mirror of
synced 2024-09-13 09:24:08 -07:00
The -*- file variable lines -*- establish per-file settings that Emacs will pick up. This patch makes the following changes to those lines (and touches nothing else): - Never set the buffer's mode. Years ago, Emacs did not have a good JavaScript mode, so it made sense to use Java or C++ mode in .js files. However, Emacs has had js-mode for years now; it's perfectly serviceable, and is available and enabled by default in all major Emacs packagings. Selecting a mode in the -*- file variable line -*- is almost always the wrong thing to do anyway. It overrides Emacs's default choice, which is (now) reasonable; and even worse, it overrides settings the user might have made in their '.emacs' file for that file extension. It's only useful when there's something specific about that particular file that makes a particular mode appropriate. - Correctly propagate settings that establish the correct indentation level for this file: c-basic-offset and js2-basic-offset should be js-indent-level. Whatever value they're given should be preserved; different parts of our tree use different indentation styles. - We don't use tabs in Mozilla JS code. Always set indent-tabs-mode: nil. Remove tab-width: settings, at least in files that don't contain tab characters. - Remove js2-mode settings that belong in the user's .emacs file, like js2-skip-preprocessor-directives.
837 lines
24 KiB
837 lines
24 KiB
/* -*- js-indent-level: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
/* vim: set ft=javascript ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
"use strict";
const {Cc, Ci, Cu} = require("chrome");
loader.lazyGetter(this, "NetworkHelper", () => require("devtools/toolkit/webconsole/network-helper"));
loader.lazyImporter(this, "NetUtil", "resource://gre/modules/NetUtil.jsm");
loader.lazyServiceGetter(this, "mimeService", "@mozilla.org/mime;1", "nsIMIMEService");
let WebConsoleUtils = require("devtools/toolkit/webconsole/utils").Utils;
const STRINGS_URI = "chrome://browser/locale/devtools/webconsole.properties";
let l10n = new WebConsoleUtils.l10n(STRINGS_URI);
* Creates a new NetworkPanel.
* @constructor
* @param nsIDOMNode aParent
* Parent node to append the created panel to.
* @param object aHttpActivity
* HttpActivity to display in the panel.
* @param object aWebConsoleFrame
* The parent WebConsoleFrame object that owns this network panel
* instance.
function NetworkPanel(aParent, aHttpActivity, aWebConsoleFrame)
let doc = aParent.ownerDocument;
this.httpActivity = aHttpActivity;
this.webconsole = aWebConsoleFrame;
this._longStringClick = this._longStringClick.bind(this);
this._responseBodyFetch = this._responseBodyFetch.bind(this);
this._requestBodyFetch = this._requestBodyFetch.bind(this);
// Create the underlaying panel
this.panel = createElement(doc, "panel", {
label: l10n.getStr("NetworkPanel.label"),
titlebar: "normal",
noautofocus: "true",
noautohide: "true",
close: "true"
// Create the iframe that displays the NetworkPanel XHTML.
this.iframe = createAndAppendElement(this.panel, "iframe", {
src: "chrome://browser/content/devtools/NetworkPanel.xhtml",
type: "content",
flex: "1"
let self = this;
// Destroy the panel when it's closed.
this.panel.addEventListener("popuphidden", function onPopupHide() {
self.panel.removeEventListener("popuphidden", onPopupHide, false);
self.panel = null;
self.iframe = null;
self.httpActivity = null;
self.webconsole = null;
if (self.linkNode) {
self.linkNode._panelOpen = false;
self.linkNode = null;
}, false);
// Set the document object and update the content once the panel is loaded.
this.iframe.addEventListener("load", function onLoad() {
if (!self.iframe) {
self.iframe.removeEventListener("load", onLoad, true);
}, true);
this.panel.addEventListener("popupshown", function onPopupShown() {
self.panel.removeEventListener("popupshown", onPopupShown, true);
}, true);
// Create the footer.
let footer = createElement(doc, "hbox", { align: "end" });
createAndAppendElement(footer, "spacer", { flex: 1 });
createAndAppendElement(footer, "resizer", { dir: "bottomend" });
exports.NetworkPanel = NetworkPanel;
NetworkPanel.prototype =
* The current state of the output.
_state: 0,
* State variables.
_INIT: 0,
_fromDataRegExp: /Content-Type\:\s*application\/x-www-form-urlencoded/,
_contentType: null,
* Function callback invoked whenever the panel content is updated. This is
* used only by tests.
* @private
* @type function
_onUpdate: null,
get document() {
return this.iframe && this.iframe.contentWindow ?
this.iframe.contentWindow.document : null;
* Small helper function that is nearly equal to l10n.getFormatStr
* except that it prefixes aName with "NetworkPanel.".
* @param string aName
* The name of an i10n string to format. This string is prefixed with
* "NetworkPanel." before calling the HUDService.getFormatStr function.
* @param array aArray
* Values used as placeholder for the i10n string.
* @returns string
* The i10n formated string.
_format: function NP_format(aName, aArray)
return l10n.getFormatStr("NetworkPanel." + aName, aArray);
* Returns the content type of the response body. This is based on the
* response.content.mimeType property. If this value is not available, then
* the content type is guessed by the file extension of the request URL.
* @return string
* Content type or empty string if no content type could be figured
* out.
get contentType()
if (this._contentType) {
return this._contentType;
let request = this.httpActivity.request;
let response = this.httpActivity.response;
let contentType = "";
let types = response.content ?
(response.content.mimeType || "").split(/,|;/) : [];
for (let i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
if (types[i] in NetworkHelper.mimeCategoryMap) {
contentType = types[i];
if (contentType) {
this._contentType = contentType;
return contentType;
// Try to get the content type from the request file extension.
let uri = NetUtil.newURI(request.url);
if ((uri instanceof Ci.nsIURL) && uri.fileExtension) {
try {
contentType = mimeService.getTypeFromExtension(uri.fileExtension);
catch(ex) {
// Added to prevent failures on OS X 64. No Flash?
this._contentType = contentType;
return contentType;
* @returns boolean
* True if the response is an image, false otherwise.
get _responseIsImage()
return this.contentType &&
NetworkHelper.mimeCategoryMap[this.contentType] == "image";
* @returns boolean
* True if the response body contains text, false otherwise.
get _isResponseBodyTextData()
return this.contentType ?
NetworkHelper.isTextMimeType(this.contentType) : false;
* Tells if the server response is cached.
* @returns boolean
* Returns true if the server responded that the request is already
* in the browser's cache, false otherwise.
get _isResponseCached()
return this.httpActivity.response.status == 304;
* Tells if the request body includes form data.
* @returns boolean
* Returns true if the posted body contains form data.
get _isRequestBodyFormData()
let requestBody = this.httpActivity.request.postData.text;
if (typeof requestBody == "object" && requestBody.type == "longString") {
requestBody = requestBody.initial;
return this._fromDataRegExp.test(requestBody);
* Appends the node with id=aId by the text aValue.
* @private
* @param string aId
* @param string aValue
* @return nsIDOMElement
* The DOM element with id=aId.
_appendTextNode: function NP__appendTextNode(aId, aValue)
let textNode = this.document.createTextNode(aValue);
let elem = this.document.getElementById(aId);
return elem;
* Generates some HTML to display the key-value pair of the aList data. The
* generated HTML is added to node with id=aParentId.
* @param string aParentId
* Id of the parent node to append the list to.
* @oaram array aList
* Array that holds the objects you want to display. Each object must
* have two properties: name and value.
* @param boolean aIgnoreCookie
* If true, the key-value named "Cookie" is not added to the list.
* @returns void
_appendList: function NP_appendList(aParentId, aList, aIgnoreCookie)
let parent = this.document.getElementById(aParentId);
let doc = this.document;
aList.sort(function(a, b) {
return a.name.toLowerCase() < b.name.toLowerCase();
aList.forEach((aItem) => {
let name = aItem.name;
if (aIgnoreCookie && (name == "Cookie" || name == "Set-Cookie")) {
let value = aItem.value;
let longString = null;
if (typeof value == "object" && value.type == "longString") {
value = value.initial;
longString = true;
* The following code creates the HTML:
* <tr>
* <th scope="row" class="property-name">${line}:</th>
* <td class="property-value">${aList[line]}</td>
* </tr>
* and adds it to parent.
let row = doc.createElement("tr");
let textNode = doc.createTextNode(name + ":");
let th = doc.createElement("th");
th.setAttribute("scope", "row");
th.setAttribute("class", "property-name");
textNode = doc.createTextNode(value);
let td = doc.createElement("td");
td.setAttribute("class", "property-value");
if (longString) {
let a = doc.createElement("a");
a.href = "#";
a.className = "longStringEllipsis";
a.addEventListener("mousedown", this._longStringClick.bind(this, aItem));
a.textContent = l10n.getStr("longStringEllipsis");
* The click event handler for the ellipsis which allows the user to retrieve
* the full header value.
* @private
* @param object aHeader
* The header object with the |name| and |value| properties.
* @param nsIDOMEvent aEvent
* The DOM click event object.
_longStringClick: function NP__longStringClick(aHeader, aEvent)
let longString = this.webconsole.webConsoleClient.longString(aHeader.value);
longString.substring(longString.initial.length, longString.length,
function NP__onLongStringSubstring(aResponse)
if (aResponse.error) {
Cu.reportError("NP__onLongStringSubstring error: " + aResponse.error);
aHeader.value = aHeader.value.initial + aResponse.substring;
let textNode = aEvent.target.previousSibling;
textNode.textContent += aResponse.substring;
* Displays the node with id=aId.
* @private
* @param string aId
* @return nsIDOMElement
* The element with id=aId.
_displayNode: function NP__displayNode(aId)
let elem = this.document.getElementById(aId);
elem.style.display = "block";
* Sets the request URL, request method, the timing information when the
* request started and the request header content on the NetworkPanel.
* If the request header contains cookie data, a list of sent cookies is
* generated and a special sent cookie section is displayed + the cookie list
* added to it.
* @returns void
_displayRequestHeader: function NP__displayRequestHeader()
let request = this.httpActivity.request;
let requestTime = new Date(this.httpActivity.startedDateTime);
this._appendTextNode("headUrl", request.url);
this._appendTextNode("headMethod", request.method);
this._appendList("requestHeadersContent", request.headers, true);
if (request.cookies.length > 0) {
this._appendList("requestCookieContent", request.cookies);
* Displays the request body section of the NetworkPanel and set the request
* body content on the NetworkPanel.
* @returns void
_displayRequestBody: function NP__displayRequestBody()
let postData = this.httpActivity.request.postData;
this._appendTextNode("requestBodyContent", postData.text);
* Displays the `sent form data` section. Parses the request header for the
* submitted form data displays it inside of the `sent form data` section.
* @returns void
_displayRequestForm: function NP__processRequestForm()
let postData = this.httpActivity.request.postData.text;
let requestBodyLines = postData.split("\n");
let formData = requestBodyLines[requestBodyLines.length - 1].
replace(/\+/g, " ").split("&");
function unescapeText(aText)
try {
return decodeURIComponent(aText);
catch (ex) {
return decodeURIComponent(unescape(aText));
let formDataArray = [];
for (let i = 0; i < formData.length; i++) {
let data = formData[i];
let idx = data.indexOf("=");
let key = data.substring(0, idx);
let value = data.substring(idx + 1);
name: unescapeText(key),
value: unescapeText(value)
this._appendList("requestFormDataContent", formDataArray);
* Displays the response section of the NetworkPanel, sets the response status,
* the duration between the start of the request and the receiving of the
* response header as well as the response header content on the the NetworkPanel.
* @returns void
_displayResponseHeader: function NP__displayResponseHeader()
let timing = this.httpActivity.timings;
let response = this.httpActivity.response;
[response.httpVersion, response.status,
response.statusText].join(" "));
// Calculate how much time it took from the request start, until the
// response started to be received.
let deltaDuration = 0;
["dns", "connect", "send", "wait"].forEach(function (aValue) {
let ms = timing[aValue];
if (ms > -1) {
deltaDuration += ms;
this._format("durationMS", [deltaDuration]));
this._appendList("responseHeadersContent", response.headers, true);
if (response.cookies.length > 0) {
this._appendList("responseCookieContent", response.cookies);
* Displays the respones image section, sets the source of the image displayed
* in the image response section to the request URL and the duration between
* the receiving of the response header and the end of the request. Once the
* image is loaded, the size of the requested image is set.
* @returns void
_displayResponseImage: function NP__displayResponseImage()
let self = this;
let timing = this.httpActivity.timings;
let request = this.httpActivity.request;
let response = this.httpActivity.response;
let cached = "";
if (this._isResponseCached) {
cached = "Cached";
let imageNode = this.document.getElementById("responseImage" +
cached + "Node");
let text = response.content.text;
if (typeof text == "object" && text.type == "longString") {
else {
"data:" + this.contentType + ";base64," + text);
// This function is called to set the imageInfo.
function setImageInfo() {
self._appendTextNode("responseImage" + cached + "Info",
[ imageNode.width, imageNode.height, timing.receive ]
// Check if the image is already loaded.
if (imageNode.width != 0) {
else {
// Image is not loaded yet therefore add a load event.
imageNode.addEventListener("load", function imageNodeLoad() {
imageNode.removeEventListener("load", imageNodeLoad, false);
}, false);
this._displayNode("responseImage" + cached);
* Displays the response body section, sets the the duration between
* the receiving of the response header and the end of the request as well as
* the content of the response body on the NetworkPanel.
* @returns void
_displayResponseBody: function NP__displayResponseBody()
let timing = this.httpActivity.timings;
let response = this.httpActivity.response;
let cached = this._isResponseCached ? "Cached" : "";
this._appendTextNode("responseBody" + cached + "Info",
this._format("durationMS", [timing.receive]));
this._displayNode("responseBody" + cached);
let text = response.content.text;
if (typeof text == "object") {
text = text.initial;
this._appendTextNode("responseBody" + cached + "Content", text);
* Show the "fetch response body" link.
* @private
_showResponseBodyFetchLink: function NP__showResponseBodyFetchLink()
let content = this.httpActivity.response.content;
let elem = this._appendTextNode("responseBodyFetchLink",
[content.text.length - content.text.initial.length]));
elem.style.display = "block";
elem.addEventListener("mousedown", this._responseBodyFetch);
* Click event handler for the link that allows users to fetch the remaining
* response body.
* @private
* @param nsIDOMEvent aEvent
_responseBodyFetch: function NP__responseBodyFetch(aEvent)
aEvent.target.style.display = "none";
aEvent.target.removeEventListener("mousedown", this._responseBodyFetch);
let content = this.httpActivity.response.content;
let longString = this.webconsole.webConsoleClient.longString(content.text);
longString.substring(longString.initial.length, longString.length,
(aResponse) =>
if (aResponse.error) {
Cu.reportError("NP__onLongStringSubstring error: " + aResponse.error);
content.text = content.text.initial + aResponse.substring;
let cached = this._isResponseCached ? "Cached" : "";
if (this._responseIsImage) {
let imageNode = this.document.getElementById("responseImage" +
cached + "Node");
imageNode.src =
"data:" + this.contentType + ";base64," + content.text;
else {
this._appendTextNode("responseBody" + cached + "Content",
* Displays the `Unknown Content-Type hint` and sets the duration between the
* receiving of the response header on the NetworkPanel.
* @returns void
_displayResponseBodyUnknownType: function NP__displayResponseBodyUnknownType()
let timing = this.httpActivity.timings;
this._format("durationMS", [timing.receive]));
this._format("responseBodyUnableToDisplay.content", [this.contentType]));
* Displays the `no response body` section and sets the the duration between
* the receiving of the response header and the end of the request.
* @returns void
_displayNoResponseBody: function NP_displayNoResponseBody()
let timing = this.httpActivity.timings;
this._format("durationMS", [timing.receive]));
* Updates the content of the NetworkPanel's iframe.
* @returns void
update: function NP_update()
if (!this.document || this.document.readyState != "complete") {
let updates = this.httpActivity.updates;
let timing = this.httpActivity.timings;
let request = this.httpActivity.request;
let response = this.httpActivity.response;
switch (this._state) {
case this._INIT:
this._state = this._DISPLAYED_REQUEST_HEADER;
// Process the request body if there is one.
if (!this.httpActivity.discardRequestBody && request.postData.text) {
this._state = this._DISPLAYED_REQUEST_BODY;
if (!response.headers.length || !Object.keys(timing).length) {
this._state = this._DISPLAYED_RESPONSE_HEADER;
if (updates.indexOf("responseContent") == -1 ||
updates.indexOf("eventTimings") == -1) {
this._state = this._TRANSITION_CLOSED;
if (this.httpActivity.discardResponseBody) {
if (!response.content || !response.content.text) {
else if (this._responseIsImage) {
else if (!this._isResponseBodyTextData) {
else if (response.content.text) {
if (this._onUpdate) {
* Update the panel to hold the current information we have about the request
* body.
* @private
_updateRequestBody: function NP__updateRequestBody()
let postData = this.httpActivity.request.postData;
if (typeof postData.text == "object" && postData.text.type == "longString") {
let elem = this._appendTextNode("requestBodyFetchLink",
[postData.text.length - postData.text.initial.length]));
elem.style.display = "block";
elem.addEventListener("mousedown", this._requestBodyFetch);
// Check if we send some form data. If so, display the form data special.
if (this._isRequestBodyFormData) {
else {
* Click event handler for the link that allows users to fetch the remaining
* request body.
* @private
* @param nsIDOMEvent aEvent
_requestBodyFetch: function NP__requestBodyFetch(aEvent)
aEvent.target.style.display = "none";
aEvent.target.removeEventListener("mousedown", this._responseBodyFetch);
let postData = this.httpActivity.request.postData;
let longString = this.webconsole.webConsoleClient.longString(postData.text);
longString.substring(longString.initial.length, longString.length,
(aResponse) =>
if (aResponse.error) {
Cu.reportError("NP__onLongStringSubstring error: " + aResponse.error);
postData.text = postData.text.initial + aResponse.substring;
* Creates a DOMNode and sets all the attributes of aAttributes on the created
* element.
* @param nsIDOMDocument aDocument
* Document to create the new DOMNode.
* @param string aTag
* Name of the tag for the DOMNode.
* @param object aAttributes
* Attributes set on the created DOMNode.
* @returns nsIDOMNode
function createElement(aDocument, aTag, aAttributes)
let node = aDocument.createElement(aTag);
if (aAttributes) {
for (let attr in aAttributes) {
node.setAttribute(attr, aAttributes[attr]);
return node;
* Creates a new DOMNode and appends it to aParent.
* @param nsIDOMNode aParent
* A parent node to append the created element.
* @param string aTag
* Name of the tag for the DOMNode.
* @param object aAttributes
* Attributes set on the created DOMNode.
* @returns nsIDOMNode
function createAndAppendElement(aParent, aTag, aAttributes)
let node = createElement(aParent.ownerDocument, aTag, aAttributes);
return node;