Trevor Saunders 276d58fa2f bug 1162621 - proxy Accessible::IndexOfEmbeddedChild r=davidb
This is a bit dirty, we should be able to implement this just in the main
process by looking at the role of the children.  However doing it this way is
simpler and allows us to share code with the non e10s case.
2015-05-08 23:46:20 -04:00

331 lines
9.3 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef mozilla_a11y_ProxyAccessible_h
#define mozilla_a11y_ProxyAccessible_h
#include "mozilla/a11y/Role.h"
#include "nsIAccessibleText.h"
#include "Accessible.h"
#include "nsString.h"
#include "nsTArray.h"
#include "nsRect.h"
#include "Accessible.h"
namespace mozilla {
namespace a11y {
class Attribute;
class DocAccessibleParent;
enum class RelationType;
class ProxyAccessible
ProxyAccessible(uint64_t aID, ProxyAccessible* aParent,
DocAccessibleParent* aDoc, role aRole) :
mParent(aParent), mDoc(aDoc), mWrapper(0), mID(aID), mRole(aRole),
void AddChildAt(uint32_t aIdx, ProxyAccessible* aChild)
{ mChildren.InsertElementAt(aIdx, aChild); }
uint32_t ChildrenCount() const { return mChildren.Length(); }
ProxyAccessible* ChildAt(uint32_t aIdx) const { return mChildren[aIdx]; }
// XXX evaluate if this is fast enough.
size_t IndexInParent() const { return mParent->mChildren.IndexOf(this); }
int32_t IndexOfEmbeddedChild(const ProxyAccessible*);
bool MustPruneChildren() const;
void Shutdown();
void SetChildDoc(DocAccessibleParent*);
* Remove The given child.
void RemoveChild(ProxyAccessible* aChild)
{ mChildren.RemoveElement(aChild); }
* Return the proxy for the parent of the wrapped accessible.
ProxyAccessible* Parent() const { return mParent; }
* Get the role of the accessible we're proxying.
role Role() const { return mRole; }
* Return the states for the proxied accessible.
uint64_t State() const;
* Set aName to the name of the proxied accessible.
void Name(nsString& aName) const;
* Set aValue to the value of the proxied accessible.
void Value(nsString& aValue) const;
* Set aDesc to the description of the proxied accessible.
void Description(nsString& aDesc) const;
* Get the set of attributes on the proxied accessible.
void Attributes(nsTArray<Attribute> *aAttrs) const;
* Return set of targets of given relation type.
nsTArray<ProxyAccessible*> RelationByType(RelationType aType) const;
* Get all relations for this accessible.
void Relations(nsTArray<RelationType>* aTypes,
nsTArray<nsTArray<ProxyAccessible*>>* aTargetSets) const;
int32_t CaretOffset();
bool SetCaretOffset(int32_t aOffset);
int32_t CharacterCount();
int32_t SelectionCount();
* Get the text between the given offsets.
bool TextSubstring(int32_t aStartOffset, int32_t aEndOfset,
nsString& aText) const;
void GetTextAfterOffset(int32_t aOffset, AccessibleTextBoundary aBoundaryType,
nsString& aText, int32_t* aStartOffset,
int32_t* aEndOffset);
void GetTextAtOffset(int32_t aOffset, AccessibleTextBoundary aBoundaryType,
nsString& aText, int32_t* aStartOffset,
int32_t* aEndOffset);
void GetTextBeforeOffset(int32_t aOffset, AccessibleTextBoundary aBoundaryType,
nsString& aText, int32_t* aStartOffset,
int32_t* aEndOffset);
char16_t CharAt(int32_t aOffset);
void TextAttributes(bool aIncludeDefAttrs,
const int32_t aOffset,
nsTArray<Attribute>* aAttributes,
int32_t* aStartOffset,
int32_t* aEndOffset);
void DefaultTextAttributes(nsTArray<Attribute>* aAttrs);
nsIntRect TextBounds(int32_t aStartOffset, int32_t aEndOffset,
uint32_t aCoordType);
nsIntRect CharBounds(int32_t aOffset, uint32_t aCoordType);
int32_t OffsetAtPoint(int32_t aX, int32_t aY, uint32_t aCoordType);
bool SelectionBoundsAt(int32_t aSelectionNum,
nsString& aData,
int32_t* aStartOffset,
int32_t* aEndOffset);
bool SetSelectionBoundsAt(int32_t aSelectionNum,
int32_t aStartOffset,
int32_t aEndOffset);
bool AddToSelection(int32_t aStartOffset,
int32_t aEndOffset);
bool RemoveFromSelection(int32_t aSelectionNum);
void ScrollSubstringTo(int32_t aStartOffset, int32_t aEndOffset,
uint32_t aScrollType);
void ScrollSubstringToPoint(int32_t aStartOffset,
int32_t aEndOffset,
uint32_t aCoordinateType,
int32_t aX, int32_t aY);
void ReplaceText(const nsString& aText);
bool InsertText(const nsString& aText, int32_t aPosition);
bool CopyText(int32_t aStartPos, int32_t aEndPos);
bool CutText(int32_t aStartPos, int32_t aEndPos);
bool DeleteText(int32_t aStartPos, int32_t aEndPos);
bool PasteText(int32_t aPosition);
nsIntPoint ImagePosition(uint32_t aCoordType);
nsIntSize ImageSize();
uint32_t StartOffset(bool* aOk);
uint32_t EndOffset(bool* aOk);
bool IsLinkValid();
uint32_t AnchorCount(bool* aOk);
void AnchorURIAt(uint32_t aIndex, nsCString& aURI, bool* aOk);
ProxyAccessible* AnchorAt(uint32_t aIndex);
uint32_t LinkCount();
ProxyAccessible* LinkAt(const uint32_t& aIndex);
int32_t LinkIndexOf(ProxyAccessible* aLink);
int32_t LinkIndexAtOffset(uint32_t aOffset);
ProxyAccessible* TableOfACell();
uint32_t ColIdx();
uint32_t RowIdx();
uint32_t ColExtent();
uint32_t RowExtent();
void ColHeaderCells(nsTArray<uint64_t>* aCells);
void RowHeaderCells(nsTArray<uint64_t>* aCells);
bool IsCellSelected();
ProxyAccessible* TableCaption();
void TableSummary(nsString& aSummary);
uint32_t TableColumnCount();
uint32_t TableRowCount();
ProxyAccessible* TableCellAt(uint32_t aRow, uint32_t aCol);
int32_t TableCellIndexAt(uint32_t aRow, uint32_t aCol);
int32_t TableColumnIndexAt(uint32_t aCellIndex);
int32_t TableRowIndexAt(uint32_t aCellIndex);
void TableRowAndColumnIndicesAt(uint32_t aCellIndex,
int32_t* aRow, int32_t* aCol);
uint32_t TableColumnExtentAt(uint32_t aRow, uint32_t aCol);
uint32_t TableRowExtentAt(uint32_t aRow, uint32_t aCol);
void TableColumnDescription(uint32_t aCol, nsString& aDescription);
void TableRowDescription(uint32_t aRow, nsString& aDescription);
bool TableColumnSelected(uint32_t aCol);
bool TableRowSelected(uint32_t aRow);
bool TableCellSelected(uint32_t aRow, uint32_t aCol);
uint32_t TableSelectedCellCount();
uint32_t TableSelectedColumnCount();
uint32_t TableSelectedRowCount();
void TableSelectedCells(nsTArray<ProxyAccessible*>* aCellIDs);
void TableSelectedCellIndices(nsTArray<uint32_t>* aCellIndices);
void TableSelectedColumnIndices(nsTArray<uint32_t>* aColumnIndices);
void TableSelectedRowIndices(nsTArray<uint32_t>* aRowIndices);
void TableSelectColumn(uint32_t aCol);
void TableSelectRow(uint32_t aRow);
void TableUnselectColumn(uint32_t aCol);
void TableUnselectRow(uint32_t aRow);
bool TableIsProbablyForLayout();
void SelectedItems(nsTArray<ProxyAccessible*>* aSelectedItems);
uint32_t SelectedItemCount();
ProxyAccessible* GetSelectedItem(uint32_t aIndex);
bool IsItemSelected(uint32_t aIndex);
bool AddItemToSelection(uint32_t aIndex);
bool RemoveItemFromSelection(uint32_t aIndex);
bool SelectAll();
bool UnselectAll();
bool DoAction(uint8_t aIndex);
uint8_t ActionCount();
void ActionDescriptionAt(uint8_t aIndex, nsString& aDescription);
void ActionNameAt(uint8_t aIndex, nsString& aName);
KeyBinding AccessKey();
KeyBinding KeyboardShortcut();
double CurValue();
bool SetCurValue(double aValue);
double MinValue();
double MaxValue();
double Step();
void TakeFocus();
ProxyAccessible* ChildAtPoint(int32_t aX, int32_t aY,
Accessible::EWhichChildAtPoint aWhichChild);
nsIntRect Bounds();
void Language(nsString& aLocale);
void DocType(nsString& aType);
void URL(nsString& aURL);
void MimeType(nsString aMime);
void URLDocTypeMimeType(nsString& aURL, nsString& aDocType,
nsString& aMimeType);
* Allow the platform to store a pointers worth of data on us.
uintptr_t GetWrapper() const { return mWrapper; }
void SetWrapper(uintptr_t aWrapper) { mWrapper = aWrapper; }
* Return the ID of the accessible being proxied.
uint64_t ID() const { return mID; }
explicit ProxyAccessible(DocAccessibleParent* aThisAsDoc) :
mParent(nullptr), mDoc(aThisAsDoc), mWrapper(0), mID(0),
{ MOZ_COUNT_CTOR(ProxyAccessible); }
ProxyAccessible* mParent;
nsTArray<ProxyAccessible*> mChildren;
DocAccessibleParent* mDoc;
uintptr_t mWrapper;
uint64_t mID;
role mRole : 31;
bool mOuterDoc : 1;
enum Interfaces
IMAGE = 4,
VALUE = 8,
TABLE = 16,