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#filter substitution
!define AppVersion "@APP_VERSION@"
!define GREVersion @MOZILLA_VERSION@
!define AB_CD "@AB_CD@"
!define FileMainEXE "@MOZ_APP_NAME@.exe"
!define WindowClass "FirefoxMessageWindow"
!define DDEApplication "Firefox"
!define AppRegName "Firefox"
!define MinSupportedVer "Microsoft Windows 2000"
!define BrandShortName "@MOZ_APP_DISPLAYNAME@"
!define PreReleaseSuffix "@PRE_RELEASE_SUFFIX@"
!define BrandFullName "${BrandFullNameInternal}${PreReleaseSuffix}"
# NO_INSTDIR_FROM_REG is defined for pre-releases which have a PreReleaseSuffix
# (e.g. Alpha X, Beta X, etc.) to prevent finding a non-default installation
# directory in the registry and using that as the default. This prevents
# Beta releases built with official branding from finding an existing install
# of an official release and defaulting to its installation directory.
!if "@PRE_RELEASE_SUFFIX@" != ""