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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
# Write out histogram information for C++. The histograms are defined
# in a file provided as a command-line argument.
from __future__ import with_statement
import sys
import histogram_tools
banner = """/* This file is auto-generated, see gen-histogram-data.py. */
# Write out the gHistograms array. Try and ensure the user didn't
# provide bogus keys in the histogram definition.
def check_keys(name, definition, allowed_keys):
for key in definition.iterkeys():
if key not in allowed_keys:
raise KeyError, '%s not permitted for %s' % (key, name)
def print_array_entry(name, low, high, n_buckets, kind, definition):
cpp_guard = definition.get('cpp_guard')
if cpp_guard:
print "#if defined(%s)" % cpp_guard
print " { \"%s\", %s, %s, %s, nsITelemetry::HISTOGRAM_%s, \"%s\" }," \
% (name, low, high, n_buckets, kind, definition['description'])
if cpp_guard:
print "#endif"
def process_boolean(name, definition):
print_array_entry(name, 0, 1, 2, 'BOOLEAN', definition)
def process_flag(name, definition):
print_array_entry(name, 0, 1, 2, 'FLAG', definition)
def process_enumerated_values(name, definition):
n_values = definition['n_values']
print_array_entry(name, 1, n_values, "%s+1" % n_values, 'LINEAR',
def process_general_histogram(name, definition):
low = definition.get('low', 1)
high = definition['high']
n_buckets = definition['n_buckets']
print_array_entry(name, low, high, n_buckets,
definition['kind'].upper(), definition)
always_allowed_keys = ['kind', 'description', 'cpp_guard']
def write_histogram_table(histograms):
general_keys = ['low', 'high', 'n_buckets'] + always_allowed_keys
table = {
'boolean' : (process_boolean, always_allowed_keys),
'flag' : (process_flag, always_allowed_keys),
'enumerated' : (process_enumerated_values, ['n_values'] + always_allowed_keys),
'linear' : (process_general_histogram, general_keys),
'exponential' : (process_general_histogram, general_keys),
print "const TelemetryHistogram gHistograms[] = {"
for (name, definition) in histograms:
kind = definition['kind']
if kind in table:
(processor, allowed_keys) = table[kind]
check_keys(name, definition, allowed_keys)
processor(name, definition)
print "Don't know how to handle a histogram of kind ", kind
print "};"
# Write out static asserts for histogram data. We'd prefer to perform
# these checks in this script itself, but since several histograms
# (generally enumerated histograms) use compile-time constants for
# their upper bounds, we have to let the compiler do the checking.
def static_assert(expression, message):
print "MOZ_STATIC_ASSERT(%s, \"%s\");" % (expression, message)
def static_asserts_for_boolean(name, definition):
def static_asserts_for_flag(name, definition):
def static_asserts_for_enumerated(name, definition):
n_values = definition['n_values']
static_assert("%s > 2" % n_values, "Not enough values for %s" % name)
def shared_static_asserts(name, definition):
low = definition.get('low', 1)
high = definition['high']
n_buckets = definition['n_buckets']
static_assert("%s < %s" % (low, high), "low >= high for %s" % name)
static_assert("%s > 2" % n_buckets, "Not enough values for %s" % name)
static_assert("%s >= 1" % low, "Incorrect low value for %s" % name)
def static_asserts_for_linear(name, definition):
shared_static_asserts(name, definition)
def static_asserts_for_exponential(name, definition):
shared_static_asserts(name, definition)
def write_histogram_static_asserts(histograms):
print """
// Perform the checks at the beginning of HistogramGet at
// compile time, so that incorrect histogram definitions
// give compile-time errors, not runtime errors."""
table = {
'boolean' : static_asserts_for_boolean,
'flag' : static_asserts_for_flag,
'enumerated' : static_asserts_for_enumerated,
'linear' : static_asserts_for_linear,
'exponential' : static_asserts_for_exponential,
for (name, definition) in histograms:
kind = definition['kind']
if kind in table:
cpp_guard = definition.get('cpp_guard')
if cpp_guard:
print "#if defined(%s)" % cpp_guard
table[kind](name, definition)
if cpp_guard:
print "#endif"
print "Don't know how to handle a histogram of kind", kind
def main(argv):
filename = argv[0]
histograms = list(histogram_tools.from_file(filename))
print banner