
24 lines
764 B

function test()
// ---- Test dragging the proxy icon ---
var value = content.location.href;
var urlString = value + "\n" + content.document.title;
var htmlString = "<a href=\"" + value + "\">" + value + "</a>";
var expected = [ [
"text/x-moz-url: " + urlString,
"text/uri-list: " + value,
"text/plain: " + value,
"text/html: " + htmlString
] ];
// set the valid attribute so dropping is allowed
var proxyicon = document.getElementById("page-proxy-favicon")
var oldstate = proxyicon.getAttribute("pageproxystate");
proxyicon.setAttribute("pageproxystate", "valid");
var dt = EventUtils.synthesizeDragStart(proxyicon, expected);
is(dt, null, "drag on proxy icon");
proxyicon.setAttribute("pageproxystate", oldstate);