
1222 lines
34 KiB

/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. */
let WSP = {};
subscriptLoader.loadSubScript("resource://gre/modules/WspPduHelper.jsm", WSP);
WSP.debug = do_print;
function run_test() {
// Test target: ensureHeader
add_test(function test_ensureHeader() {
do_check_throws(function () {
WSP.ensureHeader({}, "no-such-property");
}, "FatalCodeError"
// Test target: skipValue()
add_test(function test_skipValue() {
function func(data) {
return WSP.skipValue(data);
// Test for zero-valued first octet:
wsp_decode_test_ex(func, [0], null);
// Test first octet < 31
wsp_decode_test_ex(func, [1, 2], [2]);
// Test first octet = 31
wsp_decode_test_ex(func, [31, 0], null);
wsp_decode_test_ex(func, [31, 1, 2], [2]);
// Test first octet <= 127
wsp_decode_test_ex(func, strToCharCodeArray("Hello world!"), "Hello world!");
// Test first octet >= 128
wsp_decode_test_ex(func, [0x80 | 0x01], 0x01);
// Test target: Octet
//// Octet.decode ////
add_test(function test_Octet_decode() {
wsp_decode_test(WSP.Octet, [1], 1);
wsp_decode_test(WSP.Octet, [], null, "RangeError");
//// Octet.decodeMultiple ////
add_test(function test_Octet_decodeMultiple() {
wsp_decode_test_ex(function (data) {
return WSP.Octet.decodeMultiple(data, 3);
}, [0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2], null
wsp_decode_test_ex(function (data) {
return WSP.Octet.decodeMultiple(data, 3);
}, new Uint8Array([0, 1, 2]), new Uint8Array([0, 1, 2]), null
wsp_decode_test_ex(function (data) {
return WSP.Octet.decodeMultiple(data, 4);
}, [0, 1, 2], null, "RangeError"
//// Octet.decodeEqualTo ////
add_test(function test_Octet_decodeEqualTo() {
wsp_decode_test_ex(function (data) {
return WSP.Octet.decodeEqualTo(data, 1);
}, [1], 1, null
wsp_decode_test_ex(function (data) {
return WSP.Octet.decodeEqualTo(data, 2);
}, [1], null, "CodeError"
wsp_decode_test_ex(function (data) {
return WSP.Octet.decodeEqualTo(data, 2);
}, [], null, "RangeError"
//// Octet.encode ////
add_test(function test_Octet_encode() {
for (let i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
wsp_encode_test(WSP.Octet, i, [i]);
//// Octet.encodeMultiple ////
add_test(function test_Octet_encodeMultiple() {
wsp_encode_test_ex(function (data, input) {
WSP.Octet.encodeMultiple(data, input);
return data.array;
}, [0, 1, 2, 3], [0, 1, 2, 3]);
// Test target: Text
//// Text.decode ////
add_test(function test_Text_decode() {
for (let i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
if (i == 0) {
wsp_decode_test(WSP.Text, [0], null, "NullCharError");
} else if ((i < WSP.CTLS) || (i == WSP.DEL)) {
wsp_decode_test(WSP.Text, [i], null, "CodeError");
} else {
wsp_decode_test(WSP.Text, [i], String.fromCharCode(i));
// Test \r\n(SP|HT)* sequence:
wsp_decode_test(WSP.Text, strToCharCodeArray("\r\n \t \t \t", true), " ");
wsp_decode_test(WSP.Text, strToCharCodeArray("\r\n \t \t \t"), " ");
wsp_decode_test(WSP.Text, strToCharCodeArray("\r\n \t \t \tA"), " ");
//// Text.encode ////
add_test(function test_Text_encode() {
for (let i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
if ((i < WSP.CTLS) || (i == WSP.DEL)) {
wsp_encode_test(WSP.Text, String.fromCharCode(i), null, "CodeError");
} else {
wsp_encode_test(WSP.Text, String.fromCharCode(i), [i]);
// Test target: NullTerminatedTexts
//// NullTerminatedTexts.decode ////
add_test(function test_NullTerminatedTexts_decode() {
// Test incompleted string:
wsp_decode_test(WSP.NullTerminatedTexts, strToCharCodeArray(" ", true), null, "RangeError");
// Test control char:
wsp_decode_test(WSP.NullTerminatedTexts, strToCharCodeArray(" \n"), null, "CodeError");
// Test normal string:
wsp_decode_test(WSP.NullTerminatedTexts, strToCharCodeArray(""), "");
wsp_decode_test(WSP.NullTerminatedTexts, strToCharCodeArray("oops"), "oops");
// Test \r\n(SP|HT)* sequence:
wsp_decode_test(WSP.NullTerminatedTexts, strToCharCodeArray("A\r\n \t \t \tB"), "A B");
//// NullTerminatedTexts.encode ////
add_test(function test_NullTerminatedTexts_encode() {
wsp_encode_test(WSP.NullTerminatedTexts, "", [0]);
wsp_encode_test(WSP.NullTerminatedTexts, "Hello, World!",
strToCharCodeArray("Hello, World!"));
// Test target: Token
let TOKEN_SEPS = "()<>@,;:\\\"/[]?={} \t";
//// Token.decode ////
add_test(function test_Token_decode() {
for (let i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
if (i == 0) {
wsp_decode_test(WSP.Token, [i], null, "NullCharError");
} else if ((i < WSP.CTLS) || (i >= WSP.ASCIIS)
|| (TOKEN_SEPS.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(i)) >= 0)) {
wsp_decode_test(WSP.Token, [i], null, "CodeError");
} else {
wsp_decode_test(WSP.Token, [i], String.fromCharCode(i));
//// Token.encode ////
add_test(function test_Token_encode() {
for (let i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
if ((i < WSP.CTLS) || (i >= WSP.ASCIIS)
|| (TOKEN_SEPS.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(i)) >= 0)) {
wsp_encode_test(WSP.Token, String.fromCharCode(i), null, "CodeError");
} else {
wsp_encode_test(WSP.Token, String.fromCharCode(i), [i]);
// Test target: URIC
//// URIC.decode ////
add_test(function test_URIC_decode() {
let uric = "!#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;=?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMN"
+ "OPQRSTUVWXYZ_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz~";
for (let i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
if (i == 0) {
wsp_decode_test(WSP.URIC, [i], null, "NullCharError");
} else if (uric.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(i)) >= 0) {
wsp_decode_test(WSP.URIC, [i], String.fromCharCode(i));
} else {
wsp_decode_test(WSP.URIC, [i], null, "CodeError");
// Test target: TextString
//// TextString.decode ////
add_test(function test_TextString_decode() {
// Test quoted string
wsp_decode_test(WSP.TextString, [127, 128, 0], String.fromCharCode(128));
// Test illegal quoted string
wsp_decode_test(WSP.TextString, [127, 32, 0], null, "CodeError");
// Test illegal unquoted string
wsp_decode_test(WSP.TextString, [128, 0], null, "CodeError");
// Test normal string
wsp_decode_test(WSP.TextString, [32, 0], " ");
//// TextString.encode ////
add_test(function test_TextString_encode() {
// Test quoted string
wsp_encode_test(WSP.TextString, String.fromCharCode(128), [127, 128, 0]);
// Test normal string
wsp_encode_test(WSP.TextString, "Mozilla", strToCharCodeArray("Mozilla"));
// Test target: TokenText
//// TokenText.decode ////
add_test(function test_TokenText_decode() {
wsp_decode_test(WSP.TokenText, [65], null, "RangeError");
wsp_decode_test(WSP.TokenText, [0], "");
wsp_decode_test(WSP.TokenText, [65, 0], "A");
//// TokenText.encode ////
add_test(function test_TokenText_encode() {
wsp_encode_test(WSP.TokenText, "B2G", strToCharCodeArray("B2G"));
// Test target: QuotedString
//// QuotedString.decode ////
add_test(function test_QuotedString_decode() {
// Test non-quoted string
wsp_decode_test(WSP.QuotedString, [32, 0], null, "CodeError");
// Test incompleted string
wsp_decode_test(WSP.QuotedString, [34, 32], null, "RangeError");
wsp_decode_test(WSP.QuotedString, [34, 32, 0], " ");
//// QuotedString.encode ////
add_test(function test_QuotedString_encode() {
wsp_encode_test(WSP.QuotedString, "B2G", [34].concat(strToCharCodeArray("B2G")));
// Test target: ShortInteger
//// ShortInteger.decode ////
add_test(function test_ShortInteger_decode() {
for (let i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
if (i & 0x80) {
wsp_decode_test(WSP.ShortInteger, [i], i & 0x7F);
} else {
wsp_decode_test(WSP.ShortInteger, [i], null, "CodeError");
//// ShortInteger.encode ////
add_test(function test_ShortInteger_encode() {
for (let i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
if (i & 0x80) {
wsp_encode_test(WSP.ShortInteger, i, null, "CodeError");
} else {
wsp_encode_test(WSP.ShortInteger, i, [0x80 | i]);
// Test target: LongInteger
//// LongInteger.decode ////
function LongInteger_decode_testcases(target) {
// Test LongInteger of zero octet
wsp_decode_test(target, [0, 0], null, "CodeError");
wsp_decode_test(target, [1, 0x80], 0x80);
wsp_decode_test(target, [2, 0x80, 2], 0x8002);
wsp_decode_test(target, [3, 0x80, 2, 3], 0x800203);
wsp_decode_test(target, [4, 0x80, 2, 3, 4], 0x80020304);
wsp_decode_test(target, [5, 0x80, 2, 3, 4, 5], 0x8002030405);
wsp_decode_test(target, [6, 0x80, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], 0x800203040506);
// Test LongInteger of more than 6 octets
wsp_decode_test(target, [7, 0x80, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], [0x80, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]);
// Test LongInteger of more than 30 octets
wsp_decode_test(target, [31], null, "CodeError");
add_test(function test_LongInteger_decode() {
//// LongInteger.encode ////
function LongInteger_encode_testcases(target) {
wsp_encode_test(target, 0x80, [1, 0x80]);
wsp_encode_test(target, 0x8002, [2, 0x80, 2]);
wsp_encode_test(target, 0x800203, [3, 0x80, 2, 3]);
wsp_encode_test(target, 0x80020304, [4, 0x80, 2, 3, 4]);
wsp_encode_test(target, 0x8002030405, [5, 0x80, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
wsp_encode_test(target, 0x800203040506, [6, 0x80, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]);
// Test LongInteger of more than 6 octets
wsp_encode_test(target, 0x1000000000000, null, "CodeError");
// Test input empty array
wsp_encode_test(target, [], null, "CodeError");
// Test input octets array of length 1..30
let array = [];
for (let i = 1; i <= 30; i++) {
wsp_encode_test(target, array, [i].concat(array));
// Test input octets array of 31 elements.
wsp_encode_test(target, array, null, "CodeError");
add_test(function test_LongInteger_encode() {
wsp_encode_test(WSP.LongInteger, 0, [1, 0]);
// Test target: UintVar
//// UintVar.decode ////
add_test(function test_UintVar_decode() {
wsp_decode_test(WSP.UintVar, [0x80], null, "RangeError");
// Test up to max 53 bits integer
wsp_decode_test(WSP.UintVar, [0x7F], 0x7F);
wsp_decode_test(WSP.UintVar, [0xFF, 0x7F], 0x3FFF);
wsp_decode_test(WSP.UintVar, [0xFF, 0xFF, 0x7F], 0x1FFFFF);
wsp_decode_test(WSP.UintVar, [0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x7F], 0xFFFFFFF);
wsp_decode_test(WSP.UintVar, [0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x7F], 0x7FFFFFFFF);
wsp_decode_test(WSP.UintVar, [0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x7F], 0x3FFFFFFFFFF);
wsp_decode_test(WSP.UintVar, [0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x7F], 0x1FFFFFFFFFFFF);
wsp_decode_test(WSP.UintVar, [0x8F, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x7F], 0x1FFFFFFFFFFFFF);
wsp_decode_test(WSP.UintVar, [0x01, 0x02], 1);
wsp_decode_test(WSP.UintVar, [0x80, 0x01, 0x02], 1);
wsp_decode_test(WSP.UintVar, [0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x01, 0x2], 1);
//// UintVar.encode ////
add_test(function test_UintVar_encode() {
// Test up to max 53 bits integer
wsp_encode_test(WSP.UintVar, 0, [0]);
wsp_encode_test(WSP.UintVar, 0x7F, [0x7F]);
wsp_encode_test(WSP.UintVar, 0x3FFF, [0xFF, 0x7F]);
wsp_encode_test(WSP.UintVar, 0x1FFFFF, [0xFF, 0xFF, 0x7F]);
wsp_encode_test(WSP.UintVar, 0xFFFFFFF, [0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x7F]);
wsp_encode_test(WSP.UintVar, 0x7FFFFFFFF, [0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x7F]);
wsp_encode_test(WSP.UintVar, 0x3FFFFFFFFFF, [0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x7F]);
wsp_encode_test(WSP.UintVar, 0x1FFFFFFFFFFFF, [0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x7F]);
wsp_encode_test(WSP.UintVar, 0x1FFFFFFFFFFFFF, [0x8F, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x7F]);
// Test target: ConstrainedEncoding
//// ConstrainedEncoding.decode ////
add_test(function test_ConstrainedEncoding_decode() {
wsp_decode_test(WSP.ConstrainedEncoding, [0x80], 0);
wsp_decode_test(WSP.ConstrainedEncoding, [32, 0], " ");
//// ConstrainedEncoding.encode ////
add_test(function test_ConstrainedEncoding_encode() {
wsp_encode_test(WSP.ConstrainedEncoding, 0, [0x80 | 0]);
wsp_encode_test(WSP.ConstrainedEncoding, "A", [65, 0]);
// Test target: ValueLength
//// ValueLength.decode ////
add_test(function test_ValueLength_decode() {
for (let i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
if (i < 31) {
wsp_decode_test(WSP.ValueLength, [i, 0x8F, 0x7F], i);
} else if (i == 31) {
wsp_decode_test(WSP.ValueLength, [i, 0x8F, 0x7F], 0x7FF);
} else {
wsp_decode_test(WSP.ValueLength, [i, 0x8F, 0x7F], null, "CodeError");
//// ValueLength.encode ////
add_test(function test_ValueLength_encode() {
for (let i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
if (i < 31) {
wsp_encode_test(WSP.ValueLength, i, [i]);
} else if (i < 128) {
wsp_encode_test(WSP.ValueLength, i, [31, i]);
} else {
wsp_encode_test(WSP.ValueLength, i, [31, (0x80 | (i / 128)), i % 128]);
// Test target: NoValue
//// NoValue.decode ////
add_test(function test_NoValue_decode() {
wsp_decode_test(WSP.NoValue, [0], null);
for (let i = 1; i < 256; i++) {
wsp_decode_test(WSP.NoValue, [i], null, "CodeError");
//// NoValue.encode ////
add_test(function test_NoValue_encode() {
wsp_encode_test(WSP.NoValue, undefined, [0]);
wsp_encode_test(WSP.NoValue, null, [0]);
wsp_encode_test(WSP.NoValue, 0, null, "CodeError");
wsp_encode_test(WSP.NoValue, "", null, "CodeError");
wsp_encode_test(WSP.NoValue, [], null, "CodeError");
wsp_encode_test(WSP.NoValue, {}, null, "CodeError");
// Test target: TextValue
//// TextValue.decode ////
add_test(function test_TextValue_decode() {
wsp_decode_test(WSP.TextValue, [0], null);
wsp_decode_test(WSP.TextValue, [65, 0], "A");
wsp_decode_test(WSP.TextValue, [32, 0], null, "CodeError");
wsp_decode_test(WSP.TextValue, [34, 32, 0], " ");
//// TextValue.encode ////
add_test(function test_TextValue_encode() {
wsp_encode_test(WSP.TextValue, undefined, [0]);
wsp_encode_test(WSP.TextValue, null, [0]);
wsp_encode_test(WSP.TextValue, "", [0]);
wsp_encode_test(WSP.TextValue, "A", [65, 0]);
wsp_encode_test(WSP.TextValue, "\x80", [34, 128, 0]);
// Test target: IntegerValue
//// IntegerValue.decode ////
add_test(function test_IntegerValue_decode() {
for (let i = 128; i < 256; i++) {
wsp_decode_test(WSP.IntegerValue, [i], i & 0x7F);
//// IntegerValue.decode ////
add_test(function test_IntegerValue_encode() {
for (let i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
wsp_encode_test(WSP.IntegerValue, i, [0x80 | i]);
// Test target: DateValue
//// DateValue.decode ////
add_test(function test_DateValue_decode() {
wsp_decode_test(WSP.DateValue, [0, 0], null, "CodeError");
wsp_decode_test(WSP.DateValue, [1, 0x80], new Date(0x80 * 1000));
wsp_decode_test(WSP.DateValue, [31], null, "CodeError");
//// DateValue.encode ////
add_test(function test_DateValue_encode() {
wsp_encode_test(WSP.DateValue, new Date(0x80 * 1000), [1, 0x80]);
// Test target: DeltaSecondsValue
// DeltaSecondsValue is only an alias of IntegerValue.
// Test target: QValue
//// QValue.decode ////
add_test(function test_QValue_decode() {
wsp_decode_test(WSP.QValue, [0], null, "CodeError");
wsp_decode_test(WSP.QValue, [1], 0);
wsp_decode_test(WSP.QValue, [100], 0.99);
wsp_decode_test(WSP.QValue, [101], 0.001);
wsp_decode_test(WSP.QValue, [0x88, 0x4B], 0.999);
wsp_decode_test(WSP.QValue, [0x88, 0x4C], null, "CodeError");
//// QValue.encode ////
add_test(function test_QValue_encode() {
wsp_encode_test(WSP.QValue, 0, [1]);
wsp_encode_test(WSP.QValue, 0.99, [100]);
wsp_encode_test(WSP.QValue, 0.001, [101]);
wsp_encode_test(WSP.QValue, 0.999, [0x88, 0x4B]);
wsp_encode_test(WSP.QValue, 1, null, "CodeError");
// Test target: VersionValue
//// VersionValue.decode ////
add_test(function test_VersionValue_decode() {
for (let major = 1; major < 8; major++) {
let version = (major << 4) | 0x0F;
wsp_decode_test(WSP.VersionValue, [0x80 | version], version);
wsp_decode_test(WSP.VersionValue, [major + 0x30, 0], version);
for (let minor = 0; minor < 15; minor++) {
version = (major << 4) | minor;
wsp_decode_test(WSP.VersionValue, [0x80 | version], version);
if (minor >= 10) {
wsp_decode_test(WSP.VersionValue, [major + 0x30, 0x2E, 0x31, (minor - 10) + 0x30, 0], version);
} else {
wsp_decode_test(WSP.VersionValue, [major + 0x30, 0x2E, minor + 0x30, 0], version);
//// VersionValue.encode ////
add_test(function test_VersionValue_encode() {
for (let major = 1; major < 8; major++) {
let version = (major << 4) | 0x0F;
wsp_encode_test(WSP.VersionValue, version, [0x80 | version]);
for (let minor = 0; minor < 15; minor++) {
version = (major << 4) | minor;
wsp_encode_test(WSP.VersionValue, version, [0x80 | version]);
// Test target: UriValue
//// UriValue.decode ////
add_test(function test_UriValue_decode() {
wsp_decode_test(WSP.UriValue, [97], null, "RangeError");
wsp_decode_test(WSP.UriValue, [0], "");
wsp_decode_test(WSP.UriValue, [65, 0], "A");
// Test target: TypeValue
//// TypeValue.decode ////
add_test(function test_TypeValue_decode() {
// Test for string-typed return value from ConstrainedEncoding
wsp_decode_test(WSP.TypeValue, [65, 0], "a");
// Test for number-typed return value from ConstrainedEncoding
wsp_decode_test(WSP.TypeValue, [0x33 | 0x80],
// Test for NotWellKnownEncodingError
wsp_decode_test(WSP.TypeValue, [0x59 | 0x80], null, "NotWellKnownEncodingError");
//// TypeValue.encode ////
add_test(function test_TypeValue_encode() {
wsp_encode_test(WSP.TypeValue, "no/such.type",
[110, 111, 47, 115, 117, 99, 104, 46, 116, 121, 112, 101, 0]);
wsp_encode_test(WSP.TypeValue, "application/vnd.wap.multipart.related",
[0x33 | 0x80]);
// Test target: Parameter
//// Parameter.decodeTypedParameter ////
add_test(function test_Parameter_decodeTypedParameter() {
function func(data) {
return WSP.Parameter.decodeTypedParameter(data);
// Test for array-typed return value from IntegerValue
wsp_decode_test_ex(func, [7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], null, "CodeError");
// Test for number-typed return value from IntegerValue
wsp_decode_test_ex(func, [1, 0, 0], {name: "q", value: null});
// Test for NotWellKnownEncodingError
wsp_decode_test_ex(func, [1, 0xFF], null, "NotWellKnownEncodingError");
// Test for parameter specific decoder
wsp_decode_test_ex(func, [1, 0, 100], {name: "q", value: 0.99});
// Test for TextValue
wsp_decode_test_ex(func, [1, 0x10, 48, 46, 57, 57, 0],
{name: "secure", value: "0.99"});
// Test for TextString
wsp_decode_test_ex(func, [1, 0x0A, 60, 115, 109, 105, 108, 62, 0],
{name: "start", value: "<smil>"});
// Test for skipValue
wsp_decode_test_ex(func, [1, 0x0A, 128], null);
//// Parameter.decodeUntypedParameter ////
add_test(function test_Parameter_decodeUntypedParameter() {
function func (data) {
return WSP.Parameter.decodeUntypedParameter(data);
wsp_decode_test_ex(func, [1], null, "CodeError");
wsp_decode_test_ex(func, [65, 0, 0], {name: "a", value: null});
// Test for IntegerValue
wsp_decode_test_ex(func, [65, 0, 1, 0], {name: "a", value: 0});
// Test for TextValue
wsp_decode_test_ex(func, [65, 0, 66, 0], {name: "a", value: "B"});
//// Parameter.decode ////
add_test(function test_Parameter_decode() {
wsp_decode_test(WSP.Parameter, [1, 0x0A, 60, 115, 109, 105, 108, 62, 0],
{name: "start", value: "<smil>"});
wsp_decode_test(WSP.Parameter, [65, 0, 66, 0], {name: "a", value: "B"});
//// Parameter.decodeMultiple ////
add_test(function test_Parameter_decodeMultiple() {
wsp_decode_test_ex(function (data) {
return WSP.Parameter.decodeMultiple(data, 13);
}, [1, 0x0A, 60, 115, 109, 105, 108, 62, 0, 65, 0, 66, 0], {start: "<smil>", a: "B"}
//// Parameter.encodeTypedParameter ////
add_test(function test_Parameter_encodeTypedParameter() {
function func(data, input) {
WSP.Parameter.encodeTypedParameter(data, input);
return data.array;
// Test for NotWellKnownEncodingError
wsp_encode_test_ex(func, {name: "xxx", value: 0}, null, "NotWellKnownEncodingError");
wsp_encode_test_ex(func, {name: "q", value: 0}, [0x80, 1]);
wsp_encode_test_ex(func, {name: "name", value: "A"}, [0x85, 65, 0]);
//// Parameter.encodeUntypedParameter ////
add_test(function test_Parameter_encodeUntypedParameter() {
function func(data, input) {
WSP.Parameter.encodeUntypedParameter(data, input);
return data.array;
wsp_encode_test_ex(func, {name: "q", value: 0}, [113, 0, 0x80]);
wsp_encode_test_ex(func, {name: "name", value: "A"}, [110, 97, 109, 101, 0, 65, 0]);
//// Parameter.encodeMultiple ////
add_test(function test_Parameter_encodeMultiple() {
function func(data, input) {
WSP.Parameter.encodeMultiple(data, input);
return data.array;
wsp_encode_test_ex(func, {q: 0, n: "A"}, [0x80, 1, 110, 0, 65, 0]);
//// Parameter.encode ////
add_test(function test_Parameter_encode() {
wsp_encode_test(WSP.Parameter, {name: "q", value: 0}, [0x80, 1]);
wsp_encode_test(WSP.Parameter, {name: "n", value: "A"}, [110, 0, 65, 0]);
// Test target: Header
//// Header.decode ////
add_test(function test_Header_decode() {
wsp_decode_test(WSP.Header, [0x34 | 0x80, 0x80], {name: "push-flag", value: 0});
wsp_decode_test(WSP.Header, [65, 0, 66, 0], {name: "a", value: "B"});
// Test target: WellKnownHeader
//// WellKnownHeader.decode ////
add_test(function test_WellKnownHeader_decode() {
wsp_decode_test(WSP.WellKnownHeader, [0xFF], null, "NotWellKnownEncodingError");
let (entry = WSP.WSP_HEADER_FIELDS["push-flag"]) {
// Test for Short-Integer
wsp_decode_test(WSP.WellKnownHeader, [entry.number | 0x80, 0x80],
{name:, value: 0});
// Test for NoValue
wsp_decode_test(WSP.WellKnownHeader, [entry.number | 0x80, 0],
{name:, value: null});
// Test for TokenText
wsp_decode_test(WSP.WellKnownHeader, [entry.number | 0x80, 65, 0],
{name:, value: "A"});
// Test for QuotedString
wsp_decode_test(WSP.WellKnownHeader, [entry.number | 0x80, 34, 128, 0],
{name:, value: String.fromCharCode(128)});
// Test for skipValue
wsp_decode_test(WSP.WellKnownHeader, [entry.number | 0x80, 2, 0, 0], null);
// Test target: ApplicationHeader
//// ApplicationHeader.decode ////
add_test(function test_ApplicationHeader_decode() {
wsp_decode_test(WSP.ApplicationHeader, [5, 0, 66, 0], null, "CodeError");
wsp_decode_test(WSP.ApplicationHeader, [65, 0, 66, 0], {name: "a", value: "B"});
// Test for skipValue
wsp_decode_test(WSP.ApplicationHeader, [65, 0, 2, 0, 0], null);
//// ApplicationHeader.encode ////
add_test(function test_ApplicationHeader_encode() {
// Test invalid header name string:
wsp_encode_test(WSP.ApplicationHeader, {name: undefined, value: "asdf"}, null, "CodeError");
wsp_encode_test(WSP.ApplicationHeader, {name: null, value: "asdf"}, null, "CodeError");
wsp_encode_test(WSP.ApplicationHeader, {name: "", value: "asdf"}, null, "CodeError");
wsp_encode_test(WSP.ApplicationHeader, {name: "a b", value: "asdf"}, null, "CodeError");
// Test value string:
wsp_encode_test(WSP.ApplicationHeader, {name: "asdf", value: undefined},
wsp_encode_test(WSP.ApplicationHeader, {name: "asdf", value: null},
wsp_encode_test(WSP.ApplicationHeader, {name: "asdf", value: ""},
wsp_encode_test(WSP.ApplicationHeader, {name: "asdf", value: "fdsa"},
// Test target: FieldName
//// FieldName.decode ////
add_test(function test_FieldName_decode() {
wsp_decode_test(WSP.FieldName, [0], "");
wsp_decode_test(WSP.FieldName, [65, 0], "a");
wsp_decode_test(WSP.FieldName, [97, 0], "a");
let (entry = WSP.WSP_HEADER_FIELDS["content-length"]) {
wsp_decode_test(WSP.FieldName, [entry.number | 0x80],;
wsp_decode_test(WSP.FieldName, [0xFF], null, "NotWellKnownEncodingError");
//// FieldName.encode ////
add_test(function test_FieldName_encode() {
wsp_encode_test(WSP.FieldName, "", [0]);
wsp_encode_test(WSP.FieldName, "date", [0x92]);
// Test target: AcceptCharsetValue
//// AcceptCharsetValue.decode ////
add_test(function test_AcceptCharsetValue_decode() {
wsp_decode_test(WSP.AcceptCharsetValue, [0xFF], null, "CodeError");
// Test for Any-Charset
wsp_decode_test(WSP.AcceptCharsetValue, [128], {charset: "*"});
// Test for Constrained-Charset
wsp_decode_test(WSP.AcceptCharsetValue, [65, 0], {charset: "A"});
let (entry = WSP.WSP_WELL_KNOWN_CHARSETS["utf-8"]) {
wsp_decode_test(WSP.AcceptCharsetValue, [entry.number | 0x80], {charset:});
// Test for Accept-Charset-General-Form
wsp_decode_test(WSP.AcceptCharsetValue, [1, 128], {charset: "*"});
let (entry = WSP.WSP_WELL_KNOWN_CHARSETS["utf-8"]) {
wsp_decode_test(WSP.AcceptCharsetValue, [2, 1, entry.number], {charset:});
wsp_decode_test(WSP.AcceptCharsetValue, [1, entry.number | 0x80], {charset:});
wsp_decode_test(WSP.AcceptCharsetValue, [3, 65, 0, 100], {charset: "A", q: 0.99});
//// AcceptCharsetValue.encodeAnyCharset ////
add_test(function test_AcceptCharsetValue_encodeAnyCharset() {
function func(data, input) {
WSP.AcceptCharsetValue.encodeAnyCharset(data, input);
return data.array;
wsp_encode_test_ex(func, null, [0x80]);
wsp_encode_test_ex(func, undefined, [0x80]);
wsp_encode_test_ex(func, {}, [0x80]);
wsp_encode_test_ex(func, {charset: null}, [0x80]);
wsp_encode_test_ex(func, {charset: "*"}, [0x80]);
wsp_encode_test_ex(func, {charset: "en"}, null, "CodeError");
// Test target: WellKnownCharset
//// WellKnownCharset.decode ////
add_test(function test_WellKnownCharset_decode() {
wsp_decode_test(WSP.WellKnownCharset, [0xFF], null, "NotWellKnownEncodingError");
// Test for Any-Charset
wsp_decode_test(WSP.WellKnownCharset, [128], {charset: "*"});
// Test for number-typed return value from IntegerValue
wsp_decode_test(WSP.WellKnownCharset, [1, 3], {charset: "ansi_x3.4-1968"});
// Test for array-typed return value from IntegerValue
wsp_decode_test(WSP.WellKnownCharset, [7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3], null, "CodeError");
//// WellKnownCharset.encode ////
add_test(function test_WellKnownCharset_encode() {
// Test for Any-charset
wsp_encode_test(WSP.WellKnownCharset, {charset: "*"}, [0x80]);
wsp_encode_test(WSP.WellKnownCharset, {charset: "UTF-8"}, [128 + 106]);
// Test target: ContentTypeValue
//// ContentTypeValue.decodeConstrainedMedia ////
add_test(function test_ContentTypeValue_decodeConstrainedMedia() {
function func(data) {
return WSP.ContentTypeValue.decodeConstrainedMedia(data);
// Test for string-typed return value from ConstrainedEncoding
wsp_decode_test_ex(func, [65, 0], {media: "a", params: null});
// Test for number-typed return value from ConstrainedEncoding
for(let ix = 0; ix <WSP.WSP_WELL_KNOWN_CONTENT_TYPES.length ; ++ix){
wsp_decode_test_ex(func, [WSP.WSP_WELL_KNOWN_CONTENT_TYPES[ix].number | 0x80],
{media: WSP.WSP_WELL_KNOWN_CONTENT_TYPES[ix].value, params: null});
// Test for NotWellKnownEncodingError
wsp_decode_test_ex(func, [0x59 | 0x80], null, "NotWellKnownEncodingError");
//// ContentTypeValue.decodeMedia ////
add_test(function test_ContentTypeValue_decodeMedia() {
function func(data) {
return WSP.ContentTypeValue.decodeMedia(data);
// Test for NullTerminatedTexts
wsp_decode_test_ex(func, [65, 0], "a");
// Test for IntegerValue
wsp_decode_test_ex(func, [0x3E | 0x80], "application/vnd.wap.mms-message");
wsp_decode_test_ex(func, [0x59 | 0x80], null, "NotWellKnownEncodingError");
//// ContentTypeValue.decodeMediaType ////
add_test(function test_ContentTypeValue_decodeMediaType() {
wsp_decode_test_ex(function (data) {
return WSP.ContentTypeValue.decodeMediaType(data, 1);
}, [0x3E | 0x80],
{media: "application/vnd.wap.mms-message", params: null}
wsp_decode_test_ex(function (data) {
return WSP.ContentTypeValue.decodeMediaType(data, 14);
}, [0x3E | 0x80, 1, 0x0A, 60, 115, 109, 105, 108, 62, 0, 65, 0, 66, 0],
{media: "application/vnd.wap.mms-message", params: {start: "<smil>", a: "B"}}
//// ContentTypeValue.decodeContentGeneralForm ////
add_test(function test_ContentTypeValue_decodeContentGeneralForm() {
wsp_decode_test_ex(function (data) {
return WSP.ContentTypeValue.decodeContentGeneralForm(data);
}, [14, 0x3E | 0x80, 1, 0x0A, 60, 115, 109, 105, 108, 62, 0, 65, 0, 66, 0],
{media: "application/vnd.wap.mms-message", params: {start: "<smil>", a: "B"}}
//// ContentTypeValue.decode ////
add_test(function test_ContentTypeValue_decode() {
[14, 0x3E | 0x80, 1, 0x0A, 60, 115, 109, 105, 108, 62, 0, 65, 0, 66, 0],
{media: "application/vnd.wap.mms-message", params: {start: "<smil>", a: "B"}}
wsp_decode_test(WSP.ContentTypeValue, [0x33 | 0x80],
{media: "application/vnd.wap.multipart.related", params: null}
//// ContentTypeValue.encodeConstrainedMedia ////
add_test(function test_ContentTypeValue_encodeConstrainedMedia() {
function func(data, input) {
WSP.ContentTypeValue.encodeConstrainedMedia(data, input);
return data.array;
// Test media type with additional parameters.
wsp_encode_test_ex(func, {media: "a", params: [{a: "b"}]}, null, "CodeError");
wsp_encode_test_ex(func, {media: "no/such.type"},
[110, 111, 47, 115, 117, 99, 104, 46, 116, 121, 112, 101, 0]);
for(let ix = 0; ix <WSP.WSP_WELL_KNOWN_CONTENT_TYPES.length ; ++ix){
wsp_encode_test_ex(func, {media: WSP.WSP_WELL_KNOWN_CONTENT_TYPES[ix].value},
[WSP.WSP_WELL_KNOWN_CONTENT_TYPES[ix].number | 0x80]);
wsp_encode_test_ex(func, {media: "TexT/X-hdml"}, [0x04 | 0x80]);
wsp_encode_test_ex(func, {media: "appLication/*"}, [0x10 | 0x80]);
//// ContentTypeValue.encodeMediaType ////
add_test(function test_ContentTypeValue_encodeMediaType() {
function func(data, input) {
WSP.ContentTypeValue.encodeMediaType(data, input);
return data.array;
wsp_encode_test_ex(func, {media: "no/such.type"},
[110, 111, 47, 115, 117, 99, 104, 46, 116, 121, 112, 101, 0]);
wsp_encode_test_ex(func, {media: "application/vnd.wap.multipart.related"},
[0x33 | 0x80]);
wsp_encode_test_ex(func, {media: "a", params: {b: "c", q: 0}},
[97, 0, 98, 0, 99, 0, 128, 1]);
//// ContentTypeValue.encodeContentGeneralForm ////
add_test(function test_ContentTypeValue_encodeContentGeneralForm() {
function func(data, input) {
WSP.ContentTypeValue.encodeContentGeneralForm(data, input);
return data.array;
wsp_encode_test_ex(func, {media: "a", params: {b: "c", q: 0}},
[8, 97, 0, 98, 0, 99, 0, 128, 1]);
//// ContentTypeValue.encode ////
add_test(function test_ContentTypeValue_encode() {
wsp_encode_test(WSP.ContentTypeValue, {media: "no/such.type"},
[110, 111, 47, 115, 117, 99, 104, 46, 116, 121, 112, 101, 0]);
{media: "application/vnd.wap.multipart.related"},
[0x33 | 0x80]);
wsp_encode_test(WSP.ContentTypeValue, {media: "a", params: {b: "c", q: 0}},
[8, 97, 0, 98, 0, 99, 0, 128, 1]);
// Test target: ApplicationIdValue
//// ApplicationIdValue.decode ////
add_test(function test_ApplicationIdValue_decode() {
wsp_decode_test(WSP.ApplicationIdValue, [0], "");
wsp_decode_test(WSP.ApplicationIdValue, [65, 0], "A");
wsp_decode_test(WSP.ApplicationIdValue, [97, 0], "a");
wsp_decode_test(WSP.ApplicationIdValue, [entry.number | 0x80], entry.urn);
wsp_decode_test(WSP.ApplicationIdValue, [1, entry.number], entry.urn);
wsp_decode_test(WSP.ApplicationIdValue, [0xFF], null, "NotWellKnownEncodingError");
// Test target: PduHelper
//// PduHelper.parseHeaders ////
add_test(function test_PduHelper_parseHeaders() {
wsp_decode_test_ex(function (data) {
return WSP.PduHelper.parseHeaders(data, data.array.length);
}, [0x80 | 0x05, 2, 0x23, 0x28, 0x80 | 0x2F, 0x80 | 0x04],
{"age": 9000, "x-wap-application-id": ""}