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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 20; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include "mozilla/RefPtr.h"
#include "mozilla/gfx/Types.h"
#ifdef WIN32
#include "mozilla/gfx/TaskScheduler_win32.h"
#include "mozilla/gfx/TaskScheduler_posix.h"
namespace mozilla {
namespace gfx {
class MultiThreadedTaskQueue;
class SyncObject;
class TaskScheduler {
/// Return one of the queues that the drawing worker threads pull from, chosen
/// pseudo-randomly.
static MultiThreadedTaskQueue* GetDrawingQueue()
return sSingleton->mDrawingQueues[
sSingleton->mNextQueue++ % sSingleton->mDrawingQueues.size()
/// Return one of the queues that the drawing worker threads pull from with a
/// hash to choose the queue.
/// Calling this function several times with the same hash will yield the same queue.
static MultiThreadedTaskQueue* GetDrawingQueue(uint32_t aHash)
return sSingleton->mDrawingQueues[
aHash % sSingleton->mDrawingQueues.size()
/// Initialize the task scheduler with aNumThreads worker threads for drawing
/// and aNumQueues task queues.
/// The number of threads must be superior or equal to the number of queues
/// (since for now a worker thread only pulls from one queue).
static bool Init(uint32_t aNumThreads, uint32_t aNumQueues);
/// Shut the scheduler down.
/// This will block until worker threads are joined and deleted.
static void ShutDown();
/// Returns true if there is a successfully initialized TaskScheduler singleton.
static bool IsEnabled() { return !!sSingleton; }
/// Submit a task buffer to its associated queue.
/// The caller looses ownership of the task buffer.
static void SubmitTask(Task* aTasks);
/// Process commands until the command buffer needs to block on a sync object,
/// completes, yields, or encounters an error.
/// Can be used on any thread. Worker threads basically loop over this, but the
/// main thread can also dequeue pending task buffers and process them alongside
/// the worker threads if it is about to block until completion anyway.
/// The caller looses ownership of the task buffer.
static TaskStatus ProcessTask(Task* aTasks);
static TaskScheduler* sSingleton;
// queues of Task that are ready to be processed
std::vector<MultiThreadedTaskQueue*> mDrawingQueues;
std::vector<WorkerThread*> mWorkerThreads;
Atomic<uint32_t> mNextQueue;
/// Tasks are not reference-counted because they don't have shared ownership.
/// The ownership of tasks can change when they are passed to certain methods
/// of TaskScheduler and SyncObject. See the docuumentaion of these classes.
class Task {
Task(MultiThreadedTaskQueue* aQueue, SyncObject* aStart = nullptr, SyncObject* aCompletion = nullptr);
virtual ~Task();
virtual TaskStatus Run() = 0;
/// For use in TaskScheduler::SubmitTask. Don't use it anywhere else.
//already_AddRefed<SyncObject> GetAndResetStartSync();
SyncObject* GetStartSync() { return mStartSync; }
MultiThreadedTaskQueue* GetTaskQueue() { return mQueue; }
MultiThreadedTaskQueue* mQueue;
RefPtr<SyncObject> mStartSync;
RefPtr<SyncObject> mCompletionSync;
class EventObject;
/// This task will set an EventObject.
/// Typically used as the final task, so that the main thread can block on the
/// corresponfing EventObject until all of the tasks are processed.
class SetEventTask : public Task
SetEventTask(MultiThreadedTaskQueue* aQueue, SyncObject* aStart = nullptr, SyncObject* aCompletion = nullptr);
TaskStatus Run() override;
EventObject* GetEvent() { return mEvent; }
RefPtr<EventObject> mEvent;
/// A synchronization object that can be used to express dependencies and ordering between
/// tasks.
/// Tasks can register to SyncObjects in order to asynchronously wait for a signal.
/// In practice, Task objects usually start with a sync object (startSyc) and end
/// with another one (completionSync).
/// a Task never gets processed before its startSync is in the signaled state, and
/// signals its completionSync as soon as it finishes. This is how dependencies
/// between tasks is expressed.
class SyncObject final : public external::AtomicRefCounted<SyncObject> {
/// Create a synchronization object.
/// Attempt to register a task.
/// If the sync object is already in the signaled state, the buffer is *not*
/// registered and the sync object does not take ownership of the task.
/// If the object is not yet in the signaled state, it takes ownership of
/// the task and places it in a list of pending tasks.
/// Pending tasks will not be processed by the worker thread.
/// When the SyncObject reaches the signaled state, it places the pending
/// tasks back in the available buffer queue, so that they can be
/// scheduled again.
/// Returns true if the SyncOject is not already in the signaled state.
/// This means that if this method returns true, the SyncObject has taken
/// ownership of the Task.
bool Register(Task* aTask);
/// Signal the SyncObject.
/// This decrements an internal counter. The sync object reaches the signaled
/// state when the counter gets to zero.
/// calling Signal on a SyncObject that is already in the signaled state has
/// no effect.
void Signal();
/// Returns true if mSignals is equal to zero. In other words, returns true
/// if all subsequent tasks have already signaled the sync object.
/// Note that this means SyncObject are initially in the signaled state, until
/// a Task is created with and declares the sync objects as its "completion sync"
bool IsSignaled();
// Called by Task's constructor
void AddSubsequent(Task* aTask);
void AddPrerequisite(Task* aTask);
void AddWaitingTask(Task* aTask);
void SubmitWaitingTasks();
#ifdef DEBUG
// For debugging purposes only.
std::vector<Task*> mPrerequisites;
std::vector<Task*> mSubsequents;
Atomic<bool> mHasSubmittedSubsequent;
std::vector<Task*> mWaitingTasks;
Mutex mMutex; // for concurrent access to mWaintingTasks
Atomic<uint32_t> mSignals;
friend class Task;
friend class TaskScheduler;
/// RAII helper.
struct MutexAutoLock {
MutexAutoLock(Mutex* aMutex) : mMutex(aMutex) { mMutex->Lock(); }
~MutexAutoLock() { mMutex->Unlock(); }
Mutex* mMutex;
} // namespace
} // namespace