
56 lines
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/* vim: set ft=javascript ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. */
"use strict";
// Testing various inplace-editor behaviors in the rule-view
let TEST_URL = 'url("' + TEST_URL_ROOT + 'doc_test_image.png")';
'<style type="text/css">',
' #testid {',
' background-color: blue;',
' }',
' .testclass {',
' background-color: green;',
' }',
'<div id="testid" class="testclass">Styled Node</div>'
let test = asyncTest(function*() {
yield addTab("data:text/html;charset=utf-8,test rule view user changes");
info("Creating the test document");
content.document.body.innerHTML = PAGE_CONTENT;
info("Opening the rule-view");
let {toolbox, inspector, view} = yield openRuleView();
info("Selecting the test element");
yield selectNode("#testid", inspector);
yield testCancelNew(view);
function* testCancelNew(view) {
info("Test adding a new rule to the element's style declaration and leaving it empty.");
let elementRuleEditor = getRuleViewRuleEditor(view, 0);
info("Focusing a new property name in the rule-view");
let editor = yield focusEditableField(elementRuleEditor.closeBrace);
is(inplaceEditor(elementRuleEditor.newPropSpan), editor, "The new property editor got focused");
info("Bluring the editor input");
let onBlur = once(editor.input, "blur");
yield onBlur;
info("Checking the state of canceling a new property name editor");
ok(!elementRuleEditor.rule._applyingModifications, "Shouldn't have an outstanding request after a cancel.");
is(elementRuleEditor.rule.textProps.length, 0, "Should have canceled creating a new text property.");
ok(!elementRuleEditor.propertyList.hasChildNodes(), "Should not have any properties.");