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/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
"use strict";
const { classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu, results: Cr } = Components;
let { Services } = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm", {});
let { Task } = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Task.jsm", {});
let { Promise: promise } = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Promise.jsm", {});
let { gDevTools } = Cu.import("resource:///modules/devtools/gDevTools.jsm", {});
let { devtools } = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/devtools/Loader.jsm", {});
let { CurlUtils } = Cu.import("resource:///modules/devtools/Curl.jsm", {});
let TargetFactory = devtools.TargetFactory;
let Toolbox = devtools.Toolbox;
const EXAMPLE_URL = "http://example.com/browser/browser/devtools/netmonitor/test/";
const SIMPLE_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_simple-test-page.html";
const NAVIGATE_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_navigate-test-page.html";
const CONTENT_TYPE_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_content-type-test-page.html";
const CONTENT_TYPE_WITHOUT_CACHE_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_content-type-without-cache-test-page.html";
const CYRILLIC_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_cyrillic-test-page.html";
const STATUS_CODES_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_status-codes-test-page.html";
const POST_DATA_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_post-data-test-page.html";
const POST_RAW_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_post-raw-test-page.html";
const POST_RAW_WITH_HEADERS_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_post-raw-with-headers-test-page.html";
const PARAMS_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_params-test-page.html";
const JSONP_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_jsonp-test-page.html";
const JSON_LONG_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_json-long-test-page.html";
const JSON_MALFORMED_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_json-malformed-test-page.html";
const JSON_CUSTOM_MIME_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_json-custom-mime-test-page.html";
const JSON_TEXT_MIME_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_json-text-mime-test-page.html";
const SORTING_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_sorting-test-page.html";
const FILTERING_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_filter-test-page.html";
const INFINITE_GET_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_infinite-get-page.html";
const CUSTOM_GET_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_custom-get-page.html";
const STATISTICS_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_statistics-test-page.html";
const CURL_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_copy-as-curl.html";
const CURL_UTILS_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_curl-utils.html";
const SIMPLE_SJS = EXAMPLE_URL + "sjs_simple-test-server.sjs";
const CONTENT_TYPE_SJS = EXAMPLE_URL + "sjs_content-type-test-server.sjs";
const STATUS_CODES_SJS = EXAMPLE_URL + "sjs_status-codes-test-server.sjs";
const SORTING_SJS = EXAMPLE_URL + "sjs_sorting-test-server.sjs";
const TEST_IMAGE = EXAMPLE_URL + "test-image.png";
gDevTools.testing = true;
SimpleTest.registerCleanupFunction(() => {
gDevTools.testing = false;
// All tests are asynchronous.
// Enable logging for all the relevant tests.
const gEnableLogging = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("devtools.debugger.log");
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("devtools.debugger.log", true);
// Always reset some prefs to their original values after the test finishes.
const gDefaultFilters = Services.prefs.getCharPref("devtools.netmonitor.filters");
registerCleanupFunction(() => {
info("finish() was called, cleaning up...");
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("devtools.debugger.log", gEnableLogging);
Services.prefs.setCharPref("devtools.netmonitor.filters", gDefaultFilters);
function addTab(aUrl, aWindow) {
info("Adding tab: " + aUrl);
let deferred = promise.defer();
let targetWindow = aWindow || window;
let targetBrowser = targetWindow.gBrowser;
let tab = targetBrowser.selectedTab = targetBrowser.addTab(aUrl);
let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
browser.addEventListener("load", function onLoad() {
browser.removeEventListener("load", onLoad, true);
}, true);
return deferred.promise;
function removeTab(aTab, aWindow) {
info("Removing tab.");
let targetWindow = aWindow || window;
let targetBrowser = targetWindow.gBrowser;
function initNetMonitor(aUrl, aWindow) {
info("Initializing a network monitor pane.");
return addTab(aUrl).then((aTab) => {
info("Net tab added successfully: " + aUrl);
let deferred = promise.defer();
let debuggee = aTab.linkedBrowser.contentWindow.wrappedJSObject;
let target = TargetFactory.forTab(aTab);
gDevTools.showToolbox(target, "netmonitor").then((aToolbox) => {
info("Netork monitor pane shown successfully.");
let monitor = aToolbox.getCurrentPanel();
deferred.resolve([aTab, debuggee, monitor]);
return deferred.promise;
function restartNetMonitor(aMonitor, aNewUrl) {
info("Restarting the specified network monitor.");
let deferred = promise.defer();
let tab = aMonitor.target.tab;
let url = aNewUrl || tab.linkedBrowser.contentWindow.wrappedJSObject.location.href;
aMonitor.once("destroyed", () => initNetMonitor(url).then(deferred.resolve));
return deferred.promise;
function teardown(aMonitor) {
info("Destroying the specified network monitor.");
let deferred = promise.defer();
let tab = aMonitor.target.tab;
aMonitor.once("destroyed", deferred.resolve);
return deferred.promise;
function waitForNetworkEvents(aMonitor, aGetRequests, aPostRequests = 0) {
let deferred = promise.defer();
let panel = aMonitor.panelWin;
let genericEvents = 0;
let postEvents = 0;
function onGenericEvent() {
function onPostEvent() {
function maybeResolve() {
info("> Network events progress: " +
genericEvents + "/" + ((aGetRequests + aPostRequests) * 13) + ", " +
postEvents + "/" + (aPostRequests * 2));
// There are 15 updates which need to be fired for a request to be
// considered finished. RequestPostData isn't fired for non-POST requests.
if (genericEvents == (aGetRequests + aPostRequests) * 13 &&
postEvents == aPostRequests * 2) {
panel.off(panel.EVENTS.UPDATING_REQUEST_HEADERS, onGenericEvent);
panel.off(panel.EVENTS.RECEIVED_REQUEST_HEADERS, onGenericEvent);
panel.off(panel.EVENTS.UPDATING_REQUEST_COOKIES, onGenericEvent);
panel.off(panel.EVENTS.RECEIVED_REQUEST_COOKIES, onGenericEvent);
panel.off(panel.EVENTS.UPDATING_REQUEST_POST_DATA, onPostEvent);
panel.off(panel.EVENTS.RECEIVED_REQUEST_POST_DATA, onPostEvent);
panel.off(panel.EVENTS.UPDATING_RESPONSE_HEADERS, onGenericEvent);
panel.off(panel.EVENTS.RECEIVED_RESPONSE_HEADERS, onGenericEvent);
panel.off(panel.EVENTS.UPDATING_RESPONSE_COOKIES, onGenericEvent);
panel.off(panel.EVENTS.RECEIVED_RESPONSE_COOKIES, onGenericEvent);
panel.off(panel.EVENTS.STARTED_RECEIVING_RESPONSE, onGenericEvent);
panel.off(panel.EVENTS.UPDATING_RESPONSE_CONTENT, onGenericEvent);
panel.off(panel.EVENTS.RECEIVED_RESPONSE_CONTENT, onGenericEvent);
panel.off(panel.EVENTS.UPDATING_EVENT_TIMINGS, onGenericEvent);
panel.off(panel.EVENTS.RECEIVED_EVENT_TIMINGS, onGenericEvent);
panel.on(panel.EVENTS.UPDATING_REQUEST_HEADERS, onGenericEvent);
panel.on(panel.EVENTS.RECEIVED_REQUEST_HEADERS, onGenericEvent);
panel.on(panel.EVENTS.UPDATING_REQUEST_COOKIES, onGenericEvent);
panel.on(panel.EVENTS.RECEIVED_REQUEST_COOKIES, onGenericEvent);
panel.on(panel.EVENTS.UPDATING_REQUEST_POST_DATA, onPostEvent);
panel.on(panel.EVENTS.RECEIVED_REQUEST_POST_DATA, onPostEvent);
panel.on(panel.EVENTS.UPDATING_RESPONSE_HEADERS, onGenericEvent);
panel.on(panel.EVENTS.RECEIVED_RESPONSE_HEADERS, onGenericEvent);
panel.on(panel.EVENTS.UPDATING_RESPONSE_COOKIES, onGenericEvent);
panel.on(panel.EVENTS.RECEIVED_RESPONSE_COOKIES, onGenericEvent);
panel.on(panel.EVENTS.STARTED_RECEIVING_RESPONSE, onGenericEvent);
panel.on(panel.EVENTS.UPDATING_RESPONSE_CONTENT, onGenericEvent);
panel.on(panel.EVENTS.RECEIVED_RESPONSE_CONTENT, onGenericEvent);
panel.on(panel.EVENTS.UPDATING_EVENT_TIMINGS, onGenericEvent);
panel.on(panel.EVENTS.RECEIVED_EVENT_TIMINGS, onGenericEvent);
return deferred.promise;
function verifyRequestItemTarget(aRequestItem, aMethod, aUrl, aData = {}) {
info("> Verifying: " + aMethod + " " + aUrl + " " + aData.toSource());
info("> Request: " + aRequestItem.attachment.toSource());
let requestsMenu = aRequestItem.ownerView;
let widgetIndex = requestsMenu.indexOfItem(aRequestItem);
let visibleIndex = requestsMenu.visibleItems.indexOf(aRequestItem);
info("Widget index of item: " + widgetIndex);
info("Visible index of item: " + visibleIndex);
let { fuzzyUrl, status, statusText, type, fullMimeType, size, time } = aData;
let { attachment, target } = aRequestItem
let uri = Services.io.newURI(aUrl, null, null).QueryInterface(Ci.nsIURL);
let name = uri.fileName || "/";
let query = uri.query;
let hostPort = uri.hostPort;
if (fuzzyUrl) {
ok(attachment.method.startsWith(aMethod), "The attached method is incorrect.");
ok(attachment.url.startsWith(aUrl), "The attached url is incorrect.");
} else {
is(attachment.method, aMethod, "The attached method is incorrect.");
is(attachment.url, aUrl, "The attached url is incorrect.");
aMethod, "The displayed method is incorrect.");
if (fuzzyUrl) {
name + (query ? "?" + query : "")), "The displayed file is incorrect.");
name + (query ? "?" + query : "")), "The tooltip file is incorrect.");
} else {
name + (query ? "?" + query : ""), "The displayed file is incorrect.");
name + (query ? "?" + query : ""), "The tooltip file is incorrect.");
hostPort, "The displayed domain is incorrect.");
hostPort, "The tooltip domain is incorrect.");
if (status !== undefined) {
let value = target.querySelector(".requests-menu-status").getAttribute("code");
let codeValue = target.querySelector(".requests-menu-status-code").getAttribute("value");
let tooltip = target.querySelector(".requests-menu-status-and-method").getAttribute("tooltiptext");
info("Displayed status: " + value);
info("Displayed code: " + codeValue);
info("Tooltip status: " + tooltip);
is(value, status, "The displayed status is incorrect.");
is(codeValue, status, "The displayed status code is incorrect.");
is(tooltip, status + " " + statusText, "The tooltip status is incorrect.");
if (type !== undefined) {
let value = target.querySelector(".requests-menu-type").getAttribute("value");
let tooltip = target.querySelector(".requests-menu-type").getAttribute("tooltiptext");
info("Displayed type: " + value);
info("Tooltip type: " + tooltip);
is(value, type, "The displayed type is incorrect.");
is(tooltip, fullMimeType, "The tooltip type is incorrect.");
if (size !== undefined) {
let value = target.querySelector(".requests-menu-size").getAttribute("value");
let tooltip = target.querySelector(".requests-menu-size").getAttribute("tooltiptext");
info("Displayed size: " + value);
info("Tooltip size: " + tooltip);
is(value, size, "The displayed size is incorrect.");
is(tooltip, size, "The tooltip size is incorrect.");
if (time !== undefined) {
let value = target.querySelector(".requests-menu-timings-total").getAttribute("value");
let tooltip = target.querySelector(".requests-menu-timings-total").getAttribute("tooltiptext");
info("Displayed time: " + value);
info("Tooltip time: " + tooltip);
ok(~~(value.match(/[0-9]+/)) >= 0, "The displayed time is incorrect.");
ok(~~(tooltip.match(/[0-9]+/)) >= 0, "The tooltip time is incorrect.");
if (visibleIndex != -1) {
if (visibleIndex % 2 == 0) {
"Unexpected 'even' attribute for " + aRequestItem.value);
"Unexpected 'odd' attribute for " + aRequestItem.value);
} else {
"Unexpected 'even' attribute for " + aRequestItem.value);
"Unexpected 'odd' attribute for " + aRequestItem.value);
* Helper function for waiting for an event to fire before resolving a promise.
* Example: waitFor(aMonitor.panelWin, aMonitor.panelWin.EVENTS.TAB_UPDATED);
* @param object subject
* The event emitter object that is being listened to.
* @param string eventName
* The name of the event to listen to.
* @return object
* Returns a promise that resolves upon firing of the event.
function waitFor (subject, eventName) {
let deferred = promise.defer();
subject.once(eventName, deferred.resolve);
return deferred.promise;
* Tests if a button for a filter of given type is the only one checked.
* @param string aFilterType
* The type of the filter that should be the only one checked.
function testFilterButtons(aMonitor, aFilterType) {
let doc = aMonitor.panelWin.document;
let target = doc.querySelector("#requests-menu-filter-" + aFilterType + "-button");
let buttons = doc.querySelectorAll(".requests-menu-footer-button");
// Only target should be checked.
let checkStatus = [(button == target) ? 1 : 0 for (button of buttons)]
testFilterButtonsCustom(aMonitor, checkStatus);
* Tests if filter buttons have 'checked' attributes set correctly.
* @param array aIsChecked
* An array specifying if a button at given index should have a
* 'checked' attribute. For example, if the third item of the array
* evaluates to true, the third button should be checked.
function testFilterButtonsCustom(aMonitor, aIsChecked) {
let doc = aMonitor.panelWin.document;
let buttons = doc.querySelectorAll(".requests-menu-footer-button");
for (let i = 0; i < aIsChecked.length; i++) {
let button = buttons[i];
if (aIsChecked[i]) {
is(button.hasAttribute("checked"), true,
"The " + button.id + " button should have a 'checked' attribute.");
} else {
is(button.hasAttribute("checked"), false,
"The " + button.id + " button should not have a 'checked' attribute.");