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const EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ['TabEngine'];
const Cc = Components.classes;
const Ci = Components.interfaces;
const Cu = Components.utils;
Function.prototype.async = Async.sugar;
function TabEngine(pbeId) {
TabEngine.prototype = {
__proto__: new Engine(),
get name() "tabs",
get logName() "TabEngine",
get serverPrefix() "user-data/tabs/",
get store() this._store,
get _core() {
let core = new TabSyncCore(this);
this.__defineGetter__("_core", function() core);
return this._core;
get _store() {
let store = new TabStore();
this.__defineGetter__("_store", function() store);
return this._store;
get _tracker() {
let tracker = new TabTracker(this);
this.__defineGetter__("_tracker", function() tracker);
return this._tracker;
function TabSyncCore(engine) {
this._engine = engine;
TabSyncCore.prototype = {
__proto__: new SyncCore(),
_logName: "TabSync",
_engine: null,
get _sessionStore() {
let sessionStore = Cc["@mozilla.org/browser/sessionstore;1"].
this.__defineGetter__("_sessionStore", function() sessionStore);
return this._sessionStore;
_itemExists: function TSC__itemExists(GUID) {
// Note: this method returns true if the tab exists in any window, not just
// the window from which the tab came. In the future, if we care about
// windows, we might need to make this more specific, although in that case
// we'll have to identify tabs by something other than URL, since even
// window-specific tabs look the same when identified by URL.
// Get the set of all real and virtual tabs.
let tabs = this._engine.store.wrap();
// XXX Should we convert both to nsIURIs and then use nsIURI::equals
// to compare them?
if (GUID in tabs) {
this._log.debug("_itemExists: " + GUID + " exists");
return true;
this._log.debug("_itemExists: " + GUID + " doesn't exist");
return false;
_commandLike: function TSC_commandLike(a, b) {
// Not implemented.
return false;
function TabStore() {
this._virtualTabs = {};
TabStore.prototype = {
__proto__: new Store(),
_logName: "TabStore",
get _sessionStore() {
let sessionStore = Cc["@mozilla.org/browser/sessionstore;1"].
this.__defineGetter__("_sessionStore", function() sessionStore);
return this._sessionStore;
get _windowMediator() {
let windowMediator = Cc["@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"].
this.__defineGetter__("_windowMediator", function() windowMediator);
return this._windowMediator;
get _os() {
let os = Cc["@mozilla.org/observer-service;1"].
this.__defineGetter__("_os", function() os);
return this._os;
get _dirSvc() {
let dirSvc = Cc["@mozilla.org/file/directory_service;1"].
this.__defineGetter__("_dirSvc", function() dirSvc);
return this._dirSvc;
* A cache of "virtual" tabs from other devices synced to the server
* that the user hasn't opened locally. Unlike other stores, we don't
* immediately apply create commands, which would be jarring to users.
* Instead, we store them in this cache and prompt the user to pick
* which ones she wants to open.
* We also persist this cache on disk and include it in the list of tabs
* we generate in this.wrap to reduce ping-pong updates between clients
* running simultaneously and to maintain a consistent state across restarts.
_virtualTabs: null,
get virtualTabs() {
// Make sure the list of virtual tabs is completely up-to-date (the user
// might have independently opened some of these virtual tabs since the last
// time we synced).
let realTabs = this._wrapRealTabs();
let virtualTabsChanged = false;
for (let id in this._virtualTabs) {
if (id in realTabs) {
this._log.warn("get virtualTabs: both real and virtual tabs exist for "
+ id + "; removing virtual one");
delete this._virtualTabs[id];
virtualTabsChanged = true;
if (virtualTabsChanged)
return this._virtualTabs;
set virtualTabs(newValue) {
this._virtualTabs = newValue;
// The file in which we store the state of virtual tabs.
get _file() {
let file = this._dirSvc.get("ProfD", Ci.nsILocalFile);
this.__defineGetter__("_file", function() file);
return this._file;
_saveVirtualTabs: function TabStore__saveVirtualTabs() {
try {
if (!this._file.exists())
this._file.create(Ci.nsIFile.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, PERMS_FILE);
let out = this._json.encode(this._virtualTabs);
let [fos] = Utils.open(this._file, ">");
catch(ex) {
this._log.warn("could not serialize virtual tabs to disk: " + ex);
_restoreVirtualTabs: function TabStore__restoreVirtualTabs() {
try {
if (this._file.exists()) {
let [is] = Utils.open(this._file, "<");
let json = Utils.readStream(is);
this._virtualTabs = this._json.decode(json);
catch (ex) {
this._log.warn("could not parse virtual tabs from disk: " + ex);
_init: function TabStore__init() {
* Apply commands generated by a diff during a sync operation. This method
* overrides the one in its superclass so it can save a copy of the latest set
* of virtual tabs to disk so they can be restored on startup.
applyCommands: function TabStore_applyCommands(commandList) {
let self = yield;
this.__proto__.__proto__.applyCommands.async(this, self.cb, commandList);
_createCommand: function TabStore__createCommand(command) {
this._log.debug("_createCommand: " + command.GUID);
if (command.GUID in this._virtualTabs || command.GUID in this._wrapRealTabs())
throw "trying to create a tab that already exists; id: " + command.GUID;
// Cache the tab and notify the UI to prompt the user to open it.
this._virtualTabs[command.GUID] = command.data;
this._os.notifyObservers(null, "weave:store:tabs:virtual:created", null);
_removeCommand: function TabStore__removeCommand(command) {
this._log.debug("_removeCommand: " + command.GUID);
// If this is a virtual tab, it's ok to remove it, since it was never really
// added to this session in the first place. But we don't remove it if it's
// a real tab, since that would be unexpected, unpleasant, and unwanted.
if (command.GUID in this._virtualTabs) {
delete this._virtualTabs[command.GUID];
this._os.notifyObservers(null, "weave:store:tabs:virtual:removed", null);
_editCommand: function TabStore__editCommand(command) {
this._log.debug("_editCommand: " + command.GUID);
// We don't edit real tabs, because that isn't what the user would expect,
// but it's ok to edit virtual tabs, so that if users do open them, they get
// the most up-to-date version of them (and also to reduce sync churn).
if (this._virtualTabs[command.GUID])
this._virtualTabs[command.GUID] = command.data;
* Serialize the current state of tabs.
* Note: the state includes both tabs on this device and those on others.
* We get the former from the session store. The latter we retrieved from
* the Weave server and stored in this._virtualTabs. Including virtual tabs
* in the serialized state prevents ping-pong deletes between two clients
* running at the same time.
wrap: function TabStore_wrap() {
let items;
let virtualTabs = this._wrapVirtualTabs();
let realTabs = this._wrapRealTabs();
// Real tabs override virtual ones, which means ping-pong edits when two
// clients have the same URL loaded with different history/attributes.
// We could fix that by overriding real tabs with virtual ones, but then
// we'd have stale tab metadata in same cases.
items = virtualTabs;
let virtualTabsChanged = false;
for (let id in realTabs) {
// Since virtual tabs can sometimes get out of sync with real tabs
// (the user could have independently opened a new tab that exists
// in the virtual tabs cache since the last time we updated the cache),
// we sync them up in the process of merging them here.
if (this._virtualTabs[id]) {
this._log.warn("wrap: both real and virtual tabs exist for " + id +
"; removing virtual one");
delete this._virtualTabs[id];
virtualTabsChanged = true;
items[id] = realTabs[id];
if (virtualTabsChanged)
return items;
_wrapVirtualTabs: function TabStore__wrapVirtualTabs() {
let items = {};
for (let id in this._virtualTabs) {
let virtualTab = this._virtualTabs[id];
// Copy the virtual tab without private properties (those that begin
// with an underscore character) so that we don't sync data private to
// this particular Weave client (like the _disposed flag).
let item = {};
for (let property in virtualTab)
if (property[0] != "_")
item[property] = virtualTab[property];
items[id] = item;
return items;
_wrapRealTabs: function TabStore__wrapRealTabs() {
let items = {};
let session = this._json.decode(this._sessionStore.getBrowserState());
for (let i = 0; i < session.windows.length; i++) {
let window = session.windows[i];
// For some reason, session store uses one-based array index references,
// (f.e. in the "selectedWindow" and each tab's "index" properties), so we
// convert them to and from JavaScript's zero-based indexes as needed.
let windowID = i + 1;
this._log.debug("_wrapRealTabs: window " + windowID);
for (let j = 0; j < window.tabs.length; j++) {
let tab = window.tabs[j];
// The session history entry for the page currently loaded in the tab.
// We use the URL of the current page as the ID for the tab.
let currentEntry = tab.entries[tab.index - 1];
if (!currentEntry || !currentEntry.url) {
this._log.warn("_wrapRealTabs: no current entry or no URL, can't " +
"identify " + this._json.encode(tab));
let tabID = currentEntry.url;
this._log.debug("_wrapRealTabs: tab " + tabID);
// The ID property of each entry in the tab, which I think contains
// nsISHEntry::ID, changes every time session store restores the tab,
// so we can't sync them, or we would generate edit commands on every
// restart (even though nothing has actually changed).
for each (let entry in tab.entries)
delete entry.ID;
items[tabID] = {
// Identify this item as a tab in case we start serializing windows
// in the future.
type: "tab",
// The position of this tab relative to other tabs in the window.
// For consistency with session store data, we make this one-based.
position: j + 1,
windowID: windowID,
state: tab
return items;
wipe: function TabStore_wipe() {
// We're not going to close tabs, since that's probably not what
// the user wants, but we'll clear the cache of virtual tabs.
this._virtualTabs = {};
resetGUIDs: function TabStore_resetGUIDs() {
// Not needed.
function TabTracker(engine) {
this._engine = engine;
TabTracker.prototype = {
__proto__: new Tracker(),
_logName: "TabTracker",
_engine: null,
get _json() {
let json = Cc["@mozilla.org/dom/json;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIJSON);
this.__defineGetter__("_json", function() json);
return this._json;
* There are two ways we could calculate the score. We could calculate it
* incrementally by using the window mediator to watch for windows opening/
* closing and FUEL (or some other API) to watch for tabs opening/closing
* and changing location.
* Or we could calculate it on demand by comparing the state of tabs
* according to the session store with the state according to the snapshot.
* It's hard to say which is better. The incremental approach is less
* accurate if it simply increments the score whenever there's a change,
* but it might be more performant. The on-demand approach is more accurate,
* but it might be less performant depending on how often it's called.
* In this case we've decided to go with the on-demand approach, and we
* calculate the score as the percent difference between the snapshot set
* and the current tab set, where tabs that only exist in one set are
* completely different, while tabs that exist in both sets but whose data
* doesn't match (f.e. because of variations in history) are considered
* "half different".
* So if the sets don't match at all, we return 100;
* if they completely match, we return 0;
* if half the tabs match, and their data is the same, we return 50;
* and if half the tabs match, but their data is all different, we return 75.
get score() {
// The snapshot data is a singleton that we can't modify, so we have to
// copy its unique items to a new hash.
let snapshotData = this._engine.snapshot.data;
let a = {};
// The wrapped current state is a unique instance we can munge all we want.
let b = this._engine.store.wrap();
// An array that counts the number of intersecting IDs between a and b
// (represented as the length of c) and whether or not their values match
// (represented by the boolean value of each item in c).
let c = [];
// Generate c and update a and b to contain only unique items.
for (id in snapshotData) {
if (id in b) {
c.push(this._json.encode(snapshotData[id]) == this._json.encode(b[id]));
delete b[id];
else {
a[id] = snapshotData[id];
let numShared = c.length;
let numUnique = [true for (id in a)].length + [true for (id in b)].length;
let numTotal = numShared + numUnique;
// We're going to divide by the total later, so make sure we don't try
// to divide by zero, even though we should never be in a state where there
// are no tabs in either set.
if (numTotal == 0)
return 0;
// The number of shared items whose data is different.
let numChanged = c.filter(function(v) !v).length;
let fractionSimilar = (numShared - (numChanged / 2)) / numTotal;
let fractionDissimilar = 1 - fractionSimilar;
let percentDissimilar = Math.round(fractionDissimilar * 100);
return percentDissimilar;
resetScore: function FormsTracker_resetScore() {
// Not implemented, since we calculate the score on demand.