Chris Lord 2caf0bb798 Bug 803013 - Maintain coherency when progressively updating visible areas. r=bgirard
When rendering progressively, make sure that any previously visible area that
is still visible is updated at the same time. This helps maintain visual
coherency on pages that invalidate previously visible areas while scrolling,
and when losing layers between updates.

This supersedes the previous method of only doing progressive updates while
2012-10-22 20:18:14 +01:00

411 lines
16 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at */
// Debug defines
// This needs to go away as we enabled tiled
// layers everywhere.
#include "nsRect.h"
#include "nsRegion.h"
#include "nsTArray.h"
namespace mozilla {
namespace layers {
// An abstract implementation of a tile buffer. This code covers the logic of
// moving and reusing tiles and leaves the validation up to the implementor. To
// avoid the overhead of virtual dispatch, we employ the curiously recurring
// template pattern.
// Tiles are aligned to a grid with one of the grid points at (0,0) and other
// grid points spaced evenly in the x- and y-directions by GetTileLength().
// This tile buffer stores a valid region, which defines the areas that have
// up-to-date content. The contents of tiles within this region will be reused
// from paint to paint. It also stores the region that was modified in the last
// paint operation; this is useful when one tiled layer buffer shadows another
// (as in an off-main-thread-compositing scenario), so that the shadow tiled
// layer buffer can correctly reflect the updates of the master layer buffer.
// The associated Tile may be of any type as long as the derived class can
// validate and return tiles of that type. Tiles will be frequently copied, so
// the tile type should be a reference or some other type with an efficient
// copy constructor.
// It is required that the derived class specify the base class as a friend. It
// must also implement the following public method:
// Tile GetPlaceholderTile() const;
// Returns a temporary placeholder tile used as a marker. This placeholder tile
// must never be returned by validateTile and must be == to every instance
// of a placeholder tile.
// Additionally, it must implement the following protected methods:
// Tile ValidateTile(Tile aTile, const nsIntPoint& aTileOrigin,
// const nsIntRegion& aDirtyRect);
// Validates the dirtyRect. The returned Tile will replace the tile.
// void ReleaseTile(Tile aTile);
// Destroys the given tile.
// void SwapTiles(Tile& aTileA, Tile& aTileB);
// Swaps two tiles.
template<typename Derived, typename Tile>
class TiledLayerBuffer
: mRetainedWidth(0)
, mRetainedHeight(0)
~TiledLayerBuffer() {}
// Given a tile origin aligned to a multiple of GetTileLength(),
// return the tile that describes that region.
// NOTE: To get the valid area of that tile you must intersect
// (aTileOrigin.x, aTileOrigin.y, GetTileLength(), GetTileLength())
// and GetValidRegion() to get the area of the tile that is valid.
Tile GetTile(const nsIntPoint& aTileOrigin) const;
// Given a tile x, y relative to the top left of the layer, this function
// will return the tile for
// (x*GetTileLength(), y*GetTileLength(), GetTileLength(), GetTileLength())
Tile GetTile(int x, int y) const;
// This operates the same as GetTile(aTileOrigin), but will also replace the
// specified tile with the placeholder tile. This does not call ReleaseTile
// on the removed tile.
bool RemoveTile(const nsIntPoint& aTileOrigin, Tile& aRemovedTile);
// This operates the same as GetTile(x, y), but will also replace the
// specified tile with the placeholder tile. This does not call ReleaseTile
// on the removed tile.
bool RemoveTile(int x, int y, Tile& aRemovedTile);
uint16_t GetTileLength() const { return TILEDLAYERBUFFER_TILE_SIZE; }
unsigned int GetTileCount() const { return mRetainedTiles.Length(); }
const nsIntRegion& GetValidRegion() const { return mValidRegion; }
const nsIntRegion& GetPaintedRegion() const { return mPaintedRegion; }
void ClearPaintedRegion() { mPaintedRegion.SetEmpty(); }
// Given a position i, this function returns the position inside the current tile.
int GetTileStart(int i) const {
return (i >= 0) ? (i % GetTileLength())
: ((GetTileLength() - (-i % GetTileLength())) % GetTileLength());
// Rounds the given coordinate down to the nearest tile boundary.
int RoundDownToTileEdge(int aX) const { return aX - GetTileStart(aX); }
// The implementor should call Update() to change
// the new valid region. This implementation will call
// validateTile on each tile that is dirty, which is left
// to the implementor.
void Update(const nsIntRegion& aNewValidRegion, const nsIntRegion& aPaintRegion);
nsIntRegion mValidRegion;
nsIntRegion mPaintedRegion;
* mRetainedTiles is a rectangular buffer of mRetainedWidth x mRetainedHeight
* stored as column major with the same origin as mValidRegion.GetBounds().
* Any tile that does not intersect mValidRegion is a PlaceholderTile.
* Only the region intersecting with mValidRegion should be read from a tile,
* another other region is assumed to be uninitialized.
nsTArray<Tile> mRetainedTiles;
int mRetainedWidth; // in tiles
int mRetainedHeight; // in tiles
const Derived& AsDerived() const { return *static_cast<const Derived*>(this); }
Derived& AsDerived() { return *static_cast<Derived*>(this); }
bool IsPlaceholder(Tile aTile) const { return aTile == AsDerived().GetPlaceholderTile(); }
class BasicTiledLayerBuffer;
// Shadow layers may implement this interface in order to be notified when a
// tiled layer buffer is updated.
class TiledLayerComposer
* Update the current retained layer with the updated layer data.
* The BasicTiledLayerBuffer is expected to be in the ReadLock state
* prior to this being called. aTiledBuffer is copy constructed and
* is retained until it has been uploaded/copyed and unlocked.
virtual void PaintedTiledLayerBuffer(const BasicTiledLayerBuffer* aTiledBuffer) = 0;
// Normal integer division truncates towards zero,
// we instead want to floor to hangle negative numbers.
static inline int floor_div(int a, int b)
int rem = a % b;
int div = a/b;
if (rem == 0) {
return div;
} else {
// If the signs are different substract 1.
int sub;
sub = a ^ b;
// The results of this shift is either 0 or -1.
sub >>= 8*sizeof(int)-1;
return div+sub;
template<typename Derived, typename Tile> Tile
TiledLayerBuffer<Derived, Tile>::GetTile(const nsIntPoint& aTileOrigin) const
// TODO Cache firstTileOriginX/firstTileOriginY
// Find the tile x/y of the first tile and the target tile relative to the (0, 0)
// origin, the difference is the tile x/y relative to the start of the tile buffer.
int firstTileX = floor_div(mValidRegion.GetBounds().x, GetTileLength());
int firstTileY = floor_div(mValidRegion.GetBounds().y, GetTileLength());
return GetTile(floor_div(aTileOrigin.x, GetTileLength()) - firstTileX,
floor_div(aTileOrigin.y, GetTileLength()) - firstTileY);
template<typename Derived, typename Tile> Tile
TiledLayerBuffer<Derived, Tile>::GetTile(int x, int y) const
int index = x * mRetainedHeight + y;
return mRetainedTiles.SafeElementAt(index, AsDerived().GetPlaceholderTile());
template<typename Derived, typename Tile> bool
TiledLayerBuffer<Derived, Tile>::RemoveTile(const nsIntPoint& aTileOrigin,
Tile& aRemovedTile)
int firstTileX = floor_div(mValidRegion.GetBounds().x, GetTileLength());
int firstTileY = floor_div(mValidRegion.GetBounds().y, GetTileLength());
return RemoveTile(floor_div(aTileOrigin.x, GetTileLength()) - firstTileX,
floor_div(aTileOrigin.y, GetTileLength()) - firstTileY,
template<typename Derived, typename Tile> bool
TiledLayerBuffer<Derived, Tile>::RemoveTile(int x, int y, Tile& aRemovedTile)
int index = x * mRetainedHeight + y;
const Tile& tileToRemove = mRetainedTiles.SafeElementAt(index, AsDerived().GetPlaceholderTile());
if (!IsPlaceholder(tileToRemove)) {
aRemovedTile = tileToRemove;
mRetainedTiles[index] = AsDerived().GetPlaceholderTile();
return true;
return false;
template<typename Derived, typename Tile> void
TiledLayerBuffer<Derived, Tile>::Update(const nsIntRegion& aNewValidRegion,
const nsIntRegion& aPaintRegion)
nsTArray<Tile> newRetainedTiles;
nsTArray<Tile>& oldRetainedTiles = mRetainedTiles;
const nsIntRect oldBound = mValidRegion.GetBounds();
const nsIntRect newBound = aNewValidRegion.GetBounds();
const nsIntPoint oldBufferOrigin(RoundDownToTileEdge(oldBound.x),
const nsIntPoint newBufferOrigin(RoundDownToTileEdge(newBound.x),
const nsIntRegion& oldValidRegion = mValidRegion;
const nsIntRegion& newValidRegion = aNewValidRegion;
const int oldRetainedHeight = mRetainedHeight;
// Pass 1: Recycle valid content from the old buffer
// Recycle tiles from the old buffer that contain valid regions.
// Insert placeholders tiles if we have no valid area for that tile
// which we will allocate in pass 2.
// TODO: Add a tile pool to reduce new allocation
int tileX = 0;
int tileY;
// Iterate over the new drawing bounds in steps of tiles.
for (int32_t x = newBound.x; x < newBound.XMost(); tileX++) {
// Compute tileRect(x,y,width,height) in layer space coordinate
// giving us the rect of the tile that hits the newBounds.
int width = GetTileLength() - GetTileStart(x);
if (x + width > newBound.XMost()) {
width = newBound.x + newBound.width - x;
tileY = 0;
for (int32_t y = newBound.y; y < newBound.YMost(); tileY++) {
int height = GetTileLength() - GetTileStart(y);
if (y + height > newBound.y + newBound.height) {
height = newBound.y + newBound.height - y;
const nsIntRect tileRect(x,y,width,height);
if (oldValidRegion.Intersects(tileRect) && newValidRegion.Intersects(tileRect)) {
// This old tiles contains some valid area so move it to the new tile
// buffer. Replace the tile in the old buffer with a placeholder
// to leave the old buffer index unaffected.
int tileX = floor_div(x - oldBufferOrigin.x, GetTileLength());
int tileY = floor_div(y - oldBufferOrigin.y, GetTileLength());
int index = tileX * oldRetainedHeight + tileY;
// The tile may have been removed, skip over it in this case.
if (IsPlaceholder(oldRetainedTiles.
SafeElementAt(index, AsDerived().GetPlaceholderTile()))) {
} else {
Tile tileWithPartialValidContent = oldRetainedTiles[index];
oldRetainedTiles[index] = AsDerived().GetPlaceholderTile();
} else {
// This tile is either:
// 1) Outside the new valid region and will simply be an empty
// placeholder forever.
// 2) The old buffer didn't have any data for this tile. We postpone
// the allocation of this tile after we've reused any tile with
// valid content because then we know we can safely recycle
// with taking from a tile that has recyclable content.
y += height;
x += width;
// Keep track of the number of horizontal/vertical tiles
// in the buffer so that we can easily look up a tile.
mRetainedWidth = tileX;
mRetainedHeight = tileY;
NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(aNewValidRegion.Contains(aPaintRegion), "Painting a region outside the visible region");
#ifdef DEBUG
nsIntRegion oldAndPainted(oldValidRegion);
oldAndPainted.Or(oldAndPainted, aPaintRegion);
NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(oldAndPainted.Contains(newValidRegion), "newValidRegion has not been fully painted");
nsIntRegion regionToPaint(aPaintRegion);
// Pass 2: Validate
// We know at this point that any tile in the new buffer that had valid content
// from the previous buffer is placed correctly in the new buffer.
// We know that any tile in the old buffer that isn't a place holder is
// of no use and can be recycled.
// We also know that any place holder tile in the new buffer must be
// allocated.
tileX = 0;
printf_stderr("Update %i, %i, %i, %i\n", newBound.x, newBound.y, newBound.width, newBound.height);
for (int x = newBound.x; x < newBound.x + newBound.width; tileX++) {
// Compute tileRect(x,y,width,height) in layer space coordinate
// giving us the rect of the tile that hits the newBounds.
int tileStartX = RoundDownToTileEdge(x);
int width = GetTileLength() - GetTileStart(x);
if (x + width > newBound.XMost())
width = newBound.XMost() - x;
tileY = 0;
for (int y = newBound.y; y < newBound.y + newBound.height; tileY++) {
int tileStartY = RoundDownToTileEdge(y);
int height = GetTileLength() - GetTileStart(y);
if (y + height > newBound.YMost()) {
height = newBound.YMost() - y;
const nsIntRect tileRect(x, y, width, height);
nsIntRegion tileDrawRegion;
tileDrawRegion.And(tileRect, regionToPaint);
if (tileDrawRegion.IsEmpty()) {
// We have a tile but it doesn't hit the draw region
// because we can reuse all of the content from the
// previous buffer.
#ifdef DEBUG
int currTileX = floor_div(x - newBufferOrigin.x, GetTileLength());
int currTileY = floor_div(y - newBufferOrigin.y, GetTileLength());
int index = currTileX * mRetainedHeight + currTileY;
NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(!newValidRegion.Intersects(tileRect) ||
SafeElementAt(index, AsDerived().GetPlaceholderTile())),
"If we don't draw a tile we shouldn't have a placeholder there.");
y += height;
int tileX = floor_div(x - newBufferOrigin.x, GetTileLength());
int tileY = floor_div(y - newBufferOrigin.y, GetTileLength());
int index = tileX * mRetainedHeight + tileY;
NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(index >= 0 &&
static_cast<unsigned>(index) < newRetainedTiles.Length(),
"index out of range");
Tile newTile = newRetainedTiles[index];
while (IsPlaceholder(newTile) && oldRetainedTiles.Length() > 0) {
AsDerived().SwapTiles(newTile, oldRetainedTiles[oldRetainedTiles.Length()-1]);
// We've done our best effort to recycle a tile but it can be null
// in which case it's up to the derived class's ValidateTile()
// implementation to allocate a new tile before drawing
nsIntPoint tileOrigin(tileStartX, tileStartY);
newTile = AsDerived().ValidateTile(newTile, nsIntPoint(tileStartX, tileStartY),
NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(!IsPlaceholder(newTile), "index out of range");
printf_stderr("Store Validate tile %i, %i -> %i\n", tileStartX, tileStartY, index);
newRetainedTiles[index] = newTile;
y += height;
x += width;
// Throw away any tiles we didn't recycle
// TODO: Add a tile pool
while (oldRetainedTiles.Length() > 0) {
Tile oldTile = oldRetainedTiles[oldRetainedTiles.Length()-1];
mRetainedTiles = newRetainedTiles;
mValidRegion = aNewValidRegion;
mPaintedRegion.Or(mPaintedRegion, aPaintRegion);
} // layers
} // mozilla