
163 lines
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/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. */
let tmp = {};
Cu.import("resource:///modules/PageThumbs.jsm", tmp);
let PageThumbs = tmp.PageThumbs;
let PageThumbsCache = tmp.PageThumbsCache;
registerCleanupFunction(function () {
while (gBrowser.tabs.length > 1)
let cachedXULDocument;
* Provide the default test function to start our test runner.
function test() {;
* The test runner that controls the execution flow of our tests.
let TestRunner = {
* Starts the test runner.
run: function () {
this._iter = runTests();;
* Runs the next available test or finishes if there's no test left.
next: function () {
try {;
} catch (e if e instanceof StopIteration) {
* Continues the current test execution.
function next() {;
* Creates a new tab with the given URI.
* @param aURI The URI that's loaded in the tab.
function addTab(aURI) {
let tab = gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.addTab(aURI);
* Loads a new URI into the currently selected tab.
* @param aURI The URI to load.
function navigateTo(aURI) {
let browser = gBrowser.selectedTab.linkedBrowser;
* Continues the current test execution when a load event for the given element
* has been received.
* @param aElement The DOM element to listen on.
* @param aCallback The function to call when the load event was dispatched.
function whenLoaded(aElement, aCallback) {
aElement.addEventListener("load", function onLoad() {
aElement.removeEventListener("load", onLoad, true);
executeSoon(aCallback || next);
}, true);
* Captures a screenshot for the currently selected tab, stores it in the cache,
* retrieves it from the cache and compares pixel color values.
* @param aRed The red component's intensity.
* @param aGreen The green component's intensity.
* @param aBlue The blue component's intensity.
* @param aMessage The info message to print when comparing the pixel color.
function captureAndCheckColor(aRed, aGreen, aBlue, aMessage) {
let browser = gBrowser.selectedBrowser;
// Capture the screenshot.
PageThumbs.captureAndStore(browser, function () {
let width = 100, height = 100;
let thumb = PageThumbs.getThumbnailURL(browser.currentURI.spec, width, height);
getXULDocument(function (aDocument) {
let htmlns = "";
let img = aDocument.createElementNS(htmlns, "img");
img.setAttribute("src", thumb);
whenLoaded(img, function () {
let canvas = aDocument.createElementNS(htmlns, "canvas");
canvas.setAttribute("width", width);
canvas.setAttribute("height", height);
// Draw the image to a canvas and compare the pixel color values.
let ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, width, height);
checkCanvasColor(ctx, aRed, aGreen, aBlue, aMessage);
* Passes a XUL document (created if necessary) to the given callback.
* @param aCallback The function to be called when the XUL document has been
* created. The first argument will be the document.
function getXULDocument(aCallback) {
let hiddenWindow = Services.appShell.hiddenDOMWindow;
let doc = cachedXULDocument || hiddenWindow.document;
if (doc instanceof XULDocument) {
aCallback(cachedXULDocument = doc);
let iframe = doc.createElement("iframe");
iframe.setAttribute("src", "chrome://global/content/mozilla.xhtml");
iframe.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function onLoad() {
iframe.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", onLoad, false);
aCallback(cachedXULDocument = iframe.contentDocument);
}, false);
registerCleanupFunction(function () { doc.body.removeChild(iframe); });
* Checks the top-left pixel of a given canvas' 2d context for a given color.
* @param aContext The 2D context of a canvas.
* @param aRed The red component's intensity.
* @param aGreen The green component's intensity.
* @param aBlue The blue component's intensity.
* @param aMessage The info message to print when comparing the pixel color.
function checkCanvasColor(aContext, aRed, aGreen, aBlue, aMessage) {
let [r, g, b] = aContext.getImageData(0, 0, 1, 1).data;
ok(r == aRed && g == aGreen && b == aBlue, aMessage);