Jim Blandy 4d6a633bba Bug 914753: Make Emacs file variable header lines correct, or at least consistent. DONTBUILD r=ehsan
The -*- file variable lines -*- establish per-file settings that Emacs will
pick up. This patch makes the following changes to those lines (and touches
nothing else):

 - Never set the buffer's mode.

   Years ago, Emacs did not have a good JavaScript mode, so it made sense
   to use Java or C++ mode in .js files. However, Emacs has had js-mode for
   years now; it's perfectly serviceable, and is available and enabled by
   default in all major Emacs packagings.

   Selecting a mode in the -*- file variable line -*- is almost always the
   wrong thing to do anyway. It overrides Emacs's default choice, which is
   (now) reasonable; and even worse, it overrides settings the user might
   have made in their '.emacs' file for that file extension. It's only
   useful when there's something specific about that particular file that
   makes a particular mode appropriate.

 - Correctly propagate settings that establish the correct indentation
   level for this file: c-basic-offset and js2-basic-offset should be
   js-indent-level. Whatever value they're given should be preserved;
   different parts of our tree use different indentation styles.

 - We don't use tabs in Mozilla JS code. Always set indent-tabs-mode: nil.
   Remove tab-width: settings, at least in files that don't contain tab

 - Remove js2-mode settings that belong in the user's .emacs file, like
2014-06-24 22:12:07 -07:00

878 lines
32 KiB

/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
// Note: Class syntax roughly based on:
const SVG_NS = "";
const XLINK_NS = "";
const MPATH_TARGET_ID = "smilTestUtilsTestingPath";
function extend(child, supertype)
child.prototype.__proto__ = supertype.prototype;
// General Utility Methods
var SMILUtil =
// Returns the first matched <svg> node in the document
getSVGRoot : function()
return SMILUtil.getFirstElemWithTag("svg");
// Returns the first element in the document with the matching tag
getFirstElemWithTag : function(aTargetTag)
var elemList = document.getElementsByTagName(aTargetTag);
return (elemList.length == 0 ? null : elemList[0]);
// Simple wrapper for getComputedStyle
getComputedStyleSimple: function(elem, prop)
return window.getComputedStyle(elem, null).getPropertyValue(prop);
getAttributeValue: function(elem, attr)
if (attr.attrName == SMILUtil.getMotionFakeAttributeName()) {
// Fake motion "attribute" -- "computed value" is the element's CTM
return elem.getCTM();
if (attr.attrType == "CSS") {
return SMILUtil.getComputedStyleWrapper(elem, attr.attrName);
if (attr.attrType == "XML") {
// XXXdholbert This is appropriate for mapped attributes, but not
// for other attributes.
return SMILUtil.getComputedStyleWrapper(elem, attr.attrName);
// Smart wrapper for getComputedStyle, which will generate a "fake" computed
// style for recognized shorthand properties (font, overflow, marker)
getComputedStyleWrapper : function(elem, propName)
// Special cases for shorthand properties (which aren't directly queriable
// via getComputedStyle)
var computedStyle;
if (propName == "font") {
var subProps = ["font-style", "font-variant", "font-weight",
"font-size", "line-height", "font-family"];
for (var i in subProps) {
var subPropStyle = SMILUtil.getComputedStyleSimple(elem, subProps[i]);
if (subPropStyle) {
if (subProps[i] == "line-height") {
// There needs to be a "/" before line-height
subPropStyle = "/ " + subPropStyle;
if (!computedStyle) {
computedStyle = subPropStyle;
} else {
computedStyle = computedStyle + " " + subPropStyle;
} else if (propName == "marker") {
var subProps = ["marker-end", "marker-mid", "marker-start"];
for (var i in subProps) {
if (!computedStyle) {
computedStyle = SMILUtil.getComputedStyleSimple(elem, subProps[i]);
} else {
is(computedStyle, SMILUtil.getComputedStyleSimple(elem, subProps[i]),
"marker sub-properties should match each other " +
"(they shouldn't be individually set)");
} else if (propName == "overflow") {
var subProps = ["overflow-x", "overflow-y"];
for (var i in subProps) {
if (!computedStyle) {
computedStyle = SMILUtil.getComputedStyleSimple(elem, subProps[i]);
} else {
is(computedStyle, SMILUtil.getComputedStyleSimple(elem, subProps[i]),
"overflow sub-properties should match each other " +
"(they shouldn't be individually set)");
} else {
computedStyle = SMILUtil.getComputedStyleSimple(elem, propName);
return computedStyle;
// This method hides (i.e. sets "display: none" on) all of the given node's
// descendents. It also hides the node itself, if requested.
hideSubtree : function(node, hideNodeItself, useXMLAttribute)
// Hide node, if requested
if (hideNodeItself) {
if (useXMLAttribute) {
if (node.setAttribute) {
node.setAttribute("display", "none");
} else if ( { = "none";
// Hide node's descendents
var child = node.firstChild;
while (child) {
SMILUtil.hideSubtree(child, true, useXMLAttribute);
child = child.nextSibling;
getMotionFakeAttributeName : function() {
return "_motion";
var CTMUtil =
CTM_COMPONENTS_ALL : ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"],
CTM_COMPONENTS_ROTATE : ["a", "b", "c", "d" ],
// Function to generate a CTM Matrix from a "summary"
// (a 3-tuple containing [tX, tY, theta])
generateCTM : function(aCtmSummary)
if (!aCtmSummary || aCtmSummary.length != 3) {
ok(false, "Unexpected CTM summary tuple length: " + aCtmSummary.length);
var tX = aCtmSummary[0];
var tY = aCtmSummary[1];
var theta = aCtmSummary[2];
var cosTheta = Math.cos(theta);
var sinTheta = Math.sin(theta);
var newCtm = { a : cosTheta, c: -sinTheta, e: tX,
b : sinTheta, d: cosTheta, f: tY };
return newCtm;
/// Helper for isCtmEqual
isWithinDelta : function(aTestVal, aExpectedVal, aErrMsg, aIsTodo) {
var testFunc = aIsTodo ? todo : ok;
const delta = 0.00001; // allowing margin of error = 10^-5
ok(aTestVal >= aExpectedVal - delta &&
aTestVal <= aExpectedVal + delta,
aErrMsg + " | got: " + aTestVal + ", expected: " + aExpectedVal);
assertCTMEqual : function(aLeftCtm, aRightCtm, aComponentsToCheck,
aErrMsg, aIsTodo) {
var foundCTMDifference = false;
for (var j in aComponentsToCheck) {
var curComponent = aComponentsToCheck[j];
if (!aIsTodo) {
CTMUtil.isWithinDelta(aLeftCtm[curComponent], aRightCtm[curComponent],
aErrMsg + " | component: " + curComponent, false);
} else if (aLeftCtm[curComponent] != aRightCtm[curComponent]) {
foundCTMDifference = true;
if (aIsTodo) {
todo(!foundCTMDifference, aErrMsg + " | (currently marked todo)");
assertCTMNotEqual : function(aLeftCtm, aRightCtm, aComponentsToCheck,
aErrMsg, aIsTodo) {
// CTM should not match initial one
var foundCTMDifference = false;
for (var j in aComponentsToCheck) {
var curComponent = aComponentsToCheck[j];
if (aLeftCtm[curComponent] != aRightCtm[curComponent]) {
foundCTMDifference = true;
break; // We found a difference, as expected. Success!
if (aIsTodo) {
todo(foundCTMDifference, aErrMsg + " | (currently marked todo)");
} else {
ok(foundCTMDifference, aErrMsg);
// Wrapper for timing information
function SMILTimingData(aBegin, aDur)
this._begin = aBegin;
this._dur = aDur;
SMILTimingData.prototype =
_begin: null,
_dur: null,
getBeginTime : function() { return this._begin; },
getDur : function() { return this._dur; },
getEndTime : function() { return this._begin + this._dur; },
getFractionalTime : function(aPortion)
return this._begin + aPortion * this._dur;
* Attribute: a container for information about an attribute we'll
* attempt to animate with SMIL in our tests.
* See also the factory methods below: NonAnimatableAttribute(),
* NonAdditiveAttribute(), and AdditiveAttribute().
* @param aAttrName The name of the attribute
* @param aAttrType The type of the attribute ("CSS" vs "XML")
* @param aTargetTag The name of an element that this attribute could be
* applied to.
* @param aIsAnimatable A bool indicating whether this attribute is defined as
* animatable in the SVG spec.
* @param aIsAdditive A bool indicating whether this attribute is defined as
* additive (i.e. supports "by" animation) in the SVG spec.
function Attribute(aAttrName, aAttrType, aTargetTag,
aIsAnimatable, aIsAdditive)
this.attrName = aAttrName;
this.attrType = aAttrType;
this.targetTag = aTargetTag;
this.isAnimatable = aIsAnimatable;
this.isAdditive = aIsAdditive;
Attribute.prototype =
// Member variables
attrName : null,
attrType : null,
isAnimatable : null,
testcaseList : null,
// Generators for Attribute objects. These allow lists of attribute
// definitions to be more human-readible than if we were using Attribute() with
// boolean flags, e.g. "Attribute(..., true, true), Attribute(..., true, false)
function NonAnimatableAttribute(aAttrName, aAttrType, aTargetTag)
return new Attribute(aAttrName, aAttrType, aTargetTag, false, false);
function NonAdditiveAttribute(aAttrName, aAttrType, aTargetTag)
return new Attribute(aAttrName, aAttrType, aTargetTag, true, false);
function AdditiveAttribute(aAttrName, aAttrType, aTargetTag)
return new Attribute(aAttrName, aAttrType, aTargetTag, true, true);
* TestcaseBundle: a container for a group of tests for a particular attribute
* @param aAttribute An Attribute object for the attribute
* @param aTestcaseList An array of AnimTestcase objects
function TestcaseBundle(aAttribute, aTestcaseList, aSkipReason)
this.animatedAttribute = aAttribute;
this.testcaseList = aTestcaseList;
this.skipReason = aSkipReason;
TestcaseBundle.prototype =
// Member variables
animatedAttribute : null,
testcaseList : null,
skipReason : null,
// Methods
go : function(aTimingData) {
if (this.skipReason) {
todo(false, "Skipping a bundle for '" + this.animatedAttribute.attrName +
"' because: " + this.skipReason);
} else {
// Sanity Check: Bundle should have > 0 testcases
if (!this.testcaseList || !this.testcaseList.length) {
ok(false, "a bundle for '" + this.animatedAttribute.attrName +
"' has no testcases");
var targetElem =
if (!targetElem) {
ok(false, "Error: can't find an element of type '" +
this.animatedAttribute.targetTag +
"', so I can't test property '" +
this.animatedAttribute.attrName + "'");
for (var testcaseIdx in this.testcaseList) {
var testcase = this.testcaseList[testcaseIdx];
if (testcase.skipReason) {
todo(false, "Skipping a testcase for '" +
this.animatedAttribute.attrName +
"' because: " + testcase.skipReason);
} else {
testcase.runTest(targetElem, this.animatedAttribute,
aTimingData, false);
testcase.runTest(targetElem, this.animatedAttribute,
aTimingData, true);
* AnimTestcase: an abstract class that represents an animation testcase.
* (e.g. a set of "from"/"to" values to test)
function AnimTestcase() {} // abstract => no constructor
AnimTestcase.prototype =
// Member variables
_animElementTagName : "animate", // Can be overridden for e.g. animateColor
computedValMap : null,
skipReason : null,
// Methods
* runTest: Runs this AnimTestcase
* @param aTargetElem The node to be targeted in our test animation.
* @param aTargetAttr An Attribute object representing the attribute
* to be targeted in our test animation.
* @param aTimeData A SMILTimingData object with timing information for
* our test animation.
* @param aIsFreeze If true, indicates that our test animation should use
* fill="freeze"; otherwise, we'll default to fill="remove".
runTest : function(aTargetElem, aTargetAttr, aTimeData, aIsFreeze)
if (!SMILUtil.getSVGRoot().animationsPaused()) {
ok(false, "Should start each test with animations paused");
if (SMILUtil.getSVGRoot().getCurrentTime() != 0) {
ok(false, "Should start each test at time = 0");
// Cache initial computed value
var baseVal = SMILUtil.getAttributeValue(aTargetElem, aTargetAttr);
// Create & append animation element
var anim = this.setupAnimationElement(aTargetAttr, aTimeData, aIsFreeze);
// Build a list of [seek-time, expectedValue, errorMessage] triplets
var seekList = this.buildSeekList(aTargetAttr, baseVal, aTimeData, aIsFreeze);
this.seekAndTest(seekList, aTargetElem, aTargetAttr);
// setupAnimationElement: <animate> element
// Subclasses should extend this parent method
setupAnimationElement : function(aAnimAttr, aTimeData, aIsFreeze)
var animElement = document.createElementNS(SVG_NS,
animElement.setAttribute("attributeName", aAnimAttr.attrName);
animElement.setAttribute("attributeType", aAnimAttr.attrType);
animElement.setAttribute("begin", aTimeData.getBeginTime());
animElement.setAttribute("dur", aTimeData.getDur());
if (aIsFreeze) {
animElement.setAttribute("fill", "freeze");
return animElement;
buildSeekList : function(aAnimAttr, aBaseVal, aTimeData, aIsFreeze)
if (!aAnimAttr.isAnimatable) {
return this.buildSeekListStatic(aAnimAttr, aBaseVal, aTimeData,
"defined as non-animatable in SVG spec");
if (this.computedValMap.noEffect) {
return this.buildSeekListStatic(aAnimAttr, aBaseVal, aTimeData,
"testcase specified to have no effect");
return this.buildSeekListAnimated(aAnimAttr, aBaseVal,
aTimeData, aIsFreeze)
seekAndTest : function(aSeekList, aTargetElem, aTargetAttr)
var svg = document.getElementById("svg");
for (var i in aSeekList) {
var entry = aSeekList[i];
is(SMILUtil.getAttributeValue(aTargetElem, aTargetAttr),
entry[1], entry[2]);
// methods that expect to be overridden in subclasses
buildSeekListStatic : function(aAnimAttr, aBaseVal,
aTimeData, aReasonStatic) {},
buildSeekListAnimated : function(aAnimAttr, aBaseVal,
aTimeData, aIsFreeze) {},
// Abstract parent class to share code between from-to & from-by testcases.
function AnimTestcaseFrom() {} // abstract => no constructor
AnimTestcaseFrom.prototype =
// Member variables
from : null,
// Methods
setupAnimationElement : function(aAnimAttr, aTimeData, aIsFreeze)
// Call super, and then add my own customization
var animElem = AnimTestcase.prototype.setupAnimationElement.apply(this,
[aAnimAttr, aTimeData, aIsFreeze]);
animElem.setAttribute("from", this.from)
return animElem;
buildSeekListStatic : function(aAnimAttr, aBaseVal, aTimeData, aReasonStatic)
var seekList = new Array();
var msgPrefix = aAnimAttr.attrName +
": shouldn't be affected by animation ";
seekList.push([aTimeData.getBeginTime(), aBaseVal,
msgPrefix + "(at animation begin) - " + aReasonStatic]);
seekList.push([aTimeData.getFractionalTime(1/2), aBaseVal,
msgPrefix + "(at animation mid) - " + aReasonStatic]);
seekList.push([aTimeData.getEndTime(), aBaseVal,
msgPrefix + "(at animation end) - " + aReasonStatic]);
seekList.push([aTimeData.getEndTime() + aTimeData.getDur(), aBaseVal,
msgPrefix + "(after animation end) - " + aReasonStatic]);
return seekList;
buildSeekListAnimated : function(aAnimAttr, aBaseVal, aTimeData, aIsFreeze)
var seekList = new Array();
var msgPrefix = aAnimAttr.attrName + ": ";
if (aTimeData.getBeginTime() > 0.1) {
seekList.push([aTimeData.getBeginTime() - 0.1,
msgPrefix + "checking that base value is set " +
"before start of animation"]);
this.computedValMap.fromComp || this.from,
msgPrefix + "checking that 'from' value is set " +
"at start of animation"]);
this.computedValMap.midComp ||
this.computedValMap.toComp ||,
msgPrefix + "checking value halfway through animation"]);
var finalMsg;
var expectedEndVal;
if (aIsFreeze) {
expectedEndVal = this.computedValMap.toComp ||;
finalMsg = msgPrefix + "[freeze-mode] checking that final value is set ";
} else {
expectedEndVal = aBaseVal;
finalMsg = msgPrefix +
"[remove-mode] checking that animation is cleared ";
expectedEndVal, finalMsg + "at end of animation"]);
seekList.push([aTimeData.getEndTime() + aTimeData.getDur(),
expectedEndVal, finalMsg + "after end of animation"]);
return seekList;
extend(AnimTestcaseFrom, AnimTestcase);
* A testcase for a simple "from-to" animation
* @param aFrom The 'from' value
* @param aTo The 'to' value
* @param aComputedValMap A hash-map that contains some computed values,
* if they're needed, as follows:
* - fromComp: Computed value version of |aFrom| (if different from |aFrom|)
* - midComp: Computed value that we expect to visit halfway through the
* animation (if different from |aTo|)
* - toComp: Computed value version of |aTo| (if different from |aTo|)
* - noEffect: Special flag -- if set, indicates that this testcase is
* expected to have no effect on the computed value. (e.g. the
* given values are invalid.)
* @param aSkipReason If this test-case is known to currently fail, this
* parameter should be a string explaining why.
* Otherwise, this value should be null (or omitted).
function AnimTestcaseFromTo(aFrom, aTo, aComputedValMap, aSkipReason)
this.from = aFrom; = aTo;
this.computedValMap = aComputedValMap || {}; // Let aComputedValMap be omitted
this.skipReason = aSkipReason;
AnimTestcaseFromTo.prototype =
// Member variables
to : null,
// Methods
setupAnimationElement : function(aAnimAttr, aTimeData, aIsFreeze)
// Call super, and then add my own customization
var animElem = AnimTestcaseFrom.prototype.setupAnimationElement.apply(this,
[aAnimAttr, aTimeData, aIsFreeze]);
return animElem;
extend(AnimTestcaseFromTo, AnimTestcaseFrom);
* A testcase for a simple "from-by" animation.
* @param aFrom The 'from' value
* @param aBy The 'by' value
* @param aComputedValMap A hash-map that contains some computed values that
* we expect to visit, as follows:
* - fromComp: Computed value version of |aFrom| (if different from |aFrom|)
* - midComp: Computed value that we expect to visit halfway through the
* animation (|aFrom| + |aBy|/2)
* - toComp: Computed value of the animation endpoint (|aFrom| + |aBy|)
* - noEffect: Special flag -- if set, indicates that this testcase is
* expected to have no effect on the computed value. (e.g. the
* given values are invalid. Or the attribute may be animatable
* and additive, but the particular "from" & "by" values that
* are used don't support addition.)
* @param aSkipReason If this test-case is known to currently fail, this
* parameter should be a string explaining why.
* Otherwise, this value should be null (or omitted).
function AnimTestcaseFromBy(aFrom, aBy, aComputedValMap, aSkipReason)
this.from = aFrom; = aBy;
this.computedValMap = aComputedValMap;
this.skipReason = aSkipReason;
if (this.computedValMap &&
!this.computedValMap.noEffect && !this.computedValMap.toComp) {
ok(false, "AnimTestcaseFromBy needs expected computed final value");
AnimTestcaseFromBy.prototype =
// Member variables
by : null,
// Methods
setupAnimationElement : function(aAnimAttr, aTimeData, aIsFreeze)
// Call super, and then add my own customization
var animElem = AnimTestcaseFrom.prototype.setupAnimationElement.apply(this,
[aAnimAttr, aTimeData, aIsFreeze]);
return animElem;
buildSeekList : function(aAnimAttr, aBaseVal, aTimeData, aIsFreeze)
if (!aAnimAttr.isAdditive) {
return this.buildSeekListStatic(aAnimAttr, aBaseVal, aTimeData,
"defined as non-additive in SVG spec");
// Just use inherited method
return AnimTestcaseFrom.prototype.buildSeekList.apply(this,
[aAnimAttr, aBaseVal, aTimeData, aIsFreeze]);
extend(AnimTestcaseFromBy, AnimTestcaseFrom);
* A testcase for a "paced-mode" animation
* @param aValues An array of values, to be used as the "Values" list
* @param aComputedValMap A hash-map that contains some computed values,
* if they're needed, as follows:
* - comp0: The computed value at the start of the animation
* - comp1_6: The computed value exactly 1/6 through animation
* - comp1_3: The computed value exactly 1/3 through animation
* - comp2_3: The computed value exactly 2/3 through animation
* - comp1: The computed value of the animation endpoint
* The math works out easiest if...
* (a) aValuesString has 3 entries in its values list: vA, vB, vC
* (b) dist(vB, vC) = 2 * dist(vA, vB)
* With this setup, we can come up with expected intermediate values according
* to the following rules:
* - comp0 should be vA
* - comp1_6 should be us halfway between vA and vB
* - comp1_3 should be vB
* - comp2_3 should be halfway between vB and vC
* - comp1 should be vC
* @param aSkipReason If this test-case is known to currently fail, this
* parameter should be a string explaining why.
* Otherwise, this value should be null (or omitted).
function AnimTestcasePaced(aValuesString, aComputedValMap, aSkipReason)
this.valuesString = aValuesString;
this.computedValMap = aComputedValMap;
this.skipReason = aSkipReason;
if (this.computedValMap &&
(!this.computedValMap.comp0 ||
!this.computedValMap.comp1_6 ||
!this.computedValMap.comp1_3 ||
!this.computedValMap.comp2_3 ||
!this.computedValMap.comp1)) {
ok(false, "This AnimTestcasePaced has an incomplete computed value map");
AnimTestcasePaced.prototype =
// Member variables
valuesString : null,
// Methods
setupAnimationElement : function(aAnimAttr, aTimeData, aIsFreeze)
// Call super, and then add my own customization
var animElem = AnimTestcase.prototype.setupAnimationElement.apply(this,
[aAnimAttr, aTimeData, aIsFreeze]);
animElem.setAttribute("values", this.valuesString)
animElem.setAttribute("calcMode", "paced");
return animElem;
buildSeekListAnimated : function(aAnimAttr, aBaseVal, aTimeData, aIsFreeze)
var seekList = new Array();
var msgPrefix = aAnimAttr.attrName + ": checking value ";
msgPrefix + "at start of animation"]);
msgPrefix + "1/6 of the way through animation."]);
msgPrefix + "1/3 of the way through animation."]);
msgPrefix + "2/3 of the way through animation."]);
var finalMsg;
var expectedEndVal;
if (aIsFreeze) {
expectedEndVal = this.computedValMap.comp1;
finalMsg = aAnimAttr.attrName +
": [freeze-mode] checking that final value is set ";
} else {
expectedEndVal = aBaseVal;
finalMsg = aAnimAttr.attrName +
": [remove-mode] checking that animation is cleared ";
expectedEndVal, finalMsg + "at end of animation"]);
seekList.push([aTimeData.getEndTime() + aTimeData.getDur(),
expectedEndVal, finalMsg + "after end of animation"]);
return seekList;
buildSeekListStatic : function(aAnimAttr, aBaseVal, aTimeData, aReasonStatic)
var seekList = new Array();
var msgPrefix =
aAnimAttr.attrName + ": shouldn't be affected by animation ";
seekList.push([aTimeData.getBeginTime(), aBaseVal,
msgPrefix + "(at animation begin) - " + aReasonStatic]);
seekList.push([aTimeData.getFractionalTime(1/6), aBaseVal,
msgPrefix + "(1/6 of the way through animation) - " +
seekList.push([aTimeData.getFractionalTime(1/3), aBaseVal,
msgPrefix + "(1/3 of the way through animation) - " +
seekList.push([aTimeData.getFractionalTime(2/3), aBaseVal,
msgPrefix + "(2/3 of the way through animation) - " +
seekList.push([aTimeData.getEndTime(), aBaseVal,
msgPrefix + "(at animation end) - " + aReasonStatic]);
seekList.push([aTimeData.getEndTime() + aTimeData.getDur(), aBaseVal,
msgPrefix + "(after animation end) - " + aReasonStatic]);
return seekList;
extend(AnimTestcasePaced, AnimTestcase);
* A testcase for an <animateMotion> animation.
* @param aAttrValueHash A hash-map mapping attribute names to values.
* Should include at least 'path', 'values', 'to'
* or 'by' to describe the motion path.
* @param aCtmMap A hash-map that contains summaries of the expected resulting
* CTM at various points during the animation. The CTM is
* summarized as a tuple of three numbers: [tX, tY, theta]
(indicating a translate(tX,tY) followed by a rotate(theta))
* - ctm0: The CTM summary at the start of the animation
* - ctm1_6: The CTM summary at exactly 1/6 through animation
* - ctm1_3: The CTM summary at exactly 1/3 through animation
* - ctm2_3: The CTM summary at exactly 2/3 through animation
* - ctm1: The CTM summary at the animation endpoint
* NOTE: For paced-mode animation (the default for animateMotion), the math
* works out easiest if:
* (a) our motion path has 3 points: vA, vB, vC
* (b) dist(vB, vC) = 2 * dist(vA, vB)
* (See discussion in header comment for AnimTestcasePaced.)
* @param aSkipReason If this test-case is known to currently fail, this
* parameter should be a string explaining why.
* Otherwise, this value should be null (or omitted).
function AnimMotionTestcase(aAttrValueHash, aCtmMap, aSkipReason)
this.attrValueHash = aAttrValueHash;
this.ctmMap = aCtmMap;
this.skipReason = aSkipReason;
if (this.ctmMap &&
(!this.ctmMap.ctm0 ||
!this.ctmMap.ctm1_6 ||
!this.ctmMap.ctm1_3 ||
!this.ctmMap.ctm2_3 ||
!this.ctmMap.ctm1)) {
ok(false, "This AnimMotionTestcase has an incomplete CTM map");
AnimMotionTestcase.prototype =
// Member variables
_animElementTagName : "animateMotion",
// Implementations of inherited methods that we need to override:
// --------------------------------------------------------------
setupAnimationElement : function(aAnimAttr, aTimeData, aIsFreeze)
var animElement = document.createElementNS(SVG_NS,
animElement.setAttribute("begin", aTimeData.getBeginTime());
animElement.setAttribute("dur", aTimeData.getDur());
if (aIsFreeze) {
animElement.setAttribute("fill", "freeze");
for (var attrName in this.attrValueHash) {
if (attrName == "mpath") {
} else {
animElement.setAttribute(attrName, this.attrValueHash[attrName]);
return animElement;
createPath : function(aPathDescription)
var path = document.createElementNS(SVG_NS, "path");
path.setAttribute("d", aPathDescription);
path.setAttribute("id", MPATH_TARGET_ID);
return SMILUtil.getSVGRoot().appendChild(path);
createMpath : function(aAnimElement)
var mpath = document.createElementNS(SVG_NS, "mpath");
mpath.setAttributeNS(XLINK_NS, "href", "#" + MPATH_TARGET_ID);
return aAnimElement.appendChild(mpath);
// Override inherited seekAndTest method since...
// (a) it expects a computedValMap and we have a computed-CTM map instead
// and (b) it expects we might have no effect (for non-animatable attrs)
buildSeekList : function(aAnimAttr, aBaseVal, aTimeData, aIsFreeze)
var seekList = new Array();
var msgPrefix = "CTM mismatch ";
msgPrefix + "at start of animation"]);
msgPrefix + "1/6 of the way through animation."]);
msgPrefix + "1/3 of the way through animation."]);
msgPrefix + "2/3 of the way through animation."]);
var finalMsg;
var expectedEndVal;
if (aIsFreeze) {
expectedEndVal = CTMUtil.generateCTM(this.ctmMap.ctm1);
finalMsg = aAnimAttr.attrName +
": [freeze-mode] checking that final value is set ";
} else {
expectedEndVal = aBaseVal;
finalMsg = aAnimAttr.attrName +
": [remove-mode] checking that animation is cleared ";
expectedEndVal, finalMsg + "at end of animation"]);
seekList.push([aTimeData.getEndTime() + aTimeData.getDur(),
expectedEndVal, finalMsg + "after end of animation"]);
return seekList;
// Override inherited seekAndTest method
// (Have to use assertCTMEqual() instead of is() for comparison, to check each
// component of the CTM and to allow for a small margin of error.)
seekAndTest : function(aSeekList, aTargetElem, aTargetAttr)
var svg = document.getElementById("svg");
for (var i in aSeekList) {
var entry = aSeekList[i];
CTMUtil.assertCTMEqual(aTargetElem.getCTM(), entry[1],
CTMUtil.CTM_COMPONENTS_ALL, entry[2], false);
// Override "runTest" method so we can remove any <path> element that we
// created at the end of each test.
runTest : function(aTargetElem, aTargetAttr, aTimeData, aIsFreeze)
[aTargetElem, aTargetAttr, aTimeData, aIsFreeze]);
var pathElem = document.getElementById(MPATH_TARGET_ID);
if (pathElem) {
extend(AnimMotionTestcase, AnimTestcase);
function testBundleList(aBundleList, aTimingData)
for (var bundleIdx in aBundleList) {