
447 lines
16 KiB
Executable File

/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is the Mozilla Community QA Extension
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is the Mozilla Corporation.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2007
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Zach Lipton <>
* Ben Hsieh <>
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
* in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
* of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
* under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
* use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
* decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
* and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
* the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
* the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
const FIREFOX_ID = "{ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384}";
var litmus = {
baseURL : qaPref.getPref(qaPref.prefBase+".litmus.url", "char"),
getTestcase : function(testcase_id, callback) {
litmus.getLitmusJson(testcase_id, callback, "testcase_id=");
getSubgroup : function(subgroupID, callback) {
litmus.getLitmusJson(subgroupID, callback, "subgroup_id=");
getTestgroup : function(testgroupID, callback) {
litmus.getLitmusJson(testgroupID, callback, "testgroup_id=");
getTestrun : function(testrunID, callback) {
litmus.getLitmusJson(testrunID, callback, "test_run_id=");
getTestruns : function(callback) {
var s = new Sysconfig();
var branch = encodeURIComponent(s.branch);
litmus.getLitmusJson("&product_name=Firefox&branch_name=" + branch,
callback, "test_runs_by_branch_product_name=1");
getLitmusJson : function(ID, callback, prefix) {
var url = litmus.baseURL+'json.cgi?' + prefix + ID;
var d = loadJSONDoc(url);
d.addBoth(function (res) {
d.deferred = null;
return res;
d.addErrback(function (err) {
if (err instanceof CancelledError) {
lastTestRunSummary : "",
lastTestGroupSummary : "",
lastSubgroupObject: null, // these have to be objects to avoid the async call later.
lastTestcaseObject: null, // they are saved every time a subgroup or testcase is written to screen
lastTestcaseIndex: null,
preDialogSubgroupObject: null, // saved to be restored in case of Cancel()
preDialogTestcaseObject: null,
dialogActive: false, // we want to keep controls disabled, even if the selection changes.
storeSubgroup : function(subgroup) {
litmus.lastSubgroupObject = subgroup;
storeTestcase : function(testcase) {
litmus.lastTestcaseObject = testcase;
handleDialog : function() {
if ($("qa-testrun-label").value != "") {
litmus.lastTestRunSummary = $("qa-testrun-label").value;
litmus.lastTestGroupSummary = $("qa-testgroup-label").value;
lastTestcaseIndex = $("testlist").selectedIndex;
litmus.preDialogueSubgroupObject = litmus.lastSubgroupObject;
litmus.preDialogTestcaseObject = litmus.lastTestcaseObject;
litmus.dialogActive = true;
var newWindow = window.openDialog('chrome://qa/content/tabs/selecttests.xul', '_blank', 'chrome,all,dialog=yes',
litmus.readStateFromPref, litmus.handleDialogCancel, litmus.undisableAll());
handleDialogCancel : function() {
if (litmus.lastTestRunSummary == "") return;
// this code is v. similar to readStateFromPref, but without an async call.
$("qa-testrun-label").value = litmus.lastTestRunSummary;
$("qa-testgroup-label").value = litmus.lastTestGroupSummary;
litmus.lastSubgroupObject = litmus.preDialogueSubgroupObject;
litmus.lastTestcaseObject = litmus.preDialogTestcaseObject;
if (litmus.lastSubgroupObject != null)
if (litmus.lastTestcaseObject != null) {
// set the selection without firing an event, which would cause async call
$("testlist").setAttribute("suppressonselect", "true");
$("testlist").selectedIndex = lastTestcaseIndex;
$("testlist").setAttribute("suppressonselect", "false");
// rewrite the prefs
litmus.writeStateToPref(litmus.lastTestRunSummary, litmus.lastTestGroupSummary,
litmus.lastSubgroupObject.subgroup_id, lastTestcaseIndex);
litmus.dialogActive = false;
handleDialogOK : function() {
litmus.dialogActive = false;
validateLogin : function(uname, passwd, callback) {
var qs = queryString({
validate_login: 1,
username: uname,
password: passwd
qaTools.httpPostRequest(litmus.baseURL+'json.cgi', qs, callback);
createAccount : function() {
alert("XXX: not implemented");
postResultXML : function(xml, callback, errback) {
var req = doSimpleXMLHttpRequest(litmus.baseURL+'process_test.cgi',
{ data: xml });
req.addCallback(function(resp) {
// only call callback() if we really had a sucuess. XML
// processing errors should result in a call to errback()
if ((/ok/i).exec(resp.responseText)) {
} else {
currentSubgroupID: null,
writeStateToPref : function(testrunSummary, testgroupSummary, subgroupID, index) {
qaPref.setPref(qaPref.prefBase + ".currentTestcase.testrunSummary", testrunSummary, "char");
qaPref.setPref(qaPref.prefBase + ".currentTestcase.testgroupSummary", testgroupSummary, "char");
qaPref.setPref(qaPref.prefBase + ".currentTestcase.subgroupId", subgroupID, "int");
qaPref.setPref(qaPref.prefBase + ".currentTestcase.testcaseIndex", index, "int");
readStateFromPref : function() {
$("qa-testrun-label").value = qaPref.getPref(qaPref.prefBase + ".currentTestcase.testrunSummary", "char");
$("qa-testgroup-label").value = qaPref.getPref(qaPref.prefBase + ".currentTestcase.testgroupSummary", "char");
litmus.currentSubgroupID = qaPref.getPref(qaPref.prefBase + ".currentTestcase.subgroupId", "int");
if (litmus.currentSubgroupID != 0)
litmus.getSubgroup(litmus.currentSubgroupID, function(subgroup) {litmus.statePopulateFields(subgroup); litmus.undisableAll();});
checkRadioButtons : function() {
var menu = document.getElementById('testlist');
if (menu.selectedIndex == -1) return;
var disable = menu.selectedItem.firstChild.getAttribute("checked");
document.getElementById("qa-testcase-result").disabled = disable;
prevButton : function() {
nextButton: function() {
// if they selected a result, then submit the result
if ($('qa-testcase-result').selectedItem) {
handleSelect : function() {
if ($("testlist").selectedIndex == -1)
litmus.getTestcase($("testlist").selectedItem.value, function(testcase) {
$('qa-testcase-progress').value =
[$("testlist").selectedIndex+1, $("testlist").getRowCount()]);
populatePreviewBox : function(testcases) {
var menu = document.getElementById('testlist');
if (!menu) return;
while (menu.firstChild) { // clear menu
for (var i = 0; i < testcases.length; i++) {
var row = document.createElement("listitem");
row.value = testcases[i].testcase_id;
var checkbox = document.createElement("listcell");
checkbox.setAttribute("label", "");
checkbox.setAttribute("type", "checkbox");
checkbox.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
var name = document.createElement("listcell");
name.setAttribute("label", (i+1) + " -- " + testcases[i].summary);
name.setAttribute("crop", "end");
name.setAttribute("maxwidth", "175");
populateTestcase : function(testcase) {
litmus.lastTestcaseObject = testcase;
if (testcase == undefined) {
document.getElementById('qa-testcase-id').value =
document.getElementById('qa-testcase-summary').value = testcase.summary;
qaTools.writeSafeHTML('qa-testcase-steps', testcase.steps_formatted);
qaTools.writeSafeHTML('qa-testcase-expected', testcase.expected_results_formatted);
populateFields : function(subgroup) {
litmus.lastSubgroupObject = subgroup;
$('qa-subgroup-label').value =;
$("testlist").selectedIndex = 0;
statePopulateFields : function(subgroup) { //TODO: there's gotta be a better way to do this...
litmus.lastSubgroupObject = subgroup;
$('qa-subgroup-label').value =;
$("testlist").selectedIndex = qaPref.getPref(qaPref.prefBase + ".currentTestcase.testcaseIndex", "int");
disableAll : function() { //
$("testlist").disabled = true;
$("qa-testcase-result").disabled = true;
$("qa-mainwindow-previousButton").disabled = true;
$("qa-mainwindow-nextButton").disabled = true;
undisableAll : function() {
if(litmus.dialogActive) return; // ignore all requests while there is a dialog open
$("testlist").disabled = false;
$("qa-testcase-result").disabled = false;
$("qa-mainwindow-previousButton").disabled = false;
$("qa-mainwindow-nextButton").disabled = false;
submitResult : function() {
var rs;
var item = $('qa-testcase-result').selectedItem;
if ( == "qa-testcase-pass") {
rs = 'Pass';
} else if ( == "qa-testcase-fail") {
rs = 'Fail';
} else if ( == "qa-testcase-unclearBroken") {
rs = 'Test unclear/broken';
} else {
// no result selected, so don't submit anything for thes test:
return false;
var menu = document.getElementById('testlist');
var l = new LitmusResults({username: qaPref.litmus.getUsername(),
password: qaPref.litmus.getPassword(),
server: litmus.baseURL});
l.sysconfig(new Sysconfig());
l.addResult(new Result({
testid: menu.selectedItem.value,
resultstatus: rs,
exitstatus: 'Exited Normally',
duration: 0,
comment: $('qa-testcase-comment').value,
isAutomatedResult: 0
var callback = function(resp) {
var errback = function(resp) {
litmus.postResultXML(l.toXML(), callback, errback);
var item = menu.selectedItem;
item.firstChild.setAttribute("checked", "true");
return false; // ?? Got rid of strict warning...
// any missing fields will be autodetected
function Sysconfig(aProduct, aPlatform, aOpsys, aBranch, aBuildid, aLocale) {
this._load('product', aProduct);
this._load('platform', aPlatform);
this._load('opsys', aOpsys);
this._load('branch', aBranch);
this._load('buildid', aBuildid);
this._load('locale', aLocale);
Sysconfig.prototype = {
product: null,
platorm: null,
opsys: null,
branch: null,
buildid: null,
locale: null,
// set a field according to the following priorities:
// 1. 'setting'
// 2. qa.extension.sysconfig.fieldname
// 3. null
_load: function(fieldname, setting) {
if (this[fieldname]) { return }
if (setting) {
this[fieldname] = setting;
var pref = qaPref.getPref(qaPref.prefBase+'.sysconfig.'+fieldname, 'char');
if (pref) {
this[fieldname] = pref;
// if something cannot be autodetected, an exception is thrown
// with the name of the missing field
populate: function() {
var appinfo = Components.classes[";1"]
// build id:
this.buildid = appinfo.appBuildID;
if (! this.buildid) { throw "buildid" }
// product:
if (! this.product) {
if (appinfo.ID == FIREFOX_ID) {
this.product = 'Firefox';
if (! this.product) { throw "product" }
// branch:
// people switch branches, so we detect this even though it might
// already be set in a pref
if ((/^3\.0/).exec(appinfo.version)) {
this.branch = '3.0 Branch';
} else if ((/^2\.0/).exec(appinfo.version)) {
this.branch = '2.0 Branch';
} else if ((/^1\.5\./).exec(appinfo.version)) {
this.branch = '1.5 Branch';
if (! this.branch) { throw "branch" }
// platform:
if (! this.platform) {
if ((/^Mac/).exec(navigator.platform)) {
this.platform = 'Mac';
} else if ((/^Win/).exec(navigator.platform)) {
this.platform = 'Windows';
} else if ((/^Linux/).exec(navigator.platform)) {
this.platform = 'Linux';
} else if ((/^Solaris/).exec(navigator.platform)) {
this.platform = 'Solaris';
if (! this.platform) { throw "platform" }
// opsys
if (this.platform == 'Windows') {
switch (navigator.oscpu) {
case 'Windows NT 5.1':
this.opsys = 'Windows XP';
case 'Windows NT 5.2':
this.opsys = 'Windows XP';
case 'Windows NT 6.0':
this.opsys = 'Windows Vista';
case 'Windows NT 5.0':
this.opsys = 'Windows 2000';
case 'Win 9x 4.90':
this.opsys = 'Windows ME';
case 'Win98':
this.opsys = 'Windows 98';
} else if (this.platform == 'Linux') {
this.opsys = 'Linux';
} else if (this.platform == 'Mac') {
// no way to detect the OS on mac, so just assume
// it's 10.4. The user can provide the real OS in setup
this.opsys = 'Mac OS 10.4';
if (! this.opsys) {throw "opsys" }
// locale
this.locale = navigator.language;
if (!this.locale) { throw "locale" }