2008-10-08 19:33:26 -04:00

236 lines
9.2 KiB

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<window title="Mozilla Bug 350471"
<title>Test for Bug 350471</title>
<script type="application/javascript" src="/MochiKit/packed.js" />
<script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"/>
<script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js"/>
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<a target="_blank" href="">Mozilla Bug 350471</a>
<p id="display"></p>
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<vbox style="height: 150px; background: cyan; overflow: auto;" id="scrollbox">
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/** Test for Bug 350471 **/
// This test depends on general.smoothScroll being off.
const minLineHeight = 10, maxLineHeight = 20;
function between(x, min, max) (min <= max) ? (min <= x && x <= max) : (max <= x && x <= min);
function isbetween(x, min, max, msg) ok(between(x, min, max), msg + " - Expected " + min + " to " + max + ", got " + x);
function testEventDispatching() {
function helper(aAxis, aDelta, aKind, aShiftKey, aCtrlKey, aAltKey, aMetaKey) {
let expectedEvents = [];
let deltaUnit = "";
function listener(e) {
if (!expectedEvents.length) {
ok(false, "Received an event that I didn't expect. type: " + e.type +
", axis: " + e.axis + ", delta: " +;
let expected = expectedEvents.shift();
["type", "shiftKey", "ctrlKey", "altKey", "metaKey"].forEach(function(field) {
is(e[field], expected[field],
"e." + field + " (" + e[field] + ") does not match expected value (" + expected[field] + ")");
let expectedAxis = expected.axis == "horizontal" ? e.HORIZONTAL_AXIS : e.VERTICAL_AXIS;
is(e.axis, expectedAxis,
"e.axis (" + e.axis + ") does not match expected value (" + expectedAxis + ")");
// When modifier keys are pressed, cancel the event.
// We don't want to zoom or navigate back / forward (history scroll).
if (aShiftKey || aCtrlKey || aAltKey || aMetaKey) {
// Note: If this is a DOMMouseScroll event without hasPixels, we still
// expect a follow-up MozMousePixelScroll event.
} else {
// Only check the delta if no modifiers are pressed.
// History scroll and zoom change the deltas in nsESM::PreHandleEvent.
if (deltaUnit == (e.type == "DOMMouseScroll" ? "lines" : "pixels")) {
// no unit conversion necessary
"e.detail (" + e.detail + ") does not match expected value (" + + ")");
} else if (e.type == "MozMousePixelScroll") {
// We sent a line scroll event but are receiving a pixel scroll event,
// so we need to convert the delta.
let minDelta = * minLineHeight;
let maxDelta = * maxLineHeight;
isbetween(e.detail, minDelta, maxDelta, "wrong pixel scroll event delta");
// Set up the expected values.
if (aKind == 0 || aKind == 1) {
type: "DOMMouseScroll",
axis: aAxis,
delta: aDelta,
hasPixels: (aKind == 1),
shiftKey: aShiftKey,
ctrlKey: aCtrlKey,
altKey: aAltKey,
metaKey: aMetaKey
if (aKind == 0 || aKind == 2) {
type: "MozMousePixelScroll",
axis: aAxis,
delta: aDelta,
shiftKey: aShiftKey,
ctrlKey: aCtrlKey,
altKey: aAltKey,
metaKey: aMetaKey
deltaUnit = aKind == 2 ? "pixels" : "lines";
document.addEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", listener, true);
document.addEventListener("MozMousePixelScroll", listener, true);
// Send the event to the documentElement.
synthesizeMouseScroll(document.documentElement, 10, 10, expectedEvents[0]);
document.removeEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", listener, true);
document.removeEventListener("MozMousePixelScroll", listener, true);
// expectedEvents should be empty now. If it's not, print errors.
expectedEvents.forEach(function(e) {
ok(false, "Didn't receive expected event: " + JSON.parse(e));
let i = 0;
[0, 1, 2].forEach(function(aKind) {
["horizontal", "vertical"].forEach(function(aAxis) {
[false, true].forEach(function(aShift) {
[false, true].forEach(function(aCtrl) {
[false, true].forEach(function(aAlt) {
[false, true].forEach(function(aMeta) {
helper(aAxis, [-5, -1, 0, 1, 5][i++ % 5], aKind, aShift, aCtrl, aAlt, aMeta);
function testDefaultHandling() {
let scrollbox = document.getElementById("scrollbox");
let currentTest = "";
function scrollWithPreventDefault(aEvent, aDoConsume) {
function listener(e) {
if (aDoConsume[e.type])
scrollbox.addEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", listener, true);
scrollbox.addEventListener("MozMousePixelScroll", listener, true);
synthesizeMouseScroll(scrollbox, 10, 10, aEvent);
scrollbox.removeEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", listener, true);
scrollbox.removeEventListener("MozMousePixelScroll", listener, true);
function helper(aType, aHasPixels, aAxis, aStart, aDelta, aConsumeLine, aConsumePixel, aPositionShouldChange) {
scrollbox.scrollLeft = aStart;
scrollbox.scrollTop = aStart;
type: aType,
axis: aAxis,
hasPixels: aHasPixels,
delta: aDelta
}, {
"DOMMouseScroll": aConsumeLine,
"MozMousePixelScroll": aConsumePixel
let newPos = scrollbox[aAxis == "horizontal" ? "scrollLeft" : "scrollTop"];
let newPosWrongAxis = scrollbox[aAxis == "horizontal" ? "scrollTop" : "scrollLeft"];
is(newPosWrongAxis, aStart, currentTest + " wrong axis scrolled - type: " + aType);
if (aPositionShouldChange) {
if (aType == "MozMousePixelScroll") {
// aDelta is in pixels, no conversion necessary
is(newPos, aStart + aDelta, currentTest + " wrong scroll position - type: " + aType);
} else {
// Use minLineHeight and maxLineHeight as an estimate for the conversion factor.
isbetween(newPos, aStart + aDelta * minLineHeight, aStart + aDelta * maxLineHeight,
currentTest + " wrong scroll position - type: " + aType);
} else {
is(newPos, aStart, currentTest + " The scroll position shouldn't have changed. - type: " + aType);
["horizontal", "vertical"].forEach(function(aAxis) {
[-5, 5].forEach(function(aDelta) {
[false, true].forEach(function(aConsumeLine) {
[false, true].forEach(function(aConsumePixel) {
let shouldScroll = !aConsumeLine && !aConsumePixel;
currentTest = "normal DOMMouseScroll: only scroll if neither line nor pixel scroll are consumed.";
helper("DOMMouseScroll", false, aAxis, 4000, aDelta, aConsumeLine, aConsumePixel, shouldScroll);
currentTest = "DOMMouseScroll with hasPixels: never scroll.";
helper("DOMMouseScroll", true, aAxis, 4000, aDelta, aConsumeLine, aConsumePixel, false);
currentTest = "MozMousePixelScroll (consumed: " + aConsumePixel +
") with preceding DOMMouseScroll (consumed: " + aConsumeLine +
"): " + (shouldScroll ? "scroll." : "don't scroll.");
// It shouldn't matter:
// 1. whether hasPixels is set on the preceding DOMMouseScroll event or
// 2. whether the preceding DOMMouseScroll event's MozMousePixelScroll event is consumed.
helper("DOMMouseScroll", true, aAxis, 4000, aDelta, aConsumeLine, false, false);
helper("MozMousePixelScroll", false, aAxis, 4000, aDelta, false, aConsumePixel, shouldScroll);
helper("DOMMouseScroll", false, aAxis, 4000, aDelta, aConsumeLine, false, !aConsumeLine);
helper("MozMousePixelScroll", false, aAxis, 4000, aDelta, false, aConsumePixel, shouldScroll);
helper("DOMMouseScroll", false, aAxis, 4000, aDelta, aConsumeLine, true, false);
helper("MozMousePixelScroll", false, aAxis, 4000, aDelta, false, aConsumePixel, shouldScroll);
function runTests() {"UniversalXPConnect");
let scrollbox = document.getElementById("scrollbox");
synthesizeMouse(scrollbox, 10, 10, { type: "mousemove" });
setTimeout(runOtherTests, 1000);
function runOtherTests() {
window.onload = function() { setTimeout(runTests, 0); };