2013-07-01 17:03:43 -07:00

463 lines
15 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
"use strict";
const { pathFor } = require("sdk/system");
const fs = require("sdk/io/fs");
const url = require("sdk/url");
const path = require("sdk/fs/path");
const { Buffer } = require("sdk/io/buffer");
// Use profile directory to list / read / write files.
const profilePath = pathFor("ProfD");
const fileNameInProfile = "compatibility.ini";
const dirNameInProfile = "extensions";
const filePathInProfile = path.join(profilePath, fileNameInProfile);
const dirPathInProfile = path.join(profilePath, dirNameInProfile);
const mkdirPath = path.join(profilePath, "sdk-fixture-mkdir");
const writePath = path.join(profilePath, "sdk-fixture-writeFile");
const unlinkPath = path.join(profilePath, "sdk-fixture-unlink");
const truncatePath = path.join(profilePath, "sdk-fixture-truncate");
const renameFromPath = path.join(profilePath, "sdk-fixture-rename-from");
const renameToPath = path.join(profilePath, "sdk-fixture-rename-to");
const profileEntries = [
// There are likely to be a lot more files but we can't really
// on consistent list so we limit to this.
exports["test readir"] = function(assert, end) {
var async = false;
fs.readdir(profilePath, function(error, entries) {
assert.ok(async, "readdir is async");
assert.ok(!error, "there is no error when reading directory");
assert.ok(profileEntries.length <= entries.length,
"got et least number of entries we expect");
assert.ok(profileEntries.every(function(entry) {
return entries.indexOf(entry) >= 0;
}), "all profiles are present");
async = true;
exports["test readdir error"] = function(assert, end) {
var async = false;
var path = profilePath + "-does-not-exists";
fs.readdir(path, function(error, entries) {
assert.ok(async, "readdir is async");
assert.equal(error.message, "ENOENT, readdir " + path);
assert.equal(error.code, "ENOENT", "error has a code");
assert.equal(error.path, path, "error has a path");
assert.equal(error.errno, 34, "error has a errno");
async = true;
exports["test readdirSync"] = function(assert) {
var async = false;
var entries = fs.readdirSync(profilePath);
assert.ok(profileEntries.length <= entries.length,
"got et least number of entries we expect");
assert.ok(profileEntries.every(function(entry) {
return entries.indexOf(entry) >= 0;
}), "all profiles are present");
exports["test readirSync error"] = function(assert) {
var async = false;
var path = profilePath + "-does-not-exists";
try {
fs.readdirSync(path);"No error was thrown"));
} catch (error) {
assert.equal(error.message, "ENOENT, readdir " + path);
assert.equal(error.code, "ENOENT", "error has a code");
assert.equal(error.path, path, "error has a path");
assert.equal(error.errno, 34, "error has a errno");
exports["test readFile"] = function(assert, end) {
let async = false;
fs.readFile(filePathInProfile, function(error, content) {
assert.ok(async, "readFile is async");
assert.ok(!error, "error is falsy");
assert.ok(Buffer.isBuffer(content), "readFile returns buffer");
assert.ok(typeof(content.length) === "number", "buffer has length");
assert.ok(content.toString().indexOf("[Compatibility]") >= 0,
"content contains expected data");
async = true;
exports["test readFile error"] = function(assert, end) {
let async = false;
let path = filePathInProfile + "-does-not-exists";
fs.readFile(path, function(error, content) {
assert.ok(async, "readFile is async");
assert.equal(error.message, "ENOENT, open " + path);
assert.equal(error.code, "ENOENT", "error has a code");
assert.equal(error.path, path, "error has a path");
assert.equal(error.errno, 34, "error has a errno");
async = true;
exports["test readFileSync not implemented"] = function(assert) {
let buffer = fs.readFileSync(filePathInProfile);
assert.ok(buffer.toString().indexOf("[Compatibility]") >= 0,
"read content");
exports["test fs.stat file"] = function(assert, end) {
let async = false;
let path = filePathInProfile;
fs.stat(path, function(error, stat) {
assert.ok(async, "fs.stat is async");
assert.ok(!error, "error is falsy");
assert.ok(!stat.isDirectory(), "not a dir");
assert.ok(stat.isFile(), "is a file");
assert.ok(!stat.isSymbolicLink(), "isn't a symlink");
assert.ok(typeof(stat.size) === "number", "size is a number");
assert.ok(stat.exists === true, "file exists");
assert.ok(typeof(stat.isBlockDevice()) === "boolean");
assert.ok(typeof(stat.isCharacterDevice()) === "boolean");
assert.ok(typeof(stat.isFIFO()) === "boolean");
assert.ok(typeof(stat.isSocket()) === "boolean");
assert.ok(typeof(stat.hidden) === "boolean");
assert.ok(typeof(stat.writable) === "boolean")
assert.ok(stat.readable === true);
async = true;
exports["test fs.stat dir"] = function(assert, end) {
let async = false;
let path = dirPathInProfile;
fs.stat(path, function(error, stat) {
assert.ok(async, "fs.stat is async");
assert.ok(!error, "error is falsy");
assert.ok(stat.isDirectory(), "is a dir");
assert.ok(!stat.isFile(), "not a file");
assert.ok(!stat.isSymbolicLink(), "isn't a symlink");
assert.ok(typeof(stat.size) === "number", "size is a number");
assert.ok(stat.exists === true, "file exists");
assert.ok(typeof(stat.isBlockDevice()) === "boolean");
assert.ok(typeof(stat.isCharacterDevice()) === "boolean");
assert.ok(typeof(stat.isFIFO()) === "boolean");
assert.ok(typeof(stat.isSocket()) === "boolean");
assert.ok(typeof(stat.hidden) === "boolean");
assert.ok(typeof(stat.writable) === "boolean")
assert.ok(typeof(stat.readable) === "boolean");
async = true;
exports["test fs.stat error"] = function(assert, end) {
let async = false;
let path = filePathInProfile + "-does-not-exists";
fs.stat(path, function(error, stat) {
assert.ok(async, "fs.stat is async");
assert.equal(error.message, "ENOENT, stat " + path);
assert.equal(error.code, "ENOENT", "error has a code");
assert.equal(error.path, path, "error has a path");
assert.equal(error.errno, 34, "error has a errno");
async = true;
exports["test fs.exists NO"] = function(assert, end) {
let async = false
let path = filePathInProfile + "-does-not-exists";
fs.exists(path, function(error, value) {
assert.ok(async, "fs.exists is async");
assert.ok(!error, "error is falsy");
assert.ok(!value, "file does not exists");
async = true;
exports["test fs.exists YES"] = function(assert, end) {
let async = false
let path = filePathInProfile
fs.exists(path, function(error, value) {
assert.ok(async, "fs.exists is async");
assert.ok(!error, "error is falsy");
assert.ok(value, "file exists");
async = true;
exports["test fs.exists NO"] = function(assert, end) {
let async = false
let path = filePathInProfile + "-does-not-exists";
fs.exists(path, function(error, value) {
assert.ok(async, "fs.exists is async");
assert.ok(!error, "error is falsy");
assert.ok(!value, "file does not exists");
async = true;
exports["test fs.existsSync"] = function(assert) {
let path = filePathInProfile
assert.equal(fs.existsSync(path), true, "exists");
assert.equal(fs.existsSync(path + "-does-not-exists"), false, "exists");
exports["test fs.mkdirSync fs.rmdirSync"] = function(assert) {
let path = mkdirPath;
assert.equal(fs.existsSync(path), false, "does not exists");
assert.equal(fs.existsSync(path), true, "dir was created");
try {
fs.mkdirSync(path);"mkdir on existing should throw"));
} catch (error) {
assert.equal(error.message, "EEXIST, mkdir " + path);
assert.equal(error.code, "EEXIST", "error has a code");
assert.equal(error.path, path, "error has a path");
assert.equal(error.errno, 47, "error has a errno");
assert.equal(fs.existsSync(path), false, "dir was removed");
exports["test fs.mkdir"] = function(assert, end) {
let path = mkdirPath;
if (!fs.existsSync(path)) {
let async = false;
fs.mkdir(path, function(error) {
assert.ok(async, "mkdir is async");
assert.ok(!error, "no error");
assert.equal(fs.existsSync(path), true, "dir was created");
assert.equal(fs.existsSync(path), false, "dir was removed");
async = true;
exports["test fs.mkdir error"] = function(assert, end) {
let path = mkdirPath;
if (!fs.existsSync(path)) {
let async = false;
fs.mkdir(path, function(error) {
assert.ok(async, "mkdir is async");
assert.equal(error.message, "EEXIST, mkdir " + path);
assert.equal(error.code, "EEXIST", "error has a code");
assert.equal(error.path, path, "error has a path");
assert.equal(error.errno, 47, "error has a errno");
assert.equal(fs.existsSync(path), false, "dir was removed");
async = true;
exports["test fs.rmdir"] = function(assert, end) {
let path = mkdirPath;
if (!fs.existsSync(path)) {
assert.equal(fs.existsSync(path), true, "dir exists");
let async = false;
fs.rmdir(path, function(error) {
assert.ok(async, "mkdir is async");
assert.ok(!error, "no error");
assert.equal(fs.existsSync(path), false, "dir was removed");
async = true;
exports["test fs.rmdir error"] = function(assert, end) {
let path = mkdirPath;
if (!fs.existsSync(path)) {
assert.equal(fs.existsSync(path), false, "dir doesn't exists");
let async = false;
fs.rmdir(path, function(error) {
assert.ok(async, "mkdir is async");
assert.equal(error.message, "ENOENT, remove " + path);
assert.equal(error.code, "ENOENT", "error has a code");
assert.equal(error.path, path, "error has a path");
assert.equal(error.errno, 34, "error has a errno");
assert.equal(fs.existsSync(path), false, "dir is removed");
async = true;
exports["test fs.truncateSync fs.unlinkSync"] = function(assert) {
let path = truncatePath;
assert.equal(fs.existsSync(path), false, "does not exists");
assert.equal(fs.existsSync(path), true, "file was created");
assert.equal(fs.existsSync(path), false, "file was removed");
exports["test fs.truncate"] = function(assert, end) {
let path = truncatePath;
if (!fs.existsSync(path)) {
let async = false;
fs.truncate(path, 0, function(error) {
assert.ok(async, "truncate is async");
assert.ok(!error, "no error");
assert.equal(fs.existsSync(path), true, "file was created");
assert.equal(fs.existsSync(path), false, "file was removed");
async = true;
exports["test fs.unlink"] = function(assert, end) {
let path = unlinkPath;
let async = false;
assert.ok(!fs.existsSync(path), "file doesn't exists yet");
fs.truncateSync(path, 0);
assert.ok(fs.existsSync(path), "file was created");
fs.unlink(path, function(error) {
assert.ok(async, "fs.unlink is async");
assert.ok(!error, "error is falsy");
assert.ok(!fs.existsSync(path), "file was removed");
async = true;
exports["test fs.unlink error"] = function(assert, end) {
let path = unlinkPath;
let async = false;
assert.ok(!fs.existsSync(path), "file doesn't exists yet");
fs.unlink(path, function(error) {
assert.ok(async, "fs.unlink is async");
assert.equal(error.message, "ENOENT, remove " + path);
assert.equal(error.code, "ENOENT", "error has a code");
assert.equal(error.path, path, "error has a path");
assert.equal(error.errno, 34, "error has a errno");
async = true;
exports["test fs.rename"] = function(assert, end) {
let fromPath = renameFromPath;
let toPath = renameToPath;
assert.ok(fs.existsSync(fromPath), "source file exists");
assert.ok(!fs.existsSync(toPath), "destination doesn't exists");
var async = false;
fs.rename(fromPath, toPath, function(error) {
assert.ok(async, "fs.rename is async");
assert.ok(!error, "error is falsy");
assert.ok(!fs.existsSync(fromPath), "source path no longer exists");
assert.ok(fs.existsSync(toPath), "destination file exists");
assert.ok(!fs.existsSync(toPath), "cleaned up properly");
async = true;
exports["test fs.rename (missing source file)"] = function(assert, end) {
let fromPath = renameFromPath;
let toPath = renameToPath;
assert.ok(!fs.existsSync(fromPath), "source file doesn't exists");
assert.ok(!fs.existsSync(toPath), "destination doesn't exists");
var async = false;
fs.rename(fromPath, toPath, function(error) {
assert.ok(async, "fs.rename is async");
assert.equal(error.message, "ENOENT, rename " + fromPath);
assert.equal(error.code, "ENOENT", "error has a code");
assert.equal(error.path, fromPath, "error has a path");
assert.equal(error.errno, 34, "error has a errno");
async = true;
exports["test fs.rename (existing target file)"] = function(assert, end) {
let fromPath = renameFromPath;
let toPath = renameToPath;
assert.ok(fs.existsSync(fromPath), "source file exists");
assert.ok(fs.existsSync(toPath), "destination file exists");
var async = false;
fs.rename(fromPath, toPath, function(error) {
assert.ok(async, "fs.rename is async");
assert.ok(!error, "error is falsy");
assert.ok(!fs.existsSync(fromPath), "source path no longer exists");
assert.ok(fs.existsSync(toPath), "destination file exists");
assert.ok(!fs.existsSync(toPath), "cleaned up properly");
async = true;
exports["test fs.writeFile"] = function(assert, end) {
let path = writePath;
let content = ["hello world",
"this is some text"].join("\n");
var async = false;
fs.writeFile(path, content, function(error) {
assert.ok(async, "fs write is async");
assert.ok(!error, "error is falsy");
assert.ok(fs.existsSync(path), "file was created");
"contet was written");
assert.ok(!fs.exists(path), "file was removed");
async = true;