Trevor Saunders 7713d92e5d bug 1170595 - switch to sending __delete__ from the parent instead of the child r=davidb, smaug
After the child sends the __delete__ message to the parent there is a period of
time in which the actor is registered, but the parent hasn't yet processed the
__delete__ message.  During that time the parent can still try and send
messages to the child, but that will crash the child process.  Fix this race by
making the child send a shutdown message to the parent, and have the parent
send __delete__ when it handles that message.
2015-06-05 16:10:34 -04:00

234 lines
11 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
include protocol PFileDescriptorSet;
include protocol PBrowser;
include "mozilla/GfxMessageUtils.h";
using nsIntRect from "nsRect.h";
using mozilla::gfx::IntSize from "mozilla/gfx/Point.h";
using mozilla::gfx::IntPoint from "mozilla/gfx/Point.h";
namespace mozilla {
namespace a11y {
struct AccessibleData
uint64_t ID;
uint32_t Role;
uint32_t ChildrenCount;
uint32_t Interfaces;
struct ShowEventData
uint64_t ID;
uint32_t Idx;
AccessibleData[] NewTree;
struct Attribute
nsCString Name;
nsString Value;
struct RelationTargets
uint32_t Type;
uint64_t[] Targets;
prio(normal upto high) sync protocol PDocAccessible
manager PBrowser;
* Notify the parent process the document in the child process is firing an
* event.
Event(uint64_t aID, uint32_t type);
ShowEvent(ShowEventData data);
HideEvent(uint64_t aRootID);
StateChangeEvent(uint64_t aID, uint64_t aState, bool aEnabled);
CaretMoveEvent(uint64_t aID, int32_t aOffset);
* Tell the parent document to bind the existing document as a new child
* document.
BindChildDoc(PDocAccessible aChildDoc, uint64_t aID);
// Accessible
prio(high) sync State(uint64_t aID) returns(uint64_t states);
prio(high) sync Name(uint64_t aID) returns(nsString name);
prio(high) sync Value(uint64_t aID) returns(nsString value);
prio(high) sync Description(uint64_t aID) returns(nsString desc);
prio(high) sync Attributes(uint64_t aID) returns(Attribute[] attributes);
prio(high) sync RelationByType(uint64_t aID, uint32_t aRelationType)
returns(uint64_t[] targets);
prio(high) sync Relations(uint64_t aID) returns(RelationTargets[] relations);
// AccessibleText
// TextSubstring is getText in IDL.
prio(high) sync CaretOffset(uint64_t aID) returns(int32_t aOffset);
prio(high) sync SetCaretOffset(uint64_t aID, int32_t aOffset) returns (bool aValid);
prio(high) sync CharacterCount(uint64_t aID) returns(int32_t aCount);
prio(high) sync SelectionCount(uint64_t aID) returns(int32_t aCount);
prio(high) sync TextSubstring(uint64_t aID, int32_t aStartOffset, int32_t
aEndOffset) returns(nsString aText, bool aValid);
prio(high) sync GetTextAfterOffset(uint64_t aID, int32_t aOffset, int32_t aBoundaryType)
returns(nsString aText, int32_t aStartOffset, int32_t aEndOffset);
prio(high) sync GetTextAtOffset(uint64_t aID, int32_t aOffset, int32_t aBoundaryType)
returns(nsString aText, int32_t aStartOffset, int32_t aEndOffset);
prio(high) sync GetTextBeforeOffset(uint64_t aID, int32_t aOffset, int32_t aBoundaryType)
returns(nsString aText, int32_t aStartOffset, int32_t aEndOffset);
prio(high) sync CharAt(uint64_t aID, int32_t aOffset) returns(uint16_t aChar);
prio(high) sync TextAttributes(uint64_t aID, bool aIncludeDefAttrs, int32_t aOffset)
returns(Attribute[] aAttributes, int32_t aStartOffset, int32_t aEndOffset);
prio(high) sync DefaultTextAttributes(uint64_t aID) returns(Attribute[] aAttributes);
prio(high) sync TextBounds(uint64_t aID, int32_t aStartOffset, int32_t aEndOffset,
uint32_t aCoordType)
returns(nsIntRect aRetVal);
prio(high) sync CharBounds(uint64_t aID, int32_t aOffset, uint32_t aCoordType)
returns(nsIntRect aRetVal);
prio(high) sync OffsetAtPoint(uint64_t aID, int32_t aX, int32_t aY, uint32_t aCoordType)
returns(int32_t aRetVal);
prio(high) sync SelectionBoundsAt(uint64_t aID, int32_t aSelectionNum)
returns(bool aSucceeded, nsString aData, int32_t aStartOffset, int32_t aEndOffset);
prio(high) sync SetSelectionBoundsAt(uint64_t aID, int32_t aSelectionNum,
int32_t aStartOffset, int32_t aEndOffset)
returns(bool aSucceeded);
prio(high) sync AddToSelection(uint64_t aID, int32_t aStartOffset, int32_t aEndOffset)
returns(bool aSucceeded);
prio(high) sync RemoveFromSelection(uint64_t aID, int32_t aSelectionNum)
returns(bool aSucceeded);
ScrollSubstringTo(uint64_t aID, int32_t aStartOffset, int32_t aEndOffset,
uint32_t aScrollType);
ScrollSubstringToPoint(uint64_t aID,
int32_t aStartOffset,
int32_t aEndOffset,
uint32_t aCoordinateType,
int32_t aX, int32_t aY);
prio(high) sync ReplaceText(uint64_t aID, nsString aText);
prio(high) sync InsertText(uint64_t aID, nsString aText, int32_t aPosition)
returns(bool aValid);
prio(high) sync CopyText(uint64_t aID, int32_t aStartPos, int32_t aEndPos)
returns(bool aValid);
prio(high) sync CutText(uint64_t aID, int32_t aStartPos, int32_t aEndPos)
returns(bool aValid);
prio(high) sync DeleteText(uint64_t aID, int32_t aStartPos, int32_t aEndPos)
returns(bool aValid);
prio(high) sync PasteText(uint64_t aID, int32_t aPosition)
returns(bool aValid);
prio(high) sync ImagePosition(uint64_t aID, uint32_t aCoordType) returns(IntPoint aRetVal);
prio(high) sync ImageSize(uint64_t aID) returns(IntSize aRetVal);
prio(high) sync StartOffset(uint64_t aID) returns(uint32_t aRetVal, bool aOk);
prio(high) sync EndOffset(uint64_t aID) returns(uint32_t aRetVal, bool aOk);
prio(high) sync IsLinkValid(uint64_t aID) returns(bool aRetVal);
prio(high) sync AnchorCount(uint64_t aID) returns(uint32_t aRetVal, bool aOk);
prio(high) sync AnchorURIAt(uint64_t aID, uint32_t aIndex) returns(nsCString aURI, bool aOk);
prio(high) sync AnchorAt(uint64_t aID, uint32_t aIndex) returns(uint64_t aIDOfAnchor, bool aOk);
prio(high) sync LinkCount(uint64_t aID) returns(uint32_t aCount);
prio(high) sync LinkAt(uint64_t aID, uint32_t aIndex) returns(uint64_t aIDOfLink, bool aOk);
prio(high) sync LinkIndexOf(uint64_t aID, uint64_t aLinkID) returns(int32_t aIndex);
prio(high) sync LinkIndexAtOffset(uint64_t aID, uint32_t aOffset) returns(int32_t aIndex);
prio(high) sync TableOfACell(uint64_t aID) returns(uint64_t aTableID, bool aOk);
prio(high) sync ColIdx(uint64_t aID) returns(uint32_t aIndex);
prio(high) sync RowIdx(uint64_t aID) returns(uint32_t aIndex);
prio(high) sync ColExtent(uint64_t aID) returns(uint32_t aExtent);
prio(high) sync RowExtent(uint64_t aID) returns(uint32_t aExtent);
prio(high) sync ColHeaderCells(uint64_t aID) returns(uint64_t[] aCells);
prio(high) sync RowHeaderCells(uint64_t aID) returns(uint64_t[] aCells);
prio(high) sync IsCellSelected(uint64_t aID) returns(bool aSelected);
prio(high) sync TableCaption(uint64_t aID) returns(uint64_t aCaptionID, bool aOk);
prio(high) sync TableSummary(uint64_t aID) returns(nsString aSummary);
prio(high) sync TableColumnCount(uint64_t aID) returns(uint32_t aColCount);
prio(high) sync TableRowCount(uint64_t aID) returns(uint32_t aRowCount);
prio(high) sync TableCellAt(uint64_t aID, uint32_t aRow, uint32_t aCol) returns(uint64_t aCellID, bool aOk);
prio(high) sync TableCellIndexAt(uint64_t aID, uint32_t aRow, uint32_t aCol) returns(int32_t aIndex);
prio(high) sync TableColumnIndexAt(uint64_t aID, uint32_t aCellIndex) returns(int32_t aCol);
prio(high) sync TableRowIndexAt(uint64_t aID, uint32_t aCellIndex) returns(int32_t aRow);
prio(high) sync TableRowAndColumnIndicesAt(uint64_t aID, uint32_t aCellIndex) returns(int32_t aRow, int32_t aCol);
prio(high) sync TableColumnExtentAt(uint64_t aID, uint32_t aRow, uint32_t aCol) returns(uint32_t aExtent);
prio(high) sync TableRowExtentAt(uint64_t aID, uint32_t aRow, uint32_t aCol) returns(uint32_t aExtent);
prio(high) sync TableColumnDescription(uint64_t aID, uint32_t aCol) returns(nsString aDescription);
prio(high) sync TableRowDescription(uint64_t aID, uint32_t aRow) returns(nsString aDescription);
prio(high) sync TableColumnSelected(uint64_t aID, uint32_t aCol) returns(bool aSelected);
prio(high) sync TableRowSelected(uint64_t aID, uint32_t aRow) returns(bool aSelected);
prio(high) sync TableCellSelected(uint64_t aID, uint32_t aRow, uint32_t aCol) returns(bool aSelected);
prio(high) sync TableSelectedCellCount(uint64_t aID) returns(uint32_t aSelectedCells);
prio(high) sync TableSelectedColumnCount(uint64_t aID) returns(uint32_t aSelectedColumns);
prio(high) sync TableSelectedRowCount(uint64_t aID) returns(uint32_t aSelectedRows);
prio(high) sync TableSelectedCells(uint64_t aID) returns(uint64_t[] aCellIDs);
prio(high) sync TableSelectedCellIndices(uint64_t aID) returns(uint32_t[] aCellIndeces);
prio(high) sync TableSelectedColumnIndices(uint64_t aID) returns(uint32_t[] aColumnIndeces);
prio(high) sync TableSelectedRowIndices(uint64_t aID) returns(uint32_t[] aRowIndeces);
prio(high) sync TableSelectColumn(uint64_t aID, uint32_t aCol);
prio(high) sync TableSelectRow(uint64_t aID, uint32_t aRow);
prio(high) sync TableUnselectColumn(uint64_t aID, uint32_t aCol);
prio(high) sync TableUnselectRow(uint64_t aID, uint32_t aRow);
prio(high) sync TableIsProbablyForLayout(uint64_t aID) returns(bool aForLayout);
prio(high) sync SelectedItems(uint64_t aID) returns(uint64_t[] aSelectedItemIDs);
prio(high) sync SelectedItemCount(uint64_t aID) returns(uint32_t aCount);
prio(high) sync GetSelectedItem(uint64_t aID, uint32_t aIndex) returns(uint64_t aSelected, bool aOk);
prio(high) sync IsItemSelected(uint64_t aID, uint32_t aIndex) returns(bool aSelected);
prio(high) sync AddItemToSelection(uint64_t aID, uint32_t aIndex) returns(bool aSuccess);
prio(high) sync RemoveItemFromSelection(uint64_t aID, uint32_t aIndex) returns(bool aSuccess);
prio(high) sync SelectAll(uint64_t aID) returns(bool aSuccess);
prio(high) sync UnselectAll(uint64_t aID) returns(bool aSuccess);
prio(high) sync DoAction(uint64_t aID, uint8_t aIndex) returns(bool aSuccess);
prio(high) sync ActionCount(uint64_t aID) returns(uint8_t aCount);
prio(high) sync ActionDescriptionAt(uint64_t aID, uint8_t aIndex) returns(nsString aDescription);
prio(high) sync ActionNameAt(uint64_t aID, uint8_t aIndex) returns(nsString aName);
prio(high) sync AccessKey(uint64_t aID) returns(uint32_t aKey, uint32_t aModifierMask);
prio(high) sync KeyboardShortcut(uint64_t aID) returns(uint32_t aKey, uint32_t aModifierMask);
prio(high) sync CurValue(uint64_t aID) returns(double aValue);
prio(high) sync SetCurValue(uint64_t aID, double aValue) returns(bool aRetVal);
prio(high) sync MinValue(uint64_t aID) returns(double aValue);
prio(high) sync MaxValue(uint64_t aID) returns(double aValue);
prio(high) sync Step(uint64_t aID) returns(double aStep);
prio(high) sync TakeFocus(uint64_t aID);
prio(high) sync IndexOfEmbeddedChild(uint64_t aID, uint64_t aChildID)
returns(uint32_t childIdx);
prio(high) sync ChildAtPoint(uint64_t aID, int32_t aX, int32_t aY, uint32_t aWhich)
returns(uint64_t aChild, bool aOk);
prio(high) sync Bounds(uint64_t aID) returns(nsIntRect aRect);
prio(high) sync Language(uint64_t aID) returns(nsString aLocale);
prio(high) sync DocType(uint64_t aID) returns(nsString aType);
prio(high) sync URL(uint64_t aID) returns(nsString aURL);
prio(high) sync MimeType(uint64_t aID) returns(nsString aMime);
prio(high) sync URLDocTypeMimeType(uint64_t aID) returns(nsString aURL, nsString aDocType, nsString aMimeType);