: function(roomToken, callback) {
return LoopRoomsInternal.delete(roomToken, callback);
join: function(roomToken, callback) {
return LoopRoomsInternal.join(roomToken, callback);
refreshMembership: function(roomToken, sessionToken, callback) {
return LoopRoomsInternal.refreshMembership(roomToken, sessionToken,
leave: function(roomToken, sessionToken, callback) {
return LoopRoomsInternal.leave(roomToken, sessionToken, callback);
rename: function(roomToken, newRoomName, callback) {
return LoopRoomsInternal.rename(roomToken, newRoomName, callback);
getGuestCreatedRoom: function() {
return LoopRoomsInternal.getGuestCreatedRoom();
maybeRefresh: function(user) {
return LoopRoomsInternal.maybeRefresh(user);
* This method is only useful for unit tests to set the rooms cache to contain
* a list of fake room data that can be asserted in tests.
* @param {Map} stub Stub cache containing fake rooms data
stubCache: function(stub) {
if (stub) {
// Fill up the rooms cache with room objects provided in the `stub` Map.
for (let [key, value] of stub.entries()) {
LoopRoomsInternal.rooms.set(key, value);
gDirty = false;
} else {
// Restore the cache to not be stubbed anymore, but it'll need a refresh
// from the server for sure.
gDirty = true;
promise: function(method, ...params) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this[method](...params, (error, result) => {
if (error) {
} else {
on: (...params) => eventEmitter.on(...params),
once: (...params) => eventEmitter.once(...params),
off: (...params) =>